12 research outputs found

    Making data centres fit for demand response: introducing GreenSDA and GreenSLA contracts

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    The power grid has become a critical infrastructure, which modern society cannot do without. It has always been a challenge to keep power supply and demand in balance; the more so with the recent rise of intermittent renewable energy sources. Demand response schemes are one of the counter measures, traditionally employed with large industrial plants. This paper suggests to consider data centres as candidates for demand response as they are large energy consumers and as they are able to adapt their power profile sufficiently well. To unlock this potential, we suggest a system of contracts that regulate collaboration and economic incentives between the data centre and its energy supplier (GreenSDA) as well as between the data centre and its customers (GreenSLA). Several presented use cases serve to validate the suitability of data centers for demand response schemes.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    NFV/SDN enabled architecture for efficient adaptive management of renewable and non-renewable energy

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    Ever-increasing energy consumption, the depletion of non-renewable resources, the climate impact associated with energy generation, and finite energy-production capacity are important concerns that drive the urgent creation of new solutions for energy management. In this regard, by leveraging the massive connectivity provided by emerging 5G communications, this paper proposes a long-term sustainable Demand-Response (DR) architecture for the efficient management of available energy consumption for Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructures. The proposal uses Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networking (SDN) technologies as enablers and promotes the primary use of energy from renewable sources. Associated with architecture, this paper presents a novel consumption model conditioned on availability and in which the consumers are part of the management process. To efficiently use the energy from renewable and non-renewable sources, several management strategies are herein proposed, such as prioritization of the energy supply and workload scheduling using time-shifting capabilities. The complexity of the proposal is analyzed in order to present an appropriate architectural framework. The energy management solution is modeled as an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) and, to verify the improvements in energy utilization, an algorithmic solution and its evaluation are presented. Finally, open research problems and application scenarios are discussed.This work was supported in part by the Ministerio de EconomĂ­a yCompetitividad of the Spanish Government under Project TEC2016-76795-C6-1-R and Project AEI/FEDER, UE, and in part by the SGRProject under Grant 2017 SGR 397 from the Generalitat de Catalunya.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Thermal Awareness to Enhance Data Center Energy Efficiency

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    Data centers aim at provisioning on-demand processing, storage and networking capabilities in a reliable and scalable way. In this context, proper maintenance of IT equipment within DC premises is crucial as it ensures prolonged lifetime of servers and uninterrupted availability of resources. DC management teams’ sustainable operation effort comprises various approaches to directly and indirectly reduce DC energy consumption. Thermal management aims to reduce excess energy consumption by air cooling and compute systems. This paper focuses on the analysis of the exact temperatures in a real DC cluster rather than considering device setpoints or guidelines. An extensive statistical analysis of available thermal data collected by server-level sensors, global and local thermal metrics evaluation is conducted. It enables isolating possible risks engendered by potential negative covert cooling-related factors. The ultimate outcome of this research is to bring about improvement of DC thermal management for sustainable operations

    Cities as Living Labs : Increasing the impact of investment in the circular economy for sustainable cities

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    Aim of the study. From innovation system and policy development point of view, it is vital to understand the impact and added value of EU-funded projects especially in context of the complex societal challenges such as circular economy in cities. By definition Circular Economy (CE) promotes resource minimisation and the adoption of cleaner technologies while maintaining the value of products, materials and resources in the economy for as long as possible and minimizing waste generation. Living Lab (LL) is an open innovation ecosystem based on a systematic user co-creation approach that integrates public and private, research and innovation activities in communities, placing citizens at the centre of innovation with the help of various approaches, instruments, methods, and tools

    Building the knowledge base for environmental action and sustainability

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    Evaluating demand response opportunities for data centers

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    Data center demand response is a solution to a problem that is just recently emerging: Today's energy system is undergoing major transformations due to the increasing shares of intermittent renewable power sources as solar and wind. As the power grid physically requires balancing power feed-in and power draw at all times, traditionally, power generation plants with short ramp-up times were activated to avoid grid imbalances. Additionally, through demand response schemes power consumers can be incentivized to manipulate their planned power profile in order to activate hidden sources of flexibility. The data center industry has been identified as a suitable candidate for demand response as it is continuously growing and relies on highly automated processes. Technically, data centers can provide flexibility by, amongst others, temporally or geographically shifting their workload or shutting down servers. There is a large body of work that analyses the potential of data center demand response. Most of these, however, deal with very specific data center set-ups in very specific power flexibility markets, so that the external validity is limited. The presented thesis exceeds the related work creating a framework for modeling data center demand response on a high level of abstraction that allows subsuming a great variety of specific models in the area: Based on a generic architecture of demand response enabled data centers this is formalized through a micro-economics inspired optimization framework by generating technical power flex functions and an associated cost and market skeleton. As part of a two-step-evaluation an architectural framework for simulating demand response is created. Subsequently, a simulation instance of this high-level architecture is developed for a specific HPC data center in Germany implementing two power management strategies, namely temporally shifting workload and manipulating CPU frequency. The flexibility extracted is then monetized on the secondary reserve market and on the EPEX day ahead market in Germany. As a result, in 2014 this data center might have achieved the largest benefit gain by changing from static electricity pricing to dynamic EPEX prices without changing their power profile. Through demand response they might have created an additional gross benefit of 4 of the power bill on the secondary reserve market. In a sensitivity analysis, however, it could be shown that these results are largely dependent on specific parameters as service level agreements and job heterogeneity. The results show that even though concrete simulations help at understanding demand response with individual data centers, the modeling framework is needed to understand their relevance from a system-wide viewpoint

