84 research outputs found

    An Unsupervised Method for Suspicious Regions Detection in Mammogram Images

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    Over the past years many researchers proposed biomedical imaging methods for computer-aided detection and classification of suspicious regions in mammograms. Mammogram interpretation is performed by radiologists by visual inspection. The large volume of mammograms to be analyzed makes such readings labour intensive and often inaccurate. For this purpose, in this paper we propose a new unsupervised method to automatically detect suspicious regions in mammogram images. The method consists mainly of two steps: preprocessing; feature extraction and selection. Preprocessing steps allow to separate background region from the breast profile region. In greater detail, gray levels mapping transform and histogram specifications are used to enhance the visual representation of mammogram details. Then, local keypoints and descriptors such as SURF have been extracted in breast profile region. The extracted keypoints are filtered by proper parameters tuning to detect suspicious regions. The results, in terms of sensitivity and confidence interval are very encouraging


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    Breast cancer is a leading cause of death among women worldwide. Early detection is the key for improving breast cancer prognosis. Digital mammography remains one of the most suitable tools for early detection of breast cancer. Hence, there are strong needs for the development of computer aided diagnosis (CAD) systems which have the capability to help radiologists in decision making. The main goal is to increase the diagnostic accuracy rate. In this thesis we developed a computer aided system for the diagnosis and detection of breast cancer using curvelet transform. Curvelet is a multiscale transform which possess directionality and anisotropy, and it breaks some inherent limitations of wavelet in representing edges in images. We started this study by developing a diagnosis system. Five feature extraction methods were developed with curvelet and wavelet coefficients to differentiate between different breast cancer classes. The results with curvelet and wavelet were compared. The experimental results show a high performance of the proposed methods and classification accuracy rate achieved 97.30%. The thesis then provides an automatic system for breast cancer detection. An automatic thresholding algorithm was used to separate the area composed of the breast and the pectoral muscle from the background of the image. Subsequently, a region growing algorithm was used to locate the pectoral muscle and suppress it from the breast. Then, the work concentrates on the segmentation of region of interest (ROI). Two methods are suggested to accomplish the segmentation stage: an adaptive thresholding method and a pattern matching method. Once the ROI has been identified, an automatic cropping is performed to extract it from the original mammogram. Subsequently, the suggested feature extraction methods were applied to the segmented ROIs. Finally, the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers were used to determine whether the region is abnormal or normal. At this level, the study focuses on two abnormality types (mammographic masses and architectural distortion). Experimental results show that the introduced methods have very high detection accuracies. The effectiveness of the proposed methods has been tested with Mammographic Image Analysis Society (MIAS) dataset. Throughout the thesis all proposed methods and algorithms have been applied with both curvelet and wavelet for comparison and statistical tests were also performed. The overall results show that curvelet transform performs better than wavelet and the difference is statistically significant

    Effects of discrete wavelet compression on automated mammographic shape recognition

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    At present early detection is critical for the cure of breast cancer. Mammography is a breast screening technique which can detect breast cancer at the earliest possible stage. Mammographic lesions are typically classified into three shape classes, namely round, nodular and stellate. Presently this classification is done by experienced radiologists. In order to increase the speed and decrease the cost of diagnosis, automated recognition systems are being developed. This study analyses an automated classification procedure and its sensitivity to wavelet based image compression; In this study, the mammographic shape images are compressed using discrete wavelet compression and then classified using statistical classification methods. First, one dimensional compression is done on the radial distance measure and the shape features are extracted. Second, linear discriminant analysis is used to compute the weightings of the features. Third, a minimum distance Euclidean classifier and the leave-one-out test method is used for classification. Lastly, a two dimensional compression is performed on the images, and the above process of feature extraction and classification is repeated. The results are compared with those obtained with uncompressed mammographic images


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    Breast cancer is a leading cause of death among women worldwide. Early detection is the key for improving breast cancer prognosis. Digital mammography remains one of the most suitable tools for early detection of breast cancer. Hence, there are strong needs for the development of computer aided diagnosis (CAD) systems which have the capability to help radiologists in decision making. The main goal is to increase the diagnostic accuracy rate. In this thesis we developed a computer aided system for the diagnosis and detection of breast cancer using curvelet transform. Curvelet is a multiscale transform which possess directionality and anisotropy, and it breaks some inherent limitations of wavelet in representing edges in images. We started this study by developing a diagnosis system. Five feature extraction methods were developed with curvelet and wavelet coefficients to differentiate between different breast cancer classes. The results with curvelet and wavelet were compared. The experimental results show a high performance of the proposed methods and classification accuracy rate achieved 97.30%. The thesis then provides an automatic system for breast cancer detection. An automatic thresholding algorithm was used to separate the area composed of the breast and the pectoral muscle from the background of the image. Subsequently, a region growing algorithm was used to locate the pectoral muscle and suppress it from the breast. Then, the work concentrates on the segmentation of region of interest (ROI). Two methods are suggested to accomplish the segmentation stage: an adaptive thresholding method and a pattern matching method. Once the ROI has been identified, an automatic cropping is performed to extract it from the original mammogram. Subsequently, the suggested feature extraction methods were applied to the segmented ROIs. Finally, the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers were used to determine whether the region is abnormal or normal. At this level, the study focuses on two abnormality types (mammographic masses and architectural distortion). Experimental results show that the introduced methods have very high detection accuracies. The effectiveness of the proposed methods has been tested with Mammographic Image Analysis Society (MIAS) dataset. Throughout the thesis all proposed methods and algorithms have been applied with both curvelet and wavelet for comparison and statistical tests were also performed. The overall results show that curvelet transform performs better than wavelet and the difference is statistically significant

