420 research outputs found

    Fast optimization of statistical potentials for structurally constrained phylogenetic models

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Statistical approaches for <it>protein design </it>are relevant in the field of molecular evolutionary studies. In recent years, new, so-called structurally constrained (<it>SC</it>) models of protein-coding sequence evolution have been proposed, which use statistical potentials to assess sequence-structure compatibility. In a previous work, we defined a statistical framework for optimizing knowledge-based potentials especially suited to SC models. Our method used the maximum likelihood principle and provided what we call the <it>joint </it>potentials. However, the method required numerical estimations by the use of computationally heavy <it>Markov Chain Monte Carlo </it>sampling algorithms.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here, we develop an alternative optimization procedure, based on a <it>leave-one-out </it>argument coupled to fast gradient descent algorithms. We assess that the leave-one-out potential yields very similar results to the joint approach developed previously, both in terms of the resulting potential parameters, and by Bayes factor evaluation in a phylogenetic context. On the other hand, the leave-one-out approach results in a considerable computational benefit (up to a 1,000 fold decrease in computational time for the optimization procedure).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Due to its computational speed, the optimization method we propose offers an attractive alternative for the design and empirical evaluation of alternative forms of potentials, using large data sets and high-dimensional parameterizations.</p

    Deep generative models for biology: represent, predict, design

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    Deep generative models have revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence, fundamentally changing how we generate novel objects that imitate or extrapolate from training data, and transforming how we access and consume various types of information such as texts, images, speech, and computer programs. They have the potential to radically transform other scientific disciplines, ranging from mathematical problem solving, to supporting fast and accurate simulations in high-energy physics or enabling rapid weather forecasting. In computational biology, generative models hold immense promise for improving our understanding of complex biological processes, designing new drugs and therapies, and forecasting viral evolution during pandemics, among many other applications. Biological objects pose however unique challenges due to their inherent complexity, encompassing massive spaces, multiple complementary data modalities, and a unique interplay between highly structured and relatively unstructured components. In this thesis, we develop several deep generative modeling frameworks that are motivated by key questions in computational biology. Given the interdisciplinary nature of this endeavor, we first provide a comprehensive background in generative modeling, uncertainty quantification, sequential decision making, as well as important concepts in biology and chemistry to facilitate a thorough understanding of our work. We then deep dive into the core of our contributions, which are structured around three chapters. The first chapter introduces methods for learning representations of biological sequences, laying the foundation for subsequent analyses. The second chapter illustrates how these representations can be leveraged to predict complex properties of biomolecules, focusing on three specific applications: protein fitness prediction, the effects of genetic variations on human disease risk and viral immune escape. Finally, the third chapter is dedicated to methods for designing novel biomolecules, including drug target identification, de novo molecular optimization, and protein engineering. This thesis also makes several methodological contributions to broader machine learning challenges, such as uncertainty quantification in high-dimensional spaces or efficient transformer architectures, which hold potential value in other application domains. We conclude by summarizing our key findings, highlighting shortcomings of current approaches, proposing potential avenues for future research, and discussing emerging trends within the field

    Self-adaptive exploration in evolutionary search

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    We address a primary question of computational as well as biological research on evolution: How can an exploration strategy adapt in such a way as to exploit the information gained about the problem at hand? We first introduce an integrated formalism of evolutionary search which provides a unified view on different specific approaches. On this basis we discuss the implications of indirect modeling (via a ``genotype-phenotype mapping'') on the exploration strategy. Notions such as modularity, pleiotropy and functional phenotypic complex are discussed as implications. Then, rigorously reflecting the notion of self-adaptability, we introduce a new definition that captures self-adaptability of exploration: different genotypes that map to the same phenotype may represent (also topologically) different exploration strategies; self-adaptability requires a variation of exploration strategies along such a ``neutral space''. By this definition, the concept of neutrality becomes a central concern of this paper. Finally, we present examples of these concepts: For a specific grammar-type encoding, we observe a large variability of exploration strategies for a fixed phenotype, and a self-adaptive drift towards short representations with highly structured exploration strategy that matches the ``problem's structure''.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    `The frozen accident&#x27; as an evolutionary adaptation: A rate distortion theory perspective on the dynamics and symmetries of genetic coding mechanisms

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    We survey some interpretations and related issues concerning the frozen hypothesis due to F. Crick and how it can be explained in terms of several natural mechanisms involving error correction codes, spin glasses, symmetry breaking and the characteristic robustness of genetic networks. The approach to most of these questions involves using elements of Shannon&#x27;s rate distortion theory incorporating a semantic system which is meaningful for the relevant alphabets and vocabulary implemented in transmission of the genetic code. We apply the fundamental homology between information source uncertainty with the free energy density of a thermodynamical system with respect to transcriptional regulators and the communication channels of sequence/structure in proteins. This leads to the suggestion that the frozen accident may have been a type of evolutionary adaptation

