13 research outputs found

    La colaboración científica en las Ciencias Sociales

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    Bajo la perspectiva del VI programa marco de fomento de la investigación de la Unión Europea, parece conveniente evaluar el grado de colaboración existente entre los diferentes centros de investigación. Por ello, este trabajo pretende analizar la cooperación que tiene lugar en el área de las ciencias sociales por parte de los investigadores españoles. Dicho análisis se lleva a cabo a través de un estudio de más de 4.000 revistas, incluidas en las bases de datos Social Sciences Citation Index y Journal Citation Reports, por medio de la observación de la co-autoría en los trabajos publicados en ellas

    Fostering national research networks: The case of Turkish coauthorship patterns in the social sciences

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    We analyse the coauthorship networks of researchers affiliated at universities in Turkey by using two databases: the international SSCI database and the Turkish ULAKBIM database. We find that coauthorship networks are composed largely of isolated groups, permitting little knowledge diffusion. Moreover, there seems to be two disparate populations of researchers. While some scholars publish mostly in the international journals, others target the national audience, and there is very little intersection between the two populations. The same observation is valid for universities, among which there is very little collaboration. Our results point out that while Turkish social sciences and humanities publications have been growing impressively in the last decade, domestic networks to ensure the dissemination of knowledge and of research output are very weak and should be supported by domestic policies.Research collaboration, coauthorship, networks, research policy.

    New approach to the visualization of international scientific collaboration

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    Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Z., Vargas-Quesada, B., Hassan-Montero, Y., González-Molina, A., Moya-Anegón, F. New approach to the visualization of international scientific collaboration. Information Visualization, 9 (4): 277-287, Winter 2010. DOI: 10.1057/ivs.2009.31In this study, visual representations are created in order to analyze different aspects of scientific collaboration at the international level. The main objective is to identify the international facet of research by following the flow of knowledge as expressed by the number of scientific publications, and then establishes the main geographical axes of output, showing the interrelationships of the domain, the intensity of these relations, and how the different types of collaboration are reflected in terms of visibility. Thus, the methodology has a twofold application, allowing us to detect significant differences that help characterize patterns of behaviour of a geographical system of output, along with the generation of representations that serve as interfaces for domain analysis and information retrieval.Peer reviewe


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    This article presents a bibliometric analysis of the literature growth and development of “yoga”. Yoga was a traditional system of about 5000 years of history and culture. Yoga is rooted in Indian philosophy and has been a part of traditional Indian spiritual practice for millennia. The Indian sage Patanjali prescribed adherence to eight limbs of yoga. It aimed at “quieting one’s mind to achieve the union of mind, body and spirit” is called as traditional yoga. Worldwide, it is estimated that yoga is regularly practiced by about 30 million people. Yoga is most often associated with physical postures (asana), breath control (pranayama) and meditation. Meditation is an important part of yoga. Yoga ensures as a peaceful and healthy way in the ancient period and also in now a days. The critical disorders such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Pain, Respiratory Problems, Heart Related Diseases, Diabetes, Cancer and Depression are also being controlled by yoga. Postures are used to heal an illness, reduce stress, or to look better. Yogic exercises have been shown to have positive effects on people. A few minutes of yoga practice every day, it prevents all diseases. If everyone has to follow the yoga in early morning, it assures the healthy life. For this Yoga research, the records are collected from Web of Science database for the period of 2009 to 2018. Total number of publications collected for this study was 3256. The collected data were scanned by the “bibexcel tool”. This study deals with the highly Productive Journals, Authorship productivity, Publication Year, Document Type, Language, application of Zipf Law, Individual Authors Research Productivity, country wise contribution, h-index, citation analysi

    A bibliometric study of human–computer interaction research activity in the Nordic-Baltic Eight countries

