26 research outputs found

    A Weight-coded Evolutionary Algorithm for the Multidimensional Knapsack Problem

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    A revised weight-coded evolutionary algorithm (RWCEA) is proposed for solving multidimensional knapsack problems. This RWCEA uses a new decoding method and incorporates a heuristic method in initialization. Computational results show that the RWCEA performs better than a weight-coded evolutionary algorithm proposed by Raidl (1999) and to some existing benchmarks, it can yield better results than the ones reported in the OR-library.Comment: Submitted to Applied Mathematics and Computation on April 8, 201

    [[alternative]]Optimal Models and Solution Algorithms for Estimating the Number of an Airport Gates

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    Meta-heuristic resource constrained project scheduling: solution space restrictions and neighbourhood extensions

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    The resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) has been extensively investigated during the past decades. Due to its strongly NP-hard status and the need for solving large realistic project instances, the recent focus has shifted from exact optimisation procedures to (meta-) heuristic approaches. In this paper, we extend some existing state-of-the-art RCPSP procedures in two ways. First, we extensively test a decomposition approach that splits problem instances into smaller sub-problems to be solved with an (exact or heuristic) procedure, and re-incorporates the obtained solutions for the sub-problems into the solution of the main problem, possibly leading to an overall better solution. Second, we study the influence of an extended neighbourhood search on the performance of a meta-heuristic procedure. Computational results reveal that both techniques are valuable extensions and lead to improved results

    New genetic algorithm approach for the min-degree constrained minimum spanning tree

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    A novel approach is proposed for the NP-hard min-degree constrained minimum spanning tree (md-MST). The NP-hardness of the md-MST demands that heuristic approximations are used to tackle its intractability and thus an original genetic algorithm strategy is described using an improvement of the Martins-Souza heuristic to obtain a md-MST feasible solution, which is also presented. The genetic approach combines the latter improvement with three new approximations based on different chromosome representations for trees that employ diverse crossover operators. The genetic versions compare very favourably with the best known results in terms of both the run time and obtaining better quality solutions. In particular, new lower bounds are established for instances with higher dimensions.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    A path-oriented encoding evolutionary algorithm for network coding resource minimization

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    Network coding is an emerging telecommunication technique, where any intermediate node is allowed to recombine incoming data if necessary. This technique helps to increase the throughput, however, very likely at the cost of huge amount of computational overhead, due to the packet recombination performed (ie coding operations). Hence, it is of practical importance to reduce coding operations while retaining the benefits that network coding brings to us. In this paper, we propose a novel evolutionary algorithm (EA) to minimize the amount of coding operations involved. Different from the state-of-the-art EAs which all use binary encodings for the problem, our EA is based on path-oriented encoding. In this new encoding scheme, each chromosome is represented by a union of paths originating from the source and terminating at one of the receivers. Employing path-oriented encoding leads to a search space where all solutions are feasible, which fundamentally facilitates more efficient search of EAs. Based on the new encoding, we develop three basic operators, that is, initialization, crossover and mutation. In addition, we design a local search operator to improve the solution quality and hence the performance of our EA. The simulation results demonstrate that our EA significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of global exploration and computational time

    Developing Efficient Metaheuristics for Communication Network Problems by using Problem-specific Knowledge

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    Metaheuristics, such as evolutionary algorithms or simulated annealing, are widely applicable heuristic optimization strategies that have shown encouraging results for a large number of difficult optimization problems. To show high performance, metaheuristics need to be adapted to the properties of the problem at hand. This paper illustrates how efficient metaheuristics can be developed for communication network problems by utilizing problem-specific knowledge for the design of a high-quality problem representation. The minimum communication spanning tree (MCST) problem finds a communication spanning tree that connects all nodes and satisfies their communication requirements for a minimum total cost. An investigation into the properties of the problem reveals that optimum solutions are similar to the minimum spanning tree (MST). Consequently, a problem-specific representation, the link biased (LB) encoding, is developed, which represents trees as a list of floats. The LB encoding makes use of the knowledge that optimum solutions are similar to the MST, and encodes trees that are similar to the MST with a higher probability. Experimental results for different types of metaheuristics show that metaheuristics using the LB-encoding efficiently solve existing MCST problem instances from the literature, as well as randomly generated MCST problems of different sizes and types

    Optimisation of a tree structured centralized data network using an evolutionary algorithm

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    This thesis attempts to solve the problem of optimising the design of tree structured centralized data network using an Evolutionary Algorithm. A centralized data network is also known as a client-server network. In this type of network, the client, which is usually a terminal connected to the network, would send a request for information to the server. The server would then download the reply back to the client. An example of such a network would be a bank's ATM network. Each ATM machine would be a client and the central server would store information relating to all the bank's customers. The idea was that once this was done the fitness function used in the above problem would be modified to suite the design of a network used to interconnect LANs that would also form a tree structure. Each of the nodes in this network would be a LAN connected to the network via a bridge or router. Unfortunately the results obtained in attempting to optimise the topology of the centralized data network were very poor. A heuristic normally used to solve this problem outperformed the Evolutionary Algorithm on all the three counts that the comparison was performed. Therefore another method using an Evolutionary Algorithm that can optimise the network interconnecting LANs was introduced. The first chapter in this thesis is an introduction to the thesis and all the terms and concepts that are used in it. The second chapter explains the heuristic used. The third chapter discusses what particular properties are needed by a coding scheme used in an Evolutionary Algorithm to solve this problem. It introduces a few alternatives that have been used in the past but do not meet all the requirements. Then it introduces the coding scheme that was used in this thesis and the fitness function used to evaluate each candidate solution. The next chapter tabulates the results and draws conclusions from these results. The final chapter discusses areas of future research possibilities. There are also several appendices. The first introduces the Genetic Algorithm (GA) and discusses some hypotheses that attempt to explain why it is so successful at problem solving. The next appendix introduces Population Based Incremental Learning (PBIL). This is the Evolutionary Algorithm that is used in attempting to solve this problem. Appendix C explains a method of converting between real and binary numbers; this method is not used in this thesis but is important to know when dealing with Evolutionary Algorithms that are only capable of manipulating binary values. The next two appendices discuss Prim's algorithm and Competitive Learning. Prim's algorithm is an MST algorithm that is used in the coding scheme. Competitive Learning is a classification technique that PBIL is partly based on. An explanation of each function used to implement the heuristic and PBIL is given in Appendix F. This is followed by a listing of the Matlab code of each function