82,952 research outputs found

    Surfacing ERP exploitation risks through a risk ontology

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop a risk identification checklist for facilitating user companies to surface, organise and manage potential risks associated with the post-adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. Design/methodology/approach – A desktop study, based on the process of a critical literature review, was conducted by the researchers. The critical review focused on IS and business research papers, books, case studies and theoretical articles, etc. Findings – By systematically and critically analysing and synthesising the literature reviewed, the researchers identified and proposed a total of 40 ERP post-implementation risks related to diverse operational, analytical, organisation-wide and technical aspects. A risk ontology was subsequently established to highlight these ERP risks, as well as to present their potential causal relationships. Research limitations/implications – For researchers, the established ERP risk ontology represents a starting point for further research, and provides early insights into a research field that will become increasingly important as more and more companies progress from implementation to exploitation of ERPs. Practical implications – For practitioners, the risk ontology is an important tool and checklist to support risk identification, prevention, management and control, as well as to facilitate strategic planning and decision making. Originality/value – There is a scarcity of studies focusing on ERP post-implementation in contrast with an over abundance of studies focusing on system implementation and project management aspects. This paper aims to fill this significant research gap by presenting a risk ontology of ERP post-adoption. It represents a first attempt in producing a comprehensive model in its area. No other such models could be found from the literature reviewed

    Implementasi ERP Pada UKM Dengan Design-Reality Gap Model: Studi Kasus Implementasi SAP B1 Di PT CP

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    .The purpose of this research is to explain the success of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation using Design-Reality Gap Model at PT. CP, a small and medium enterprise (SME). This model is designed to explain either the success or a failure the implementation of Information System particularly in most developing countries. This research is a qualitative research using a single case study. Data collection method used is triangulation including First, interviews with consultants and key user involved in ERP implementation at PT. CP. Second, the observation of ERP system in Jakarta headquarter and sales offices in four cities. And third, document analysis on the implementation of SAP B1. Results showed that prior to the ERP implementation, there are considerable gaps in the dimensions of information, technology, and processes. PT. CP managed to reduce the gap by taking radical steps to realize the reality fit with the needs and assumptions in the design. With the success of an ERP implementation in small and medium enterprise, we suggest that knowledge transfer should be a part in the component measure

    Key user ERP capability maintaining ERP sustainability through effective design of business process and integration data management Key user ERP capability maintaining ERP sustainability through effective design of business process and integration data management

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    Business competition is increasingly complex, and there are no clear boundaries between prod ucts, so company operational processes are needed efficiently and effectively. The performance achieved is obtained through the implementation of an integrated information technology known as ERP. ERP implementation requires a person in charge of a business function called a key user who understands business processes and collaborates with ERP system vendors. The study ob tained data that can further process from 77 manufacturing companies in East Java by purchasing an ERP or self-development package. Data processing uses PLS to answer all research hypothe ses. The results show that key user capability was able to have a direct effect on the effective design of business processes of 0.643 and integration data management of 0.373. In contrast, it had no direct impact on ERP suitability. Effective Design of Business Processes has an immediate effect on Integration Data Management of 0.338 and ERP suitability of 0.395. The results also show that Integration Data Management has a direct effect on ERP suitability of 0.462. The data processing results for the indirect effect showed that key user capability influenced ERP suitability through the effective design of business processes of 0.507. Key user capability affects ERP suit ability through Integration Data Management, and it is obtained as much as 0.254. The last hy pothesis, key user capability, influences ERP suitability through effective Design of Business Pro cesses and Integration Data Management of 0.182. The study results provide theoretical contribu tions to ERP implementation success factors, while practical gifts give key users a good under standing of the companys business processes and ERP system

    Infusing with ERP Systems: A Longitudinal Investigation of the Impact of Control and Empowerment

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    Organizations have made significant investments in ERP systems with the strategic expectation that employees will utilize this technology to enhance organizational performance. However, research indicates that ERP systems are under-utilized. In order to entangle the challenge of under-utilization, this paper addresses the impact of control and empowerment on infusion – the deep and comprehensive usage of an information system. We apply a longitudinal design with two measurements to research whether the level of infusion of ERP users changes over time, and if so to what extent. Moreover we hypothesize that ‘soft’ characteristics like the organizational position, organization commitment and trust influence the relation between control, empowerment and the level of infusion of the ERP user. A survey was conducted in a large public organization which has been using an ERP system for several years. A sample of 178 matched pairs (For T1 and T2) of ERP system users and their supervisors has been collected. In this research in progress we present the theoretical mechanisms and methodological framework we employed for the data collection

