440 research outputs found

    Zero-shot Medical Image Translation via Frequency-Guided Diffusion Models

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    Recently, the diffusion model has emerged as a superior generative model that can produce high quality and realistic images. However, for medical image translation, the existing diffusion models are deficient in accurately retaining structural information since the structure details of source domain images are lost during the forward diffusion process and cannot be fully recovered through learned reverse diffusion, while the integrity of anatomical structures is extremely important in medical images. For instance, errors in image translation may distort, shift, or even remove structures and tumors, leading to incorrect diagnosis and inadequate treatments. Training and conditioning diffusion models using paired source and target images with matching anatomy can help. However, such paired data are very difficult and costly to obtain, and may also reduce the robustness of the developed model to out-of-distribution testing data. We propose a frequency-guided diffusion model (FGDM) that employs frequency-domain filters to guide the diffusion model for structure-preserving image translation. Based on its design, FGDM allows zero-shot learning, as it can be trained solely on the data from the target domain, and used directly for source-to-target domain translation without any exposure to the source-domain data during training. We evaluated it on three cone-beam CT (CBCT)-to-CT translation tasks for different anatomical sites, and a cross-institutional MR imaging translation task. FGDM outperformed the state-of-the-art methods (GAN-based, VAE-based, and diffusion-based) in metrics of Frechet Inception Distance (FID), Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), and Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM), showing its significant advantages in zero-shot medical image translation

    GPU-based Low Dose CT Reconstruction via Edge-preserving Total Variation Regularization

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    High radiation dose in CT scans increases a lifetime risk of cancer and has become a major clinical concern. Recently, iterative reconstruction algorithms with Total Variation (TV) regularization have been developed to reconstruct CT images from highly undersampled data acquired at low mAs levels in order to reduce the imaging dose. Nonetheless, TV regularization may lead to over-smoothed images and lost edge information. To solve this problem, in this work we develop an iterative CT reconstruction algorithm with edge-preserving TV regularization to reconstruct CT images from highly undersampled data obtained at low mAs levels. The CT image is reconstructed by minimizing an energy consisting of an edge-preserving TV norm and a data fidelity term posed by the x-ray projections. The edge-preserving TV term is proposed to preferentially perform smoothing only on non-edge part of the image in order to avoid over-smoothing, which is realized by introducing a penalty weight to the original total variation norm. Our iterative algorithm is implemented on GPU to improve its speed. We test our reconstruction algorithm on a digital NCAT phantom, a physical chest phantom, and a Catphan phantom. Reconstruction results from a conventional FBP algorithm and a TV regularization method without edge preserving penalty are also presented for comparison purpose. The experimental results illustrate that both TV-based algorithm and our edge-preserving TV algorithm outperform the conventional FBP algorithm in suppressing the streaking artifacts and image noise under the low dose context. Our edge-preserving algorithm is superior to the TV-based algorithm in that it can preserve more information of fine structures and therefore maintain acceptable spatial resolution.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    CASM-AMFMNet: A Network based on Coordinate Attention Shuffle Mechanism and Asymmetric Multi-Scale Fusion Module for Classification of Grape Leaf Diseases

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    Grape disease is a significant contributory factor to the decline in grape yield, typically affecting the leaves first. Efficient identification of grape leaf diseases remains a critical unmet need. To mitigate background interference in grape leaf feature extraction and improve the ability to extract small disease spots, by combining the characteristic features of grape leaf diseases, we developed a novel method for disease recognition and classification in this study. First, Gaussian filters Sobel smooth de-noising Laplace operator (GSSL) was employed to reduce image noise and enhance the texture of grape leaves. A novel network designated coordinated attention shuffle mechanism-asymmetric multi-scale fusion module net (CASM-AMFMNet) was subsequently applied for grape leaf disease identification. CoAtNet was employed as the network backbone to improve model learning and generalization capabilities, which alleviated the problem of gradient explosion to a certain extent. The CASM-AMFMNet was further utilized to capture and target grape leaf disease areas, therefore reducing background interference. Finally, Asymmetric multi-scale fusion module (AMFM) was employed to extract multi-scale features from small disease spots on grape leaves for accurate identification of small target diseases. The experimental results based on our self-made grape leaf image dataset showed that, compared to existing methods, CASM-AMFMNet achieved an accuracy of 95.95%, F1 score of 95.78%, and mAP of 90.27%. Overall, the model and methods proposed in this report could successfully identify different diseases of grape leaves and provide a feasible scheme for deep learning to correctly recognize grape diseases during agricultural production that may be used as a reference for other crops diseases

    CASM-AMFMNet: A Network based on Coordinate Attention Shuffle Mechanism and Asymmetric Multi-Scale Fusion Module for Classification of Grape Leaf Diseases

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    Grape disease is a significant contributory factor to the decline in grape yield, typically affecting the leaves first. Efficient identification of grape leaf diseases remains a critical unmet need. To mitigate background interference in grape leaf feature extraction and improve the ability to extract small disease spots, by combining the characteristic features of grape leaf diseases, we developed a novel method for disease recognition and classification in this study. First, Gaussian filters Sobel smooth de-noising Laplace operator (GSSL) was employed to reduce image noise and enhance the texture of grape leaves. A novel network designated coordinated attention shuffle mechanism-asymmetric multi-scale fusion module net (CASM-AMFMNet) was subsequently applied for grape leaf disease identification. CoAtNet was employed as the network backbone to improve model learning and generalization capabilities, which alleviated the problem of gradient explosion to a certain extent. The CASM-AMFMNet was further utilized to capture and target grape leaf disease areas, therefore reducing background interference. Finally, Asymmetric multi-scale fusion module (AMFM) was employed to extract multi-scale features from small disease spots on grape leaves for accurate identification of small target diseases. The experimental results based on our self-made grape leaf image dataset showed that, compared to existing methods, CASM-AMFMNet achieved an accuracy of 95.95%, F1 score of 95.78%, and mAP of 90.27%. Overall, the model and methods proposed in this report could successfully identify different diseases of grape leaves and provide a feasible scheme for deep learning to correctly recognize grape diseases during agricultural production that may be used as a reference for other crops diseases

