32 research outputs found

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Numbered Head Together Dan Learning Cell Pada Aspek Pengetahuan Dan Keterampilan Siswa Ditinjau Dari Kecerdasan Emosional Pada Materi Operasi Aljabar Kelas VIII SMP Negeri Di Kabupaten Pacitan

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    The objective of this research was to know the effect of the learning models on the learning achievement of knowledge and skill aspects in mathematics viewed from the emotional quotient of the students. The learning models compared were NHT, Learning Cell and classical model with scientific approach. This research used the quasi experimental research method. This population was all of the students in Grade VIII of State Junior Secondary Schools in Pacitan regency. The samples of the research were taken by using the stratified cluster random sampling technique and consisted of 261 students, divided into three groups, namely: 88 students in Experimental Group 1, 86 students in Experimental Group 2, and 87 students in Control Group. The instruments of the research include test of learning achievement of the knowledge aspect, test of learning achievement of the skill aspect, and questionnaire of emotional quotient. The technique of analyze data used the two-way multivariate analysis of variance with unbalanced cells. The results of the research were as follows: (1) the cooperative learning model of the NHT and the Learning Cell types with scientific approach gave a better learning achievement of knowledge and skill aspects than the classical learning model with scientific approach, and the cooperative learning model of the NHT and the Learning Cell types with scientific approach gave the same learning achievement of knowledge and skill aspects; (2) the students with the high emotional quotient had a better learning achievement of knowledge and skill aspects than those with the moderate and low emotional quotient, and the students with the moderate and low emotional quotient had the same learning achievement of knowledge and skill aspects; (3) in each learning model with scientific approach, the students with the high emotional quotient had a better learning achievement of knowledge and skill aspects than those with the moderate and low emotional quotient, and the students with the moderate and low emotional quotient had the same learning achievement of knowledge and skill aspects; (4) in each of the emotional quotient, the cooperative learning model of the NHT and the Learning Cell types with scientific approach gave a better learning achievement of knowledge and skill aspects than the classical model with scientific approach, and the cooperative learning model of the NHT and the Learning Cell types with scientific approach gave the same learning achievement of knowledge and skill aspects


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    As many studies predict e-learning behaviors through intention, few of them investigate user’s learning behaviors directly. In addition to intention, individual’s e-learning behaviors may be influenced by technology readiness and group influences, such as social identity and social bond. This research-in-progress study explores how e-learning behaviors vary with intention, technology readiness, social identity and social bond. Our investigation was based on analyzing the speech acts embedded in fourteen learners’ online discourses in an eighteen-week e-learning course. We then compared how speech acts varied among groups with different degree of intention, technology readiness, social identity, and social bond. Our findings contribute e-learning research by clarifying how intention, technology readiness, social identity, and social bond influence learning behaviors in e-learning context

    The Effects of Group Work on Interaction and Learning Outcomes in Non Face-to-Face Synchronous General English Classes in the EFL Setting

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    The effects of group work with assigned roles on learner-instructor interaction (LII), learner-learner interaction (LLI), and task achievement were investigated in non-face-to-face general English classes to determine implications for non-face-to-face online group work. The participants were 128 university students in South Korea. Zoom was employed for the synchronous classes (SC), and the university’s LMS (Learning Management System) was utilized for the asynchronous classes (AC). The participants were divided into three groups: Group A were assigned designated roles in SC, Group B were not assigned specific roles in SC, and Group C were assigned designated roles in AC. The students were required to produce two English presentation videos. The participants exchanged feedback and comments about the content and structure of the presentation script. The video production and editing through group work, a pre- and post-questionnaire, and task results were employed as analysis data. The results revealed that group work in which roles were assigned had a positive effect on LII and LLI. It should be noted that group work differs from face-to-face instruction. Thus, it is imperative that techers design detailed plans in advance and monitor student participation closely. Pedagogical implications and recommendations for future studies are outlined

    A Review of the Impact of Authentic Assessment on the Student Experience & Engagement in an Online Regulatory Environment Module.

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    The COVID 19 pandemic triggered the move to online teaching which prompted a redesign of the Regulatory Environment module in the Sports Management and Coaching programme, TU Dublin. The module redesign focused on replacing the traditional invigilated exam with authentic assessment. The aim of the redesign was to improve the student experience and engagement. Authentic assessment immersed the student in the learning experience and they became enthusiastic self-directed learners. It imposed a real life dimension to the regulatory environment module content which is entirely theoretical in nature. An online focus group was conducted with the regulatory environment students. The research established that the authentic assessment had a positive impact on the student experience & their engagement in the online regulatory environment module. The findings demonstrate that implementing authentic assessment in theoretical modules that are regulatory in nature, has many beneficial consequences for both student and lecturer. It enables understanding, knowledge retention and encourages student engagement negating challenges faced in the online learning environment. It creates an enjoyable and supportive enjoyable learning experience for students once appropriate structures are in place. The participants acknowledged that an additional effect of completing authentic assessment tasks is that they developed transversal skills which are a key employability factor. The outcome of the research will contribute to the body of knowledge on authentic assessment and inform the future design of curriculum and assessment in regulatory environment modules

