106 research outputs found

    Cache Equalizer: A Cache Pressure Aware Block Placement Scheme for Large-Scale Chip Multiprocessors

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    This paper describes Cache Equalizer (CE), a novel distributed cache management scheme for large scale chip multiprocessors (CMPs). Our work is motivated by large asymmetry in cache sets usages. CE decouples the physical locations of cache blocks from their addresses for the sake of reducing misses caused by destructive interferences. Temporal pressure at the on-chip last-level cache, is continuously collected at a group (comprised of cache sets) granularity, and periodically recorded at the memory controller to guide the placement process. An incoming block is consequently placed at a cache group that exhibits the minimum pressure. CE provides Quality of Service (QoS) by robustly offering better performance than the baseline shared NUCA cache. Simulation results using a full-system simulator demonstrate that CE outperforms shared NUCA caches by an average of 15.5% and by as much as 28.5% for the benchmark programs we examined. Furthermore, evaluations manifested the outperformance of CE versus related CMP cache designs

    Performance-effective operation below Vcc-min

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    Continuous circuit miniaturization and increased process variability point to a future with diminishing returns from dynamic voltage scaling. Operation below Vcc-min has been proposed recently as a mean to reverse this trend. The goal of this paper is to minimize the performance loss due to reduced cache capacity when operating below Vcc-min. A simple method is proposed: disable faulty blocks at low voltage. The method is based on observations regarding the distributions of faults in an array according to probability theory. The key lesson, from the probability analysis, is that as the number of uniformly distributed random faulty cells in an array increases the faults increasingly occur in already faulty blocks. The probability analysis is also shown to be useful for obtaining insight about the reliability implications of other cache techniques. For one configuration used in this paper, block disabling is shown to have on the average 6.6% and up to 29% better performance than a previously proposed scheme for low voltage cache operation. Furthermore, block-disabling is simple and less costly to implement and does not degrade performance at or above Vcc-min operation. Finally, it is shown that a victim-cache enables higher and more deterministic performance for a block-disabled cache

    Soft-error resilient on-chip memory structures

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    Soft errors induced by energetic particle strikes in on-chip memory structures, such as L1 data/instruction caches and register files, have become an increasing challenge in designing new generation reliable microprocessors. Due to their transient/random nature, soft errors cannot be captured by traditional verification and testing process due to the irrelevancy to the correctness of the logic. This dissertation is thus focusing on the reliability characterization and cost-effective reliable design of on-chip memories against soft errors. Due to various performance, area/size, and energy constraints in various target systems, many existing unoptimized protection schemes on cache memories may eventually prove significantly inadequate and ineffective. This work develops new lifetime models for data and tag arrays residing in both the data and instruction caches. These models facilitate the characterization of cache vulnerability of the stored items at various lifetime phases. The design methodology is further exemplified by the proposed reliability schemes targeting at specific vulnerable phases. Benchmarking is carried out to showcase the effectiveness of these approaches. The tag array demands high reliability against soft errors while the data array is fully protected in on-chip caches, because of its crucial importance to the correctness of cache accesses. Exploiting the address locality of memory accesses, this work proposes a Tag Replication Buffer (TRB) to protect information integrity of the tag array in the data cache with low performance, energy and area overheads. To provide a comprehensive evaluation of the tag array reliability, this work also proposes a refined evaluation metric, detected-without-replica-TVF (DOR-TVF), which combines the TVF and access-with-replica (AWR) analysis. Based on the DOR-TVF analysis, a TRB scheme with early write-back (TRB-EWB) is proposed, which achieves a zero DOR-TVF at a negligible performance overhead. Recent research, as well as the proposed optimization schemes in this cache vulnerability study, have focused on the design of cost-effective reliable data caches in terms of performance, energy, and area overheads based on the assumption of fixed error rates. However, for systems in operating environments that vary with time or location, those schemes will be either insufficient or over-designed for the changing error rates. This work explores the design of a self-adaptive reliable data cache that dynamically adapts its employed reliability schemes to the changing operating environments in order to maintain a target reliability. The experimental evaluation shows that the self-adaptive data cache achieves similar reliability to a cache protected by the most reliable scheme, while simultaneously minimizing the performance and power overheads. Besides the data/instruction caches, protecting the register file and its data buses is crucial to reliable computing in high-performance microprocessors. Since the register file is in the critical path of the processor pipeline, any reliable design that increases either the pressure on the register file or the register file access latency is not desirable. This work proposes to exploit narrow-width register values, which represent the majority of generated values, for making the duplicates within the same register data item. A detailed architectural vulnerability factor (AVF) analysis shows that this in-register duplication (IRD) scheme significantly reduces the AVF in the register file compared to the conventional design. The experimental evaluation also shows that IRD provides superior read-with-duplicate (RWD) and error detection/recovery rates under heavy error injection as compared to previous reliability schemes, while only incurring a small power overhead. By integrating the proposed reliable designs in data/instruction caches and register files, the vulnerability of the entire microprocessor is dramatically reduced. The new lifetime model, the self-adaptive design and the narrow-width value duplication scheme proposed in this work can also provide guidance to architects toward highly efficient reliable system design

