81,507 research outputs found

    A flexible service selection for executing virtual services

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    [EN] With the adoption of a service-oriented paradigm on the Web, many software services are likely to fulfil similar functional needs for end-users. We propose to aggregate functionally equivalent software services within one single virtual service, that is, to associate a functionality, a graphical user interface (GUI), and a set of selection rules. When an end user invokes such a virtual service through its GUI to answer his/her functional need, the software service that best responds to the end-user s selection policy is selected and executed and the result is then rendered to the end-user through the GUI of the virtual service. A key innovation in this paper is the flexibility of our proposed service selection policy. First, each selection policy can refer to heterogeneous parameters (e.g., service price, end-user location, and QoS). Second, additional parameters can be added to an existing or new policy with little investment. Third, the end users themselves define a selection policy to apply during the selection process, thanks to the GUI element added as part of the virtual service design. This approach was validated though the design, implementation, and testing of an end-to-end architecture, including the implementation of several virtual services and utilizing several software services available today on the Web.This work was partially supported in part by SERVERY (Service Platform for Innovative Communication Environment), a CELTIC project that aims to create a Service Marketplace that bridges the Internet and Telco worlds by merging the flexibility and openness of the former with the trustworthiness and reliability of the latter, enabling effective and profitable cooperation among actors.Laga, N.; Bertin, E.; Crespi, N.; Bedini, I.; Molina Moreno, B.; Zhao, Z. (2013). A flexible service selection for executing virtual services. 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    Formal Analysis of Trust and Reputation for Service Composition in IoT

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    The exponential growth in the number of smart devices connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) that are associated with various IoT-based smart applications and services, raises interoperability challenges. Service-oriented architecture for IoT (SOA-IoT) solutions has been introduced to deal with these interoperability challenges by integrating web services into sensor networks via IoToptimized gateways to fill the gap between devices, networks, and access terminals. The main aim of service composition is to transform user requirements into a composite service execution. Different methods have been used to perform service composition, which has been classified as trust-based and non-trust-based. The existing studies in this field have reported that trust-based approaches outperform non-trust-based ones. Trust-based service composition approaches use the trust and reputation system as a brain to select appropriate service providers (SPs) for the service composition plan. The trust and reputation system computes each candidate SP’s trust value and selects the SP with the highest trust value for the service composition plan. The trust system computes the trust value from the self-observation of the service requestor (SR) and other service consumers’ (SCs) recommendations. Several experimental solutions have been proposed to deal with trust-based service composition in the IoT; however, a formal method for trust-based service composition in the IoT is lacking. In this study, we used the formal method for representing the components of trustbased service management in the IoT, by using higher-order logic (HOL) and verifying the different behaviors in the trust system and the trust value computation processes. Our findings showed that the presence of malicious nodes performing trust attacks leads to biased trust value computation, which results in inappropriate SP selection during the service composition. The formal analysis has given us a clear insight and complete understanding, which will assist in the development of a robust trust system

    Trust and Reputation Management: a Probabilistic Approach

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    Software architectures of large-scale systems are perceptibly shifting towards employing open and distributed computing. Web services emerged as autonomous and self-contained business applications that are published, found, and used over the web. These web services thus exist in an environment in which they interact among each other to achieve their goals. Two challenging tasks that govern the agents interactions have gained the attention of a large research community; web service selection and composition. The explosion of the number of published web services contributed to the growth of large pools of similarly functional services. While this is vital for a competitive and healthy marketplace, it complicates the aforementioned tasks. Service consumers resort to non-functional characteristics of available service providers to decide which service to interact with. Therefore, to optimize both tasks and maximize the gain of all involved agents, it is essential to build the capability of modeling and predicting the quality of these agents. In this thesis, we propose various trust and reputation models based on probabilistic approaches to address the web service selection and composition problems. These approaches consider the trustworthiness of a web service to be strongly tied to the outcomes of various quality of service metrics such as response time, throughput, and reliability. We represent these outcomes by a multinomial distribution whose parameters are learned using Bayesian inference which, given a likelihood function and a prior probability, derives the posterior probability. Since the likelihood, in this case, is a multinomial, a commonly used prior is the Dirichlet distribution. We propose, to overcome several limitations of the Dirichlet, by applying two alternative priors such as the generalized Dirichlet, and Beta-Liouville. Using these distributions, the learned parameters represent the probabilities of a web service to belong to each of the considered quality classes. These probabilities are consequently used to compute the trustworthiness of the evaluated web services and thus assisting consumers in the service selection process. Furthermore, after exploring the correlations among various quality metrics using real data sets, we introduce a hybrid trust model that captures these correlations using both Dirichlet and generalized Dirichlet distributions. Given their covariance structures, the former performs better when modeling negative correlations while the latter yields better modeling of positive correlations. To handle composite services, we propose various trust approaches using Bayesian networks and mixture models of three different distributions; the multinomial Dirichlet, the multinomial generalized Dirichlet, and the multinomial Beta-Liouville. Specifically, we employ a Bayesian network classifier with a Beta- Liouville prior to enable the classification of the QoS of composite services given the QoS of its constituents. In addition, we extend the previous models to function in online settings. Therefore, we present a generalized-Dirichlet power steady model that predicts compositional time series. We similarly extend the Bayesian networks model by using the Voting EM algorithm. This extension enables the estimation of the networks parameters after each interaction with a composite web service. Furthermore, we propose an algorithm to estimate the reputation of web services. We extend this algorithm by leveraging the capabilities of various clustering and outlier detection techniques to deal with malicious feedback and various strategic behavior commonly performed by web services. Alternatively, we suggest two data fusion methods for reputation feedback aggregation, namely, the covariance intersection and ellipsoidal intersection. These methods handle the dependency between the information that propagates through networks of interacting agents. They also avoid over confident estimates caused by redundant information. Finally, we present a reputation model for agent-based web services grouped into communities of homogeneous functionalities. We exploit various clustering and anomaly detection techniques to analyze and identify the quality trends provided by each service. This model enables the master of each community to allocate the requests it receives to the web service that best fulfill the quality requirements of the service consumers. We evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches using both simulated and real data

