22 research outputs found

    Genetic fuzzy system predicting contractile reactivity patterns of small arteries

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    Monitoring of physiological surrogate end points in drug development generates dynamic time-domain data reflecting the state of the biological system. Conventional data analysis often reduces the information in these data by extracting specific data points, thereby discarding potentially useful information. We developed a genetic fuzzy system (GFS) algorithm that is capable of learning all information in time-domain physiological data. Data on isometric force development of isolated small arteries were used as a framework for developing and optimizing a GFS. GFS performance was improved by several strategies. Results show that optimized fuzzy systems (OFSs) predict contractile reactivity of arteries accurately. In addition, OFSs identified significant differences that were undetectable using conventional analysis in the responses of arteries between groups. We concluded that OFSs may be used in clustering or classification tasks as aids in the objective identification or prediction of dynamic physiological behavior

    Mean-Adaptive Real-Coding Genetic Algorithm and its Applications to Electromagnetic Optimization (Part One)

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    In the paper, a novel instance of the real-coding steady-state genetic algorithm, called the Mean-adaptive real-coding genetic algorithm, is put forward. In this instance, three novel implementations of evolution operators are incorporated. Those are a recombination and two mutation operators. All of the evolution operators are designed with the aim of possessing a big explorative power. Moreover, one of the mutation operators exhibits self-adaptive behavior and the other exhibits adaptive behavior, thereby allowing the algorithm to self-control its own mutability as the search advances. This algorithm also takes advantage of population-elitist selection, acting as a replacement policy, being adopted from evolution strategies. The purpose of this paper (i.e., the first part) is to provide theoretical foundations of a robust and advanced instance of the real-coding genetic algorithm having the big potential of being successfully applied to electromagnetic optimization

    Evolutionary algorithms with average crossover and power heuristics for aquaculture diet formulation

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    The aquaculture farming industry is one of the most important industries in Malaysia since it generates income to economic growth and produces main source of food for the nation. One of the pillars in aquaculture farming industries is formulation of food for the animal, which is also known as feed mix or diet formulation. However, the feed component in the aquaculture industry incurs the most expensive operational cost, and has drawn many studies regarding diet formulation. The lack of studies involving modelling approaches had motivated to embark on diet formulation, which searches for the best combination of feed ingredients while satisfying nutritional requirements at a minimum cost. Hence, this thesis investigates a potential approach of Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) to propose a diet formulation solution for aquaculture farming, specifically the shrimp. In order to obtain a good combination of ingredients in the feed, a filtering heuristics known as Power Heuristics was introduced in the initialization stage of the EA methodology. This methodology was capableof filtering certain unwanted ingredients which could lead to potential poor solutions. The success of the proposed EA also relies on a new selection and crossover operators that have improved the overall performance of the solutions. Hence, three main EA model variants were constructed with new initialization mechanism, diverse selection and crossover operators, whereby the proposed EAPH-RWS-Avg Model emerged as the most effective in producing a good solution with the minimum penalty value. The newly proposed model is efficient and able to adapt to changes in the parameters, thus assists relevant users in managing the shrimp diet formulation issues, especially using local ingredients. Moreover, this diet formulation strategy provides user preference elements to choose from a range of preferred ingredients and the preferred total ingredient weights

    Diversity Control in Evolutionary Computation using Asynchronous Dual-Populations with Search Space Partitioning

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    Diversity control is vital for effective global optimization using evolutionary computation (EC) techniques. This paper classifies the various diversity control policies in the EC literature. Many research works have attributed the high risk of premature convergence to sub-optimal solutions to the poor exploration capabilities resulting from diversity collapse. Also, excessive cost of convergence to optimal solution has been linked to the poor exploitation capabilities necessary to focus the search. To address this exploration-exploitation trade-off, this paper deploys diversity control policies that ensure sustained exploration of the search space without compromising effective exploitation of its promising regions. First, a dual-pool EC algorithm that facilitates a temporal evolution-diversification strategy is proposed. Then a quasi-random heuristic initialisation based on search space partitioning (SSP) is introduced to ensure uniform sampling of the initial search space. Second, for the diversity measurement, a robust convergence detection mechanism that combines a spatial diversity measure; and a population evolvability measure is utilised. It was found that the proposed algorithm needed a pool size of only 50 samples to converge to optimal solutions of a variety of global optimization benchmarks. Overall, the proposed algorithm yields a 33.34% reduction in the cost incurred by a standard EC algorithm. The outcome justifies the efficacy of effective diversity control on solving complex global optimization landscapes. Keywords: Diversity, exploration-exploitation tradeoff, evolutionary algorithms, heuristic initialisation, taxonomy