    Hardware-Oriented Cache Management for Large-Scale Chip Multiprocessors

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    One of the key requirements to obtaining high performance from chip multiprocessors (CMPs) is to effectively manage the limited on-chip cache resources shared among co-scheduled threads/processes. This thesis proposes new hardware-oriented solutions for distributed CMP caches. Computer architects are faced with growing challenges when designing cache systems for CMPs. These challenges result from non-uniform access latencies, interference misses, the bandwidth wall problem, and diverse workload characteristics. Our exploration of the CMP cache management problem suggests a CMP caching framework (CC-FR) that defines three main approaches to solve the problem: (1) data placement, (2) data retention, and (3) data relocation. We effectively implement CC-FR's components by proposing and evaluating multiple cache management mechanisms.Pressure and Distance Aware Placement (PDA) decouples the physical locations of cache blocks from their addresses for the sake of reducing misses caused by destructive interferences. Flexible Set Balancing (FSB), on the other hand, reduces interference misses via extending the life time of cache lines through retaining some fraction of the working set at underutilized local sets to satisfy far-flung reuses. PDA implements CC-FR's data placement and relocation components and FSB applies CC-FR's retention approach.To alleviate non-uniform access latencies and adapt to phase changes in programs, Adaptive Controlled Migration (ACM) dynamically and periodically promotes cache blocks towards L2 banks close to requesting cores. ACM lies under CC-FR's data relocation category. Dynamic Cache Clustering (DCC), on the other hand, addresses diverse workload characteristics and growing non-uniform access latencies challenges via constructing a cache cluster for each core and expands/contracts all clusters synergistically to match each core's cache demand. DCC implements CC-FR's data placement and relocation approaches. Lastly, Dynamic Pressure and Distance Aware Placement (DPDA) combines PDA and ACM to cooperatively mitigate interference misses and non-uniform access latencies. Dynamic Cache Clustering and Balancing (DCCB), on the other hand, combines DCC and FSB to employ all CC-FR's categories and achieve higher system performance. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed mechanisms and show that they compare favorably with related cache designs

