307 research outputs found

    On reoptimization of the shortest common superstring problem

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    In general, a reoptimization gives us a possibility to obtain a solution for a larger instance from a solution for a smaller instance. In this paper, we consider a possibility of usage of a reoptimization to solve the shortest common superstring problem

    Parameterized Dynamic Cluster Editing

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    We introduce a dynamic version of the NP-hard Cluster Editing problem. The essential point here is to take into account dynamically evolving input graphs: Having a cluster graph (that is, a disjoint union of cliques) that represents a solution for a first input graph, can we cost-efficiently transform it into a "similar" cluster graph that is a solution for a second ("subsequent") input graph? This model is motivated by several application scenarios, including incremental clustering, the search for compromise clusterings, or also local search in graph-based data clustering. We thoroughly study six problem variants (edge editing, edge deletion, edge insertion; each combined with two distance measures between cluster graphs). We obtain both fixed-parameter tractability as well as parameterized hardness results, thus (except for two open questions) providing a fairly complete picture of the parameterized computational complexity landscape under the perhaps two most natural parameterizations: the distance of the new "similar" cluster graph to (i) the second input graph and to (ii) the input cluster graph

    Multiplier-continuation algorthms for constrained optimization

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    Several path following algorithms based on the combination of three smooth penalty functions, the quadratic penalty for equality constraints and the quadratic loss and log barrier for inequality constraints, their modern counterparts, augmented Lagrangian or multiplier methods, sequential quadratic programming, and predictor-corrector continuation are described. In the first phase of this methodology, one minimizes the unconstrained or linearly constrained penalty function or augmented Lagrangian. A homotopy path generated from the functions is then followed to optimality using efficient predictor-corrector continuation methods. The continuation steps are asymptotic to those taken by sequential quadratic programming which can be used in the final steps. Numerical test results show the method to be efficient, robust, and a competitive alternative to sequential quadratic programming

    Approximation hardness of deadline-TSP reoptimization

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    AbstractGiven an instance of an optimization problem together with an optimal solution, we consider the scenario in which this instance is modified locally. In graph problems, e.g., a singular edge might be removed or added, or an edge weight might be varied, etc. For a problem U and such a local modification operation, let lm-U (local-modification-U) denote the resulting problem. The question is whether it is possible to exploit the additional knowledge of an optimal solution to the original instance or not, i.e.,whether lm-U is computationally more tractable than U. While positive examples are known e.g. for metric TSP, we give some negative examples here: Metric TSP with deadlines (time windows), if a single deadline or the cost of a single edge is modified, exhibits the same lower bounds on the approximability in these local-modification versions as those currently known for the original problem