577,953 research outputs found


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    The Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) is a widely researched, yet complex, combinatorial optimization problem that is applicable in modeling many real-world problems. Specifically, many optimization problems are formulated as QAPs. To resolve QAPs, the recent trends have been to use metaheuristics rather than exact or heuristic methods, and many researchers have found that the use of hybrid metaheuristics is actually more effective. A newly proposed hybrid metaheuristic is path relinking (PR), which is used to generate solutions by combining two or more reference solutions. In this dissertation, we investigated these diversification and intensification mechanisms using QAP. To satisfy the extensive demands of the computational resources, we utilized a High Throughput Computing (HTC) environment and test cases from the QAPLIB (QAP test case repository). This dissertation consists of three integrated studies that are built upon each other. The first phase explores the effects of the parameter tuning, metaheuristic design, and representation schemes (random keys and permutation solution encoding procedures) of two path-based metaheuristics (Tabu Search and Simulated Annealing) and two population-based metaheuristics (Genetic Algorithms and Artificial Immune Algorithms) using QAP as a testbed. In the second phase of the study, we examined eight tuned metaheuristics representing two representation schemes using problem characteristics. We use problem size, flow and distance dominance measures, sparsity (number of zero entries in the matrices), and the coefficient of correlation measures of the matrices to build search trajectories. The third phase of the dissertation focuses on intensification and diversification mechanisms using path-relinking (PR) procedures (the two variants of position-based path relinking) to enhance the performance of path-based and population-based metaheuristics. The current research in this field has explored the unusual effectiveness of PR algorithms in variety of applications and has emphasized the significance of future research incorporating more sophisticated strategies and frameworks. In addition to addressing these issues, we also examined the effects of solution representations on PR augmentation. For future research, we propose metaheuristic studies using fitness landscape analysis to investigate particular metaheuristics\u27 fitness landscapes and evolution through parameter tuning, solution representation, and PR augmentation. The main research contributions of this dissertation are to widen the knowledge domains of metaheuristic design, representation schemes, parameter tuning, PR mechanism viability, and search trajectory analysis of the fitness landscape using QAPs

    Automatic Generation of Text Descriptive Comments for Code Blocks

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    We propose a framework to automatically generate descriptive comments for source code blocks. While this problem has been studied by many researchers previously, their methods are mostly based on fixed template and achieves poor results. Our framework does not rely on any template, but makes use of a new recursive neural network called Code-RNN to extract features from the source code and embed them into one vector. When this vector representation is input to a new recurrent neural network (Code-GRU), the overall framework generates text descriptions of the code with accuracy (Rouge-2 value) significantly higher than other learning-based approaches such as sequence-to-sequence model. The Code-RNN model can also be used in other scenario where the representation of code is required.Comment: aaai 201

    SINVAD: Search-based Image Space Navigation for DNN Image Classifier Test Input Generation

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    The testing of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) has become increasingly important as DNNs are widely adopted by safety critical systems. While many test adequacy criteria have been suggested, automated test input generation for many types of DNNs remains a challenge because the raw input space is too large to randomly sample or to navigate and search for plausible inputs. Consequently, current testing techniques for DNNs depend on small local perturbations to existing inputs, based on the metamorphic testing principle. We propose new ways to search not over the entire image space, but rather over a plausible input space that resembles the true training distribution. This space is constructed using Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), and navigated through their latent vector space. We show that this space helps efficiently produce test inputs that can reveal information about the robustness of DNNs when dealing with realistic tests, opening the field to meaningful exploration through the space of highly structured images

    Test Generation Based on CLP

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    Functional ATPGs based on simulation are fast, but generally, they are unable to cover corner cases, and they cannot prove untestability. On the contrary, functional ATPGs exploiting formal methods, being exhaustive, cover corner cases, but they tend to suffer of the state explosion problem when adopted for verifying large designs. In this context, we have defined a functional ATPG that relies on the joint use of pseudo-deterministic simulation and Constraint Logic Programming (CLP), to generate high-quality test sequences for solving complex problems. Thus, the advantages of both simulation-based and static-based verification techniques are preserved, while their respective drawbacks are limited. In particular, CLP, a form of constraint programming in which logic programming is extended to include concepts from constraint satisfaction, is well-suited to be jointly used with simulation. In fact, information learned during design exploration by simulation can be effectively exploited for guiding the search of a CLP solver towards DUV areas not covered yet. The test generation procedure relies on constraint logic programming (CLP) techniques in different phases of the test generation procedure. The ATPG framework is composed of three functional ATPG engines working on three different models of the same DUV: the hardware description language (HDL) model of the DUV, a set of concurrent EFSMs extracted from the HDL description, and a set of logic constraints modeling the EFSMs. The EFSM paradigm has been selected since it allows a compact representation of the DUV state space that limits the state explosion problem typical of more traditional FSMs. The first engine is randombased, the second is transition-oriented, while the last is fault-oriented. The test generation is guided by means of transition coverage and fault coverage. In particular, 100% transition coverage is desired as a necessary condition for fault detection, while the bit coverage functional fault model is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the generated test patterns by measuring the related fault coverage. A random engine is first used to explore the DUV state space by performing a simulation-based random walk. This allows us to quickly fire easy-to-traverse (ETT) transitions and, consequently, to quickly cover easy-to-detect (ETD) faults. However, the majority of hard-to-traverse (HTT) transitions remain, generally, uncovered. Thus, a transition-oriented engine is applied to cover the remaining HTT transitions by exploiting a learning/backjumping-based strategy. The ATPG works on a special kind of EFSM, called SSEFSM, whose transitions present the most uniformly distributed probability of being activated and can be effectively integrated to CLP, since it allows the ATPG to invoke the constraint solver when moving between EFSM states. A constraint logic programming-based (CLP) strategy is adopted to deterministically generate test vectors that satisfy the guard of the EFSM transitions selected to be traversed. Given a transition of the SSEFSM, the solver is required to generate opportune values for PIs that enable the SSEFSM to move across such a transition. Moreover, backjumping, also known as nonchronological backtracking, is a special kind of backtracking strategy which rollbacks from an unsuccessful situation directly to the cause of the failure. Thus, the transition-oriented engine deterministically backjumps to the source of failure when a transition, whose guard depends on previously set registers, cannot be traversed. Next it modifies the EFSM configuration to satisfy the condition on registers and successfully comes back to the target state to activate the transition. The transition-oriented engine generally allows us to achieve 100% transition coverage. However, 100% transition coverage does not guarantee to explore all DUV corner cases, thus some hard-to-detect (HTD) faults can escape detection preventing the achievement of 100% fault coverage. Therefore, the CLP-based fault-oriented engine is finally applied to focus on the remaining HTD faults. The CLP solver is used to deterministically search for sequences that propagate the HTD faults observed, but not detected, by the random and the transition-oriented engine. The fault-oriented engine needs a CLP-based representation of the DUV, and some searching functions to generate test sequences. The CLP-based representation is automatically derived from the S2EFSM models according to the defined rules, which follow the syntax of the ECLiPSe CLP solver. This is not a trivial task, since modeling the evolution in time of an EFSM by using logic constraints is really different with respect to model the same behavior by means of a traditional HW description language. At first, the concept of time steps is introduced, required to model the SSEFSM evolution through the time via CLP. Then, this study deals with modeling of logical variables and constraints to represent enabling functions and update functions of the SSEFSM. Formal tools that exhaustively search for a solution frequently run out of resources when the state space to be analyzed is too large. The same happens for the CLP solver, when it is asked to find a propagation sequence on large sequential designs. Therefore we have defined a set of strategies that allow to prune the search space and to manage the complexity problem for the solver