528 research outputs found

    SoK: MEV Countermeasures: Theory and Practice

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    Blockchains offer strong security guarantees, but they cannot protect the ordering of transactions. Powerful players, such as miners, sequencers, and sophisticated bots, can reap significant profits by selectively including, excluding, or re-ordering user transactions. Such profits are called Miner/Maximal Extractable Value or MEV. MEV bears profound implications for blockchain security and decentralization. While numerous countermeasures have been proposed, there is no agreement on the best solution. Moreover, solutions developed in academic literature differ quite drastically from what is widely adopted by practitioners. For these reasons, this paper systematizes the knowledge of the theory and practice of MEV countermeasures. The contribution is twofold. First, we present a comprehensive taxonomy of 28 proposed MEV countermeasures, covering four different technical directions. Secondly, we empirically studied the most popular MEV- auction-based solution with rich blockchain and mempool data. In addition to gaining insights into MEV auction platforms' real-world operations, our study shed light on the prevalent censorship by MEV auction platforms as a result of the recent OFAC sanction, and its implication on blockchain properties

    Software trace cache

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    We explore the use of compiler optimizations, which optimize the layout of instructions in memory. The target is to enable the code to make better use of the underlying hardware resources regardless of the specific details of the processor/architecture in order to increase fetch performance. The Software Trace Cache (STC) is a code layout algorithm with a broader target than previous layout optimizations. We target not only an improvement in the instruction cache hit rate, but also an increase in the effective fetch width of the fetch engine. The STC algorithm organizes basic blocks into chains trying to make sequentially executed basic blocks reside in consecutive memory positions, then maps the basic block chains in memory to minimize conflict misses in the important sections of the program. We evaluate and analyze in detail the impact of the STC, and code layout optimizations in general, on the three main aspects of fetch performance; the instruction cache hit rate, the effective fetch width, and the branch prediction accuracy. Our results show that layout optimized, codes have some special characteristics that make them more amenable for high-performance instruction fetch. They have a very high rate of not-taken branches and execute long chains of sequential instructions; also, they make very effective use of instruction cache lines, mapping only useful instructions which will execute close in time, increasing both spatial and temporal locality.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Lanturn: Measuring Economic Security of Smart Contracts Through Adaptive Learning

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    We introduce Lanturn: a general purpose adaptive learning-based framework for measuring the cryptoeconomic security of composed decentralized-finance (DeFi) smart contracts. Lanturn discovers strategies comprising of concrete transactions for extracting economic value from smart contracts interacting with a particular transaction environment. We formulate the strategy discovery as a black-box optimization problem and leverage a novel adaptive learning-based algorithm to address it. Lanturn features three key properties. First, it needs no contract-specific heuristics or reasoning, due to our black-box formulation of cryptoeconomic security. Second, it utilizes a simulation framework that operates natively on blockchain state and smart contract machine code, such that transactions returned by Lanturn’s learning-based optimization engine can be executed on-chain without modification. Finally, Lanturn is scalable in that it can explore strategies comprising a large number of transactions that can be reordered or subject to insertion of new transactions. We evaluate Lanturn on the historical data of the biggest and most active DeFi Applications: Sushiswap, UniswapV2, UniswapV3, and AaveV2. Our results show that Lanturn not only rediscovers existing, well-known strategies for extracting value from smart contracts, but also discovers new strategies that are previously undocumented. Lanturn also consistently discovers higher value than evidenced in the wild, surpassing a natural baseline computed using value extracted by bots and other strategic agents

    Domain-specific Architectures for Data-intensive Applications

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    Graphs' versatile ability to represent diverse relationships, make them effective for a wide range of applications. For instance, search engines use graph-based applications to provide high-quality search results. Medical centers use them to aid in patient diagnosis. Most recently, graphs are also being employed to support the management of viral pandemics. Looking forward, they are showing promise of being critical in unlocking several other opportunities, including combating the spread of fake content in social networks, detecting and preventing fraudulent online transactions in a timely fashion, and in ensuring collision avoidance in autonomous vehicle navigation, to name a few. Unfortunately, all these applications require more computational power than what can be provided by conventional computing systems. The key reason is that graph applications present large working sets that fail to fit in the small on-chip storage of existing computing systems, while at the same time they access data in seemingly unpredictable patterns, thus cannot draw benefit from traditional on-chip storage. In this dissertation, we set out to address the performance limitations of existing computing systems so to enable emerging graph applications like those described above. To achieve this, we identified three key strategies: 1) specializing memory architecture, 2) processing data near its storage, and 3) message coalescing in the network. Based on these strategies, this dissertation develops several solutions: OMEGA, which employs specialized on-chip storage units, with co-located specialized compute engines to accelerate the computation; MessageFusion, which coalesces messages in the interconnect; and Centaur, providing an architecture that optimizes the processing of infrequently-accessed data. Overall, these solutions provide 2x in performance improvements, with negligible hardware overheads, across a wide range of applications. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability of our strategies to other data-intensive domains, by exploring an acceleration solution for MapReduce applications, which achieves a 4x performance speedup, also with negligible area and power overheads.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163186/1/abrahad_1.pd

