36 research outputs found

    Prevalence of smart phone addiction, sleep quality and associated behaviour problems in adolescents

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    Background: World is ever changing due to advancement in realm of science and technology, one such advancement is in field of smart phones. The ubiquity of smart phone technology raises concern for its addiction among adolescents and its relationship with quality of sleep, mental and physical health problems. Objective of the study was to investigate magnitude of smart phone addiction and evaluate the impact of smart phone addiction on their mental health and sleep quality.Methods: A cross‑sectional study was conducted on sample comprising of 587 students of repudiated school. Students were assessed with a specially designed proforma and Smart phone addiction scale (SAS) which was self‑administered by the students. Subjects were classified into smartphone non-user group, a low smartphone user group and a high smartphone user group. Subsequently depression anxiety and stress sub scores (DASS-21) scale were administered to asses associated behaviour problems, investigate sleep quality Pittsburgh sleep quality inventory was administered (PSQI).Results: Out of 587 subjects who completed the questionnaires 12.9% (n=76) were not using smart phones, (n=315) 53.62% were low users and (n=196) 33.3% were high users of Smart phone as estimated by Smart Phone addiction scale. Those who used smart phone excessively had high Global PSQI scores and DASS-21scores in terms of depression, anxiety and stress.Conclusions: With increasing popularity of smart phones, youths spend significant time on smart phone thereby developing addictive tendencies. This study concludes that youths are not only addicted but are also developing significant sleep and behaviour problems owing to excessive smart phone usage

    The Role of Anticipation of Anxiety and Emotion Regulation among Adolescents with Internet Addiction

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    Introduction: Internet addiction among adolescents is a growing problem in every society. The present study aimed to investigate the role of anticipation of anxiety and emotion regulation in Internet addiction among adolescents. Methods: 263 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18 (121 boys, 142 girls) were selected using available sampling method and participated in this study. The participants completed the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Young Internet Addiction Test (IAT), and Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies Questionnaire (CERQ). Pearson correlation and stepwise regression were used to analyze the data. Results: The results of this study showed that there is a significant positive correlation between maladaptive emotion regulation strategies and anxiety with Internet addiction. There was a significant negative correlation between adaptive emotion regulation strategies and Internet addiction (P<0.01). Based on the results of regression analysis, Two variables of maladaptive emotion regulation strategies and anxiety explained 38% of the variance for Internet addiction (p<0.01). Conclusion: Based on the findings of this research, it can be concluded that it is necessary to emphasize the role of emotion regulation strategies and anxiety in designing interventions for the prevention and treatment of Internet addiction in adolescents. Declaration of Interest: None

    Problematic Internet use : pre-pandemic scale of the phenomenon among adolescents in the three Visegrad countries (Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia)

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    The increased time spent using the Internet and smartphones is prevalent primarily among adolescents. This group is currently of particular interest to media educators and psychologists studying the impact of ICTs on quality of life. An example of the negative changes associated with the intensive computerisation of various spaces is the uncontrolled and inadequate use of the Internet, referred to as problematic Internet use (PUI). This text contributes to the discussion on the extent of PUI among adolescents (12-16 years) in the Czech Republic (N=1555), Poland (N=501), and Slovakia (N=478). Based on the collected data, it was found that: 1) Polish and Czech adolescents are similar in terms of the intensity of PUI symptoms (adolescents from Slovakia are characterised by lower levels of PUI); 2) The vast majority of young people do not exceed PUI thresholds that could be considered alarming; 3) Lack of sleep or neglecting meals in favour of Internet use are the least frequent factors in the study group; 4) Most often adolescents declare that they are bored when they do not have access to the Internet; 5) Adolescents are a nonhomogeneous group in terms of the intensity of occurrence of PUI traits, but only 0.3% of adolescents in the Czech Republic and 0.4% in Poland had all 6 PUI factors present in maximum intensity

    Analysis of the Sleep Disorders in Students Under the Effect of Computer Games and Video Films

