57 research outputs found

    A Contextual GMM-HMM Smart Fiber Optic Surveillance System for Pipeline Integrity Threat Detection

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    This paper presents a novel pipeline integrity surveillance system aimed to the detection and classification of threats in the vicinity of a long gas pipeline. The sensing system is based on phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometry ( ϕ\phi -OTDR) technology for signal acquisition and pattern recognition strategies for threat identification. The proposal incorporates contextual information at the feature level in a Gaussian Mixture Model-Hidden Markov Model (GMM-HMM)-based pattern classification system and applies a system combination strategy for acoustic trace decision. System combination relies on majority voting of the decisions given by the individual contextual information sources and the number of states used for HMM modelling. The system runs in two different modes: (1) machine+activity identification, which recognizes the activity being carried out by a certain machine, and (2) threat detection, aimed to detect threats no matter what the real activity being conducted is. In comparison with the previous systems based on the same rigorous experimental setup, the results show that the system combination from the contextual feature information and the GMM-HMM approach improves the results for both machine+activity identification (7.6% of relative improvement with respect to the best published result in the literature on this task) and threat detection (26.6% of relative improvement in the false alarm rate with 2.1% relative reduction in the threat detection rate).European CommissionMinisterio de Economía y CompetitividadComunidad de Madri

    Real Field Deployment of a Smart Fiber Optic Surveillance System for Pipeline Integrity Threat Detection: Architectural Issues and Blind Field Test Results

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    This paper presents an on-line augmented surveillance system that aims to real time monitoring of activities along a pipeline. The system is deployed in a fully realistic scenario and exposed to real activities carried out in unknown places at unknown times within a given test time interval (socalled blind field tests). We describe the system architecture that includes specific modules to deal with the fact that continuous on-line monitoring needs to be carried out, while addressing the need of limiting the false alarms at reasonable rates. To the best or our knowledge, this is the first published work in which a pipeline integrity threat detection system is deployed in a realistic scenario (using a fiber optic along an active gas pipeline) and is thoroughly and objectively evaluated in realistic blind conditions. The system integrates two operation modes: The machine+activity identification mode identifies the machine that is carrying out a certain activity along the pipeline, and the threat detection mode directly identifies if the activity along the pipeline is a threat or not. The blind field tests are carried out in two different pipeline sections: The first section corresponds to the case where the sensor is close to the sensed area, while the second one places the sensed area about 35 km far from the sensor. Results of the machine+activity identification mode showed an average machine+activity classification rate of 46:6%. For the threat detection mode, 8 out of 10 threats were correctly detected, with only 1 false alarm appearing in a 55:5-hour sensed period.European CommissionMinisterio de Economía y CompetitividadComunidad de Madri

    Optical fiber sensors in physical intrusion detection systems: A review

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    Fiber optic sensors have become a mainstream sensing technology within a large array of applications due to their inherent benefits. They are now used significantly in structural health monitoring, and are an essential solution for monitoring harsh environments. Since their first development over 30 years ago, they have also found promise in security applications. This paper reviews all of the optical fiber-based techniques used in physical intrusion detection systems. It details the different approaches used for sensing, interrogation, and networking, by research groups, attempting to secure both commercial and residential premises from physical security breaches. The advantages and the disadvantages of the systems are discussed, and each of the different perimeter protection methods is outlined, namely, in-ground, perimeter fence, and window and door protection. This paper reviews the progress in optical fiber-based intrusion detection techniques from the past through to the current state-of-the-art systems and identifies areas, which may provide opportunities for improvement, as well as proposing future directions in this field

    Unsupervised anomaly detection applied to F-OTDR

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    Distributed acoustic sensors (DASs) based on direct-detection Φ-OTDR use the light–matter interaction between light pulses and optical fiber to detect mechanical events in the fiber environment. The signals received in Φ-OTDR come from the coherent interference of the portion of the fiber illuminated by the light pulse. Its high sensitivity to minute phase changes in the fiber results in a severe reduction in the signal to noise ratio in the intensity trace that demands processing techniques be able to isolate events. For this purpose, this paper proposes a method based on Unsupervised Anomaly Detection techniques which make use of concepts from the field of deep learning and allow the removal of much of the noise from the Φ-OTDR signals. The fact that this method is unsupervised means that no human-labeled data are needed for training and only event-free data are used for this purpose. Moreover, this method has been implemented and its performance has been tested with real data showing promising results