    Adaptive memory hierarchies for next generation tiled microarchitectures

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    Les últimes dècades el rendiment dels processadors i de les memòries ha millorat a diferent ritme, limitant el rendiment dels processadors i creant el conegut memory gap. Sol·lucionar aquesta diferència de rendiment és un camp d'investigació d'actualitat i que requereix de noves sol·lucions. Una sol·lució a aquest problema són les memòries “cache”, que permeten reduïr l'impacte d'unes latències de memòria creixents i que conformen la jerarquia de memòria. La majoria de d'organitzacions de les “caches” estan dissenyades per a uniprocessadors o multiprcessadors tradicionals. Avui en dia, però, el creixent nombre de transistors disponible per xip ha permès l'aparició de xips multiprocessador (CMPs). Aquests xips tenen diferents propietats i limitacions i per tant requereixen de jerarquies de memòria específiques per tal de gestionar eficientment els recursos disponibles. En aquesta tesi ens hem centrat en millorar el rendiment i la eficiència energètica de la jerarquia de memòria per CMPs, des de les “caches” fins als controladors de memòria. A la primera part d'aquesta tesi, s'han estudiat organitzacions tradicionals per les “caches” com les privades o compartides i s'ha pogut constatar que, tot i que funcionen bé per a algunes aplicacions, un sistema que s'ajustés dinàmicament seria més eficient. Tècniques com el Cooperative Caching (CC) combinen els avantatges de les dues tècniques però requereixen un mecanisme centralitzat de coherència que té un consum energètic molt elevat. És per això que en aquesta tesi es proposa el Distributed Cooperative Caching (DCC), un mecanisme que proporciona coherència en CMPs i aplica el concepte del cooperative caching de forma distribuïda. Mitjançant l'ús de directoris distribuïts s'obté una sol·lució més escalable i que, a més, disposa d'un mecanisme de marcatge més flexible i eficient energèticament. A la segona part, es demostra que les aplicacions fan diferents usos de la “cache” i que si es realitza una distribució de recursos eficient es poden aprofitar els que estan infrautilitzats. Es proposa l'Elastic Cooperative Caching (ElasticCC), una organització capaç de redistribuïr la memòria “cache” dinàmicament segons els requeriments de cada aplicació. Una de les contribucions més importants d'aquesta tècnica és que la reconfiguració es decideix completament a través del maquinari i que tots els mecanismes utilitzats es basen en estructures distribuïdes, permetent una millor escalabilitat. ElasticCC no només és capaç de reparticionar les “caches” segons els requeriments de cada aplicació, sinó que, a més a més, és capaç d'adaptar-se a les diferents fases d'execució de cada una d'elles. La nostra avaluació també demostra que la reconfiguració dinàmica de l'ElasticCC és tant eficient que gairebé proporciona la mateixa taxa de fallades que una configuració amb el doble de memòria.Finalment, la tesi es centra en l'estudi del comportament de les memòries DRAM i els seus controladors en els CMPs. Es demostra que, tot i que els controladors tradicionals funcionen eficientment per uniprocessadors, en CMPs els diferents patrons d'accés obliguen a repensar com estan dissenyats aquests sistemes. S'han presentat múltiples sol·lucions per CMPs però totes elles es veuen limitades per un compromís entre el rendiment global i l'equitat en l'assignació de recursos. En aquesta tesi es proposen els Thread Row Buffers (TRBs), una zona d'emmagatenament extra a les memòries DRAM que permetria guardar files de dades específiques per a cada aplicació. Aquest mecanisme permet proporcionar un accés equitatiu a la memòria sense perjudicar el seu rendiment global. En resum, en aquesta tesi es presenten noves organitzacions per la jerarquia de memòria dels CMPs centrades en la escalabilitat i adaptativitat als requeriments de les aplicacions. Els resultats presentats demostren que les tècniques proposades proporcionen un millor rendiment i eficiència energètica que les millors tècniques existents fins a l'actualitat.Processor performance and memory performance have improved at different rates during the last decades, limiting processor performance and creating the well known "memory gap". Solving this performance difference is an important research field and new solutions must be proposed in order to have better processors in the future. Several solutions exist, such as caches, that reduce the impact of longer memory accesses and conform the system memory hierarchy. However, most of the existing memory hierarchy organizations were designed for single processors or traditional multiprocessors. Nowadays, the increasing number of available transistors has allowed the apparition of chip multiprocessors, which have different constraints and require new ad-hoc memory systems able to efficiently manage memory resources. Therefore, in this thesis we have focused on improving the performance and energy efficiency of the memory hierarchy of chip multiprocessors, ranging from caches to DRAM memories. In the first part of this thesis we have studied traditional cache organizations such as shared or private caches and we have seen that they behave well only for some applications and that an adaptive system would be desirable. State-of-the-art techniques such as Cooperative Caching (CC) take advantage of the benefits of both worlds. This technique, however, requires the usage of a centralized coherence structure and has a high energy consumption. Therefore we propose the Distributed Cooperative Caching (DCC), a mechanism to provide coherence to chip multiprocessors and apply the concept of cooperative caching in a distributed way. Through the usage of distributed directories we obtain a more scalable solution and, in addition, has a more flexible and energy-efficient tag allocation method. We also show that applications make different uses of cache and that an efficient allocation can take advantage of unused resources. We propose Elastic Cooperative Caching (ElasticCC), an adaptive cache organization able to redistribute cache resources dynamically depending on application requirements. One of the most important contributions of this technique is that adaptivity is fully managed by hardware and that all repartitioning mechanisms are based on distributed structures, allowing a better scalability. ElasticCC not only is able to repartition cache sizes to application requirements, but also is able to dynamically adapt to the different execution phases of each thread. Our experimental evaluation also has shown that the cache partitioning provided by ElasticCC is efficient and is almost able to match the off-chip miss rate of a configuration that doubles the cache space. Finally, we focus in the behavior of DRAM memories and memory controllers in chip multiprocessors. Although traditional memory schedulers work well for uniprocessors, we show that new access patterns advocate for a redesign of some parts of DRAM memories. Several organizations exist for multiprocessor DRAM schedulers, however, all of them must trade-off between memory throughput and fairness. We propose Thread Row Buffers, an extended storage area in DRAM memories able to store a data row for each thread. This mechanism enables a fair memory access scheduling without hurting memory throughput. Overall, in this thesis we present new organizations for the memory hierarchy of chip multiprocessors which focus on the scalability and of the proposed structures and adaptivity to application behavior. Results show that the presented techniques provide a better performance and energy-efficiency than existing state-of-the-art solutions

