6,800 research outputs found

    The belief noisy-or model applied to network reliability analysis

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    One difficulty faced in knowledge engineering for Bayesian Network (BN) is the quan-tification step where the Conditional Probability Tables (CPTs) are determined. The number of parameters included in CPTs increases exponentially with the number of parent variables. The most common solution is the application of the so-called canonical gates. The Noisy-OR (NOR) gate, which takes advantage of the independence of causal interactions, provides a logarithmic reduction of the number of parameters required to specify a CPT. In this paper, an extension of NOR model based on the theory of belief functions, named Belief Noisy-OR (BNOR), is proposed. BNOR is capable of dealing with both aleatory and epistemic uncertainty of the network. Compared with NOR, more rich information which is of great value for making decisions can be got when the available knowledge is uncertain. Specially, when there is no epistemic uncertainty, BNOR degrades into NOR. Additionally, different structures of BNOR are presented in this paper in order to meet various needs of engineers. The application of BNOR model on the reliability evaluation problem of networked systems demonstrates its effectiveness


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    When dealing with modern complex systems, the relationship existing between components can lead to the appearance of various dependencies between component failures, where multiple items of the system fail simultaneously in unpredictable fashions. These probabilistic common cause failures affect greatly the performance of these critical systems. In this paper a novel methodology is developed to quantify the importance of common cause failures when hybrid uncertainties are presented in systems. First, the probabilistic common cause failures are modeled with Bayesian networks and are incorporated into the system exploiting the α factor model. Then, probability-boxes (bound analysis method) are introduced to model the hybrid uncertainties and quantify the effect of uncertainties on system reliability. Furthermore, an extended Birnbaum importance measure is defined to identify the critical common cause failure events and coupling impact factors when uncertainties are expressed by probability-boxes. Finally, the effectiveness of the method is demonstrated through a numerical example.W przypadku nowoczesnych systemów złożonych, relacje zachodzące między komponentami mogą prowadzić do pojawienia się różnych zależności między ich uszkodzeniami, a tym samym do sytuacji w których kilka składowych systemu ulega uszkodzeniu jednocześnie w nieprzewidywalny sposób. Tego typu probabilistyczne uszkodzenia wywołane wspólną przyczyną (PCCF) mają ogromny wpływ na wydajność tych kluczowych systemów. W przedstawionym artykule opracowano nową metodę szacowania ważności PCFF w sytuacjach, gdy w systemie występują niepewności hybrydowe. W pierwszej kolejności, PCFF zamodelowano za pomocą sieci bayesowskich i włączono do systemu wykorzystującego model współczynnika α. Następnie, wprowadzono przedziały prawdopodobieństwa, tzw. probability boxes (bound analysis method), w celu zamodelowania niepewności hybrydowych i kwantyfikacji wpływu tych niepewności na niezawodność systemu. Ponadto zdefiniowano rozszerzoną miarę ważności Birnbauma, która pozwala zidentyfikować krytyczne zdarzenia PCCF oraz czynniki, które je wywołały, w przypadkach, gdy niepewności wyrażone są za pomocą probability boxes. Skuteczność metody wykazano na przykładzie numerycznym

    A review of applications of fuzzy sets to safety and reliability engineering

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    Safety and reliability are rigorously assessed during the design of dependable systems. Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) processes are comprehensive, structured and logical methods widely used for this purpose. PRA approaches include, but not limited to Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), and Event Tree Analysis (ETA). In conventional PRA, failure data about components is required for the purposes of quantitative analysis. In practice, it is not always possible to fully obtain this data due to unavailability of primary observations and consequent scarcity of statistical data about the failure of components. To handle such situations, fuzzy set theory has been successfully used in novel PRA approaches for safety and reliability evaluation under conditions of uncertainty. This paper presents a review of fuzzy set theory based methodologies applied to safety and reliability engineering, which include fuzzy FTA, fuzzy FMEA, fuzzy ETA, fuzzy Bayesian networks, fuzzy Markov chains, and fuzzy Petri nets. Firstly, we describe relevant fundamentals of fuzzy set theory and then we review applications of fuzzy set theory to system safety and reliability analysis. The review shows the context in which each technique may be more appropriate and highlights the overall potential usefulness of fuzzy set theory in addressing uncertainty in safety and reliability engineering

    Modeling of Reliability and Performance Assessment of a Dissimilar Redundancy Actuation System With Failure Monitoring

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    Actuation system is a vital system in an aircraft, providing the force necessary to move flight control surfaces. The system has a significant influence on the overall aircraft performance and its safety. In order to further increase already high reliability and safety, Airbus has implemented a dissimilar redundancy actuation system (DRAS) in its aircraft. The DRAS consists of a hydraulic actuation system (HAS) and an electro-hydrostatic actuation system (EHAS), in which the HAS utilizes a hydraulic source (HS) to move the control surface and the EHAS utilizes an electrical supply (ES) to provide the motion force. This paper focuses on the performance degradation processes and fault monitoring strategies of the DRAS, establishes its reliability model based on the generalized stochastic Petri nets (GSPN), and carries out a reliability assessment considering the fault monitoring coverage rate and the false alarm rate. The results indicate that the proposed reliability model of the DRAS, considering the fault monitoring, can express its fault logical relation and redundancy degradation process and identify potential safety hazards

    Use of limited data to construct Bayesian networks for probabilistic risk assessment.