    Statistical potentials for evolutionary studies

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    Les séquences protéiques naturelles sont le résultat net de l’interaction entre les mécanismes de mutation, de sélection naturelle et de dérive stochastique au cours des temps évolutifs. Les modèles probabilistes d’évolution moléculaire qui tiennent compte de ces différents facteurs ont été substantiellement améliorés au cours des dernières années. En particulier, ont été proposés des modèles incorporant explicitement la structure des protéines et les interdépendances entre sites, ainsi que les outils statistiques pour évaluer la performance de ces modèles. Toutefois, en dépit des avancées significatives dans cette direction, seules des représentations très simplifiées de la structure protéique ont été utilisées jusqu’à présent. Dans ce contexte, le sujet général de cette thèse est la modélisation de la structure tridimensionnelle des protéines, en tenant compte des limitations pratiques imposées par l’utilisation de méthodes phylogénétiques très gourmandes en temps de calcul. Dans un premier temps, une méthode statistique générale est présentée, visant à optimiser les paramètres d’un potentiel statistique (qui est une pseudo-énergie mesurant la compatibilité séquence-structure). La forme fonctionnelle du potentiel est par la suite raffinée, en augmentant le niveau de détails dans la description structurale sans alourdir les coûts computationnels. Plusieurs éléments structuraux sont explorés : interactions entre pairs de résidus, accessibilité au solvant, conformation de la chaîne principale et flexibilité. Les potentiels sont ensuite inclus dans un modèle d’évolution et leur performance est évaluée en termes d’ajustement statistique à des données réelles, et contrastée avec des modèles d’évolution standards. Finalement, le nouveau modèle structurellement contraint ainsi obtenu est utilisé pour mieux comprendre les relations entre niveau d’expression des gènes et sélection et conservation de leur séquence protéique.Protein sequences are the net result of the interplay of mutation, natural selection and stochastic variation. Probabilistic models of molecular evolution accounting for these processes have been substantially improved over the last years. In particular, models that explicitly incorporate protein structure and site interdependencies have recently been developed, as well as statistical tools for assessing their performance. Despite major advances in this direction, only simple representations of protein structure have been used so far. In this context, the main theme of this dissertation has been the modeling of three-dimensional protein structure for evolutionary studies, taking into account the limitations imposed by computationally demanding phylogenetic methods. First, a general statistical framework for optimizing the parameters of a statistical potential (an energy-like scoring system for sequence-structure compatibility) is presented. The functional form of the potential is then refined, increasing the detail of structural description without inflating computational costs. Always at the residue-level, several structural elements are investigated: pairwise distance interactions, solvent accessibility, backbone conformation and flexibility of the residues. The potentials are then included into an evolutionary model and their performance is assessed in terms of model fit, compared to standard evolutionary models. Finally, this new structurally constrained phylogenetic model is used to better understand the selective forces behind the differences in conservation found in genes of very different expression levels

    Learning the Regulatory Code of Gene Expression

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    Data-driven machine learning is the method of choice for predicting molecular phenotypes from nucleotide sequence, modeling gene expression events including protein-DNA binding, chromatin states as well as mRNA and protein levels. Deep neural networks automatically learn informative sequence representations and interpreting them enables us to improve our understanding of the regulatory code governing gene expression. Here, we review the latest developments that apply shallow or deep learning to quantify molecular phenotypes and decode the cis-regulatory grammar from prokaryotic and eukaryotic sequencing data. Our approach is to build from the ground up, first focusing on the initiating protein-DNA interactions, then specific coding and non-coding regions, and finally on advances that combine multiple parts of the gene and mRNA regulatory structures, achieving unprecedented performance. We thus provide a quantitative view of gene expression regulation from nucleotide sequence, concluding with an information-centric overview of the central dogma of molecular biology

    Modern considerations for the use of naive Bayes in the supervised classification of genetic sequence data

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    2021 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Genetic sequence classification is the task of assigning a known genetic label to an unknown genetic sequence. Often, this is the first step in genetic sequence analysis and is critical to understanding data produced by molecular techniques like high throughput sequencing. Here, we explore an algorithm called naive Bayes that was historically successful in classifying 16S ribosomal gene sequences for microbiome analysis. We extend the naive Bayes classifier to perform the task of general sequence classification by leveraging advancements in computational parallelism and the statistical distributions that underlie naive Bayes. In Chapter 2, we show that our implementation of naive Bayes, called WarpNL, performs within a margin of error of modern classifiers like Kraken2 and local alignment. We discuss five crucial aspects of genetic sequence classification and show how these areas affect classifier performance: the query data, the reference sequence database, the feature encoding method, the classification algorithm, and access to computational resources. In Chapter 3, we cover the critical computational advancements introduced in WarpNL that make it efficient in a modern computing framework. This includes efficient feature encoding, introduction of a log-odds ratio for comparison of naive Bayes posterior estimates, description of schema for parallel and distributed naive Bayes architectures, and use of machine learning classifiers to perform outgroup sequence classification. Finally in Chapter 4, we explore a variant of the Dirichlet multinomial distribution that underlies the naive Bayes likelihood, called the beta-Liouville multinomial. We show that the beta-Liouville multinomial can be used to enhance classifier performance, and we provide mathematical proofs regarding its convergence during maximum likelihood estimation. Overall, this work explores the naive Bayes algorithm in a modern context and shows that it is competitive for genetic sequence classification