74 research outputs found

    Private sector involvement in civil space remote sensing. Volume 1: Report

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    A survey of private sector developers, users, and interpreters of Earth resources data was conducted in an effort to encourage private investment and participation in remote sensing systems. Results indicate positive interest in participation beyond the current hardware contracting level, however, there is a substantial gap between current market levels and system costs. Issues identified include the selection process for an operating entity, the public/private interface, data collection and access policies, price and profit regulation in a subsidized system, international participation, and the responsibility for research and development. It was agreed that the cost, complexity, and security implications of integrated systems need not be an absolute bar to their private operation

    Sustainable Agriculture and Advances of Remote Sensing (Volume 1)

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    Agriculture, as the main source of alimentation and the most important economic activity globally, is being affected by the impacts of climate change. To maintain and increase our global food system production, to reduce biodiversity loss and preserve our natural ecosystem, new practices and technologies are required. This book focuses on the latest advances in remote sensing technology and agricultural engineering leading to the sustainable agriculture practices. Earth observation data, in situ and proxy-remote sensing data are the main source of information for monitoring and analyzing agriculture activities. Particular attention is given to earth observation satellites and the Internet of Things for data collection, to multispectral and hyperspectral data analysis using machine learning and deep learning, to WebGIS and the Internet of Things for sharing and publishing the results, among others


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    Radar Dome, or usually called Radome, is usually placed over the antenna as an antenna protector from any physical thing that can break it. Ideally, radome does not degrade antenna performance. In fact, it may change antenna performance and cause several effects, such as boresight error, changing antenna side lobe level and depolarization. The antenna engineer must take stringent analysis to estimate the changes of performance due to placing radome. Methods in the analysis using fast receiving formulation based on Lorentz reciprocity and Geometrical Optics. The radome has been tilted for some angle combinations in azimuth and elevation with respect to the antenna under test in order to get the difference responses. From the results of measuring and analyzing the radome, it can be concluded that radome can change the antenna performance, including boresight shift, null fill-in and null shifting for difference signals, and changing antenna radiation pattern. In the CATR measurement with two reflectors, the extraneous signal which originates from feed is minimized by adding absorber at the side of the feed. Several things that affect to the accuracy of the simulation program are extraneous signal, loss tangent uncertainty, diffraction, and dielectric uncertainty and inhomogeneity. Key Words: Radome, CATR, Antenna, Boresight Erro

    Dynamics and Spatial Distribution of Global Nighttime Lights

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    Using open source data, we observe the fascinating dynamics of nighttime light. Following a global economic regime shift, the planetary center of light can be seen moving eastwards at a pace of about 60 km per year. Introducing spatial light Gini coefficients, we find a universal pattern of human settlements across different countries and see a global centralization of light. Observing 160 different countries we document the expansion of developing countries, the growth of new agglomerations, the regression in countries suffering from demographic decline and the success of light pollution abatement programs in western countries

    Guidelines for spaceborne microwave remote sensors

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    A handbook was developed to provide information and support to the spaceborne remote sensing and frequency management communities: to guide sensor developers in the choice of frequencies; to advise regulators on sensor technology needs and sharing potential; to present sharing analysis models and, through example, methods for determining sensor sharing feasibility; to introduce developers to the regulatory process; to create awareness of proper assignment procedures; to present sensor allocations; and to provide guidelines on the use and limitations of allocated bands. Controlling physical factors and user requirements and the regulatory environment are discussed. Sensor frequency allocation achievable performance and usefulness are reviewed. Procedures for national and international registration, the use of non-allocated bands and steps for obtaining new frequency allocations, and procedures for reporting interference are also discussed

    MAC Europe 1991: Evaluation of AVIRIS, GER imaging spectrometry data for the land application testsite Oberpfaffenhofen