    Building Blocks for IoT Analytics Internet-of-Things Analytics

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    Internet-of-Things (IoT) Analytics are an integral element of most IoT applications, as it provides the means to extract knowledge, drive actuation services and optimize decision making. IoT analytics will be a major contributor to IoT business value in the coming years, as it will enable organizations to process and fully leverage large amounts of IoT data, which are nowadays largely underutilized. The Building Blocks of IoT Analytics is devoted to the presentation the main technology building blocks that comprise advanced IoT analytics systems. It introduces IoT analytics as a special case of BigData analytics and accordingly presents leading edge technologies that can be deployed in order to successfully confront the main challenges of IoT analytics applications. Special emphasis is paid in the presentation of technologies for IoT streaming and semantic interoperability across diverse IoT streams. Furthermore, the role of cloud computing and BigData technologies in IoT analytics are presented, along with practical tools for implementing, deploying and operating non-trivial IoT applications. Along with the main building blocks of IoT analytics systems and applications, the book presents a series of practical applications, which illustrate the use of these technologies in the scope of pragmatic applications. Technical topics discussed in the book include: Cloud Computing and BigData for IoT analyticsSearching the Internet of ThingsDevelopment Tools for IoT Analytics ApplicationsIoT Analytics-as-a-ServiceSemantic Modelling and Reasoning for IoT AnalyticsIoT analytics for Smart BuildingsIoT analytics for Smart CitiesOperationalization of IoT analyticsEthical aspects of IoT analyticsThis book contains both research oriented and applied articles on IoT analytics, including several articles reflecting work undertaken in the scope of recent European Commission funded projects in the scope of the FP7 and H2020 programmes. These articles present results of these projects on IoT analytics platforms and applications. Even though several articles have been contributed by different authors, they are structured in a well thought order that facilitates the reader either to follow the evolution of the book or to focus on specific topics depending on his/her background and interest in IoT and IoT analytics technologies. The compilation of these articles in this edited volume has been largely motivated by the close collaboration of the co-authors in the scope of working groups and IoT events organized by the Internet-of-Things Research Cluster (IERC), which is currently a part of EU's Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI)

    Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2016) Sofia, Bulgaria

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    Proceedings of: Third International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2016). Sofia (Bulgaria), October, 6-7, 2016

    Building Blocks for IoT Analytics Internet-of-Things Analytics

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    Internet-of-Things (IoT) Analytics are an integral element of most IoT applications, as it provides the means to extract knowledge, drive actuation services and optimize decision making. IoT analytics will be a major contributor to IoT business value in the coming years, as it will enable organizations to process and fully leverage large amounts of IoT data, which are nowadays largely underutilized. The Building Blocks of IoT Analytics is devoted to the presentation the main technology building blocks that comprise advanced IoT analytics systems. It introduces IoT analytics as a special case of BigData analytics and accordingly presents leading edge technologies that can be deployed in order to successfully confront the main challenges of IoT analytics applications. Special emphasis is paid in the presentation of technologies for IoT streaming and semantic interoperability across diverse IoT streams. Furthermore, the role of cloud computing and BigData technologies in IoT analytics are presented, along with practical tools for implementing, deploying and operating non-trivial IoT applications. Along with the main building blocks of IoT analytics systems and applications, the book presents a series of practical applications, which illustrate the use of these technologies in the scope of pragmatic applications. Technical topics discussed in the book include: Cloud Computing and BigData for IoT analyticsSearching the Internet of ThingsDevelopment Tools for IoT Analytics ApplicationsIoT Analytics-as-a-ServiceSemantic Modelling and Reasoning for IoT AnalyticsIoT analytics for Smart BuildingsIoT analytics for Smart CitiesOperationalization of IoT analyticsEthical aspects of IoT analyticsThis book contains both research oriented and applied articles on IoT analytics, including several articles reflecting work undertaken in the scope of recent European Commission funded projects in the scope of the FP7 and H2020 programmes. These articles present results of these projects on IoT analytics platforms and applications. Even though several articles have been contributed by different authors, they are structured in a well thought order that facilitates the reader either to follow the evolution of the book or to focus on specific topics depending on his/her background and interest in IoT and IoT analytics technologies. The compilation of these articles in this edited volume has been largely motivated by the close collaboration of the co-authors in the scope of working groups and IoT events organized by the Internet-of-Things Research Cluster (IERC), which is currently a part of EU's Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI)

