48 research outputs found

    Top-down methodology employing hardware description languages (HDLs) for designing digital control in power converters

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    This paper presents a research line oriented to develop methodologies that takes advantage of hardware description languages in order to simplify the design of power converters that employ digital control techniques. The methodology focuses on setting the adequate communications among subsystems in order to simplify the change of the levels of abstraction of the subsystem’s models (from the conceptual level to the actual electric + synthesizable code). Changing the level of abstraction in the design process pretends: first to provide useful models at early designing steps; second, to optimize the simulation of the system, and at same time optimize the verification step

    Virtual Prototyping Methodology for Power Automation Cyber-Physical-Systems

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    In this thesis, the author proposes a circular system development model which considers all the stages in a typical development process for industrial systems. In particular, the present work shows that the use of virtual prototyping at early stages of the system development may reduce the overall design and verification effort by allowing the exploration of the complete system architecture, and uncovering integration issues early on. The modeling techniques of this research are based on VHDL-AMS, yet supporting other modeling languages such as C/C++, SPICE, and Verilog-AMS, together with integrated simulation tools. Contrasting with conventional approaches, it is shown that the proposed methodology is adapted for small-scale Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) design and verification thanks to the modularity and scalability of the modeling approach. The proposed modeling techniques enable seamlessly the CPS design together with the implementation of their subsystems. In particular, the contribution of this work improves the virtual prototyping approach that has been successfully used during the development of smart electrical sensors and monitoring equipment for high and medium voltage applications. The design of the measurement and self-calibration circuits of a medium voltage current sensor based on the Rogowski coil transducer is presented as an example. The proposed small-scale CPS design methodology based on virtual prototyping, namely VP-based design methodology, uses important theoretical concepts from layered design, component-based design, and platform-based design. These foundations are the basis to build a modeling methodology that provides a vehicle that can be used to improve system verification towards correct-by-design systems. The main contributions of this research are: the re-definition of the system development lifecycle by using a virtual prototyping methodology; the design and implementation of a model library that maximizes the reuse of computational models and their related IP; and a set of VHDL-AMS modeling guidelines established with the purpose of improving the modularity and scalability of virtual prototypes. These elements are key for supporting the introduction of virtual prototyping into industrial companies that can thoroughly profit from this approach, but cannot commit a specific team to the creation, support, and maintenance of computational models and its dedicated infrastructure. Thanks to the progressive nature of the proposed methodology, virtual prototypes can indeed be introduced with relatively low initial effort and enhanced over time. The presented methodology and its infrastructure may grow into a bidirectional communication medium between non-expert system designers (i.e. system architects and virtual integrators) and domain specialists such as mechanical designers, power electrical designers, embedded-electronics designers, and software designers. The proposed design methodology advocates the reduction of the CPS design complexity by the implementation of a meet-in-the-middle approach for system-level modeling. In this direction, the modeling techniques introduced in this work facilitate the architectural design space exploration, critical cross-domain variable analysis (especially important in the component interfaces), and system-level optimization and verification

    The Second NASA Formal Methods Workshop 1992

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    The primary goal of the workshop was to bring together formal methods researchers and aerospace industry engineers to investigate new opportunities for applying formal methods to aerospace problems. The first part of the workshop was tutorial in nature. The second part of the workshop explored the potential of formal methods to address current aerospace design and verification problems. The third part of the workshop involved on-line demonstrations of state-of-the-art formal verification tools. Also, a detailed survey was filled in by the attendees; the results of the survey are compiled

    Simulation multi-moteurs multi-niveaux pour la validation des spécifications système et optimisation de la consommation