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    Human–computer interaction (HCI) has become an important area for designers and developers worldwide, and research activities set in national cultural contexts addressing local challenges are often needed in industry and academia. This study explored HCI research in the Nordic-Baltic countries using bibliometric methods. The results show that the activity varies greatly across the region with activities dominated by Finland, Sweden, and Denmark, even when adjusting for differences in population size and GDP. Research output variations were larger for the top-tier conferences compared to entry-tier conferences and journals. Locally hosted conferences were associated with local increases in research activity. HCI research longevity appears to be an indicator of research maturity and quantity. HCI researchers typically collaborated either with colleagues within the same institution or with researchers from countries outside the Nordic-Baltic region such as US and the UK. There was less collaboration between national and Nordic-Baltic partners. Collaboration appeared especially prevalent for top-tier conference papers. Top-tier conference papers were also more frequently cited than regional-tier and entry-tier conferences, yet journal articles were cited the most. One implication of this study is that the HCI research activity gaps across the Nordic-Baltic countries should be narrowed by increasing the activity in countries with low research outputs. To achieve this, first-time authors could receive guidance through collaborations with experienced authors in the same institution or other labs around the world. More conferences could also be hosted locally. Furthermore, journals may be more effective than conferences if the goal is to accumulate citations.publishedVersio

    Fostering National Research Networks: The Case of Turkish Coauthorship Patterns in the Social Sciences

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    We analyse the coauthorship networks of researchers affiliated at universities in Turkey by using two databases: the international SSCI database and the Turkish ULAKBIM database. We find that coauthorship networks are composed largely of isolated groups, permitting little knowledge diffusion. Moreover, there seems to be two disparate populations of researchers. While some scholars publish mostly in the international journals, others target the national audience, and there is very little intersection between the two populations. The same observation is valid for universities, among which there is very little collaboration. Our results point out that while Turkish social sciences and humanities publications have been growing impressively in the last decade, domestic networks to ensure the dissemination of knowledge and of research output are very weak and should be supported by domestic policie

    Estrategias de difusión del conocimiento en Ciencias del Hombre: el caso de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Proyecto UBACYT F157 (Programación científica 2008-2010)

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    It is projected to study the recorded statements of scientific production of the FFyL in comparative and longitudinal forms. The documents declared for 2003-2007 (final years of UBACYT scientific planning) and for 2008-2009 (execution years of the new programming) will be analyzed. The disciplinary domains involved are Philosophy; Literature and Linguistics; History; Arts; Library and Information Science; Anthropology; Education; Geography and Publishing. Facets are the quantity and distribution by discipline of document type that include: journal articles, book chapters, books, conference proceedings, post-graduate dissertations (Master and PhD), audio-visual and electronic productions. Other characteristics to be considered are: Type of activity (investigation, extension or transfer); languages; type of journal chosen: National or international, with or without peer review; citation in the core list of basic Argentine scientific journals, inclusion in LATINDEX, SCIELO Argentina, lists generated by previous investigations or in IPUFyL; foreign mainstream journals (WOK-Thomson/ISI); national or international outreach conferences; type of book publishers; electronic products deposited in institutional or repositories by discipline and type of authorship. The quantification and analysis of data will allow the comparison of different expression of scientific production and selection of strategies for the dissemination of knowledge for various disciplinary domains and to monitor changes or tendencies through time.Se proyecta estudiar las manifestaciones registradas de la producción científica de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras en forma comparativa y longitudinal. Se analizan los documentos declarados en 2003 y en 2007 (años finales de dos programaciones científicas UBACYT) y en 2008 y 2009 (años de ejecución de la nueva programación). Los dominios disciplinares involucrados son Filosofía; Literatura y Lingüística; Historia; Artes Plásticas, de Ejecución y Música; Bibliotecología y Ciencia de la Información; Ciencias Antropológicas; Ciencias de la Educación; Geografía; y Edición. Las facetas cantidad y distribución por disciplinas y tipos de documentos incluyen artículos de revistas, capítulos de libros, libros, ponencias a congresos, tesis de postgrado (maestría y doctorado), producciones audiovisuales y producciones electrónicas. Otras características a considerar serán: tipo de actividad (investigación, extensión o transferencia); lenguas utilizadas; revistas elegidas: nacionales con y sin arbitraje; registradas o no en el núcleo básico de periódicas científicas argentinas, en el catálogo de LATINDEX, en SciELO Argentina, incluidas en los listados generados por investigaciones anteriores, en IPUFyL, extranjeras con y sin arbitraje, revistas de corriente principal (WOK – Thomson/ISI); alcance nacional e internacional de las reuniones científicas; editoriales especializadas, ediciones privadas o prensas universitarias como publicadoras de libros; productos electrónicos depositados en repositorios por dominio disciplinar o institucional; autoría individual o en colaboración. La cuantificación y el análisis de los datos permitirán comparar diferentes conductas de producción científica y de elección de estrategias para la difusión del conocimiento en distintos dominios disciplinares entre sí y monitorear cambios o tendencias a través del tiempo

