506 research outputs found

    On Byzantine Broadcast in Loosely Connected Networks

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    We consider the problem of reliably broadcasting information in a multihop asynchronous network that is subject to Byzantine failures. Most existing approaches give conditions for perfect reliable broadcast (all correct nodes deliver the authentic message and nothing else), but they require a highly connected network. An approach giving only probabilistic guarantees (correct nodes deliver the authentic message with high probability) was recently proposed for loosely connected networks, such as grids and tori. Yet, the proposed solution requires a specific initialization (that includes global knowledge) of each node, which may be difficult or impossible to guarantee in self-organizing networks - for instance, a wireless sensor network, especially if they are prone to Byzantine failures. In this paper, we propose a new protocol offering guarantees for loosely connected networks that does not require such global knowledge dependent initialization. In more details, we give a methodology to determine whether a set of nodes will always deliver the authentic message, in any execution. Then, we give conditions for perfect reliable broadcast in a torus network. Finally, we provide experimental evaluation for our solution, and determine the number of randomly distributed Byzantine failures than can be tolerated, for a given correct broadcast probability.Comment: 1

    FairLedger: A Fair Blockchain Protocol for Financial Institutions

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    Financial institutions are currently looking into technologies for permissioned blockchains. A major effort in this direction is Hyperledger, an open source project hosted by the Linux Foundation and backed by a consortium of over a hundred companies. A key component in permissioned blockchain protocols is a byzantine fault tolerant (BFT) consensus engine that orders transactions. However, currently available BFT solutions in Hyperledger (as well as in the literature at large) are inadequate for financial settings; they are not designed to ensure fairness or to tolerate selfish behavior that arises when financial institutions strive to maximize their own profit. We present FairLedger, a permissioned blockchain BFT protocol, which is fair, designed to deal with rational behavior, and, no less important, easy to understand and implement. The secret sauce of our protocol is a new communication abstraction, called detectable all-to-all (DA2A), which allows us to detect participants (byzantine or rational) that deviate from the protocol, and punish them. We implement FairLedger in the Hyperledger open source project, using Iroha framework, one of the biggest projects therein. To evaluate FairLegder's performance, we also implement it in the PBFT framework and compare the two protocols. Our results show that in failure-free scenarios FairLedger achieves better throughput than both Iroha's implementation and PBFT in wide-area settings

    Paxos Made Wireless: Consensus in the Air

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    Many applications in low-power wireless networks require complex coordination between their members. Swarms of robots or sensors and actuators in industrial closed-loop control need to coordinate within short periods of time to execute tasks. Failing to agree on a common decision can cause substantial consequences, like system failures and threats to human life. Such applications require consensus algorithms to enable coordination. While consensus has been studied for wired networks decades ago, with, for example, Paxos and Raft, it remains an open problem in multi-hop low-power wireless networks due to the limited resources available and the high cost of established solutions.This paper presents Wireless Paxos, a fault-tolerant, network-wide consensus primitive for low-power wireless networks. It is a new flavor of Paxos, the most-used consensus protocol today, and is specifically designed to tackle the challenges of low-power wireless networks. By building on top of concurrent transmissions, it provides low-latency, high reliability, and guarantees on the consensus. Our results show that Wireless Paxos requires only 289 ms to complete a consensus between 188 nodes in testbed experiments. Furthermore, we show that Wireless Paxos\ua0stays consistent even when injecting controlled failures

    Intrusion Tolerant Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This MSc thesis is focused in the study, solution proposal and experimental evaluation of security solutions for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The objectives are centered on intrusion tolerant routing services, adapted for the characteristics and requirements of WSN nodes and operation behavior. The main contribution addresses the establishment of pro-active intrusion tolerance properties at the network level, as security mechanisms for the proposal of a reliable and secure routing protocol. Those properties and mechanisms will augment a secure communication base layer supported by light-weigh cryptography methods, to improve the global network resilience capabilities against possible intrusion-attacks on the WSN nodes. Adapting to WSN characteristics, the design of the intended security services also pushes complexity away from resource-poor sensor nodes towards resource-rich and trustable base stations. The devised solution will construct, securely and efficiently, a secure tree-structured routing service for data-dissemination in large scale deployed WSNs. The purpose is to tolerate the damage caused by adversaries modeled according with the Dolev-Yao threat model and ISO X.800 attack typology and framework, or intruders that can compromise maliciously the deployed sensor nodes, injecting, modifying, or blocking packets, jeopardizing the correct behavior of internal network routing processing and topology management. The proposed enhanced mechanisms, as well as the design and implementation of a new intrusiontolerant routing protocol for a large scale WSN are evaluated by simulation. For this purpose, the evaluation is based on a rich simulation environment, modeling networks from hundreds to tens of thousands of wireless sensors, analyzing different dimensions: connectivity conditions, degree-distribution patterns, latency and average short-paths, clustering, reliability metrics and energy cost