    Snapshot : friend or foe of data management - on optimizing transaction processing in database and blockchain systems

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    Data management is a complicated task. Due to a wide range of data management tasks, businesses often need a sophisticated data management infrastructure with a plethora of distinct systems to fulfill their requirements. Moreover, since snapshot is an essential ingredient in solving many data management tasks such as checkpointing and recovery, they have been widely exploited in almost all major data management systems that have appeared in recent years. However, snapshots do not always guarantee exceptional performance. In this dissertation, we will see two different faces of the snapshot, one where it has a tremendous positive impact on the performance and usability of the system, and another where an incorrect usage of the snapshot might have a significant negative impact on the performance of the system. This dissertation consists of three loosely-coupled parts that represent three distinct projects that emerged during this doctoral research. In the first part, we analyze the importance of utilizing snapshots in relational database systems. We identify the bottlenecks in state-of-the-art snapshotting algorithms, propose two snapshotting techniques, and optimize the multi-version concurrency control for handling hybrid workloads effectively. Our snapshotting algorithm is up to 100x faster and reduces the latency of analytical queries by up to 4x in comparison to the state-of-the-art techniques. In the second part, we recognize strict snapshotting used by Fabric as a critical bottleneck, and replace it with MVCC and propose some additional optimizations to improve the throughput of the permissioned-blockchain system by up to 12x under highly contended workloads. In the last part, we propose ChainifyDB, a platform that transforms an existing database infrastructure into a blockchain infrastructure. ChainifyDB achieves up to 6x higher throughput in comparison to another state-of-the-art permissioned blockchain system. Furthermore, its external concurrency control protocol outperforms the internal concurrency control protocol of PostgreSQL and MySQL, achieving up to 2.6x higher throughput in a blockchain setup in comparison to a standalone isolated setup. We also utilize snapshots in ChainifyDB to support recovery, which has been missing so far from the permissioned-blockchain world.Datenverwaltung ist eine komplizierte Aufgabe. Aufgrund der vielfältigen Aufgaben im Bereich der Datenverwaltung benötigen Unternehmen häufig eine anspruchsvolle Infrastruktur mit einer Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen Systemen, um ihre Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Dabei ist Snapshotting ein wesentlicher Bestandteil in nahezu allen aktuellen Datenbanksystemen, um Probleme wie Checkpointing und Recovery zu lösen. Allerdings garantieren Snapshots nicht immer eine gute Performance. In dieser Arbeit werden wir zwei Facetten des Snapshots beleuchten: Einerseits können Snapshots enorm positive Auswirkungen auf die Performance und Usability des Systems haben, andererseits können sie bei falscher Anwendung zu erheblichen Performanceverlusten führen. Diese Dissertation besteht aus drei Teilen basierend auf drei unterschiedlichen Projekten, die im Rahmen der Forschung zu dieser Arbeit entstanden sind. Im ersten Teil untersuchen wir die Bedeutung von Snapshots in relationalen Datenbanksystemen. Wir identifizieren die Bottlenecks gegenwärtiger Snapshottingalgorithmen, stellen zwei leichtgewichtige Snapshottingverfahren vor und optimieren Multi- Version Concurrency Control f¨ur das effiziente Ausführen hybrider Workloads. Unser Snapshottingalgorithmus ist bis zu 100 mal schneller und verringert die Latenz analytischer Anfragen um bis zu Faktor vier gegenüber dem Stand der Technik. Im zweiten Teil identifizieren wir striktes Snapshotting als Bottleneck von Fabric. In Folge dessen ersetzen wir es durch MVCC und schlagen weitere Optimierungen vor, mit denen der Durchsatz des Permissioned Blockchain Systems unter hoher Arbeitslast um Faktor zwölf verbessert werden kann. Im letzten Teil stellen wir ChainifyDB vor, eine Platform die eine existierende Datenbankinfrastruktur in eine Blockchaininfrastruktur überführt. ChainifyDB erreicht dabei einen bis zu sechs mal höheren Durchsatz im Vergleich zu anderen aktuellen Systemen, die auf Permissioned Blockchains basieren. Das externe Concurrency Protokoll übertrifft dabei sogar die internen Varianten von PostgreSQL und MySQL und erreicht einen bis zu 2,6 mal höhren Durchsatz im Blockchain Setup als in einem eigenständigen isolierten Setup. Zusätzlich verwenden wir Snapshots in ChainifyDB zur Unterstützung von Recovery, was bisher im Rahmen von Permissioned Blockchains nicht möglich war

