48,237 research outputs found

    Ethically Driven Stakeholder Management: A Structured Literature Review and Future Research Agenda

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    The discipline of business ethics is moving fast to the forefront of stakeholder management research. On the one hand, scholars are studying management's behaviour and the promotion of ethical behaviour in stakeholders. On the other hand, a complex interplay exists among ethics, the maximization of shareholder value, and meeting stakeholder claims. The aim is to build on and update in a systematic fashion a previous literature review on stakeholder management theory (SMT) which did not bring ethics to the forefront. Following a strict protocol, this structured literature review examines 108 articles, covering 61 journals from 1989 to 2021. It highlights citation classics and their research impact through total citation and citation-per-year analysis. Content analysis focuses on the findings of quantitative, qualitative, and conceptual articles. Coder triangulation ensures the reliability of the findings, which analyse location and sector, stakeholder type, research methods, research question, conceptual lenses, and foci of articles under review. A specific section outlines directions for future research and provides suggestions for the development of a future research agenda on a topical issue

    References, authors, journals and scientific disciplines underlying the sustainable development literature: a citation analysis

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    This paper identifies the main references, authors and journals influencing the sustainable development literature. The task is accomplished by means of a citation analysis based on the records of ISI Web of Science. We found that the core of sustainability thinking is framed by a pattern of landmark studies published around every 5 years. Only 380 publications have been cited at least ten times. References with the highest influence are those with a global dimension and large diffusion, such as Brundtland Commission’s ‘‘Our common future’’ (1987) and classics such as Meadows’ et al. ‘‘Limits to growth’’ (1972). The list of the most influential references over the period 1960–2005 is dominated by contributions from economics (particularly ecological economics) and environmental science, but includes many other disciplines such as urban planning, political sciences and sociology. References are also made to policy documents such as ‘‘Agenda 21’’, one of the main outcomes of the Rio Summit in 1992. In analyzing citation trends, we found that ‘classics’, because of their high rates of citations per year, seem to have a more enduring and stable influence.This paper was written as part of a PhD research. The authors would like to credit the financial support provided by Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (the Portuguese research foundation) under scholarship SFRH/BD/18588/2004 and project PTDC/ECM/73069/2006


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    Los artículos altamente citados muestran una perspectiva de aquellos documentos que, históricamente, han atraído un gran interés por parte de una comunidad investigadora y que se podrían considerar como la base del campo de investigación. En el año 2014 se desarrolló un nuevo enfoque para identificar estos artículos altamente citados que se llama H-Classics. Se basa en el índice H y refleja tanto a las características propias de la disciplina de investigación correspondiente como su evolución. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo identificar y analizar los H-Classics de los artículos publicados por investigadores de las universidades públicas andaluzas, dentro de la categoría Economics del Journal Citation Reports. La metodología utilizada es el análisis bibliométrico a través de la técnica del H-Classics con la cual se extraen los principales indicadores de rendimiento. Este análisis proporciona unos resultados que nos dan una visión útil sobre el desarrollo de este campo de investigación, revelando aquellos actores científicos que han realizado la mayor contribución a su desarrollo: autores, revistas, áreas de conocimiento relacionadas, países, universidades andaluzas, universidades nacionales y extranjeras. Se concluye el artículo con las limitaciones de este y los principales hallazgos encontrados.Highly Cited Papers offer an outlook on those papers that have attracted great historical interest by a research community and that could also be considered the basis of the research field. In 2014 a new approach was recognised to identify these highly cited articles called H-Classics. It is based on the H-index and is sensitive to both the characteristics of the corresponding research discipline and its evolution. The objective of this study is to identify and analyze the H-Classics of articles published by researchers from Andalusian public universities, within the Economics category of the Journal Citation Reports. The methodology used is the bibliometric analysis through the H-Classics technique with which the main performance indicators are extracted. This analysis provides results that give us a useful insight into the development of this field of research, revealing those scientific actors who have made the greatest contribution to its development: authors, journals, related areas of knowledge, countries, Andalusian universities, national and foreign universities. The article is concluded with its limitations and the main findings found

    Identificación y análisis de los h-classics de las universidades públicas andaluzas en la categoría Economics del Journal Citation Reports (JCR).

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    Highly Cited Papers offer an outlook on those papers that have attracted great historical interest by a research community and that could also be considered the basis of the research field. In 2014 a new approach was recognised to identify these highly cited articles called H-Classics. It is based on the H-index and is sensitive to both the characteristics of the corresponding research discipline and its evolution. The objective of this study is to identify and analyze the H-Classics of articles published by researchers from Andalusian public universities, within the Economics category of the Journal Citation Reports. The methodology used is the bibliometric analysis through the H-Classics technique with which the main performance indicators are extracted. This analysis provides results that give us a useful insight into the development of this field of research, revealing those scientific actors who have made the greatest contribution to its development: authors, journals, related areas of knowledge, countries, Andalusian universities, national and foreign universities. The article is concluded with its limitations and the main findings found.Los artículos altamente citados muestran una perspectiva de aquellos documentos que, históricamente, han atraído un gran interés por parte de una comunidad investigadora y que se podrían considerar como la base del campo de investigación. En el año 2014 se desarrolló un nuevo enfoque para identificar estos artículos altamente citados que se llama H-Classics. Se basa en el índice H y refleja tanto a las características propias de la disciplina de investigación correspondiente como su evolución. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo identificar y analizar los H-Classics de los artículos publicados por investigadores de las universidades públicas andaluzas, dentro de la categoría Economics del Journal Citation Reports. La metodología utilizada es el análisis bibliométrico a través de la técnica del H-Classics con la cual se extraen los principales indicadores de rendimiento. Este análisis proporciona unos resultados que nos dan una visión útil sobre el desarrollo de este campo de investigación, revelando aquellos actores científicos que han realizado la mayor contribución a su desarrollo: autores, revistas, áreas de conocimiento relacionadas, países, universidades andaluzas, universidades nacionales y extranjeras. Se concluye el artículo con las limitaciones de este y los principales hallazgos encontrados