    Byzantine fault-tolerant agreement protocols for wireless Ad hoc networks

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    Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Ciências da Computação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2010.The thesis investigates the problem of fault- and intrusion-tolerant consensus in resource-constrained wireless ad hoc networks. This is a fundamental problem in distributed computing because it abstracts the need to coordinate activities among various nodes. It has been shown to be a building block for several other important distributed computing problems like state-machine replication and atomic broadcast. The thesis begins by making a thorough performance assessment of existing intrusion-tolerant consensus protocols, which shows that the performance bottlenecks of current solutions are in part related to their system modeling assumptions. Based on these results, the communication failure model is identified as a model that simultaneously captures the reality of wireless ad hoc networks and allows the design of efficient protocols. Unfortunately, the model is subject to an impossibility result stating that there is no deterministic algorithm that allows n nodes to reach agreement if more than n2 omission transmission failures can occur in a communication step. This result is valid even under strict timing assumptions (i.e., a synchronous system). The thesis applies randomization techniques in increasingly weaker variants of this model, until an efficient intrusion-tolerant consensus protocol is achieved. The first variant simplifies the problem by restricting the number of nodes that may be at the source of a transmission failure at each communication step. An algorithm is designed that tolerates f dynamic nodes at the source of faulty transmissions in a system with a total of n 3f + 1 nodes. The second variant imposes no restrictions on the pattern of transmission failures. The proposed algorithm effectively circumvents the Santoro- Widmayer impossibility result for the first time. It allows k out of n nodes to decide despite dn 2 e(nk)+k2 omission failures per communication step. This algorithm also has the interesting property of guaranteeing safety during arbitrary periods of unrestricted message loss. The final variant shares the same properties of the previous one, but relaxes the model in the sense that the system is asynchronous and that a static subset of nodes may be malicious. The obtained algorithm, called Turquois, admits f < n 3 malicious nodes, and ensures progress in communication steps where dnf 2 e(n k f) + k 2. The algorithm is subject to a comparative performance evaluation against other intrusiontolerant protocols. The results show that, as the system scales, Turquois outperforms the other protocols by more than an order of magnitude.Esta tese investiga o problema do consenso tolerante a faltas acidentais e maliciosas em redes ad hoc sem fios. Trata-se de um problema fundamental que captura a essência da coordenação em actividades envolvendo vários nós de um sistema, sendo um bloco construtor de outros importantes problemas dos sistemas distribuídos como a replicação de máquina de estados ou a difusão atómica. A tese começa por efectuar uma avaliação de desempenho a protocolos tolerantes a intrusões já existentes na literatura. Os resultados mostram que as limitações de desempenho das soluções existentes estão em parte relacionadas com o seu modelo de sistema. Baseado nestes resultados, é identificado o modelo de falhas de comunicação como um modelo que simultaneamente permite capturar o ambiente das redes ad hoc sem fios e projectar protocolos eficientes. Todavia, o modelo é restrito por um resultado de impossibilidade que afirma não existir algoritmo algum que permita a n nós chegaram a acordo num sistema que admita mais do que n2 transmissões omissas num dado passo de comunicação. Este resultado é válido mesmo sob fortes hipóteses temporais (i.e., em sistemas síncronos) A tese aplica técnicas de aleatoriedade em variantes progressivamente mais fracas do modelo até ser alcançado um protocolo eficiente e tolerante a intrusões. A primeira variante do modelo, de forma a simplificar o problema, restringe o número de nós que estão na origem de transmissões faltosas. É apresentado um algoritmo que tolera f nós dinâmicos na origem de transmissões faltosas em sistemas com um total de n 3f + 1 nós. A segunda variante do modelo não impõe quaisquer restrições no padrão de transmissões faltosas. É apresentado um algoritmo que contorna efectivamente o resultado de impossibilidade Santoro-Widmayer pela primeira vez e que permite a k de n nós efectuarem progresso nos passos de comunicação em que o número de transmissões omissas seja dn 2 e(n k) + k 2. O algoritmo possui ainda a interessante propriedade de tolerar períodos arbitrários em que o número de transmissões omissas seja superior a . A última variante do modelo partilha das mesmas características da variante anterior, mas com pressupostos mais fracos sobre o sistema. Em particular, assume-se que o sistema é assíncrono e que um subconjunto estático dos nós pode ser malicioso. O algoritmo apresentado, denominado Turquois, admite f < n 3 nós maliciosos e assegura progresso nos passos de comunicação em que dnf 2 e(n k f) + k 2. O algoritmo é sujeito a uma análise de desempenho comparativa com outros protocolos na literatura. Os resultados demonstram que, à medida que o número de nós no sistema aumenta, o desempenho do protocolo Turquois ultrapassa os restantes em mais do que uma ordem de magnitude.FC

    Coordination and Self-Adaptive Communication Primitives for Low-Power Wireless Networks

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a recent trend where objects are augmented with computing and communication capabilities, often via low-power wireless radios. The Internet of Things is an enabler for a connected and more sustainable modern society: smart grids are deployed to improve energy production and consumption, wireless monitoring systems allow smart factories to detect faults early and reduce waste, while connected vehicles coordinate on the road to ensure our safety and save fuel. Many recent IoT applications have stringent requirements for their wireless communication substrate: devices must cooperate and coordinate, must perform efficiently under varying and sometimes extreme environments, while strict deadlines must be met. Current distributed coordination algorithms have high overheads and are unfit to meet the requirements of today\u27s wireless applications, while current wireless protocols are often best-effort and lack the guarantees provided by well-studied coordination solutions. Further, many communication primitives available today lack the ability to adapt to dynamic environments, and are often tuned during their design phase to reach a target performance, rather than be continuously updated at runtime to adapt to reality.In this thesis, we study the problem of efficient and low-latency consensus in the context of low-power wireless networks, where communication is unreliable and nodes can fail, and we investigate the design of a self-adaptive wireless stack, where the communication substrate is able to adapt to changes to its environment. We propose three new communication primitives: Wireless Paxos brings fault-tolerant consensus to low-power wireless networking, STARC is a middleware for safe vehicular coordination at intersections, while Dimmer builds on reinforcement learning to provide adaptivity to low-power wireless networks. We evaluate in-depth each primitive on testbed deployments and we provide an open-source implementation to enable their use and improvement by the community

    Byzantine Failure Detection for Dynamic Distributed Systems

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    Byzantine failure detectors provide an elegant abstraction for implementing Byzantine fault tolerance. However, as far as we know, there is no general solution for this problem in a dynamic distributed system over wireless networks with unknown membership. This paper presents thus a first Byzantine failure detector for this context. The protocol has the interesting feature to be time-free, that is, it does not rely on timers to detect omission failures. This characteristic favors its scalability and help to deal with the dynamics and unpredictability of those networks.Les détecteurs de défaillances Byzantines offrent une abstraction élégante pour implanter la tolérance aux fautes Byzantines. Cependant, à notre connaissance, il n'existe pas de solution générale pour ce problème dans un système réparti dynamique. Cet article présente un premier détecteur de défaillance Byzantin pour ce type d'environnement. Le protocole proposé est asynchrone dans le sens où les processus n'utilisent pas de temporisateur pour détecter les fautes. Cette caractéristique rend le protocole extensible et adaptable

    Tractable reliable communication in compromised networks

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    Reliable communication is a fundamental primitive in distributed systems prone to Byzantine (i.e. arbitrary, and possibly malicious) failures to guarantee the integrity, delivery, and authorship of the messages exchanged between processes. Its practical adoption strongly depends on the system assumptions. Several solutions have been proposed so far in the literature implementing such a primitive, but some lack in scalability and/or demand topological network conditions computationally hard to be verified. This thesis aims to investigate and address some of the open problems and challenges implementing such a communication primitive. Specifically, we analyze how a reliable communication primitive can be implemented in 1) a static distributed system where a subset of processes is compromised, 2) a dynamic distributed system where part of the processes is Byzantine faulty, and 3) a static distributed system where every process can be compromised and recover. We define several more efficient protocols and we characterize alternative network conditions guaranteeing their correctness
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