147 research outputs found


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    The C-C and C-H bonds have high bond strength and low polarization, which make many small hydrocarbons too inert to react with other molecules under ambient pressure and temperature conditions. Therefore, activation of these bonds is required to convert such small molecules into other value-added chemicals. Among various bond activation methods, metal activation is widely used and reported in the literature, because of its relatively mild reaction conditions and high selectivity. In this work, Ce atom reactions with several small hydrocarbons are carried out in a pulsed laser vaporization supersonic molecular beam source, and Ce -hydrocarbon species are observed with time-of-flight mass spectrometry and characterized by mass-analyzed threshold ionization (MATI) spectroscopy and theoretical calculations. The small hydrocarbon compounds include ethylene, propene, 2-butene, and iso-butene. In addition to these alkene molecules, ammonia is used to investigate the N-H bond activation and compare with the C-H activation of the alkene molecules. Ammonia reaction with La atom is also included in this work to help investigate effects of the Ce 4f1 electron on the Ce reactivity and MATI spectra of Ce-containing species. The theoretical calculations include quantum chemical computations and spectral simulations. The quantum chemical methods include density functional theory, electron correlation, and spin-orbit coupling, and the spectral simulations are based on multi-dimensional Frack-Condon factor calculations. Vibrationally-resolved MATI spectra are obtained for Ce(C2H2) formed through ethylene dehydrogenation, Ce(C3Hn) (n = 4 and 6) by the C-H and C-C bond activation of propene, Ce(C4H6) two isomers from the C-C bond coupling of ethylene and dehydrogenation of 2- and iso-butene, and LnNH (Ln= La and Ce) formed in the Ce and La reactions with ammonia. The MATI spectra of Ce-hydrocarbon and CeNH complexes consist of two or more vibronic band systems due to spin-orbit coupling between the Ce 4f and 6s electrons, while the spectrum of LaNH has only one vibronic band system. The ground valence electron configurations of all Ce-containing species are Ce 4f16s1, while that of LaNH is La 6s1. Ionization removes the Ce 6s1 or La 6s1 electron and produces doublet electronic states for the Ce-containing species and a singlet state for LaNH. The remaining two 5d electrons that are associated with bare Ce or La atom are spin paired in one or two molecular orbitals that are in binding combinations with ligand orbitals

    Applications of density functional theory (DFT) to investigate the structural, spectroscopic and magnetic properties of lanthanide(III) complexes

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    [Abstract] Density functional theory (DFT) has become a general tool to investigate the structure and properties of complicated inorganic molecules, such as lanthanide(III) coordination compounds, due to the high accuracy that can be achieved at relatively low computational cost. Herein, we present an overview of different successful applications of DFT to investigate the structure, dynamics, vibrational spectra, NMR chemical shifts, hyperfine interactions, excited states, and magnetic properties of lanthanide(III) complexes. We devote particular attention to our own work on the conformational analysis of LnIII-polyaminocarboxylate complexes. Besides, a short discussion on the different approaches used to investigate lanthanide(III) complexes, i. e. all-electron relativistic calculations and the use of relativistic effective core potentials (RECPs), is also presented. The issue of whether the 4f electrons of the lanthanides are involved in chemical bonding or not is also shortly discussed.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia; CTQ2009-10721Xunta de Galicia; IN845B-2010/06

    Mass-Analyzed Threshold Ionization of Lanthanide Imide LnNH (Ln = La and Ce) Radicals from N–H Bond Activation of Ammonia

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    Ln (Ln = La and Ce) atom reactions with ammonia are carried out in a pulsed laser vaporization supersonic molecular beam source. Lanthanide-containing species are observed with time-of-flight mass spectrometry, and LnNH molecules are characterized by mass-analyzed threshold ionization (MATI) spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations. The theoretical calculations include density functional theory for both Ln species and a scalar relativity correction, electron correlation, and spin-orbit coupling for the Ce species. The MATI spectrum of LaNH exhibits a single vibronic band system with a strong origin band and two weak vibronic progressions, whereas the spectrum of CeNH displays two band systems separated by 75 cm−1 with each being like the LaNH spectrum. By comparing with the theoretical calculations, both LaNH and CeNH are identified as linear molecules with C∞v symmetry, and the two vibronic progressions are attributed to the excitations of Ln–N stretching and Ln–N–H bending modes in the ions. The additional band system observed for CeNH is due to the spin-orbit splitting from the interactions of triplet and singlet states. The ground valence electron configurations of LaNH and CeNH are La 6s1 and Ce 4f16s1, and the ionization of each species removes the Ln 6s1 electron. The remaining two electrons that are associated with the isolated Ln atoms or ions are in a doubly degenerate molecular orbital that is a bonding combination between Ln 5dπ and N pπ orbitals

    Quasi-Atomic Bond Analyses in the Sixth Period: II. Bond Analyses of Cerium Oxides

