312 research outputs found


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    Maintenance decision support system is crucial to ensure maintainability and reliability of equipments in production lines. This thesis investigates a few decision support models to aid maintenance management activities in small and medium industries. In order to improve the reliability of resources in production lines, this study introduces a conceptual framework to be used in failure-based maintenance. Maintenance strategies are identified using the Decision-Making Grid model, based on two important factors, including the machines’ downtimes and their frequency of failures. The machines are categorized into three downtime criterions and frequency of failures, which are high, medium and low. This research derived a formula based on maintenance cost, to re-position the machines prior to Decision-Making Grid analysis. Subsequently, the formula on clustering analysis in the Decision-Making Grid model is improved to solve multiple-criteria problem. This research work also introduced a formula to estimate contractor’s response and repair time. The estimates are used as input parameters in the Analytical Hierarchy Process model. The decisions were synthesized using models based on the contractors’ technical skills such as experience in maintenance, skill to diagnose machines and ability to take prompt action during troubleshooting activities. Another important criteria considered in the Analytical Hierarchy Process is the business principles of the contractors, which includes the maintenance quality, tools, equipments and enthusiasm in problem-solving. The raw data collected through observation, interviews and surveys in the case studies to understand some risk factors in small and medium food processing industries. The risk factors are analysed with the Ishikawa Fishbone diagram to reveal delay time in machinery maintenance. The experimental studies are conducted using maintenance records in food processing industries. The Decision Making Grid model can detect the top ten worst production machines on the production lines. The Analytical Hierarchy Process model is used to rank the contractors and their best maintenance practice. This research recommends displaying the results on the production’s indicator boards and implements the strategies on the production shop floor. The proposed models can be used by decision makers to identify maintenance strategies and enhance competitiveness among contractors in failure-based maintenance. The models can be programmed as decision support sub-procedures in computerized maintenance management systems

    Selective maintenance optimisation for series-parallel systems alternating missions and scheduled breaks with stochastic durations

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    This paper deals with the selective maintenance problem for a multi-component system performing consecutive missions separated by scheduled breaks. To increase the probability of successfully completing its next mission, the system components are maintained during the break. A list of potential imperfect maintenance actions on each component, ranging from minimal repair to replacement is available. The general hybrid hazard rate approach is used to model the reliability improvement of the system components. Durations of the maintenance actions, the mission and the breaks are stochastic with known probability distributions. The resulting optimisation problem is modelled as a non-linear stochastic programme. Its objective is to determine a cost-optimal subset of maintenance actions to be performed on the components given the limited stochastic duration of the break and the minimum system reliability level required to complete the next mission. The fundamental concepts and relevant parameters of this decision-making problem are developed and discussed. Numerical experiments are provided to demonstrate the added value of solving this selective maintenance problem as a stochastic optimisation programme

    Developing a Trade-off between Upgrade Action Time and Warranty Length for Second-hand Electrical Components

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    One way of improving the reliability and reducing the warranty servicing cost for second-hand items is through actions such as overhaul and upgrade which are carried out by the dealer or a third party. For second-hand electrical components, the improvement involves testing of items for a short time, called upgrade action time, before their release to the market. The items that fail during the test are scrapped or repaired; only items that survive the test are considered to be of good quality and released to the market. In this paper, a cost model is developed to achieve a trade-off between reducing the warranty servicing cost and increasing the upgrade action cost for a second-hand electrical component sold under various warranty policies

    A Costing Analysis For Decision Making Grid Model In Failure-Based Maintenance

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    In current economic downturn, industries have to set good control on production cost, to maintain their profit margin. Maintenance department as an imperative unit in industries should attain all maintenance data, process information instantaneously, and subsequently transform it into a useful decision. Then act on the alternative to reduce production cost. Decision Making Grid model is used to identify strategies for maintenance decision. However, the model has limitation as it consider two factors only, that is, downtime and frequency of failures. We consider third factor, cost, in this study for failure-based maintenance. The objective of this paper is to introduce the formulae to estimate maintenance cost. Methods. Fish bone analysis conducted with Ishikawa model and Decision Making Grid methods are used in this study to reveal some underlying risk factors that delay failure-based maintenance. The goal of the study is to estimate the risk factor that is, repair cost to fit in the Decision Making Grid model. Decision Making grid model consider two variables, frequency of failure and downtime in the analysis. This paper introduces third variable, repair cost for Decision Making Grid model. This approaches give better result to categorize the machines, reduce cost, and boost the earning for the manufacturing plant. Results. We collected data from one of the food processing factories in Malaysia. From our empirical result, Machine C, Machine D, Machine F, and Machine I must be in the Decision Making Grid model even though their frequency of failures and downtime are less than Machine B and Machine N, based on the costing analysis. The case study and experimental results show that the cost analysis in Decision Making Grid model gives more promising strategies in failure-based maintenance. Conclusions. The improvement of Decision Making Grid model for decision analysis with costing analysis is our contribution in this paper for computerized maintenance management system

    Proactive and Efficient Spare Parts Inventory Management Policies Considering Reliability Issues