    Cooperative caching for object storage

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    Data is increasingly stored in data lakes, vast immutable object stores that can be accessed from anywhere in the data center. By providing low cost and scalable storage, today immutable object-storage based data lakes are used by a wide range of applications with diverse access patterns. Unfortunately, performance can suffer for applications that do not match the access patterns for which the data lake was designed. Moreover, in many of today's (non-hyperscale) data centers, limited bisectional bandwidth will limit data lake performance. Today many computer clusters integrate caches both to address the mismatch between application performance requirements and the capabilities of the shared data lake, and to reduce the demand on the data center network. However, per-cluster caching; i) means the expensive cache resources cannot be shifted between clusters based on demand, ii) makes sharing expensive because data accessed by multiple clusters is independently cached by each of them, and iii) makes it difficult for clusters to grow and shrink if their servers are being used to cache storage. In this dissertation, we present two novel data-center wide cooperative cache architectures, Datacenter-Data-Delivery Network (D3N) and Directory-Based Datacenter-Data-Delivery Network (D4N) that are designed to be part of the data lake itself rather than part of the computer clusters that use it. D3N and D4N distribute caches across the data center to enable data sharing and elasticity of cache resources where requests are transparently directed to nearby cache nodes. They dynamically adapt to changes in access patterns and accelerate workloads while providing the same consistency, trust, availability, and resilience guarantees as the underlying data lake. We nd that exploiting the immutability of object stores significantly reduces the complexity and provides opportunities for cache management strategies that were not feasible for previous cooperative cache systems for le or block-based storage. D3N is a multi-layer cooperative cache that targets workloads with large read-only datasets like big data analytics. It is designed to be easily integrated into existing data lakes with only limited support for write caching of intermediate data, and avoiding any global state by, for example, using consistent hashing for locating blocks and making all caching decisions based purely on local information. Our prototype is performant enough to fully exploit the (5 GB/s read) SSDs and (40, Gbit/s) NICs in our system and improve the runtime of realistic workloads by up to 3x. The simplicity of D3N has enabled us, in collaboration with industry partners, to upstream the two-layer version of D3N into the existing code base of the Ceph object store as a new experimental feature, making it available to the many data lakes around the world based on Ceph. D4N is a directory-based cooperative cache that provides a reliable write tier and a distributed directory that maintains a global state. It explores the use of global state to implement more sophisticated cache management policies and enables application-specific tuning of caching policies to support a wider range of applications than D3N. In contrast to previous cache systems that implement their own mechanism for maintaining dirty data redundantly, D4N re-uses the existing data lake (Ceph) software for implementing a write tier and exploits the semantics of immutable objects to move aged objects to the shared data lake. This design greatly reduces the barrier to adoption and enables D4N to take advantage of sophisticated data lake features such as erasure coding. We demonstrate that D4N is performant enough to saturate the bandwidth of the SSDs, and it automatically adapts replication to the working set of the demands and outperforms the state of art cluster cache Alluxio. While it will be substantially more complicated to integrate the D4N prototype into production quality code that can be adopted by the community, these results are compelling enough that our partners are starting that effort. D3N and D4N demonstrate that cooperative caching techniques, originally designed for file systems, can be employed to integrate caching into today’s immutable object-based data lakes. We find that the properties of immutable object storage greatly simplify the adoption of these techniques, and enable integration of caching in a fashion that enables re-use of existing battle tested software; greatly reducing the barrier of adoption. In integrating the caching in the data lake, and not the compute cluster, this research opens the door to efficient data center wide sharing of data and resources