    Business process and technology lessons learned, recommendations and best practices for new adopters

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    Thesis (M. Eng. in Logistics)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, 2006."June 2006."Includes bibliographical references (leaves 117-118).This thesis focuses on documenting learnings from a RFID data exchange pilot in the fast moving consumer goods industry. The pilot we studied is a collaborative effort between two of the largest retailers in the world and five of their major suppliers, facilitated by EPCglobal and the MIT Auto-ID labs. Currently, manufacturers and suppliers are building the infrastructure to exchange EPC data to validate standards and proof of concepts for RFID adoption. The outcome of these pilots will essentially set the stage for large scale RFID adoption worldwide. Our thesis attempts to document issues relating to data exchange from business process, organizational and technical perspectives. We have synthesized the findings and consolidated the lessons learned during the pilot in an attempt to form a set of actionable recommendations for new companies looking to start on RFID pilot projects.by Rida Chan [and] Sangeeth Ram.M.Eng.in Logistic

    A Survey of DeFi Security: Challenges and Opportunities

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    DeFi, or Decentralized Finance, is based on a distributed ledger called blockchain technology. Using blockchain, DeFi may customize the execution of predetermined operations between parties. The DeFi system use blockchain technology to execute user transactions, such as lending and exchanging. The total value locked in DeFi decreased from \$200 billion in April 2022 to \$80 billion in July 2022, indicating that security in this area remained problematic. In this paper, we address the deficiency in DeFi security studies. To our best knowledge, our paper is the first to make a systematic analysis of DeFi security. First, we summarize the DeFi-related vulnerabilities in each blockchain layer. Additionally, application-level vulnerabilities are also analyzed. Then we classify and analyze real-world DeFi attacks based on the principles that correlate to the vulnerabilities. In addition, we collect optimization strategies from the data, network, consensus, smart contract, and application layers. And then, we describe the weaknesses and technical approaches they address. On the basis of this comprehensive analysis, we summarize several challenges and possible future directions in DeFi to offer ideas for further research

    Älysopimusten hyökkäykset

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    Lohkoketjuteknologiat ja kryptovaluutat ovat olleet murroksessa viime vuosina. Kryptovaluuttojen alkuperäinen ajatus pelkästään hajautetusta ja avoimesta virtuaalivaluutasta on laajentunut huomattavasti älysopimusten myötä, sillä älysopimukset sallivat valuuttasiirtojen lisäksi myös koodin tallentamisen ja ajamisen hajautetusti lohkoketjussa. Nykyään voidaankin puhua jo paremminkin teknologia-alustoista kuin vain kryptovaluutoista. Älysopimukset tuovat luonnollisesti mukanaan myös omat tietoturvaongelmansa. Tässä tutkielmassa annamme ajantasaisen katsauksen tämänhetkisistä yleisimmistä älysopimusten tietoturvaongelmista. Lohkoketjuteknologiat ja älysopimukset esitellään ensin lyhyesti, jonka jälleen käydään läpi yleisimmät älysopimusten hyökkäystyypit ja niiden vastakeinoja. Sen jälkeen tehdyt havainnot ja löydökset analysoidaan ja käydään läpi. Havainnoista selviää, että suurin osa esitellyistä hyökkäyksistä pystyttäisiin estämään tai ainakin osittain torjumaan olemalla huolellisempi älysopimuksia kehitettäessä. Hyvät kehityskäytänteet ja hyväksi todetut kehitysmallit auttavat tässä huomattavasti. Osa ongelmista pystyttäisiin välttämään myös tekemällä muutoksia itse lohkoketjuteknologiaan, mutta tämä on usein liian raskas ja työläs tapa torjua ongelmia joihin löytyy usein helpompiakin keinoja. Havainnoista selviää myös, että automaatiotyökaluja käytetään yhä enenevässä määrin torjumaan ja havaitsemaan älysopimusten tietoturva-aukkoja.Blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies have gained massive popularity in the past few years. Smart contracts extend the utility of these distributed ledgers to distributed state machines, where anyone can store and run code and then mutually agree on the next state. This opens up a whole new world of possibilities, but also many new security challenges. In this thesis we give an up-to-date survey on smart contract security issues. First we give a brief introduction to blockchains and smart contracts and explain the most common attack types and some mitigations against them. Then we sum up and analyse our findings. We find out that many of the attacks could be avoided or at least severely mitigated if the coders followed good coding practices and used design patterns that are proven to be good. Another finding is that changing the underlying blockchain technology to counter the issues is usually not the best way, as it is hard and troublesome to do and might restrict the usability of contracts too much. Lastly, we find out that many new automated tools for security are being developed and used, which indicates movement towards more conventional coding where automated tools like scanners and analysers are being used to cover a large set of security issues