39 research outputs found

    Augmented reality application to improve remedial student’s learning performance

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    A high concentration of uric acid in human blood will form a crystal that accumulates in the joints and causes inflammation and severe pain to the patient. In literature, the direct detection spectroscopy technique has been employed in uric acid detection due to its eco-friendly and rapid response features. Despite these advantages, the linearity range obtained is very limited. Therefore, to enhance the linearity range, a direct detection-based spectroscopy method in the visible light spectrum is proposed in this work. The enhancement is attributed to the relatively low molar attenuation coefficient in the visible light spectrum. This work analyzed the detection of uric acid in the visible spectrum utilizing a halogen lamp as a light source. The uric acid stock solution in this project was prepared by diluting the uric acid powder in deionized (DI) water. Then, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 mg/dL sample solutions were produced by diluting the stock solution based on molarity formulation. These samples were then transferred into a sample compartment for the measuring process. In measuring the samples, the output intensity spectrum was monitored as the concentration varies from 2 to 10 mg/dL. The linearity range, linearity, sensitivity, limit of detection (LoD), stability precision, and relative standard deviation (RSD) of the developed spectrophotometer were studied. The sensor performance at sample wavelengths of 600nm, 650nm, 700nm, 750nm, 800nm, 850nm, and 900nm was analyzed. The highest spectrophotometer sensitivity of 0.0515 (mg/dL)-1 was achieved at 700nm wavelength. However, this sample wavelength has a low linearity value, which is about 91%. As for the linearity performance, the best linearity was achieved at 850nm wavelength with 98% linearity value. All the sample wavelengths exhibited more than 99% precision with less than 1% RSD for 300 seconds measurement duration, which indicates a highly stable detection and good reproducibility. The selectivity of the optimal operating wavelength offers comparable linearity and sensitivity performances of the developed spectrophotometer with rapid detection and high stability performances


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    The use of Information Technology for the process of delivering information has grown so rapidly. One of them is Augmented Reality. Augmented Reality is widely implemented for various things, including in the world of education, health, military, entertainment and many others. Augmented Reality is a technology that combines virtual objects and the real world in real-time and interactively. This research developed an Augmented Reality Application that can be used to introduce Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo more broadly, attractively, interactively, and competitively. This application is named AR UINWS. Agile methodology was chosen to develop AR UINWS. The results show that the agile methodology is suitable to be implemented because of its flexibility, so that the needs of developing applications can be easily adapted. AR UINWS works well on all types of android devices that have a minimum camera resolution of 720x1280 pixels. AR UINWS can detect markers if the marker surface is visible at least 65% of the total marker surface area. This application can detect markers of various sizes as long as the background is light. The size of the marker that can be detected is 1.5x2 cm with the minimum distance between the marker and the android device is 1 5cm. While the largest marker size being tested is 15x23cm with the minimum distance between the marker and the android device is 150 cm


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    This research aims to develop a mobile based educational game application "I like vegetable" for preschoolers. The research method used in developing educational games is the research and development (RD) method adapted from Borg Gall with several stages, namely needs analysis, identification of product specifications, product development, product validation, product revision and product testing. This study involved 8 research respondents with the object of research being the mobile educational game "Aku Suka Sayur" with the Augmented Reality feature. Data was collected using a questionnaire filled out by the guardian of the respondent. This study uses descriptive analysis data analysis techniques. The final product is a mobile educational game application with the title "I Like Vegetables". Augmented Reality technology in the form of live coloring is applied in this educational game to increase children's attractiveness. The calculation results show that the feasibility score of the Augmented Reality-based educational game application developed is 93.75%, including the very feasible category. Augmented Reality technology allows interaction between applications and the environment. In other words, children do not only focus on smartphones, but also do other activities and interact with the environment

    Design Guidelines for Augmented Reality Serious Games for Children

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    Developing educational content for children using augmented reality on smart phones