    The Research on Information Representation of Φ-OTDR Distributed Vibration Signals

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    This paper mainly focuses on the representable problem of Φ-OTDR distributed vibration signals. The research included a signal extraction part and a signal representation part. Firstly, in order to extract the better Φ-OTDR signal, the time-domain data should be fully preserved. The 2D-TESP method is used to extract data in this paper. There are 29 characters in the traditional TESP method. The characters’ number is reduced from 29 to 13 and the characters’ dimension is expanded from 1 to 2 in the 2D-TESP method. Secondly, in order to represent Φ-OTDR signal better, the characteristics of Φ-OTDR data and damped vibration signals are combined in the paper. The EMD method and the NMF method are combined to form the new method in the paper. Some parameters in the proposed method are optimized and adjusted by GA method. After Φ-OTDR data is represented by the proposed method, there is excellent performance both on the length dimension and on the time dimension. Lastly, some experiments are carried out according to the physical truth in this paper. The experiments are carried out in the semianechoic room. The methods of the paper have better performance. The methods are proved to be effective through these experiments

    Design of optical fiber sensors and interrogation schemes

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    [ES] Las fibras ópticas son dispositivos muy utilizados en el campo de las telecomunicaciones desde su descubrimiento. En las últimas décadas, las fibras ópticas comenzaron a utilizarse como sensores fotónicos. Los primeros trabajos se centraron en la medición de unas dimensiones físicas en un punto específico. Posteriormente, surgió la posibilidad de medir las propiedades de la fibra óptica en diferentes puntos a lo largo de la fibra. Este tipo de sensores se definen como sensores distribuidos. Los componentes optoelectrónicos fueron desarrollados e investigados para telecomunicaciones. Los avances en las telecomunicaciones hicieron posible el desarrollo de sistemas de interrogación para sensores de fibra óptica, creciendo en paralelo con los avances de las telecomunicaciones. Se desarrollaron sistemas de interrogación de fibra óptica que permiten el uso de una única fibra óptica monomodo estándar como sensor que puede monitorear decenas de miles de puntos de detección al mismo tiempo. Los métodos que extraen la información de detección de la señal reflejada en la fibra óptica son los más empleados debido a la facilidad de acceso al sensor y la flexibilidad de estos sistemas. Los más estudiados son la reflectometría en dominios de tiempo y frecuencia. La reflectometría óptica en el dominio del tiempo (OTDR) fue la primera técnica utilizada para detectar la posición de los fallos en las redes de comunica-ción de fibra óptica. El OTDR sensible a la fase hizo posible detectar la elongación y la temperatura en una posición específica. Paralelamente, los gratings de Bragg (FBG) se convirtieron en los dispositivos más utilizados para implementar sensores en fibra óptica discretos. Se desarrollaron técnicas de multiplexación para realizar la detección en múltiples puntos utilizando FGBs. La reflectometría realizada interrogando arrays de FBG débiles demuestra que mejora el rendimiento del sistema en comparación al uso de una fibra monomodo. Los sistemas de interrogatorio actuales tienen algunos inconvenientes. Algunos de ellos son velocidad de interrogatorio limitada, grandes dimensiones y alto costo. En esta tesis doctoral se desarrollaron nuevos sistemas de interrogación y sensores de fibra óptica para superar algunos de estos inconvenientes. Los sensores de fibra óptica de plástico demuestran ser una plataforma innovadora para desarrollar nuevos sensores y sistemas de interrogación de bajo costo y fáciles de implementar para fibras de plástico comerciales. Se investigó la reflectometría en el dominio del tiempo y las técnicas fotónicas de microondas para la interrogación de una matriz de rejillas débiles que permitieron simplificar el sistema de interrogación para la detección de temperatura y vibración.