    QoS-Aware Middleware for Web Services Composition

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    The paradigmatic shift from a Web of manual interactions to a Web of programmatic interactions driven by Web services is creating unprecedented opportunities for the formation of online Business-to-Business (B2B) collaborations. In particular, the creation of value-added services by composition of existing ones is gaining a significant momentum. Since many available Web services provide overlapping or identical functionality, albeit with different Quality of Service (QoS), a choice needs to be made to determine which services are to participate in a given composite service. This paper presents a middleware platform which addresses the issue of selecting Web services for the purpose of their composition in a way that maximizes user satisfaction expressed as utility functions over QoS attributes, while satisfying the constraints set by the user and by the structure of the composite service. Two selection approaches are described and compared: one based on local (task-level) selection of services and the other based on global allocation of tasks to services using integer programming

    Ontology based software engineering - software engineering 2.0

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    This paper describes the use of ontologies in different aspects of software engineering. This use of ontologies varies from support for software developers at multiple sites to the use of an ontology to provide semantics in different categories ofsoftware, particularly on the web. The world's first and only software engineering ontology and a project management ontology in conjunction with a domain ontology are used to provide support for software development that is taking place at multiple sites. Ontologies are used to provide semantics to deal with heterogeneity in the representation of multiple information sources, enable the selection and composition of web services and grid resources, provide the shared knowledge base for multiagent systems, provide semantics and structure for trust and reputation systems and privacy based systems and codification of shared knawledge within different domains in business, science, manufacturing, engineering and utilities. They, therefore, bring a new paradigm to software engineering through the use of semantics as a central mechanism which will revolutionize the way software is developed and consumed in the future leading to the development of software as a service bringing about the dawn of software engineering 2.0

    A survey of QoS-aware web service composition techniques

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    Web service composition can be briefly described as the process of aggregating services with disparate functionalities into a new composite service in order to meet increasingly complex needs of users. Service composition process has been accurate on dealing with services having disparate functionalities, however, over the years the number of web services in particular that exhibit similar functionalities and varying Quality of Service (QoS) has significantly increased. As such, the problem becomes how to select appropriate web services such that the QoS of the resulting composite service is maximized or, in some cases, minimized. This constitutes an NP-hard problem as it is complicated and difficult to solve. In this paper, a discussion of concepts of web service composition and a holistic review of current service composition techniques proposed in literature is presented. Our review spans several publications in the field that can serve as a road map for future research

    A Formal Framework for Modeling Trust and Reputation in Collective Adaptive Systems

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    Trust and reputation models for distributed, collaborative systems have been studied and applied in several domains, in order to stimulate cooperation while preventing selfish and malicious behaviors. Nonetheless, such models have received less attention in the process of specifying and analyzing formally the functionalities of the systems mentioned above. The objective of this paper is to define a process algebraic framework for the modeling of systems that use (i) trust and reputation to govern the interactions among nodes, and (ii) communication models characterized by a high level of adaptiveness and flexibility. Hence, we propose a formalism for verifying, through model checking techniques, the robustness of these systems with respect to the typical attacks conducted against webs of trust.Comment: In Proceedings FORECAST 2016, arXiv:1607.0200

    An Intelligent QoS Identification for Untrustworthy Web Services Via Two-phase Neural Networks

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    QoS identification for untrustworthy Web services is critical in QoS management in the service computing since the performance of untrustworthy Web services may result in QoS downgrade. The key issue is to intelligently learn the characteristics of trustworthy Web services from different QoS levels, then to identify the untrustworthy ones according to the characteristics of QoS metrics. As one of the intelligent identification approaches, deep neural network has emerged as a powerful technique in recent years. In this paper, we propose a novel two-phase neural network model to identify the untrustworthy Web services. In the first phase, Web services are collected from the published QoS dataset. Then, we design a feedforward neural network model to build the classifier for Web services with different QoS levels. In the second phase, we employ a probabilistic neural network (PNN) model to identify the untrustworthy Web services from each classification. The experimental results show the proposed approach has 90.5% identification ratio far higher than other competing approaches.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure