4 research outputs found

    Datacenter Traffic Control: Understanding Techniques and Trade-offs

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    Datacenters provide cost-effective and flexible access to scalable compute and storage resources necessary for today's cloud computing needs. A typical datacenter is made up of thousands of servers connected with a large network and usually managed by one operator. To provide quality access to the variety of applications and services hosted on datacenters and maximize performance, it deems necessary to use datacenter networks effectively and efficiently. Datacenter traffic is often a mix of several classes with different priorities and requirements. This includes user-generated interactive traffic, traffic with deadlines, and long-running traffic. To this end, custom transport protocols and traffic management techniques have been developed to improve datacenter network performance. In this tutorial paper, we review the general architecture of datacenter networks, various topologies proposed for them, their traffic properties, general traffic control challenges in datacenters and general traffic control objectives. The purpose of this paper is to bring out the important characteristics of traffic control in datacenters and not to survey all existing solutions (as it is virtually impossible due to massive body of existing research). We hope to provide readers with a wide range of options and factors while considering a variety of traffic control mechanisms. We discuss various characteristics of datacenter traffic control including management schemes, transmission control, traffic shaping, prioritization, load balancing, multipathing, and traffic scheduling. Next, we point to several open challenges as well as new and interesting networking paradigms. At the end of this paper, we briefly review inter-datacenter networks that connect geographically dispersed datacenters which have been receiving increasing attention recently and pose interesting and novel research problems.Comment: Accepted for Publication in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial

    A Fully Userspace Remote Storage Access Stack

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    As computer networking has evolved and the available throughput has increased, the efficiency of the network software stack has become increasingly important. This is because the latency introduced by software has gone from insignificant, compared to historically poor network performance, to the largest component of latency for a modern local-area network. Currently, the vast majority of code that accesses the hardware is part of the kernel, because the kernel is responsible for ensuring that user applications do not interfere with each other when accessing the hardware. Remote Direct Memory Access~(RDMA) provides a solution for applications to perform direct data transfers over the network without requiring context switches into the kernel, but relies instead on specialized hardware interfaces to handle the virtual address mappings and transport protocols. This more intelligent hardware allows for direct control from the userspace application, eliminating the cost of context switches into the kernel. This in turn reduces the overall latency of message transfers. Just like networking, storage is currently undergoing a similar evolution. For most of the recent history of computing, the most common durable storage mechanism has been mechanical hard disk drives, which can only be accessed at block level and have high latency compared to the software drivers used to access the data. However, the introduction of solid state disks~(SSDs) based on Flash significantly decreased the latency, as there are no mechanical parts that need to move to access the data. Upcoming non-volatile memory solutions reduce this latency even further, and even allow byte-level access to the storage medium. Thus, just like with networking, software drivers become the bottleneck and we look for solutions to bypass the kernel to improve the efficiency of direct userspace access to storage. This thesis offers two contributions as part of a solution to these problems. The first part introduces urdma, a software RDMA driver which leverages the Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) to perform network data transfers in userspace without specialized RDMA interface hardware. The second part examines remote locking protocols, which are required for synchronization in distributed storage systems. We define an RDMA locking mechanism referred to as Verbs Offload Locking Technology (VOLT), which allows acquisition of a remote lock object without any CPU usage by the target node. This offloading allows VOLT to be used with disaggregated memory servers that have limited onboard CPU resources, while also lowering the application overhead for remote locking. Finally, we define a bytecode framework using enhanced Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) bytecode for extending the capabilities of an RDMA-capable network interface card (NIC) with new operations, and show how this can be used to implement our remote locking operation

    HyperFPGA: SoC-FPGA Cluster Architecture for Supercomputing and Scientific applications

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    Since their inception, supercomputers have addressed problems that far exceed those of a single computing device. Modern supercomputers are made up of tens of thousands of CPUs and GPUs in racks that are interconnected via elaborate and most of the time ad hoc networks. These large facilities provide scientists with unprecedented and ever-growing computing power capable of tackling more complex and larger problems. In recent years, the most powerful supercomputers have already reached megawatt power consumption levels, an important issue that challenges sustainability and shows the impossibility of maintaining this trend. With more pressure on energy efficiency, an alternative to traditional architectures is needed. Reconfigurable hardware, such as FPGAs, has repeatedly been shown to offer substantial advantages over the traditional supercomputing approach with respect to performance and power consumption. In fact, several works that advanced the field of heterogeneous supercomputing using FPGAs are described in this thesis \cite{survey-2002}. Each cluster and its architectural characteristics can be studied from three interconnected domains: network, hardware, and software tools, resulting in intertwined challenges that designers must take into account. The classification and study of the architectures illustrate the trade-offs of the solutions and help identify open problems and research lines, which in turn served as inspiration and background for the HyperFPGA. In this thesis, the HyperFPGA cluster is presented as a way to build scalable SoC-FPGA platforms to explore new architectures for improved performance and energy efficiency in high-performance computing, focusing on flexibility and openness. The HyperFPGA is a modular platform based on a SoM that includes power monitoring tools with high-speed general-purpose interconnects to offer a great level of flexibility and introspection. By exploiting the reconfigurability and programmability offered by the HyperFPGA infrastructure, which combines FPGAs and CPUs, with high-speed general-purpose connectors, novel computing paradigms can be implemented. A custom Linux OS and drivers, along with a custom script for hardware definition, provide a uniform interface from application to platform for a programmable framework that integrates existing tools. The development environment is demonstrated using the N-Queens problem, which is a classic benchmark for evaluating the performance of parallel computing systems. Overall, the results of the HyperFPGA using the N-Queens problem highlight the platform's ability to handle computationally intensive tasks and demonstrate its suitability for its use in supercomputing experiments.Since their inception, supercomputers have addressed problems that far exceed those of a single computing device. Modern supercomputers are made up of tens of thousands of CPUs and GPUs in racks that are interconnected via elaborate and most of the time ad hoc networks. These large facilities provide scientists with unprecedented and ever-growing computing power capable of tackling more complex and larger problems. In recent years, the most powerful supercomputers have already reached megawatt power consumption levels, an important issue that challenges sustainability and shows the impossibility of maintaining this trend. With more pressure on energy efficiency, an alternative to traditional architectures is needed. Reconfigurable hardware, such as FPGAs, has repeatedly been shown to offer substantial advantages over the traditional supercomputing approach with respect to performance and power consumption. In fact, several works that advanced the field of heterogeneous supercomputing using FPGAs are described in this thesis \cite{survey-2002}. Each cluster and its architectural characteristics can be studied from three interconnected domains: network, hardware, and software tools, resulting in intertwined challenges that designers must take into account. The classification and study of the architectures illustrate the trade-offs of the solutions and help identify open problems and research lines, which in turn served as inspiration and background for the HyperFPGA. In this thesis, the HyperFPGA cluster is presented as a way to build scalable SoC-FPGA platforms to explore new architectures for improved performance and energy efficiency in high-performance computing, focusing on flexibility and openness. The HyperFPGA is a modular platform based on a SoM that includes power monitoring tools with high-speed general-purpose interconnects to offer a great level of flexibility and introspection. By exploiting the reconfigurability and programmability offered by the HyperFPGA infrastructure, which combines FPGAs and CPUs, with high-speed general-purpose connectors, novel computing paradigms can be implemented. A custom Linux OS and drivers, along with a custom script for hardware definition, provide a uniform interface from application to platform for a programmable framework that integrates existing tools. The development environment is demonstrated using the N-Queens problem, which is a classic benchmark for evaluating the performance of parallel computing systems. Overall, the results of the HyperFPGA using the N-Queens problem highlight the platform's ability to handle computationally intensive tasks and demonstrate its suitability for its use in supercomputing experiments

    Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) Protocol Extensions

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