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    This work aims at system-level modelling a defined transceiver for Bluetooth Low energy (BLE) system using SystemC-AMS. The goal is to analyze the relationship between the transceiver performance and the accurate energy consumption. This requires the transceiver model contains system-level simulation speed and the low-level design block power consumption and other RF specifications. The Meet-in-the-Middle approach and the Baseband Equivalent method are chosen to achieve the two requirements above. A global simulation of a complete BLE system is achieved by integrating the transceiver model into a SystemC-TLM described BLE system model which contains the higher-than-PHY levels. The simulation is based on a two BLE devices communication system and is run with different BLE use cases. The transceiver Bit-Error-Rate and the energy estimation are obtained at the end of the simulation. First, we modelled and validated each block of a BT transceiver. In front of the prohibitive simulation time, the RF blocks are rewritten by using the BBE methodology, and then refined in order to take into account the non-linearities, which are going to impact the couple consumption, BER. Each circuit (each model) is separately verified, and then a first BLE system simulation (point-to-point between a transmitter and a receiver) has been executed. Finally, the BER is finally estimated. This platform fulfills our expectations, the simulation time is suitable and the results have been validated with the circuit measurement offered by Riviera Waves Company. Finally, two versions of the same transceiver architecture are modelled, simulated and comparedCe travail vise la modélisation au niveau système, en langage SystemC-AMS, et la simulation d'un émetteur-récepteur au standard Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). L'objectif est d'analyser la relation entre les performances, en termes de BER et la consommation d'énergie du transceiver. Le temps de simulation d’un tel système, à partir de cas d’étude (use case) réaliste, est un facteur clé pour le développement d’une telle plateforme. De plus, afin d’obtenir des résultats de simulation le plus précis possible, les modèles « haut niveau » doivent être raffinés à partir de modèles plus bas niveau où de mesure. L'approche dite Meet-in-the-Middle, associée à la méthode de modélisation équivalente en Bande Base (BBE, BaseBand Equivalent), a été choisie pour atteindre les deux conditions requises, à savoir temps de simulation « faible » et précision des résultats. Une simulation globale d'un système de BLE est obtenue en intégrant le modèle de l'émetteur-récepteur dans une plateforme existante développée en SystemC-TLM. La simulation est basée sur un système de communication de deux dispositifs BLE, en utilisant différents scénarios (différents cas d'utilisation de BLE). Dans un premier temps nous avons modélisé et validé chaque bloc d’un transceiver BT. Devant le temps de simulation prohibitif, les blocs RF sont réécrits en utilisant la méthodologie BB, puis raffinés afin de prendre en compte les non-linéarités qui vont impacter le couple consommation, BER. Chaque circuit (chaque modèle) est vérifié séparément, puis une première simulation système (point à point entre un émetteur et un récepteur) est effectué

    Mixed-signal integrated circuits design and validation for automotive electronics applications

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    Automotive electronics is a fast growing market. In a field primarily dominated by mechanical or hydraulic systems, over the past few decades there has been exponential growth in the number of electronic components incorporated into automobiles. Partly thanks to the advance in high voltage smart power processes in nowadays cars is possible to integrate both power/high voltage electronics and analog/digital signal processing circuitry thus allowing to replace a lot of mechanical systems with electro-mechanical or fully electronic ones. High level modeling of complex electronic systems is gaining importance relatively to design space exploration, enabling shorter design and verification cycles, allowing reduced time-to-market. A high level model of a resistor string DAC to evaluate nonlinearities has been developed in MATLAB environment. As a test case for the model, a 10 bit resistive DAC in 0.18um is designed and the results were compared with the traditional transistor level approach. Then we face the analysis and design of a fundamental block: the bandgap voltage reference. Automotive requirements are tough, so the design of the voltage reference includes a pre-regulation part of the battery voltage that allows to enhance overall performances. Moreover an analog integrated driver for an automotive application whose architecture exploits today’s trends of analog-digital integration allowing a greater range of flexibility allowing high configurability and fast prototipization is presented. We covered also the mixed-signal verification approach. In fact, as complexity increases and mixed-signal systems become more and more pervasive, test and verification often tend to be the bottleneck in terms of time effort. A complete flow for mixed-signal verification using VHDL-AMS modeling and Python scripting is presented as an alternative to complex transistor level simulations. Finally conclusions are drawn

    Design of a dependable interlock system for linear colliders

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    For high energy accelerators, the interlock system is a key part of the machine protection. The interlock principle is to inhibit the beam either on failure of critical equipment and/or on low beam quality evaluation. The dependability of such a system is the most critical parameter. This thesis presents the design of an dependable interlock system for linear collider with an application to the CLIC (Compact Linear Collider) project. This design process is based on the IEEE 1220 standard and is is divided in four steps. First,the specifications are established, with a focus on the dependability, more precisely the reliability and the availability of the system. The second step is the design proposal based on a functional analysis, the CLIC and interfaced systems architecture. Third, the feasibility study is performed, applying the concepts in an accelerator facility. Finally, the last step is the hardware verification. Its aim is to prove that the proposed design is able to reach the requirements

    Methoden und Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation vonSchaltungen und Systemen: MBMV 2015 - Tagungsband, Chemnitz, 03. - 04. März 2015