    Avaliação cientométrica da Chamada Pública voltada à prevenção e ao combate ao vírus Zika

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    A presente tese possui o objetivo de avaliar a atividade científica desenvolvida pelos pesquisadores apoiados pela Chamada Pública voltada à Prevenção e Combate ao vírus Zika decorrente do Acordo de Cooperação Técnico-Científica celebrado entre a Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior e o Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico. A Chamada Pública possuía o objetivo de selecionar projetos de pesquisa que buscassem contribuir significativamente para o desenvolvimento científico, tecnológico e de inovação do país com foco especial na prevenção, no diagnóstico e no tratamento da infecção pelo vírus Zika e de doenças correlacionadas, além do combate ao mosquito Aedes aegypti. A partir dos resultados desse estudo, verificou-se que os indicadores de publicação dos pesquisadores apontaram que a referida política de financiamento contribuiu efetivamente com o avanço do conhecimento acerca do ZIKV e de suas consequências no Brasil e com a visibilidade internacional da produção científica nacional acerca da temática. Além disso, foi possível concluir que a referida Chamada Pública buscou contribuir com a formação de recursos humanos de alto nível a partir da concessão de bolsas de estudo a pesquisadores e discentes de graduação e de programas pós-graduação stricto sensu. Outra constatação oportuna se refere ao estabelecimento de redes de colaboração científica entre o Brasil e diversos países, especialmente os Estados Unidos da América e países europeus.This thesis aims to evaluate the scientific activity carried out by the researchers supported by the Public Call for the Prevention and Combat of Zika Virus resulting from the Agreement for Technical and Scientific Cooperation between the Brazilian Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education and the National Council for Technological and Scientific Development. The Public Call had the objective of selecting research projects that sought to contribute significantly to Brazil´s scientific, technological and innovation development, with a special focus on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of Zika virus infection and related diseases, in addition to combating to the Aedes aegypti mosquito. From the results of this study, it was found the researchers´ publication indicators indicated that the mentioned funding policy contributed to the advancement of knowledge about the Zika virus and its consequences in Brazil and to the international visibility of national scientific production about the theme. Furthermore, it was possible to conclude that the Public Call sought to contribute to the training of high-level human resources by granting scholarships to researchers, undergraduate students, master´s students and PHDs students. Another opportune finding refers to the establishment of scientific collaboration networks between Brazil and several countries, especially the United States of America and European countries

    Estrategias de difusión del conocimiento de los investigadores en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.

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    We present the final results of an investigation (UBACYT F157)1 that determined the scientific production indicators of the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras of the Universidad de Buenos Aires for 2007. Quantitative procedures were applied to analyze the data recorded in a database created ad hoc. Preferences of researchers to disseminate their findings through the production of journal articles, conference papers, book chapters and books, audiovisual and electronic productions were determined. Among the different bibliographic formats following variables were studied: language, types of journals, scope of the conferences, authors, types of publishers. Of the three hypotheses stated the one that presupposed the existence of various strategies for dissemination of knowledge among different disciplines have been refuted. The other two were confirmed: preference printed on digital media and almost non-existent use of electronic resources for dissemination, and preference for certain semi-formal channels of dissemination such as conferences.Se presentan los resultados finales de una investigación (UBACYT F157)1 que determinó los indicadores de la producción científica de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires correspondientes al año 2007. Se aplicaron procedimientos cuantitativos para analizar los datos registrados en una base de datos elaborada ad hoc. Se determinaron las preferencias de los investigadores para difundir sus hallazgos a través de la producción de artículos de revistas, ponencias a congresos, capítulos de libros y libros, producciones audiovisuales y electrónicas. Dentro de los diferentes formatos bibliográficos se estudiaron distintas variables: lengua, tipos de revistas, alcance de los congresos, autoría, tipos de publicadores. De las tres hipótesis planteadas se refutó la que presuponía la existencia de estrategias de difusión del conocimiento diferenciadas entre las disciplinas. Se confirmaron las otras dos: preferencia del soporte impreso sobre el digital, un uso casi inexistente del recurso electrónico para la difusión; y marcada preferencia por ciertos canales semi-formales de difusión como los congresos