    Latency reduction techniques in chip multiprocessor cache systems

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 117-122).Single-chip multiprocessors (CMPs) solve several bottlenecks facing chip designers today. Compared to traditional superscalars, CMPs deliver higher performance at lower power for thread-parallel workloads. In this thesis, we consider tiled CMPs, a class of CMPs where each tile contains a slice of the total on-chip L2 cache storage, and tiles are connected by an on-chip network. Two basic schemes are currently used to manage L2 slices. First, each slice can be used as a private L2 for the tile. Private L2 caches provide the lowest hit latency but reduce the total effective cache capacity because each tile creates a local copy of any block it touches. Second, all slices are aggregated to form a single large L2 shared by all tiles. A shared L2 cache increases the effective cache capacity for shared data, but incurs longer hit latencies when L2 data is on a remote tile. In practice, either private or shared works better for a given workload. We present two new policies, victim replication and victim migration, both of which combine the advantages of private and shared designs. They are variants of the shared scheme which attempt to keep copies of local L1 cache victims within the local L2 cache slice.(cont.) Hits to these replicated copies reduce the effective latency of the shared L2 cache, while retaining the benefits of a higher effective capacity for shared data. We evaluate the various schemes using full-system simulation of single-threaded, multi-threaded, and multi-programmed workloads running on an eight-processor tiled CMP. We show that both techniques achieve significant performance improvement over baseline private and shared schemes for these workloads.by Michael Zhang.Ph.D

    On Data Management in Pervasive Computing Environments

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    Abstract—This paper presents a framework to address new data management challenges introduced by data-intensive, pervasive computing environments. These challenges include a spatio-temporal variation of data and data source availability, lack of a global catalog and schema, and no guarantee of reconnection among peers due to the serendipitous nature of the environment. An important aspect of our solution is to treat devices as semiautonomous peers guided in their interactions by profiles and context. The profiles are grounded in a semantically rich language and represent information about users, devices, and data described in terms of “beliefs,” “desires, ” and “intentions. ” We present a prototype implementation of this framework over combined Bluetooth and Ad Hoc 802.11 networks and present experimental and simulation results that validate our approach and measure system performance. Index Terms—Mobile data management, pervasive computing environments, data and knowledge representation, profile-driven caching algorithm, profile driven data management, data-centric routing algorithm. æ