    The Legacy of Power and Politics in Disciplinary Discourse: A Citation Analysis

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    Within Information Systems (IS), as with all other scientific communities, the publication of original research is the primary mode of communication. One characteristic of such communication is the use of references. Yet, scientific communities differ in the ways their members use citations to position their own contribution. In this paper, we examine the following questions: What can we learn about the discursive practices within IS by investigating ways in which the community has drawn upon one of its classics? How can such an analysis inform us as authors, reviewers, and active members of the discipline? To address these questions, we analyze over 300 citations extending over two decades to one of the most widely-cited works in the field – Markus’s “Power, Politics, and MIS Implementation”. We apply a wide range of citation analysis techniques to understand how IS researchers have used the article to support or to frame their contribution. Our analysis reveals the impact of social construction in shaping our discursive practices. This observation has several implications for improving IS research

    Heat Waves -- a hot topic in climate change research

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    Research on heat waves (periods of excessively hot weather, which may be accompanied by high humidity) is a newly emerging research topic within the field of climate change research with high relevance for the whole of society. In this study, we analyzed the rapidly growing scientific literature dealing with heat waves. No summarizing overview has been published on this literature hitherto. We developed a suitable search query to retrieve the relevant literature covered by the Web of Science (WoS) as complete as possible and to exclude irrelevant literature (n = 6,569 papers). The time-evolution of the publications shows that research dealing with heat waves is a highly dynamic research topic, doubling within about 5 years. An analysis of the thematic content reveals the most severe heat wave events within the recent decades (1995, 2003, 2010), the cities and countries/regions affected (Australia, United States, and Europe), and the ecological and medical impacts (drought, urban heat islands, excess hospital admissions, and mortality). Risk estimation and future strategies for adaptation to hot weather are major political issues. We identified 83 citation classics which include fundamental early works of research on heat waves and more recent works (which are characterized by a relatively strong connection to climate change).Comment: 38 pages, 2 tables, and 9 figure

    Citation classics in systematic reviews and meta-analyses : who wrote the top 100 most cited articles?

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    Background: Systematic reviews of the literature occupy the highest position in currently proposed hierarchies of evidence. The aims of this study were to assess whether citation classics exist in published systematic review and meta-analysis (SRM), examine the characteristics of the most frequently cited SRM articles, and evaluate the contribution of different world regions. Methods: The 100 most cited SRM were identified in October 2012 using the Science Citation Index database of the Institute for Scientific Information. Data were extracted by one author. Spearman’s correlation was used to assess the association between years since publication, numbers of authors, article length, journal impact factor, and average citations per year. Results: Among the 100 citation classics, published between 1977 and 2008, the most cited article received 7308 citations and the least-cited 675 citations. The average citations per year ranged from 27.8 to 401.6. First authors from the USA produced the highest number of citation classics (n=46), followed by the UK (n=28) and Canada (n=15). The 100 articles were published in 42 journals led by the Journal of the American Medical Association (n=18), followed by the British Medical Journal (n=14) and The Lancet (n=13). There was a statistically significant positive correlation between number of authors (Spearman’s rho=0.320, p=0.001), journal impact factor (rho=0.240, p=0.016) and average citations per year. There was a statistically significant negative correlation between average citations per year and year since publication (rho = -0.636, p=0.0001). The most cited papers identified seminal contributions and originators of landmark methodological aspects of SRM and reflect major advances in the management of and predisposing factors for chronic diseases. Conclusions: Since the late 1970s, the USA, UK, and Canada have taken leadership in the production of citation classic papers. No first author from low or middle-income countries (LMIC) led one of the most cited 100 SRM

    The Forgotten Scholar: Classical Studies and Periodical Use

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    This study describes a citation analysis of articles published in The Classical Quarterly, Classical Antiquity, and Mnemosyne. The survey was conducted to determine what periodicals classical studies scholars use and cite in their research. The citations made in these articles vary from journal to journal, although overall citations point to classical studies journals as most frequently used by classical scholars. Interdisciplinary articles cite focused on fields far outside the classics, but these journals are few in comparison. Lists of the most cited titles in each journal are included, as well as a list which compiles all studied citations

    The structure of the Arts & Humanities Citation Index: A mapping on the basis of aggregated citations among 1,157 journals

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    Using the Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) 2008, we apply mapping techniques previously developed for mapping journal structures in the Science and Social Science Citation Indices. Citation relations among the 110,718 records were aggregated at the level of 1,157 journals specific to the A&HCI, and the journal structures are questioned on whether a cognitive structure can be reconstructed and visualized. Both cosine-normalization (bottom up) and factor analysis (top down) suggest a division into approximately twelve subsets. The relations among these subsets are explored using various visualization techniques. However, we were not able to retrieve this structure using the ISI Subject Categories, including the 25 categories which are specific to the A&HCI. We discuss options for validation such as against the categories of the Humanities Indicators of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the panel structure of the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH), and compare our results with the curriculum organization of the Humanities Section of the College of Letters and Sciences of UCLA as an example of institutional organization