    Modeling the power consumption of computing systems and applications through machine learning techniques

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    Au cours des dernières années, le nombre de systèmes informatiques n'a pas cesser d'augmenter. Les centres de données sont peu à peu devenus des équipements hautement demandés et font partie des plus consommateurs en énergie. L'utilisation des centres de données se partage entre le calcul intensif et les services web, aussi appelés informatique en nuage. La rapidité de calcul est primordiale pour le calcul intensif, mais pour les autres services ce paramètre peut varier selon les accords signés sur la qualité de service. Certains centres de données sont dits hybrides car ils combinent plusieurs types de services. Toutes ces infrastructures sont extrêmement énergivores. Dans ce présent manuscrit nous étudions les modèles de consommation énergétiques des systèmes informatiques. De tels modèles permettent une meilleure compréhension des serveurs informatiques et de leur façon de consommer l'énergie. Ils représentent donc un premier pas vers une meilleure gestion de ces systèmes, que ce soit pour faire des économies d'énergie ou pour facturer l'électricité à la charge des utilisateurs finaux. Les politiques de gestion et de contrôle de l'énergie comportent de nombreuses limites. En effet, la plupart des algorithmes d'ordonnancement sensibles à l'énergie utilisent des modèles de consommation restreints qui renferment un certain nombre de problèmes ouverts. De précédents travaux dans le domaine suggèrent d'utiliser les informations de contrôle fournies par le système informatique lui-même pour surveiller la consommation énergétique des applications. Néanmoins, ces modèles sont soit trop dépendants du type d'application, soit manquent de précision. Ce manuscrit présente des techniques permettant d'améliorer la précision des modèles de puissance en abordant des problèmes à plusieurs niveaux: depuis l'acquisition des mesures de puissance jusqu'à la définition d'une charge de travail générique permettant de créer un modèle lui aussi générique, c'est-à-dire qui pourra être utilisé pour des charges de travail hétérogènes. Pour atteindre un tel but, nous proposons d'utiliser des techniques d'apprentissage automatique.Les modèles d'apprentissage automatique sont facilement adaptables à l'architecture et sont le cœur de cette recherche. Ces travaux évaluent l'utilisation des réseaux de neurones artificiels et la régression linéaire comme technique d'apprentissage automatique pour faire de la modélisation statistique non linéaire. De tels modèles sont créés par une approche orientée données afin de pouvoir adapter les paramètres en fonction des informations collectées pendant l'exécution de charges de travail synthétiques. L'utilisation des techniques d'apprentissage automatique a pour but d'atteindre des estimateurs de très haute précision à la fois au niveau application et au niveau système. La méthodologie proposée est indépendante de l'architecture cible et peut facilement être reproductible quel que soit l'environnement. Les résultats montrent que l'utilisation de réseaux de neurones artificiels permet de créer des estimations très précises. Cependant, en raison de contraintes de modélisation, cette technique n'est pas applicable au niveau processus. Pour ce dernier, des modèles prédéfinis doivent être calibrés afin d'atteindre de bons résultats.The number of computing systems is continuously increasing during the last years. The popularity of data centers turned them into one of the most power demanding facilities. The use of data centers is divided into high performance computing (HPC) and Internet services, or Clouds. Computing speed is crucial in HPC environments, while on Cloud systems it may vary according to their service-level agreements. Some data centers even propose hybrid environments, all of them are energy hungry. The present work is a study on power models for computing systems. These models allow a better understanding of the energy consumption of computers, and can be used as a first step towards better monitoring and management policies of such systems either to enhance their energy savings, or to account the energy to charge end-users. Energy management and control policies are subject to many limitations. Most energy-aware scheduling algorithms use restricted power models which have a number of open problems. Previous works in power modeling of computing systems proposed the use of system information to monitor the power consumption of applications. However, these models are either too specific for a given kind of application, or they lack of accuracy. This report presents techniques to enhance the accuracy of power models by tackling the issues since the measurements acquisition until the definition of a generic workload to enable the creation of a generic model, i.e. a model that can be used for heterogeneous workloads. To achieve such models, the use of machine learning techniques is proposed. Machine learning models are architecture adaptive and are used as the core of this research. More specifically, this work evaluates the use of artificial neural networks (ANN) and linear regression (LR) as machine learning techniques to perform non-linear statistical modeling.Such models are created through a data-driven approach, enabling adaptation of their parameters based on the information collected while running synthetic workloads. The use of machine learning techniques intends to achieve high accuracy application- and system-level estimators. The proposed methodology is architecture independent and can be easily reproduced in new environments.The results show that the use of artificial neural networks enables the creation of high accurate estimators. However, it cannot be applied at the process-level due to modeling constraints. For such case, predefined models can be calibrated to achieve fair results.% The use of process-level models enables the estimation of virtual machines' power consumption that can be used for Cloud provisioning