29,569 research outputs found

    Learning interaction patterns using diagrams varying in level and type of interactivity

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    An experiment was conducted to investigate the differences between learners when using computer based learning environments (CBLEs) that incorporated different levels of interactivity in diagrams. Four CBLEs were created with combinations of the following two interactivity properties: (a) the possibility to rotate the whole diagram (b) the possibility to move individual elements of the diagram in order to apprehend the relationships between them. We present and discuss the qualitative findings from the study in terms of the learners’ interaction patterns and their relevance for the understanding of performance scores. This supports our previous quantitative analysis showing an interaction between cognitive abilities and interactivity. Based on our findings we reflect on the possibilities to inform CBLEs with relevant information regarding learners’ cognitive abilities and representational preferences

    Schematic Representation: How Students Creating IT?

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses terbentuknya representasi skematis murni dan representasi skematis campuran yang diciptakan oleh siswa selama menyelesaikan word problem. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif yang bersifat deskriprif. Dalam penelitian ini melibatkan 45 siswa kelas 8. Sedangkan untuk memilih subjek tidak dipilih secara acak, namun dipilih berdasarkan kemampuan siswa dalam menciptkan representasi skematik. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan meminta siswa untuk menyelesaikan Tugas Pemecahan Masalah secara think aload, yaitu siswa diminta untuk menyuarakan apa yang dipikirkannya. Selain itu siswa juga menuangkan pikirannya mengunakan kertas dan pensil. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses representasi skematis murni diciptakan siswa dengan membuat gambar skema berupa garis besar dari masalah dan dilengkapi dengan beberapa keterangan pokok yang ada dalam masalah. Sedangkan proses representasi skematis campuran diciptakan siswa dengan membuat gambar skema yang dilengkapi dengan keterangan-keterangan dan gambar nyata yang sesuai dengan situasi dalam masalah. Kedua jenis representasi skematis ini sangat efektif dalam membantu siswa dalam menyelesaikan word problem

    Both Generic Design and Different Forms of Designing

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    This paper defends an augmented cognitively oriented "generic-design hypothesis": There are both significant similarities between the design activities implemented in different situations and crucial differences between these and other cognitive activities; yet, characteristics of a design situation (i.e., related to the designers, the artefact, and other task variables influencing these two) introduce specificities in the corresponding design activities and cognitive structures that are used. We thus combine the generic-design hypothesis with that of different "forms" of designing. In this paper, outlining a number of directions that need further elaboration, we propose a series of candidate dimensions underlying such forms of design

    EU accession and Poland's external trade policy

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    Improving Mathematics in the Early Years and Key Stage 1

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    Mathematics in the National Curriculum for Wales : Key Stages 2-4 = Mathemateg yng Nghwricwlwm Cenedlaethol Cymru : Cyfnodau Allweddol 2-4

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    Renewing the framework for secondary mathematics : spring 2008 subject leader development meeting : sessions 2, 3 and 4

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    From research to practice: The case of mathematical reasoning

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    Mathematical proficiency is a key goal of the Australian Mathematics curriculum. However, international assessments of mathematical literacy suggest that mathematical reasoning and problem solving are areas of difficulty for Australian students. Given the efficacy of teaching informed by quality assessment data, a recent study focused on the development of evidence-based Learning Progressions for Algebraic, Spatial and Statistical Reasoning that can be used to identify where students are in their learning and where they need to go to next. Importantly, they can also be used to generate targeted teaching advice and activities to help teachers progress student learning. This paper explores the processes involved in taking the research to practice