    Implementasi ERP Pada UKM dengan Design-Reality Gap Model: Studi Kasus Implementasi SAP B1 di PT CP

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    Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan kesuksesan implementasi ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) menggunakan Design-Reality Gap Model pada PT. CP salah satu pelaku Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM). Model ini dirancang untuk menjelaskan kesuksesan atau kegagalan implementasi sistem informasi terutama di negara berkembang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus tunggal. Metode pengumpulan dan analisa data adalah triangulasi terdiri dari: wawancara dengan konsultan dan pemeran utama implementasi ERP di PT. CP, observasi sistem informasi ERP di kantor pusat Jakarta dan kantor pemasaran di empat kota, dan analisa dokumen implementasi SAP B1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebelum implementasi ERP terdapat kesenjangan yang cukup besar antara rancangan dengan realitas pada dimensi Informasi, teknologi, dan Proses. PT. CP berhasil mengurangi kesenjangan dengan mengambil langkah-langkah radikal mewujudkan realitas agar sesuai dengan rancangan. Dalam pengukuran kesuksesan impelementasi sistem ERP kami mengusulkan untuk menjadikan transfer pengetahuan sebagai bagian dari komponen pengukuran.Kata kunci: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM), Design-reality Gap Model, Implementasi ERP, transfer pengetahuan.Abstract.The purpose of this research is to explain the success of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation using Design-Reality Gap Model at PT. CP, a small and medium enterprise (SME). This model is designed to explain either the success or a failure the implementation of Information System particularly in most developing countries. This research is a qualitative research using a single case study. Data collection method used is triangulation including First, interviews with consultants and key user involved in ERP implementation at PT. CP. Second, the observation of ERP system in Jakarta headquarter and sales offices in four cities. And third, document analysis on the implementation of SAP B1. Results showed that prior to the ERP implementation, there are considerable gaps in the dimensions of information, technology, and processes. PT. CP managed to reduce the gap by taking radical steps to realize the reality fit with the needs and assumptions in the design. With the success of an ERP implementation in small and medium enterprise, we suggest that knowledge transfer should be a part in the component measure.Keywords: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Small and Medium Enterprise (SME), Design-reality Gap Model, ERP Implementation, Knowledge transfer Â

    Enhancing ERP system’s functionality with discrete event simulation

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    Purpose – To develop a methodology to augment enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems with the discrete event simulation’s inherent ability to handle the uncertainties. Design/methodology/approach – The ERP system still contains and uses the material requirements planning (MRP) logic as its central planning function. As a result, the ERP system inherits a number of shortcomings associated with the MRP system, including unrealistic lead-time determination. The developed methodology employs bi-directional feedback between the non-stochastic ERP system and the discrete event simulation model until a set of converged lead times is determined. Findings – An example of determining realistic production lead-time data in the ERP system is presented to illustrate how such a marriage can be achieved. Research limitations/implications – The research demonstrates that the limited planning functionality of the ERP system can be complemented by external system such as discrete event simulation models. The specific steps developed for this research can be adopted for other enhancements in different but comparable situations. Practical implications – The organizations who have been using the discrete event simulation in their planning and decision-making processes can integrate their simulation models and the ERP system following the steps presented in this paper. The ideas in this paper can be used to look for automatic data collection process to update or build the simulation models. Originality/value – The ERP implementation is a significant investment for any corporation. Once the ERP implementation is completed successfully, the corporations must look for ways to maximally return on their investment. The research results may be used to enhance the implemented ERP systems or to fully utilize the capabilities in a corporation

    Effect of Enterprises Resource Planning System on the Sustainability of Non-Governmental Organisations: A Case Study of NGOs in Kinondoni District

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    The study examined the effect of an Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) on Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) sustainability on the three organizational Sustainability pillars of stakeholder engagement, financial viability, and operational efficiency. The research methodology employed in this study involved a sample of 22 NGOs in Kinondoni District, all of which have been operating for over a decade, actively engaged in projects, and have integrated ERP systems into their operations. Maximum variation sampling was used to select NGOs from the target population. A descriptive research design was adopted, and data was collected using structured questionnaires to gather insights into the experiences and perceptions of NGO representatives regarding ERP system implementation and its impact on sustainability. The findings of this research underscore the positive influence of ERP systems on the sustainability prospects of NGOs in Kinondoni District. The study reveals that ERP systems have led to notable improvements in stakeholder interaction, financial viability, and operational efficiency within these organizations. ERP system has enhanced communication with stakeholders, streamlined financial management processes, and optimized operational workflows, ultimately contributing to the long-term sustainability of NGOs. The study offers recommendations for NGOs to emphasize the potential benefits of ERP system adoption and the need for strategic planning to maximize the advantages of these systems. Furthermore, this research contributes to the broader understanding of how technology adoption can enhance the sustainability of organizations in the nonprofit sector in Tanzania.&nbsp

