28,485 research outputs found

    Blue - A Language for Teaching Object-Oriented Programming

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    Teaching object-oriented programming has clearly become an important part of computer science education. We agree with many others that the best place to teach it is in the CS1 introductory course. Many problems with this have been reported in the literature. These mainly result from inadequate languages and environments. Blue is a new language and integrated programming environment, currently under development explicitly for object-oriented teaching. We expect clear advantages from the use of Blue for first year teaching compared to using other available languages. This paper describes the design principles on which the language was based and the most important aspects of the language itself

    Towards a Tool-based Development Methodology for Pervasive Computing Applications

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    Despite much progress, developing a pervasive computing application remains a challenge because of a lack of conceptual frameworks and supporting tools. This challenge involves coping with heterogeneous devices, overcoming the intricacies of distributed systems technologies, working out an architecture for the application, encoding it in a program, writing specific code to test the application, and finally deploying it. This paper presents a design language and a tool suite covering the development life-cycle of a pervasive computing application. The design language allows to define a taxonomy of area-specific building-blocks, abstracting over their heterogeneity. This language also includes a layer to define the architecture of an application, following an architectural pattern commonly used in the pervasive computing domain. Our underlying methodology assigns roles to the stakeholders, providing separation of concerns. Our tool suite includes a compiler that takes design artifacts written in our language as input and generates a programming framework that supports the subsequent development stages, namely implementation, testing, and deployment. Our methodology has been applied on a wide spectrum of areas. Based on these experiments, we assess our approach through three criteria: expressiveness, usability, and productivity

    Partial Evaluation of String Obfuscations for Java Malware Detection

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    The fact that Java is platform independent gives hackers the opportunity to write exploits that can target users on any platform, which has a JVM implementation. Metasploit is a well-known source of Javaexploits and to circumvent detection by Anti Virus (AV) software, obfuscation techniques are routinely applied to make an exploit more difficult to recognise. Popular obfuscation techniques for Java include stringobfuscation and applying reflection to hide method calls; two techniques that can either be used together or independently. This paper shows how to apply partial evaluation to remove these obfuscations and thereby improve AV matching. The paper presents a partial evaluator for Jimple, which is an intermediate language for JVM bytecode designed for optimisation and program analysis, and demonstrates how partially evaluated Jimple code, when transformed back into Java, improves the detection rates of a number of commercial AV products

    A Systematic Aspect-Oriented Refactoring and Testing Strategy, and its Application to JHotDraw

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    Aspect oriented programming aims at achieving better modularization for a system's crosscutting concerns in order to improve its key quality attributes, such as evolvability and reusability. Consequently, the adoption of aspect-oriented techniques in existing (legacy) software systems is of interest to remediate software aging. The refactoring of existing systems to employ aspect-orientation will be considerably eased by a systematic approach that will ensure a safe and consistent migration. In this paper, we propose a refactoring and testing strategy that supports such an approach and consider issues of behavior conservation and (incremental) integration of the aspect-oriented solution with the original system. The strategy is applied to the JHotDraw open source project and illustrated on a group of selected concerns. Finally, we abstract from the case study and present a number of generic refactorings which contribute to an incremental aspect-oriented refactoring process and associate particular types of crosscutting concerns to the model and features of the employed aspect language. The contributions of this paper are both in the area of supporting migration towards aspect-oriented solutions and supporting the development of aspect languages that are better suited for such migrations.Comment: 25 page

    Reify Your Collection Queries for Modularity and Speed!

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    Modularity and efficiency are often contradicting requirements, such that programers have to trade one for the other. We analyze this dilemma in the context of programs operating on collections. Performance-critical code using collections need often to be hand-optimized, leading to non-modular, brittle, and redundant code. In principle, this dilemma could be avoided by automatic collection-specific optimizations, such as fusion of collection traversals, usage of indexing, or reordering of filters. Unfortunately, it is not obvious how to encode such optimizations in terms of ordinary collection APIs, because the program operating on the collections is not reified and hence cannot be analyzed. We propose SQuOpt, the Scala Query Optimizer--a deep embedding of the Scala collections API that allows such analyses and optimizations to be defined and executed within Scala, without relying on external tools or compiler extensions. SQuOpt provides the same "look and feel" (syntax and static typing guarantees) as the standard collections API. We evaluate SQuOpt by re-implementing several code analyses of the Findbugs tool using SQuOpt, show average speedups of 12x with a maximum of 12800x and hence demonstrate that SQuOpt can reconcile modularity and efficiency in real-world applications.Comment: 20 page