[CA] Les fibres òptiques són dispositius molt utilitzats en el camp de les telecomunica-cions des del seu descobriment. En les últimes dècades, les fibres òptiques van començar a utilitzar-se com a sensors fotònics. Els primers treballs es van centrar en el mesurament d'unes dimensions físiques en un punt específic. Posteriorment, va sorgir la possibilitat de mesurar les propietats de la fibra òptica en diferents punts al llarg de la fibra. Aquest tipus de sensors es defineixen com a sensors distribüits. Els components optoelectrònics van ser desenvolupats i investigats per a telecomunicacions. Els avanços en les telecomunicacions van fer possi-ble el desenvolupament de sistemes d'interrogació per a sensors de fibra òptica, creixent en paral·lel amb els avanços de les telecomunicacions. Es van desenvolupar sistemes d'interrogació de fibra òptica que permeten l'ús d'una única fibra òptica monomodo estàndard com a sensor que pot monitorar desenes de milers de punts de detecció al mateix temps. Els mètodes que extreuen la informació de detecció del senyal reflectit en la fibra òptica són els més utilitzats a causa de la facilitat d'accés al sensor i la flexibilitat d'aquests sistemes. Els més estudiats són la reflectometría en dominis de temps i freqüència. La reflectometría òptica en el domini del temps (OTDR) va ser la primera tècnica utilitzada per a detectar la posició de les fallades en les xarxes de comunicació de fibra òptica. El OTDR sensible a la fase va fer possible detectar l'elongació i la temperatura en una posició específica. Paral·lelament, els gratings de Bragg (FBG) es van convertir en els dispositius més utilitzats per a implementar sensors en fibra òptica discrets. Es van desenvolupar tècniques de multiplexació per a realitzar la detecció en múltiples punts utilitzant FGBs. La reflectometría realitzada interrogant arrays de FBG febles demostra que millora el rendiment del sistema en comparació a l'ús d'una fibra monomodo. Els sistemes d'interrogatori actuals tenen alguns inconvenients. Alguns d'ells són velocitat d'interrogatori limitada, voluminositat i alt cost. En aquesta tesi doctoral es van desenvolupar nous sistemes d'interrogació i sensors de fibra òptica per a superar alguns d'aquests inconvenients. Els sensors de fibra òptica de plàstic demostren ser una plataforma innovadora per a desenvolupar nous sensors i siste-mes d'interrogació de baix cost i fàcils d'implementar per a fibres de plàstic comercials. Es va investigar la reflectometría en el domini del temps i les tècniques fotòniques de microones per a la interrogació d'una matriu de reixetes febles que van permetre simplificar el sistema d'interrogació per a la detecció de temperatura i vibració.[EN] Optical fibers are devices largely used in telecommunication field since their discovery. In the last decades, optical fibers started to be used as photonic sensors. The first works were focused on the measurement of physical dimensions to a specific point. Afterward, emerged the possibility to measure the optical fiber properties at different locations along the fiber. These kinds of sensors are defined as distributed sensors. The optoelectronic components were developed and investigated for telecommunications. The progress in telecommunication made possible the development of optical fiber sensors interrogation systems, growing in parallel with the advances of telecommunications. Optical fiber interrogation systems were developed to use a single standard monomode optical fiber as a sensor that can monitor tens of thousands of sensing points at the same time. The methods that extract the sensing information from the backscattered signal in the optical fiber are widely employed because of the easiness of access to the sensor element and the flexibility of these systems. The most studied are the reflectometry in time and frequency domains. The optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR) was the first technique used to detect the position of the failures in the optical fiber communication networks. Using phase sensitive OTDR it is possible to sense strain and temperature at a specific position. In parallel, fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) became the most widely used devices to implement discrete optical fiber sensors. Multiplexing techniques were developed to perform multi points sensing using these gratings. The reflectometry performed interrogating weak FBGs arrays demonstrate to improve the performance of the system employing a single mode fiber. The interrogation systems nowadays have some drawbacks. Some of them are limited speed of interrogation, bulkiness, and high cost. New interrogation systems and optical fiber sensors were developed in this doctoral thesis to overcome some of these drawbacks. Plastic optical fiber sensors demonstrate to be an innovative platform to develop both new sensors and low cost, easy to implement interrogation systems for commercial plastic fibers. Reflectometry in time domain and microwave photonic techniques were investigated for the interrogation of weak gratings array allowed to simplify the interrogation system for the sensing of temperature and vibration.I would like to greatly thank the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program that funded the research described in this thesis under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action Grant Agreement 722509.Sartiano, D. (2021). Design of optical fiber sensors and interrogation schemes [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/161357TESI

    Intensity based interrogation of optical fibre sensors for industrial automation and intrusion detection systems