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    Introduction and wide use of information technologies in all spheres of human life including for the purpose of entertainment has led to the emergence and spread of various types of Internet addiction. Numerous studies have established the effect of the nature of activity in the virtual world on the state of the human mental condition. In our research was conducted analysis of the sleep disorders in technical university students, who use computer games and video films for recreation and entertainment. We have researched in the sleep disorder mechanisms in technical university students, who use computer games and video films for recreation and entertainment. The authors of the article K. N. Meziyanaya, K. D. Yashin, K. M. Karaneuski developed the questionnaire "Method of Screening Diagnostics of Computer Addiction and its Influence on Physical and Mental Health" to study of formation of sleep disorders [1]. Interviews with 142 2nd to 5th year students studying in one of the technical universities of Minsk city were conducted in order to study the formation of sleep disorders under the influence of the computer media environment: males – 119 (84.4%), females – 23 (16.2%). The average age of respondents was 19.7 (±1.5) years. The average duration of the virtual world use was 9 (±2) years. It is established that 101 students (71.1% of the number of respondents) are forced to wake up from fear and anxiety. The statistical relationship is shown between the symptom of sleep disturbance: they say in a dream "I just dream it" and the symptom: duration of stay in the virtual world 40 or more hours per week. χ2 criterion = 5.63; p = 0.05. The relationship between combining computer games with watching movies and waking up from fear and anxiety is found, χ2 criterion = 4.38, p = 0.05. The findings suggest that the continued use of computer games in combination with viewing video films contributes to the development of malfunction of the organization and maintenance of sleep. The results testify to the correlation between a sleep disorder and a prolonged stay in the virtual world, which can contribute to predicting the formation of anxiety disorders.

    Алекситимія та лудоманія: посередницька роль стресу

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    Background. Gambling encourages people to want more money than they did at the beginning of the game. The growing availability and variety of games has made gambling a critical issue. Statistics show that out of 48.5 million Ukrainians, more than four million are players.Objective. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which levels of alexithymia and stress may predict pathological gambling. The study also examines the role of stress mediators in the relationship between alexithymia and addiction.Methods. The group of 123 male patients aged 18 to 64 years with a mean of 33 (SD = 11.5) participated in the study. Participants were selected from various rehabilitation centers in Kyiv. The study was conducted only with volunteers over 18 years of age who declared gambling and signed an informed consent.Measuring instruments:1) Form of demographic information2) South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS)3) Toronto Alexithymic Scale (TAS-20)4) Psychological stress measure (PSM-25)5) Lemyr-Tessier-Fillion PSM-25 scaleData were collected from individuals through online surveys as well as in person. Data were analyzed using the t-test to determine the significance of differences between groups. However, no significant difference was found. Before the participants completed the survey, it was ensured that they all signed the consent form. The data was cleaned after all the data had been entered into the computer. A total of six participants who either did not answer more than half of the questions or had deviations (-3.29> z <3.29) were excluded from the study. Results. Regression analysis showed that the amount of money betting on gambling, the total score of TAS-20 and PSM-25 significantly predicted pathological gambling. In addition, stress has a partial mediating role in the relationship between alexithymia and addiction.Conclusion. It is claimed that people with a high level of alexithymia become prone to gambling addiction due to stress. In addition to alexithymia, stress also plays an important role in the formation of addiction. In this context, this study contributes to the relevant literature by combining alexithymia, stress, and pathological gambling in conjunction with each other.Актуальність. Азартні ігри спонукають людей хотіти отримати більше грошей, ніж вонимали на початку гри. Зростання доступності та різноманітності ігор призвело до того, що азартні ігри стали критичною проблемою. Статистика показує, що із 48,5 млн. українців більше чотирьох мільйонів – гравці. Мета. Мета цього дослідження – визначити, якою мірою рівень алекситимії та стрес можуть передбачити патологічну азартну гру. Дослідження також досліджує роль посередника стресу у взаємозв’язку між алекситимією та лудоманією.Методи. Вибірка складалася з 123 пацієнтів чоловічої статі у віці від 18 до 64 років із середнім показником 33 (SD = 11,5). Учасники були відібрані з різних реабілітаційних центрів Києва. Дослідження проводилося лише з добровольцями, яким виповнилося 18 років, які заявляли про азартні ігри та підписали інформовану згоду.Вимірювальні інструменти1) Форма демографічної інформації2) South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) 3) Торонтська алекситимічна шкала (TAS-20)4) Psychological stress measure (PSM-25)5) Шкала PSM-25 Лемура-Тесьє-Філліона (Lemyr-Tessier-Fillion) Дані були зібрані від окремих осіб за допомогою інтернет-опитування, а також особисто. Дані аналізували за допомогою t-критерію, щоб визначити достовірність відмінностей між групами. Однак істотної різниці виявлено не було. Перш ніж учасники заповнили опитування, було впевнено, що всі вони підписали форму згоди. Очищення даних проводилося після того, як всі дані були введені в комп’ютер. Всього шість учасників, які або не відповіли більше ніж на половину питань, або були відхиленнями (-3,29 > z <3,29), були виключені з дослідження.Результати. Регресійний аналіз показав, що сума грошей, поставлених на азартні ігри, загальний бал TAS-20 та PSM-25 значною мірою спрогнозували патологічну азартну гру. Крім того, стрес має часткову роль посередника у відносинах між алекситимією та лудоманією.Висновок. Стверджується, що люди з високим рівнем алекситимії стають схильними до поведінки звикання до азартних ігор через стрес. Додатково до алекситимії, стрес також відіграє важливу роль у формуванні лудоманії. У цьому контексті це дослідження робить внесок у відповідну літературу, об’єднуючи алекситимію, стрес та патологічні азартні ігри у взаємозв’язку один з одним