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    Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) is a fundamental part of safety/quality assurance for nuclear power and nuclear weapons. Traditional PRA very effectively models complex hardware system risks using binary probabilistic models. However, traditional PRA models are not flexible enough to accommodate non-binary soft-causal factors, such as digital instrumentation&control, passive components, aging, common cause failure, and human errors. Bayesian Networks offer the opportunity to incorporate these risks into the PRA framework. This report describes the results of an early career LDRD project titled %E2%80%9CUse of Limited Data to Construct Bayesian Networks for Probabilistic Risk Assessment%E2%80%9D. The goal of the work was to establish the capability to develop Bayesian Networks from sparse data, and to demonstrate this capability by producing a data-informed Bayesian Network for use in Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) as part of nuclear power plant Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA). This report summarizes the research goal and major products of the research

    An advanced fuzzy Bayesian-based FMEA approach for assessing maritime supply chain risks

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    This paper aims to develop a novel model to assess the risk factors of maritime supply chains by incorporating a fuzzy belief rule approach with Bayesian networks. The new model, compared to traditional risk analysis methods, has the capability of improving result accuracy under a high uncertainty in risk data. A real case of a world leading container shipping company is investigated, and the research results reveal that among the most significant risk factors are transportation of dangerous goods, fluctuation of fuel price, fierce competition, unattractive markets, and change of exchange rates in sequence. Such findings will provide useful insights for accident prevention

    Reliability of Redundant M-Out-Of-N Architectures With Dependent Components: A Comprehensible Approach With Monte Carlo Simulation

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    Redundant architectures can improve the reliability of complex systems. However, component dependencies can affect the architecture and negate the benefit of redundancy. In this paper, we develop three component dependency models and analyze the reliability of different M-out-of-N configurations using Monte Carlo simulation. The first model assumes a linear component dependency. The second and third models consider common cause failures, in the latter for all components and in the second for random groups of components. As expected, the results show that interdependency degrades the reliability of parallel 1ooN systems while improving it for serial NooN systems. Interestingly, 2oo3 systems produce intermediate results that show an improvement in reliability for certain indicators and a deterioration for some others, depending on the type of dependency models. The results show nonlinear properties of MooN systems with dependent components, which suggest careful handling in applications. An online simulation platform based on Monte Carlo Simulation enables product designers to use the models efficiently and achieve tailored result

    Risk Assessment and Management of Petroleum Transportation Systems Operations

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    Petroleum Transportation Systems (PTSs) have a significant impact on the flow of crude oil within a Petroleum Supply Chain (PSC), due to the great demand on this natural product. Such systems are used for safe movement of crude and/or refined products from starting points (i.e. production sites or storage tanks), to their final destinations, via land or sea transportation. PTSs are vulnerable to several risks because they often operate in a dynamic environment. Due to this environment, many potential risks and uncertainties are involved. Not only having a direct effect on the product flow within PSC, PTSs accidents could also have severe consequences for the humans, businesses, and the environment. Therefore, safe operations of the key systems such as port, ship and pipeline, are vital for the success of PTSs. This research introduces an advanced approach to ensure safety of PTSs. This research proposes multiple network analysis, risk assessment, uncertainties treatment and decision making techniques for dealing with potential hazards and operational issues that are happening within the marine ports, ships, or pipeline transportation segments within one complete system. The main phases of the developed framework are formulated in six steps. In the first phase of the research, the hazards in PTSs operations that can lead to a crude oil spill are identified through conducting an extensive review of literature and experts’ knowledge. In the second phase, a Fuzzy Rule-Based Bayesian Reasoning (FRBBR) and Hugin software are applied in the new context of PTSs to assess and prioritise the local PTSs failures as one complete system. The third phase uses Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in order to determine the weight of PTSs local factors. In the fourth phase, network analysis approach is used to measure the importance of petroleum ports, ships and pipelines systems globally within Petroleum Transportation Networks (PTNs). This approach can help decision makers to measure and detect the critical nodes (ports and transportation routes) within PTNs. The fifth phase uses an Evidential Reasoning (ER) approach and Intelligence Decision System (IDS) software, to assess hazards influencing on PTSs as one complete system. This research developed an advance risk-based framework applied ER approach due to its ability to combine the local/internal and global/external risk analysis results of the PTSs. To complete the cycle of this study, the best mitigating strategies are introduced and evaluated by incorporating VIseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) and AHP to rank the risk control options. The novelty of this framework provides decision makers with realistic and flexible results to ensure efficient and safe operations for PTSs