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    In this study, the use of optical fibre sensors for intrusion detection and industrial automation systems has been demonstrated, with a particular focus on low cost, intensity-based, interrogation techniques. The use of optical fibre sensors for intrusion detection systems to secure residential, commercial, and industrial premises against potential security breaches has been extensively reviewed in this thesis. Fibre Bragg grating (FBG) sensing is one form of optical fibre sensing that has been underutilised in applications such as in-ground, in-fence, and window and door monitoring, and addressing that opportunity has been a major goal of this thesis. Both security and industrial sensor systems must include some centralised intelligence (electronic controller) and ideally both automation and security sensor systems would be controlled and monitored by the same centralised system. Optical fibre sensor systems that could be used for either application have been designed, developed, and tested in this study, and optoelectronic interfaces for integrating these sensors with electronic controllers have been demonstrated. The versatility of FBG sensors means that they are also ideal for certain mainstream industrial applications. Two novel transducers have been developed in this work; a highly sensitive low pressure FBG diaphragm transducer and a FBG load cell transducer. Both have been designed to allow interrogation of the optical signal could occur within the housing of the individual sensors themselves. This is achieved in a simple and low cost manner that enables the output of the transducers to be easily connected to standard electronic controllers, such as programmable logic controllers. Furthermore, some of the nonlinear characteristics of FBG sensors have been explored with the aim of developing transducers that are inherently decoupled from strain and temperature interference. One of the major advantages of optical fibre sensors is their ability to be both time division and wavelength division multiplexed. The intensity-based interrogation techniques used here complement this attribute and are a major consideration when developing the transducers and optoelectronic circuits. A time division multiplexing technique, using transmit-reflect detection and incorporating a dual bus, has also been developed. This system architecture enables all the different optical fibre transducers on the network to have the same Bragg wavelength and hence the number of spare replacement transducers required is minimal. Moreover, sensors can be replaced in an online control system without disrupting the network. In addition, by analysing both the transmitted and reflected signals, problems associated with optical power fluctuations are eliminated and the intensity of the sensor signals is increased through differential amplification. Overall, the research addresses the limitations of conventional electrical sensors, such as susceptibility to corrosive damage in wet and corrosive environments, and risk of causing an explosion in hazardous environments, as well as the limitations of current stand-alone optical fibre sensor systems. This thesis supports more alert, reliable, affordable, and coordinated, control and monitoring systems in an on-line environment

    Fiber Optic Sensors and Fiber Lasers

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    The optical fiber industry is emerging from the market for selling simple accessories using optical fiber to the new optical-IT convergence sensor market combined with high value-added smart industries such as the bio industry. Among them, fiber optic sensors and fiber lasers are growing faster and more accurately by utilizing fiber optics in various fields such as shipbuilding, construction, energy, military, railway, security, and medical.This Special Issue aims to present novel and innovative applications of sensors and devices based on fiber optic sensors and fiber lasers, and covers a wide range of applications of optical sensors. In this Special Issue, original research articles, as well as reviews, have been published

    Design and implementation of an optical fiber sensing based vibration monitoring system

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    Vibration analysis is generally used in the industries for condition monitoring of various electromechanical equipment. For the predictive maintenance of the industry equipment, several techniques have been applied which are based on capacitive and piezoelectric accelerometers. However, they possess several real time problems due to the negative influence of electromagnetic interference. The major problem lies in the detection and transmission of various physical parameters in the noisy and harsh environment. In order to solve the weak points of commonly used structural vibration detection sensors that are easily affected by the harsh environment of the engineering site, the principle of optical fiber sensing is studied, and the system optical path is designed based on MZ interference technology. In this work, a special data acquisition and processing software is developed to acquire the sensed data and the vibration detection is carried out on the steel cantilever structure pasted with fiber optic sensors. Extraction using FFT and pattern recognition through bp neural network yields the system accuracy rate of 96.7 %. The proposed interference type optical fiber technology provides a novel approach for real-time monitoring of engineering structure vibration laying the foundation for the research of intelligent buildings

    Denoising distributed acoustic sensing data with self-supervised deep learning

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    Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο--Μεταπτυχιακή Εργασία. Διεπιστημονικό-Διατμηματικό Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών (Δ.Π.Μ.Σ.) "Επιστήμη Δεδομένων και Μηχανική Μάθηση