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    V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali uporabo obogatene resničnosti (ang. Augmented Reality ali AR) na pametnih telefonih kot potencialno orodje pri izobraževanju otrok z namenom določitve optimalnih tehnoloških ter predmetnih lastnosti vsebine ter primerne AR platforme za izdelavo in predvajanje teh vsebin. Cilji magistrskega dela so bili: (1) določiti otrokom všečne lastnosti mobilnih iger, (2) narediti pregled in primerjavo programske opreme za oblikovanje vsebin obogatene resničnosti, (3) analizirati obnašanje različnih multimedijskih elementov glede na lastnosti predvajanja. V ta namen smo najprej izvedli anketo med 26 učenci 2. razreda o priljubljenosti posameznih igralnih elementov. V drugem delu smo primerjali in analizirali popularne platforme za razvoj in predvajanje obogatene resničnosti. Pri analizi smo upoštevali vrste podprtih vsebin, akcij in enostavnost uporabe AR platforme. Predvajanje različnih mutimedijskih vsebin (slike, video, 3D objekti, 3D animacije) smo ovrednotili glede na kakovost, pri čemer smo spreminjali lastnosti predvajanih elementov (velikost datoteke, št. poligonov 3D modela, uporabljene teksture in materiali) ter zunanje dejavnike (svetloba, vremenske razmere). V zadnjem delu smo z izbrano AR platformo izdelali preprost primer uporabe AR vsebin, namenjene za izobraževanje otrok. Rezultati so potrdili naše hipoteze: H1 – AR igre z ugankami imajo potencial za uporabo v izobraževanju za otroke, H2 – Uporaba AR platform s spletnimi urejevalniki je primerna za razvoj izobraževalnih AR vsebin ter H3 – Kompleksnost 3D objekta vpliva na kakovost predvajanja le-tega v obogateni resničnosti.This thesis represents a research on the use of augmented reality (AR) on smart phones as a potential tool to be used in children’s education with the purpose to identify optimal technological characteristics of augmented reality elements and most suitable AR platform to be used to develop and display these elements. The main goals of this paper were: (1) to identify children’s preferred mobile game traits, (2) to review and compare different software used to develop augmented reality content, (3) to analyse the behaviour of various multimedia elements in AR based on their characteristics. For these purposes, a specific questionnaire was conducted among 26 second-grade pupils on likeability of various game elements. In the second part of this paper, we have studied widely spread augmented reality platforms to determine their compatibility with different elements, supported actions and general usability. The quality of displayed multimedia content (2D images, video, 3D models, 3D animations) in AR was evaluated based on the outside conditions (the weather, lightning) and by changing the characteristics of the displayed elements (file size, 3D polygon count, included textures and materials). In the last part we used the selected AR platform to create a simple example of AR content to be used in children\u27s education. The results confirmed H1 – AR puzzle games hold potential for usage in children\u27s educationH2 – AR platforms with online editors are suitable for designing educational content to be used in ARand H3 – The complexity of 3D objects affects the quality of their display in augmented reality

    FYP AR Book: Let’s Recycle

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    Learning on how to recycle is to be considering as one of the basic knowledge that children should have. Plus, with rapid evolve of technology nowadays mobile applications and augmented reality are merged together that it could be used as one of learning tools for children age of 7 to 9 years old to learn recycling. This document outlines the introduction of the project, literature review study of recycling and augmented reality, methodology and project activities, result and discussion and conclusion of this project. Various methods have been used to introduce the concept of recycling to young children which includes advertisements on different types of media such as television, billboard on highway, newspapers, seminar and talks. Despite these efforts, level of awareness among them is still considerably low. Thus, the habit of recycling, i.e. the transformation of awareness into action among them is almost virtually none. Children still do not know the correct way (how) and the purpose they need to recycle (why). Moreover, interesting tools for the children to learn about recycling is very much lacking. Learning through practical experience is an effective approach to learning. Thus, the main objective of this project is to create awareness among children on the importance of recycling. Furthermore, it is also to evaluate the learning of recycling using an augmented reality and traditional storybook and to introduce the augmented reality to the children. Additionally, this project aims to create recycling awareness through the development of an Augmented Reality (AR) book on Recycling. A mobile AR application and an AR book on recycling were developed using combination of a few different software and open source websites for the project. When both of the mobile application and AR book are used simultaneously, together they creates a fun and interactive environment for learning the concept of recycling which includes “practical experience” through games