    Multi-image-feature-based hierarchical concrete crack identification framework using optimized SVM multi-classifiers and D-S fusion algorithm for bridge structures

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    Cracks in concrete can cause the degradation of stiffness, bearing capacity and durability of civil infrastructure. Hence, crack diagnosis is of great importance in concrete research. On the basis of multiple image features, this work presents a novel approach for crack identification of concrete structures. Firstly, the non-local means method is adopted to process the original image, which can effectively diminish the noise influence. Then, to extract the effective features sensitive to the crack, different filters are employed for crack edge detection, which are subsequently tackled by integral projection and principal component analysis (PCA) for optimal feature selection. Moreover, support vector machine (SVM) is used to design the classifiers for initial diagnosis of concrete surface based on extracted features. To raise the classification accuracy, enhanced salp swarm algorithm (ESSA) is applied to the SVM for meta-parameter optimization. The Dempster–Shafer (D–S) fusion algorithm is utilized to fuse the diagnostic results corresponding to different filters for decision making. Finally, to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework, a total of 1200 images are collected from a real concrete bridge including intact (without crack), longitudinal crack, transverse crack and oblique crack cases. The results validate the performance of proposed method with promising results of diagnosis accuracy as high as 96.25%

    An interactive approach to SLAM

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    Filtering Techniques for Low-Noise Previews of Interactive Stochastic Ray Tracing

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    Progressive stochastic ray tracing is increasingly used in interactive applications. Examples of such applications are interactive design reviews and digital content creation. This dissertation aims at advancing this development. For one thing, two filtering techniques are presented, which can generate fast and reliable previews of global illumination solutions. For another thing, a system architecture is presented, which supports exchangeable rendering back-ends in distributed rendering systems

    Foveated Path Tracing with Fast Reconstruction and Efficient Sample Distribution

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    Polunseuranta on tietokonegrafiikan piirtotekniikka, jota on käytetty pääasiassa ei-reaaliaikaisen realistisen piirron tekemiseen. Polunseuranta tukee luonnostaan monia muilla tekniikoilla vaikeasti saavutettavia todellisen valon ilmiöitä kuten heijastuksia ja taittumista. Reaaliaikainen polunseuranta on hankalaa polunseurannan suuren laskentavaatimuksen takia. Siksi nykyiset reaaliaikaiset polunseurantasysteemi tuottavat erittäin kohinaisia kuvia, jotka tyypillisesti suodatetaan jälkikäsittelykohinanpoisto-suodattimilla. Erittäin immersiivisiä käyttäjäkokemuksia voitaisiin luoda polunseurannalla, joka täyttäisi laajennetun todellisuuden vaatimukset suuresta resoluutiosta riittävän matalassa vasteajassa. Yksi mahdollinen ratkaisu näiden vaatimusten täyttämiseen voisi olla katsekeskeinen polunseuranta, jossa piirron resoluutiota vähennetään katseen reunoilla. Tämän johdosta piirron laatu on katseen reunoilla sekä harvaa että kohinaista, mikä asettaa suuren roolin lopullisen kuvan koostavalle suodattimelle. Tässä työssä esitellään ensimmäinen reaaliajassa toimiva regressionsuodatin. Suodatin on suunniteltu kohinaisille kuville, joissa on yksi polunseurantanäyte pikseliä kohden. Nopea suoritus saavutetaan tiileissä käsittelemällä ja nopealla sovituksen toteutuksella. Lisäksi työssä esitellään Visual-Polar koordinaattiavaruus, joka jakaa polunseurantanäytteet siten, että niiden jakauma seuraa silmän herkkyysmallia. Visual-Polar-avaruuden etu muihin tekniikoiden nähden on että se vähentää työmäärää sekä polunseurannassa että suotimessa. Nämä tekniikat esittelevät toimivan prototyypin katsekeskeisestä polunseurannasta, ja saattavat toimia tienraivaajina laajamittaiselle realistisen reaaliaikaisen polunseurannan käyttöönotolle.Photo-realistic offline rendering is currently done with path tracing, because it naturally produces many real-life light effects such as reflections, refractions and caustics. These effects are hard to achieve with other rendering techniques. However, path tracing in real time is complicated due to its high computational demand. Therefore, current real-time path tracing systems can only generate very noisy estimate of the final frame, which is then denoised with a post-processing reconstruction filter. A path tracing-based rendering system capable of filling the high resolution in the low latency requirements of mixed reality devices would generate a very immersive user experience. One possible solution for fulfilling these requirements could be foveated path tracing, wherein the rendering resolution is reduced in the periphery of the human visual system. The key challenge is that the foveated path tracing in the periphery is both sparse and noisy, placing high demands on the reconstruction filter. This thesis proposes the first regression-based reconstruction filter for path tracing that runs in real time. The filter is designed for highly noisy one sample per pixel inputs. The fast execution is accomplished with blockwise processing and fast implementation of the regression. In addition, a novel Visual-Polar coordinate space which distributes the samples according to the contrast sensitivity model of the human visual system is proposed. The specialty of Visual-Polar space is that it reduces both path tracing and reconstruction work because both of them can be done with smaller resolution. These techniques enable a working prototype of a foveated path tracing system and may work as a stepping stone towards wider commercial adoption of photo-realistic real-time path tracing