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    The role of the 4f orbitals in bonding is examined for the molecules cerium monoxide and cerium dioxide that have cerium formally in the +2 and +4 oxidation states, respectively. It is shown that the 4f orbitals are used primarily for polarization of the 5d orbitals when cerium is in the lower oxidation state, while the 4f orbitals play a significant role in chemical bonding via 5d/4f hybridization when cerium is in the +4 oxidation state

    Quantum Chemical Investigation of Electronic and Structural Properties of Crystalline Bismuth and Lanthanide Triborates

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    The origins of the optical effects and the chemical stability of BiB3O6 are studied by gradient-corrected hybrid B3PW density functional theory within the Gaussian-orbital-based CO-LCAO scheme. Including spin-orbit coupling, B3PW yields an estimate of the indirect band gap of 4.29~4.99 eV which is closer to the experimental value of 4.3 eV than the HF, LDA or GGA results. The crystal orbital overlap population is carried out to give a detailed first-principles analysis of chemical bonding. It is found that the Bi 6s couples with the O 2p in the primary interaction, which eventually forms both bonding and antibonding orbitals below the Fermi level. The Bi 6p is further involved in the secondary interaction with the filled Bi 6s-O 2p antibonding orbitals. The stereochemical activity of the Bi lone-pairs mainly originates from the primary interaction for the occupied Bi 6s-O 2p antibonding orbitals. It is found that the Bi 6p orbitals are not critically responsible for the non-spherical shape of the Bi lone-pairs. The densities of optical absorptions for the total BiB3O6 crystal, [BiO4]5- and [BO3]3- and [BO4]5- subunits are individually calculated by convoluting the total occupied density of states and the virtual densities of states of the corresponding unit. It is found that the [BiO4]5- units are mainly responsible for the optics of BiB3O6 in the long wavelength region. The reason is that the Bi-O covalent bonds lead to large spatial orbital overlappings and thus favor the electronic transfer from the occupied O 2p to the empty Bi 6p orbitals. The relativistic and correlation effects lead to fundamental differences of the band structure, chemical bonds and optical effects for BiB3O6 compared with non-relativistic and uncorrelated calculations. The harmonic frequencies of BiB3O6 are calculated by applying the numerical-difference technique. The complete 13 A and 14 B vibrational modes are assigned, graphically visualized and classified according to the Bi-O and B-O motions. Comparisons with previous experimental reports are discussed in detail. Crystal orbital adapted Gaussian (4s4p3d), (5s5p4d) and (6s6p5d) valence primitive basis sets are derived, in line with relativistic energy-consistent 4f-in-core lanthanide pseudopotentials of the Stuttgart-Köln variety, for calculating periodic bulk materials containing trivalent lanthanide ions, particularly in this thesis for the investigation of the relative stability of C2 and I2 phases of LnB3O6. Different segmented contraction schemes are calibrated on A-type Pm2O3 studying the basis set size effects. Further applications to the geometry optimization of other A-type Ln2O3 (Ln=La-Nd) show a satisfactory agreement with experimental data using the lanthanide valence basis sets (6s6p5d)/[4s4p4d]. The cohesive energies of A-Ln2O3 within both conventional Kohn-Sham DFT and the a posteriori-HF correlation DFT schemes are evaluated by using the corresponding augmented sets (8s7p6d)/[6s5p5d] with additional diffuse functions for the atomic energies of free lanthanide atoms. The I2 phases of LaB3O6 and GdB3O6 crystals are more stable than C2 phases according to both of the calculated energetic data and first-principles bond analysis. This is in agreement with the experimental results. A new method is developed to calculate the optical properties for large systems based on available wavefunction correlation approaches in the framework of the incremental scheme. The convergence behaviors of first- and second-order polarizabilities with respect to the domain distances and incremental expansion orders are examined and discussed for the model system Ga4As4H18

    Quasi-Atomic Bond Analyses in the Sixth Period: I. Relativistic Accurate Atomic Minimal Basis Sets for the Elements Cesium to Radon

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    Full-valence relativistic accurate atomic minimal basis set (AAMBS) orbitals are developed for the sixth-row elements from cesium to radon, including the lanthanides. Saturated primitive atomic basis sets are developed and subsequently used to form the AAMBS orbitals. By virtue of the use of a saturated basis, properties computed based on the AAMBS orbitals are basis set independent. In molecules, the AAMBS orbitals can be used to construct valence virtual orbitals (VVOs) that provide chemically meaningful abinitio lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (LUMOs) with basis set independent orbital energies. The optimized occupied molecular orbitals complemented with the VVOs form a set of full-valence molecular orbitals. They can be transformed into a set of oriented quasi-atomic orbitals (QUAOs) that provide information on intramolecular bonding via an intrinsic density analysis. In the present work, the development of the AAMBS for the sixth row is presented

    Relativistic double-zeta, triple-zeta, and quadruple-zeta basis sets for the lanthanides La–Lu