    From Event-B models to Dafny code contracts

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    International audienceThe constructive approach to software correctness aims at formal modelling and verification of the structure and behaviour of a system in different levels of abstraction. In contrast, the analytical approach to software verification focuses on code level correctness and its verification. Therefore it would seem that the constructive and analytical approaches should complement each other well. To demonstrate this idea we present a case for linking two existing verification methods, Event-B (constructive) and Dafny (analytical). This approach combines the power of Event-B abstraction and its stepwise refinement with the verification capabilities of Dafny. We presented a small case study to demonstrate this approach and outline of the rules for transforming Event-B events to Dafny contracts. Finally, a tool for automatic generation of Dafny contracts from Event-B formal models is presented

    The MeshRouter Architecture

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    The Joint Forces Command (JFCOM) Experimentation Directorate (J9)'s recent Joint Urban Operations (JUO) experiments have demonstrated the viability of Forces Modeling and Simulation in a distributed environment. The JSAF application suite, combined with the RTI-s communications system, provides the ability to run distributed simulations with sites located across the United States, from Norfolk, Virginia to Maui, Hawaii. Interest-aware routers are essential for communications in the large, distributed environments, and the current RTI-s framework provides such routers connected in a straightforward tree topology. This approach is successful for small to medium sized simulations, but faces a number of significant limitations for very large simulations over high-latency, wide area networks. In particular, traffic is forced through a single site, drastically increasing distances messages must travel to sites not near the top of the tree. Aggregate bandwidth is limited to the bandwidth of the site hosting the top router, and failures in the upper levels of the router tree can result in widespread communications losses throughout the system. To resolve these issues, this work extends the RTI-s software router infrastructure to accommodate more sophisticated, general router topologies, including both the existing tree framework and a new generalization of the fully connected mesh topologies used in the SF Express ModSAF simulations of 100K fully interacting vehicles. The new software router objects incorporate the scalable features of the SF Express design, while optionally using low-level RTI-s objects to perform actual site-to-site communications. The (substantial) limitations of the original mesh router formalism have been eliminated, allowing fully dynamic operations. The mesh topology capabilities allow aggregate bandwidth and site-to-site latencies to match actual network performance. The heavy resource load at the root node can now be distributed across routers at the participating sites

    A heuristic-based approach to code-smell detection

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    Encapsulation and data hiding are central tenets of the object oriented paradigm. Deciding what data and behaviour to form into a class and where to draw the line between its public and private details can make the difference between a class that is an understandable, flexible and reusable abstraction and one which is not. This decision is a difficult one and may easily result in poor encapsulation which can then have serious implications for a number of system qualities. It is often hard to identify such encapsulation problems within large software systems until they cause a maintenance problem (which is usually too late) and attempting to perform such analysis manually can also be tedious and error prone. Two of the common encapsulation problems that can arise as a consequence of this decomposition process are data classes and god classes. Typically, these two problems occur together – data classes are lacking in functionality that has typically been sucked into an over-complicated and domineering god class. This paper describes the architecture of a tool which automatically detects data and god classes that has been developed as a plug-in for the Eclipse IDE. The technique has been evaluated in a controlled study on two large open source systems which compare the tool results to similar work by Marinescu, who employs a metrics-based approach to detecting such features. The study provides some valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the two approache

    C++ Standard Template Library by template specialized containers

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    The C++ Standard Template Library is the flagship example for libraries based on the generic programming paradigm. The usage of this library is intended to minimize the number of classical C/C++ errors, but does not warrant bug-free programs. Furthermore, many new kinds of errors may arise from the inaccurate use of the generic programming paradigm, like dereferencing invalid iterators or misunderstanding remove-like algorithms. In this paper we present some typical scenarios that may cause runtime or portability problems. We emit warnings and errors while these risky constructs are used. We also present a general approach to emit "customized" warnings. We support the so-called "believe-me marks" to disable warnings. We present another typical usage of our technique, when classes become deprecated during the software lifecycle

    A Framework for Datatype Transformation

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    We study one dimension in program evolution, namely the evolution of the datatype declarations in a program. To this end, a suite of basic transformation operators is designed. We cover structure-preserving refactorings, but also structure-extending and -reducing adaptations. Both the object programs that are subject to datatype transformations, and the meta programs that encode datatype transformations are functional programs.Comment: Minor revision; now accepted at LDTA 200