    Abstracts 2017: Highlights of Student Research and Creative Endeavors

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    What follows is a collection of abstracts summarizing the scholarship conducted by undergraduates at Columbus State University during the 2016-2017 academic year. These projects highlight undergraduates research in a variety of disciplines, ranging from literary analysis to laboratory based sciences. The abstracts represent many ongoing projects on our campus and catalog those that have been published or presented. This volume begins with projects that have been selected for presentations at national, regional and statewide disciplinary conferences. Among them are several that have garnered awards for outstanding undergraduate scholarship. Projects that have received competitive research grants, including our campus Student Research and Creative Endeavor (S-RACE) Grants, are also featured. Many undergraduates have presented their work with our local community, either through the dissemination of best practices in nursing to regional hospitals, colloquium presentations of lecture-recitals at the RiverCenter for the Performing Arts, or at Columbus State University\u27s Tower Day held in April 2017. Together these abstracts demonstrate the commitment of our faculty to engage students in their disciplines and represent outstanding mentorship that occurs on and off our campus throughout the year. Our students have amassed an impressive collection of projects that contributes to both academia and our local community, and these abstracts will hopefully inspire others to delve into scientific and creative inquiry.https://csuepress.columbusstate.edu/abstracts/1011/thumbnail.jp

    Conceptual model of mobile augmented reality for engaging hearing-impaired museum visitors

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    Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) has matured significantly over the past decades since the birth of multimedia system. It has evolved from the conceptual idea of augmented reality experience to its actual practical applications in use on smartphones. Researchers in MAR have resolved to employ the concept of engagement in designing MAR applications to attract museum visitors’ interest and ensure a more effective learning environment. However, most of these MAR applications are tailored to normal hearing visitors while the hearing-impaired (HI) visitors are less supported. This makes HI visitors to go through unpalatable experiences and eventually become dissatisfied with their visit to the museum. Also, there is lack of studies on the conceptual model of MAR for engaging the HI museum visitors. Therefore, this study proposes a conceptual model of MAR for the HI museum engagement (MARHIME) and eventually enhances their engagement during their museum visits. In achieving the aim of this study, design science research methodology was adapted. This study has determined engagement elements through expert review which were used to design the conceptual model of MARHIME. In addition, an MAR prototype was developed based on the MARHIME conceptual model and its architecture. The MARHIME prototype includes three-dimensional models, video, text, and images to deliver salient information of important artefacts to HI museum visitors. Moreover, the MARHIME application may only function in the museum by scanning the museum environment because the HI can use MAR as a visual signal guide in order to catch missing aural signals during their visit to the museums. The study involved 73 HI museum visitors as participants in order to evaluate the MARHIME prototype on their engagement experience. From the results of the evaluation, it was found that the MARHIME prototype was able to engage the HI visitors during their visit to the museum. Therefore, this study has validated a conceptual model on MAR for engaging the HI museum visitors. This conceptual model of MARHIME can be used as guidelines for researchers in understanding the elements of MAR in engaging the HI museum visitors and for developers in assisting the process of designing and developing MAR application for the HI museum visitors. This study contributes to the engagement of HI people during their museum visits to ensure the inclusiveness of disabled people in the MAR design

    Learning computational thinking through embodied spatial programming in augmented reality

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    Thesis: S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2018.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (pages 116-120).Computational thinking has been described as a basic skill that should be included in the educational curriculum. Several online screen-based platforms for learning computational thinking have been developed during the past decades. In this thesis we propose the concept of Embodied Spatial Programming as a new and potentially improved programming paradigm for learning computational thinking in space. We have developed HyperCubes, an example Augmented Reality authoring platform that makes use of this paradigm. With a set of qualitative user studies we have assessed the engagement levels and the potential learning outcomes of the application. Through space, the physical environment, creativity and play the user is able to tinker with basic programming concepts that can lead to a better adoption of computational thinking skills.by Anna Fusté Lleixà.S.M