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    Der Workshop Methoden und Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation von Schaltungen und Systemen (MBMV 2015) findet nun schon zum 18. mal statt. Ausrichter sind in diesem Jahr die Professur Schaltkreis- und Systementwurf der Technischen Universität Chemnitz und das Steinbeis-Forschungszentrum Systementwurf und Test. Der Workshop hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, neueste Trends, Ergebnisse und aktuelle Probleme auf dem Gebiet der Methoden zur Modellierung und Verifikation sowie der Beschreibungssprachen digitaler, analoger und Mixed-Signal-Schaltungen zu diskutieren. Er soll somit ein Forum zum Ideenaustausch sein. Weiterhin bietet der Workshop eine Plattform für den Austausch zwischen Forschung und Industrie sowie zur Pflege bestehender und zur Knüpfung neuer Kontakte. Jungen Wissenschaftlern erlaubt er, ihre Ideen und Ansätze einem breiten Publikum aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft zu präsentieren und im Rahmen der Veranstaltung auch fundiert zu diskutieren. Sein langjähriges Bestehen hat ihn zu einer festen Größe in vielen Veranstaltungskalendern gemacht. Traditionell sind auch die Treffen der ITGFachgruppen an den Workshop angegliedert. In diesem Jahr nutzen zwei im Rahmen der InnoProfile-Transfer-Initiative durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung geförderte Projekte den Workshop, um in zwei eigenen Tracks ihre Forschungsergebnisse einem breiten Publikum zu präsentieren. Vertreter der Projekte Generische Plattform für Systemzuverlässigkeit und Verifikation (GPZV) und GINKO - Generische Infrastruktur zur nahtlosen energetischen Kopplung von Elektrofahrzeugen stellen Teile ihrer gegenwärtigen Arbeiten vor. Dies bereichert denWorkshop durch zusätzliche Themenschwerpunkte und bietet eine wertvolle Ergänzung zu den Beiträgen der Autoren. [... aus dem Vorwort

    RIFEL - Ripple and Electromagnetic Fields in Electric Vehicles

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    The electrical system in an electrified vehicle consists of high voltage (HV) components interacting in a complex way. The switching interaction in the power electronics results in ripple causing electromagnetic fields, disturbing other electronics and degradation of components. An overview of this can first be obtained when a physical system is built which could lead to unintentional over- or under dimensioning of HV components. This lack of information within the electrical system can lead to late verifications in the project causing substantial cost if changes are needed. This project aims at improving early evaluation of new concepts, create tools and build the necessary competence for a virtual system model that includes the key HV components: battery, electrical motor and power electronics, a simple load along with cable and connectors. This virtual model shall be able to simulate voltage and current ripple generated by the power electronics, initially in a frequency range up to 100 kHz. Results from the simulations shall be presented both in time and frequency domain as well as be expressed in RMS values for easier comparison to measured results. Some of the more important findings are briefly summarised below;For the high voltage battery, the electrical characteristics up to a frequency of roughly 1000 Hz was well determined using an impedance spectroscopy instrument at cell level and then multiplied by the numbers of cells.\ua0 However for finding the impedance behaviour for frequencies above 1000 Hz, the determination must be done on the battery pack level since bus bars and other component in the complete battery pack will be dominating in this frequency range. From measurements of differential mode impedance in high voltage cables it is found that it is important that the mutual inductance between the centre conductor and shield is included in the model to describe cable impedance below 10 kHz properly.The control of the inverter is very important for the overall behaviour and in this project SVM was used which has been shown to give the lowest current and voltage ripple of the traditional switching schemes. And for the machine model, the temperature variations must be taken into account since the machine parameters has been found to vary with ~20 % over the specified temperature range.The system model is found to agree well with rig measurements well up to 1 MHz with regards to both currents and voltages at the DC and AC sides. Furthermore, measurements in a real car match those in the rig. For time domain simulations, it was decided to use Ansys Simplorer since it can handle the inverter and the electrical machine simulations very well and for frequency domain simulations, it was decided to use LTspice since it is freeware, has support for AC-sweeps, improved switching compared to other SPICE-simulators, and is easy to use.Magnetic field simulations have been calculated and compared to measurements in the driveline rig at Chalmers. It was a good match across the investigated frequency range 10 Hz to 100 kHz.In this project, only internally developed component models were considered. To expand the functionality of the system modelling tool, international interface standards such as the Functional Mockup Interface (FMI) need to be investigated. Consequently, it would be a good idea to include additional automotive OEMs as well as suppliers and software vendors in future research collaborations