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    Relativistic basis sets of double-zeta, triple-zeta, and quadruple-zeta quality have been optimized for the lanthanide elements La-Lu. The basis sets include SCF exponents for the occupied spinors and for the 6p shell, exponents of correlating functions for the valence shells (4f, 5d and 6s) and the outer core shells (4d, 5s and 5p), and diffuse functions, including functions for dipole polarization of the 4f shell. A finite nuclear size was used in all optimizations. The basis sets are illustrated by calculations on YbF. Prescriptions are given for constructing contracted basis sets. The basis sets are available as an internet archive and from the Dirac program web site, http://dirac. chem. sdu. dk. © 2010 The Author(s)

    Molecular enhancement factors for P, T-violating eEDM in BaCH3_3 and YbCH3_3 symmetric top molecules

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    High-precision tests of fundamental symmetries are looking for the parity- (P), time-reversal- (T) violating electric dipole moment of the electron (eEDM) as proof of physics beyond the Standard Model. Particularly, in polyatomic molecules, the complex vibrational and rotational structure gives the possibility to reach high enhancement of the P, T-odd effects in moderate electric fields. Additionally, it is possible to increase the statistical sensitivity by using laser cooling. In this work, we calculate the P, T-odd electronic structure parameters WdW_\mathrm{d} and WsW_\mathrm{s} for the promising candidates BaCH3_3 and YbCH3_3 for the interpretation of future experiments. We employ high-accuracy relativistic coupled cluster methods and systematically evaluate the uncertainties of our computational approach. Compared to other Ba- and Yb-containing molecules, BaCH3_3 and YbCH3_3 exhibit larger WdW_\mathrm{d} and WsW_\mathrm{s} associated to increased covalent character of the M--C bond. The calculated values are 3.22±0.11×1024hHzecm3.22\pm 0.11 \times 10^{24}\frac{h\text{Hz}}{e\text{cm}} and 13.80±0.35×1024hHzecm13.80\pm 0.35 \times 10^{24}\frac{h\text{Hz}}{e\text{cm}} for WdW_\mathrm{d}, and 8.42±0.298.42\pm0.29~hhkHz and 45.35±1.1545.35\pm1.15~hhkHz for WsW_\mathrm{s}, in BaCH3_3 and YbCH3_3, respectively. The robust, accurate, and cost-effective computational scheme reported in this work makes our results suitable for extracting the relevant fundamental properties from future measurements and also can be used to explore other polyatomic molecules sensitive to various violations of fundamental symmetries

    Experimental and computational magnetic resonance studies of selected rare earth and bismuth complexes

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    Abstract The rare-earth elements (REEs) and bismuth, being classified as the ‘most critical raw materials’ (European Raw Materials Initiatives, 2017), have a high economic importance to the EU combined with a high relative supply risk. REEs are highly important for the evolving technologies such as clean-energy applications, high-technology components, rechargeable batteries, permanent magnets, electric and hybrid vehicles, and phosphors monitors. This scientific research work aims at building a fundamental knowledge base concerning the electronic/molecular structure and properties of rare-earth element (REE) and bismuth complexes with dithiocarbamate (DTC) and 1,10-phenanthroline (PHEN) by employing state-of-the-art experimental techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques together with ab initio quantum mechanical computational methods. This combination of methods has played a vital role in analysing the direct and significant effect of the heavy metal ions on the structural and magnetic resonance properties of the complexes, thereby, providing a framework of structure elucidation. This is of special importance for REEs, which are known to exhibit similar chemical and physical properties. The objectives of the work involve i) a systematic investigation of series of REE(III) as well as bismuth(III) complexes to get a profound understanding of the structure-properties relationship and ii) to find an appropriate theoretical modelling and NMR calculation methods, especially, for heavy metal systems in molecular and/or solid-state. This information can later be used in surface interaction studies of REE/bismuth minerals with DTC as well as in design and development of novel ligands for extraction/separation of metal ions. The REE(III) and bismuth(III) complexes with DTC and PHEN ligands have all provided a unique NMR fingerprint of the metal centre both in liquid and solid phase. The solid-state ¹³C and ¹⁵N NMR spectra of the diamagnetic REE(III) and bismuth(III) complexes were in accord with their structural data obtained by single crystal XRD. The density functional theory (DFT) methods were used to get complementary and refined structural and NMR parameters information for all diamagnetic complexes in the solid-state. The relativistic contributions due to scalar and spin-orbit correlations for the calculated ¹H/¹³C/¹⁵N chemical shifts of REE complexes were analysed using two-component zeroth-order regular approximation (ZORA)/DFT while the ‘crystal-lattice’ effects on the NMR parameters were calculated by combining DFT calculations on molecular and periodic solid-state models. The paramagnetic REE complexes display huge differences in their ¹H and ¹³C NMR spectral patterns. The experimental paramagnetic NMR (pNMR) chemical shifts, as well as the sizable difference of the ¹H and ¹³C NMR shifts for these isoelectronic complexes, are well reproduced by the advanced calculations using ab initio/DFT approach. The accuracy of this approach is very promising for further applications to demanding pNMR problems involving paramagnetic f-block elements. The results presented in this thesis demonstrate that a multidisciplinary approach of combined experimental NMR and XRD techniques along with computational modelling and property calculations is highly efficient in studying molecular complexes and solids containing heavy metal systems, such as rare-earths and bismuth