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    Spare parts inventory management plays an important role in many industries. They exist to serve the maintenance planning and a good planning can significantly reduce maintenance cost. This thesis developed a series of non-linear programming models to obtain optimal spare parts replenishment policies for failure-based maintenance in a single period. Both single Part Number case and multiple Part Numbers case with a budget constraint are addressed. Compared with traditional forecasting methods which only consider historical data, our proposed inventory policies take into account reliability issues and predict impending demands based on part failure distributions from two perspectives: failure time and failure numbers. Therefore, optimal order quantity and best order time can be found to realize total cost minimization, as well as a systematic inventory optimization

    A review on maintenance optimization

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    To this day, continuous developments of technical systems and increasing reliance on equipment have resulted in a growing importance of effective maintenance activities. During the last couple of decades, a substantial amount of research has been carried out on this topic. In this study we review more than two hundred papers on maintenance modeling and optimization that have appeared in the period 2001 to 2018. We begin by describing terms commonly used in the modeling process. Then, in our classification, we first distinguish single-unit and multi-unit systems. Further sub-classification follows, based on the state space of the deterioration process modeled. Other features that we discuss in this review are discrete and continuous condition monitoring, inspection, replacement, repair, and the various types of dependencies that may exist between units within systems. We end with the main developments during the review period and with potential future research directions

    Reliability Analysis And Optimal Maintenance Planning For Repairable Multi-Component Systems Subject To Dependent Competing Risks

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    Modern engineering systems generally consist of multiple components that interact in a complex manner. Reliability analysis of multi-component repairable systems plays a critical role for system safety and cost reduction. Establishing reliability models and scheduling optimal maintenance plans for multi-component repairable systems, however, is still a big challenge when considering the dependency of component failures. Existing models commonly make prior assumptions, without statistical verification, as to whether different component failures are independent or not. In this dissertation, data-driven systematic methodologies to characterize component failure dependency of complex systems are proposed. In CHAPTER 2, a parametric reliability model is proposed to capture the statistical dependency among different component failures under partially perfect repair assumption. Based on the proposed model, statistical hypothesis tests are developed to test the dependency of component failures. In CHAPTER 3, two reliability models for multi-component systems with dependent competing risks under imperfect assumptions are proposed, i.e., generalized dependent latent age model and copula-based trend-renewal process model. The generalized dependent latent age model generalizes the partially perfect repair model by involving the extended virtual age concept. And the copula-based trend renewal process model utilizes multiple trend functions to transform the failure times from original time domain to a transformed time domain, in which the repair conditions can be treated as partially perfect. Parameter estimation methods for both models are developed. In CHAPTER 4, based on the generalized dependent latent age model, two periodic inspection-based maintenance polices are developed for a multi-component repairable system subject to dependent competing risks. The first maintenance policy assumes all the components are restored to as good as new once a failure detected, i.e., the whole system is replaced. The second maintenance policy considers the partially perfect repair, i.e., only the failed component can be replaced after detection of failures. Both the maintenance policies are optimized with the aim to minimize the expected average maintenance cost per unit time. The developed methodologies are demonstrated by using applications of real engineering systems

    Statistical Inference for a Virtual Age Reliability Model

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    During the lifetime of a system, repairs may be performed when the system fails. It is most common to assume either perfect repair or minimal repair. However, a repair actually will sometimes be between minimal repair and perfect repair, which is called imperfect repair. The Kijima type I virtual age model can be used to model these types of repairable systems. This model contains a parameter which reflects the restoration level after each repair. This thesis considers statistical inference for the Kijima type I model, which deals with repairable systems that can be restored to the operating state through system replacement or repair after the system fails. We present Bayesian analysis for the Kijima type I virtual age model, including consideration of the system's overall time to failure if a given number of repairs is possible. We use both Bayesian analysis, which specifies a single prior distribution, and a robust Bayesian analysis approach. A set of prior distributions is used in robust Bayesian analysis in order to deal with uncertainty regarding prior knowledge of the Kijima type I model parameters in a flexible way and to enhance the objectivity of the analysis in an imprecise Bayesian framework by computing predictive posterior distribution bounds for the reliability function of the system. Finally, we discuss the use of the developed methods to decide about optimal replacement. Optimal replacement is the methodology of replacing a system component at the most advantageous or efficient moment to increase its performance and minimize overall expected costs. Two policies are introduced with cost functions based on time and number of failures to make a decision on optimal replacement time or optimal number of failures of the system under the Kijima type I model using the Weibull distribution. These policies illustrate how the Bayesian and robust Bayesian analysis can be used for inferences about the optimal replacement and the expected total cost

    Efficient aircraft spare parts inventory management under demand uncertainty

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    In airline industries, the aircraft maintenance cost takes up about 13% of the total operating cost. It can be reduced by a good planning. Spare parts inventories exist to serve the maintenance planning. Compared with commonly used reorder point system (ROP) and forecasting methods which only consider historical data, this paper presents two non-linear programming models which predict impending demands based on installed parts failure distribution. The optimal order time and order quantity can be found by minimizing total cost. The first basic mathematical model assumes shortage period starts from mean time to failure (MTTF). An iteration method and GAMS are used to solve this model. The second improved mathematical model takes into account accurate shortage time. Due to its complexity, only GAMS is applied in solution methodology. Both models can be proved effective in cost reduction through revised numerical examples and their results. Comparisons of the two models are also discussed
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