    The influence of social media use on body image concerns

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    Internet-based media and especially social networking sites differ from traditional media in that they al- low individuals to interact with their friends in their networks. Moreover, Internet-based media are easi- ly available on devices such as smartphones or tablets. Previous research has demonstrated that mass media contribute powerfully to an individual’s body dissatisfaction. To date, research on the effects re- lated to exposure to ‘newer’ forms of media, in particular social media on the Internet, is scarce. The purpose of the current study is to review the extant body of research dealing with the influence of social media on body image concerns, especially among adolescents. Adolescents, via the Internet, get access to different kinds of Internet-based media, such as social media (including social networking sites). Our results document the importance of idealized social media models—especially thin-ideal models for girls and muscular-ideal models for boys—in shaping the body perceptions of adolescents. However, the effects of pressure from social media on body image concerns in men need to be further investigated both in clinical and community samples

    Impacto do uso excessivo de multitelas no comportamento e saúde mental de crianças e adolescentes

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    O presente artigo buscou analisar a literatura científica acerca do uso excessivo de multitelas por crianças e adolescentes, relacionando tal contexto com o aparecimento de transtornos psíquicos e comportamentais nessa parcela social. Com os avanços tecnológicos das últimas décadas, houve a ampliação do acesso aos meios midiáticos pela população infantil. O desenvolvimento neurocognitivo desse grupo pode ser prejudicado pelo uso desenfreado de dispositivos eletrônicos. Foi observada a vinculação da exposição precoce às mídias com o aparecimento de sintomas depressivos, desequilíbrio emocional, assim como o aumento de transtornos de ansiedade em crianças e adolescentes. O uso excessivo de telas evidencia o aumento da dificuldade de relacionamentos interpessoais, fato esse agravante para problemas psíquicos. Estudos também comprovam associação significativa do uso de multitelas com sintomas de Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH). A mediação parental para controle do acesso dos menores, em consonância aos incentivos às interações sociais e brincadeiras ativas, se mostrou eficaz na diminuição de distúrbios na população infantil

    Níveis de resiliência dependendo da prática de atividade física em estudantes universitários de Educação Física

