3 research outputs found

    Relativizations of the P =? DNP Question for the BSS Model

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    We consider the uniform BSS model of computation where the machines can perform additions, multiplications, and tests of the form xgeq0xgeq 0. The oracle machines can also check whether a tuple of real numbers belongs to a given oracle set calO{cal O} or not. We construct oracles such that the classes P and DNP relative to these oracles are equal or not equal

    A topological view on algebraic computation models

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    We investigate the topological aspects of some algebraic computation models, in particular the BSS-model. Our results can be seen as bounds on how different BSS-computability and computability in the sense of computable analysis can be. The framework for this is Weihrauch reducibility. As a consequence of our characterizations, we establish that the solvability complexity index is (mostly) independent of the computational model, and that there thus is common ground in the study of non-computability between the BSS and TTE setting