    The impact of implementation process on the perception of enterprise resource planning success

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    Purpose \u2013 The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of the implementation process on the ERP\u2019s success in the post-adoption stage, measured as system\u2019s acceptance, reliability and utility perceived by users, inside the organizations. Design/methodology/approach \u2013 The authors adopted a multiple case study research design. The data collected, provided by IT managers and 120 key-users from four companies, has been used to investigate the impact of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation phases on selected constructs of the Task-Technology Fit (TTF) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The empirical evidences highlight a direct relation between the effectiveness of the implementation phases and the ERP\u2019s success. Findings \u2013 The research results emphasize the importance of the quality of the software, but especially the importance of the implementation phases\u2019 management, which require technical and managerial ability of the team made up of people from the system integrator and the company\u2019s key-users. Evidences suggest that the higher will be the organizational diffusion of an ERP implemented during a successful implementation project, the higher will be the perception of ERP success in the post-adoption stage. Moreover, the users\u2019 perception of ERP quality will be maintained over time. Research limitations/implications \u2013 The research has some limits due to its exploratory nature and to the chosen research approach, so the results may lack generalizability; consequently future research will concern with enlargement of the sample that will allow a better generalization of the results. Practical implications \u2013 This exploratory study suggest that companies\u2019 managers should be aware that a correct methodology of implementation, strongly influenced by the team, impacts on the technology consistency and therefore, on the ERP system success. So an appropriate choice is to invest more in the creation and development of internal and external project team than in the ERP\u2019s brand. Originality/value \u2013 This paper fulfils an identified need to clarify the explicit relationship between the quality of implementation phases and the subsequent ERP success in the post-adoption stage measured in terms of users\u2019 perception of information system qualit


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    ERP systems had played an important role in Taiwanese industry in the past. Nowadays, most of companies have already install traditional type of ERP. However, with the development of cloud computing recently, the scope of applying cloud computing have been gradually expanded to the enterprise information system, such as cloud CRM provided by Salesforce.com, Business by Design provided by SAP. The model in this study is based on TOE model combination of Theory of Reasoned Action(TRA). We try to develop a model and utilize this model to defines critical effect factors to company’s intention of switching to cloud ERP from traditional type of ERP. This study used quantitative research methods and survey questionnaire, dates were collected from the 283 employees in Taiwanese company whose companies have already install traditional type of ERP and for cloud ERP have a certain understanding. This research has adopted SPSS and AMOS to analyse the reliability and validity. Last, structural equation model (SEM) for the data analysis to investigate the causalities among all parameters constructed in the proposed model. The results of this study were summarized as follows: The attitude of switching to cloud ERP positively impacted the intention of switching to cloud ERP, system quality positively impacted the attitude of switching to cloud ERP, financial benefit positively impacted the attitude of switching to cloud ERP, the trust factor positively impacted the attitude of switching to cloud ERP, industries pressure positively impacted the intention of switching to cloud ERP, surprisingly, government support is not perceived significant impacted the intention of switching to cloud ERP. This study provides a well criteria for cloud ERP vender, not only system design but also system sales. In addition, business user can also utilize this criterion


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    The purpose of this paper is to find out why internal auditors must have the skills and abilities in the field of technology in carrying out their activities in the company on the basis of an ERP system. An ERP system is a tool that integrates all company functions in a more accurate system. Design / Methodology / Approach: Library research by emphasizing how the challenges of current internal auditors in facing technological advances (ERP) in the company. Findings: That ERP has a significant impact on the Internal Auditor. Therefore it is necessary to improve the skills and abilities of the Auditor in using technology so that they can develop their HR through training or training related to the ERP system. Originality: This paper tries to emphasize why internal auditors must have the skills and abilities in the field of technology and how the challenges faced by internal auditors change. Keywords: enterprise resource planning (erp), internal auditor function. DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/10-9-05 Publication date:May 31st 201
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