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    Introducción: La capacidad de resiliencia se define como el conjunto de cualidades intrínsecas que configuran la habilidad de un individuo para superar situaciones de adversidad. Se ha demostrado que esta cualidad puede mejorarse a partir de la práctica de actividad física y deporte, siendo un campo de estudio de interés. Objetivos: Este estudio persigue como principal objetivo analizar la relación existente entre la capacidad de resiliencia y la práctica de actividad física en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en una muestra compuesta por 136 estudiantes (22,61 ± 2,81), de la Universidad de Granada que cursaban grado en Educación Primaria con Mención en Educación Física. Como principal instrumento se emplea la escala de resiliencia de Connor y Davidson (2003). Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó IBM SPSS 20.0. Resultados y discusión: Como principales resultados, la dimensión que muestra una mayor puntuación es la competencia personal, seguida de la aceptación positiva del cambio y el control. Las dimensiones que reflejan una menor influencia en la capacidad resiliente de estos adultos jóvenes son la tolerancia a la adversidad y la espiritualidad. Se demostró que la práctica de actividad física se asociaba con niveles concretos de resiliencia, especialmente en la competencia personal y la aceptación positiva del cambio, obteniéndose mayores puntuaciones cuando se practicaba actividad física. Conclusiones: Se revela como practicar actividad física y deporte ayuda a incrementar la capacidad resiliente debido a las propias características de esta práctica, la cual mejora la tenacidad de los deportistas y ayuda a aceptar positivamente los cambios. Esto revela el interés de trabajar la capacidad de resiliencia mediante el deporte en diversos contextos.Introduction: Resilience is defined as the set of intrinsic qualities that configure the ability of an individual to overcome situations of adversity. It has been shown that this quality can be improved from the practice of physical activity and sport, being a field of study of interest. Aims: The main objective of this study is to analyse the relationship between resilience capacity and the practice of physical activity in a sample of university students. Material and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in a sample of 136 students (22.61 ± 2.81) from the University of Granada, who were taking a degree in Primary Education with a Mention in Physical Education. The resilience scale of Connor and Davidson (2003) was used as the main instrument. IBM SPSS 20.0 was used for statistical analysis. Results and Discussion: As the main results, the dimension that shows the highest score was personal competence, followed by positive acceptance of change and control. The dimensions that reflect a lesser influence on the resilient capacity of these young adults were tolerance to adversity and spirituality. It was demonstrated that the practice of physical activity was associated with concrete levels of resilience, especially in personal competence and positive acceptance of change, obtaining higher scores when practicing physical activity. Conclusions: It is revealed how practicing physical activity and sport helps to increase the resilient capacity due to the characteristics of this practice, which improves the tenacity of the athletes and helps to accept the changes positively. This reveals the interest of working with resilience through sport in different contexts.Introdução: a resiliência é definida como o conjunto de qualidades intrínsecas que configuram a capacidade de um indivíduo para superar situações de adversidade. Foi demonstrado que esta qualidade pode ser melhorada a partir da prática de atividade física e esporte, sendo um campo de estudo de interesse. Objetivos: o objetivo principal deste estudo é analisar a relação entre a capacidade de resiliência ea prática de atividade física em uma amostra de estudantes universitários. Material e métodos: um estudo descritivo transversal foi realizado em uma amostra de 136 alunos (22,61 ± 2,81) da Universidade de Granada, que cursaram o ensino primário com menção em educação física. A escala de resiliência de Connor e Davidson (2003) foi utilizada como o principal instrumento. O IBM SPSS 20.0 foi utilizado para análise estatística. Resultados e Discussão: Como os principais resultados, a dimensão que mostra o maior escore foi a competência pessoal, seguida da aceitação positiva da mudança e controle. As dimensões que refletem uma menor influência sobre a capacidade resiliente desses jovens adultos foram a tolerância à adversidade e à espiritualidade. Demonstrou-se que a prática de atividade física foi associada a níveis concretos de resiliência, especialmente em competência pessoal e aceitação positiva de mudança, obtendo pontuações maiores ao praticar atividade física. Conclusões: revela-se como praticar atividade física e esporte ajuda a aumentar a capacidade resiliente devido às características desta prática, o que melhora a tenacidade dos atletas e ajuda a aceitar as mudanças positivamente. Isso revela o interesse de trabalhar com resiliência através do esporte em diferentes contextos

    Alexithymia, impulsivity and negative mood in relation to internet addiction symptoms in female university students

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    Objective Alexithymia has been implicated as a risk factor for problematic substance use and other excessive behaviours including internet addiction . Impulsiveness has also been identified as a likely predisposing factor for excessive behaviours. However, as impulsivity is often elevated in alexithymia, the degree of independence of these factors in relation to excessive internet use is unclear. Method The present study assessed contributions of alexithymia, impulsivity and negative affect to variance in internet addiction symptoms in 116 internet-using female university students. Participants completed the following instruments online: demographics, Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20, Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-11, Internet Addiction Test and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21. Results Measures were significantly intercorrelated in expected directions. Hierarchical regression indicated that although both alexithymia and impulsivity were highly significant predictors of internet addiction symptoms after controlling for demographic covariates, the contribution of alexithymia became nonsignificant after adding impulsivity to the model. The final model explained 37% of variance in internet addiction symptoms. Multiple mediation modelling indicated that both impulsivity and negative affect fully mediated the association of alexithymia with internet addiction symptoms. Conclusions Impulsivity and negative affect may account for the link between alexithymia and internet addiction symptoms in young women at university. KEY POINTS What is already known about this topic: Alexithymia and impulsivity have been linked to a variety of addictive behaviors including internet addiction. Alexithymia and impulsivity have been reported to independently predict excessive alcohol use in regression models. Alexithymia may reflect deficient interoception and corresponding poor internal awareness of overconsumption cues in alcohol use. What this topic adds: In female university students, alexithymia, impulsivity, and negative affect were significant positive predictors of internet addiction symptoms in a regression model. Alexithymia was no longer significant after adding impulsivity to the model. Multiple mediation modelling indicated that impulsivity and negative affect fully mediated the association of alexithymia with internet addiction symptoms