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    During the MAC Europe 91 Campaign, the area of Oberpfaffenhofen including the land application testsite Oberpfaffenhofen was flown by the AVIRIS imaging spectrometer, the GER 2 imaging spectrometer (63 band scanner), and two SAR systems (NASA/JPL AIRSAR and DLR E-SAR). In parallel to the overflights ground spectrometry (ASD, IRIS M IV) and atmospheric measurements were carried out in order to provide data for optical sensor calibration. Ground spectrometry measurements were carried out in the runway area of the DLR research center Oberpfaffenhofen. This area was used as well during the GER 2 European flight campaign EISAC 89 as a calibration target. The land application testsite Oberpfaffenhofen is located 3 km north of the DLR research center. During the MAC Europe 91 Campaign a ground survey was carried out for documentation in the ground information data base (vegetation type, vegetation geometry, soil type, and soil mixture). Crop stands analyzed were corn, barley and rape. The DLR runway area and the land application testsite Oberpfaffenhofen were flown with the AVIRIS on 29 July and with the GER 2 on 12 and 23 July and 3 Sep. AVIRIS and GER 2 scenes were processed and atmospherically corrected for optical data analysis of optical and radar data. For the AVIRIS and the GER 2 scenes, signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) estimates were calculated. An example of the reflectance of 6 calibration targets inside a GER 2 scene of Oberpfaffenhofen is given. SNR values for the GER 2 for a medium albedo target are given. The integrated analysis for the optical and radar data was carried out in cooperation with the DLR Institute for Microwave Technologies

    State University of Land Use Planning - a driver of ecological development of small regions in the conditions of Covid-19

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    Responding to global global challenges and sustainable development goals, the State University of Land Use Planning (LUP) is trying to modernize its scientific, educational and economic activities and introduce the best available technologies in the field of rational nature management. The University pursues an environmental policy, which should become a guarantor of sustainable environmentally oriented development of small regions in accordance with the SDG.Since 2018, LUP has been actively participating in events organized by the IU Green Metric community. The use of the "green" campus practices offered by IU Green Metric for an educational organization contributes to the dissemination of a culture of sustainable development in relation to all stakeholders. The significance of the project is connected with the need to strengthen the practical elements of training environmental specialists; assessment of the anthropogenic load on the unique campus territory under the influence of intensive development of the district's infrastructure; the need to improve the general ecological culture of the population, as well as to ensure the competitiveness of Russian universities.The paper shows the features of the implementation of measures related to the environmentally sustainable development of small regions within the framework of educational field and production practices in the conditions of COVID-19, the experience of conducting a comprehensive geoecological assessment of the Osetr river basin in the period 2015-2021, agroecological assessment with subsequent analysis of the state of agroecosystems based on the results of systematic regular observations for the rational use and protection of landscapes on the territory of the SEB "Gornoye", the need for the development of ecological educational tourism is noted in connection with the active development of the tourism industry, which is accompanied by an increase in the anthropogenic load on the environment. Keyword: geoecology, sustainable ecological development, field practices, ecological tourism, recreatio

    Monitoring Agricultural Drought Using GIS and Remote Sensing Technologies in Upper Brantas Watershed

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    Droughts disasters occured in some parts of Indonesian area periodically. To anticipate land and crops caused by drought needs historical data and information. Remote sensing provides the good capability to achieve spatial distributed, wide area coverage and multi-temporal. The study purposes to utilize remote sensing technology for agricultural drought monitoring and assessing in Upper Brantas Watershed. This study had used NOAA AVHRR were achieved from clearest NOAA AVHRR data selected every month from April 1997 to November 1998 and Landsat TM acquired May and June 1997. The method used in this research considers the relationship among rainfall and fluctuation of NDVI and BT. The study shows that an NDVI value of less than 0,28 was recognized as an appropriate threshold for the identification of drought affected area. NDVI and BT have an inverse relationship. The value can be used to delineate the spatially distributed for agricultural drought monitoring and assessment. Moreover, the map can be used for helping to anticipate the drought risk by changing the cropping pattern and other farming system in drought areas