    Machine learning methods for the analysis and interpretation of images and other multi-dimensional data

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    Integrated Graph Theoretic, Radiomics, and Deep Learning Framework for Personalized Clinical Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment Response Assessment of Body Tumors

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    Purpose: A new paradigm is beginning to emerge in radiology with the advent of increased computational capabilities and algorithms. The future of radiological reading rooms is heading towards a unique collaboration between computer scientists and radiologists. The goal of computational radiology is to probe the underlying tissue using advanced algorithms and imaging parameters and produce a personalized diagnosis that can be correlated to pathology. This thesis presents a complete computational radiology framework (I GRAD) for personalized clinical diagnosis, prognosis and treatment planning using an integration of graph theory, radiomics, and deep learning. Methods: There are three major components of the I GRAD framework–image segmentation, feature extraction, and clinical decision support. Image Segmentation: I developed the multiparametric deep learning (MPDL) tissue signature model for segmentation of normal and abnormal tissue from multiparametric (mp) radiological images. The segmentation MPDL network was constructed from stacked sparse autoencoders (SSAE) with five hidden layers. The MPDL network parameters were optimized using k-fold cross-validation. In addition, the MPDL segmentation network was tested on an independent dataset. Feature Extraction: I developed the radiomic feature mapping (RFM) and contribution scattergram (CSg) methods for characterization of spatial and inter-parametric relationships in multiparametric imaging datasets. The radiomic feature maps were created by filtering radiological images with first and second order statistical texture filters followed by the development of standardized features for radiological correlation to biology and clinical decision support. The contribution scattergram was constructed to visualize and understand the inter-parametric relationships of the breast MRI as a complex network. This multiparametric imaging complex network was modeled using manifold learning and evaluated using graph theoretic analysis. Feature Integration: The different clinical and radiological features extracted from multiparametric radiological images and clinical records were integrated using a hybrid multiview manifold learning technique termed the Informatics Radiomics Integration System (IRIS). IRIS uses hierarchical clustering in combination with manifold learning to visualize the high-dimensional patient space on a two-dimensional heatmap. The heatmap highlights the similarity and dissimilarity between different patients and variables. Results: All the algorithms and techniques presented in this dissertation were developed and validated using breast cancer as a model for diagnosis and prognosis using multiparametric breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The deep learning MPDL method demonstrated excellent dice similarity of 0.87±0.05 and 0.84±0.07 for segmentation of lesions on malignant and benign breast patients, respectively. Furthermore, each of the methods, MPDL, RFM, and CSg demonstrated excellent results for breast cancer diagnosis with area under the receiver (AUC) operating characteristic (ROC) curve of 0.85, 0.91, and 0.87, respectively. Furthermore, IRIS classified patients with low risk of breast cancer recurrence from patients with medium and high risk with an AUC of 0.93 compared to OncotypeDX, a 21 gene assay for breast cancer recurrence. Conclusion: By integrating advanced computer science methods into the radiological setting, the I-GRAD framework presented in this thesis can be used to model radiological imaging data in combination with clinical and histopathological data and produce new tools for personalized diagnosis, prognosis or treatment planning by physicians

    Advanced Computational Methods for Oncological Image Analysis

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    [Cancer is the second most common cause of death worldwide and encompasses highly variable clinical and biological scenarios. Some of the current clinical challenges are (i) early diagnosis of the disease and (ii) precision medicine, which allows for treatments targeted to specific clinical cases. The ultimate goal is to optimize the clinical workflow by combining accurate diagnosis with the most suitable therapies. Toward this, large-scale machine learning research can define associations among clinical, imaging, and multi-omics studies, making it possible to provide reliable diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for precision oncology. Such reliable computer-assisted methods (i.e., artificial intelligence) together with clinicians’ unique knowledge can be used to properly handle typical issues in evaluation/quantification procedures (i.e., operator dependence and time-consuming tasks). These technical advances can significantly improve result repeatability in disease diagnosis and guide toward appropriate cancer care. Indeed, the need to apply machine learning and computational intelligence techniques has steadily increased to effectively perform image processing operations—such as segmentation, co-registration, classification, and dimensionality reduction—and multi-omics data integration.


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