    Affective factors in a computer-supported collaborative learning experience

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    Los aspectos afectivos se han revelado de una importancia fundamental en los procesos de aprendizaje. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar los factores asociados a la idea por parte de los estudiantes de que se ha creado un clima de confianza y aceptación en los grupos de trabajo que deben llevar a cabo una experiencia de trabajo colaborativo mediada por ordenador (CSCL) en un contexto universitario. La metodología que se emplea se basa en un análisis estadístico correlacional, con la aplicación del estadístico exacto de Fisher, a partir de los datos obtenidos en un cuestionario final que se pasó a los estudiantes de los grupos implicados en la experiencia. El examen de las variables permite determinar algunos de los factores que se relacionan con el clima que favorece la cohesión grupal: trabajar para el resultado común, establecer un entorno comunicativo en que se comparte la información y hay una revisión mutua de las diferentes aportaciones, interesarse por dar apoyo a los otros miembros del grupo, el desarrollo social del grupo o el diseño flexible del entorno didáctico son algunos de los factores que muestran relevancia estadística. A partir de aquí, los aspectos destacados por los resultados podrían ser tenidos en cuenta en el diseño de entornos pedagógicos de características semejantes al que se describe en este estudioEmotional aspects have proved to be of fundamental importance in learning processes. The present study aims to determine factors associated with student perceptions of a climate of trust and acceptance in working teams involved in computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) in a university context. The methodology is based on correlational statistical analysis, using Fisher’s Exact Test, of the data obtained in a final survey that the students from the working teams responded to. Analysis of the variables suggests factors related to a climate of group cohesion: working towards common outcomes, establishing a sharing communicative environment with mutual review of contributions, support among members of the group are statistically significant factors, social development of the team, and flexible design of the learning environment. Aspects highlighted by these results should be taken into account in the design of learning environments under similar conditionspeerReviewe

    Analyzing how emotion awareness influences students' motivation, engagement, self-regulation and learning outcome

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    Starting from Volume 17 Issue 4, all published articles of the Journal of Educational Technology & Society are available under Creative Commons CC-BY-ND-NC 3.0 license.Considering social and emotional competence in learning, emotion awareness aims to detect the emotions that students show during their learning interactions and make these emotions explicit to them. Being aware of their emotions, students become more conscious of their situation, what may prompt them to behavioral change. The main goal of this work is to analyze the effects of emotion awareness, supported by specific teaching strategies, on students’ motivation, engagement, self-regulation and learning outcome in long-term blended collaborative learning practices. A bilateral goal also involves an initial study that explores the way emotion awareness affects teacher’s attitude and feedback as well as the competencies that teachers need to have in order to achieve a positive change on students’ affective and cognitive state. To this end a quasi-experimental study was designed with high school students. The results of this study show that when students are aware of their emotions and guided by specific teaching strategies, their learning performance improves in relation to their motivation, engagement and self-regulation. Likewise, when teachers are conscious of students’ emotional state their attitude and feedback become more effective and timely.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version


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    Abstract: The objective of this research was to know the effect of the learning models on the learning achievement of knowledge and skill aspects in mathematics viewed from the emotional quotient of the students. The learning models compared were NHT, Learning Cell and classical model with scientific approach. This research used the quasi experimental research method. This population was all of the students in Grade VIII of State Junior Secondary Schools in Pacitan regency. The samples of the research were taken by using the stratified cluster random sampling technique and consisted of 261 students, divided into three groups, namely: 88 students in Experimental Group 1, 86 students in Experimental Group 2, and 87 students in Control Group. The instruments of the research include test of learning achievement of the knowledge aspect, test of learning achievement of the skill aspect, and questionnaire of emotional quotient. The technique of analyze data used the two-way multivariate analysis of variance with unbalanced cells. The results of the research were as follows: (1) the cooperative learning model of the NHT and the Learning Cell types with scientific approach gave a better learning achievement of knowledge and skill aspects than the classical learning model with scientific approach, and the cooperative learning model of the NHT and the Learning Cell types with scientific approach gave the same learning achievement of knowledge and skill aspects; (2) the students with the high emotional quotient had a better learning achievement of knowledge and skill aspects than those with the moderate and low emotional quotient, and the students with the moderate and low emotional quotient had the same learning achievement of knowledge and skill aspects; (3) in each learning model with scientific approach, the students with the high emotional quotient had a better learning achievement of knowledge and skill aspects than those with the moderate and low emotional quotient, and the students with the moderate and low emotional quotient had the same learning achievement of knowledge and skill aspects; (4) in each of the emotional quotient, the cooperative learning model of the NHT and the Learning Cell types with scientific approach gave a better learning achievement of knowledge and skill aspects than the classical model with scientific approach, and the cooperative learning model of the NHT and the Learning Cell types with scientific approach gave the same learning achievement of knowledge and skill aspects.Keywords: NHT, learning cell, classical, scientific approach, emotional quotient, knowledge, skill

    Desarrollo y evaluación de un juego serio colaborativo para el fomento de la inteligencia emocional

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    [ES] En este trabajo se plantea el desarrollo de un juego serio multi-jugador que permita el desarrollo de capacidades de inteligencia emocional en usarios en educación infantil. En el trabajo se analizan las aproximaciones existentes para el fomento de la inteligencia emocional y se discuten las características de los mismos para su posible aplicación en usuarios en edad infantil. Se aborda la implementación de un juego serio en este dominio dadas sus características para motivar a usuarios en edad infantil a aprender este tipo de aptitudes cognitivas de alto nivel.Filip, RF. (2016). Desarrollo y evaluación de un juego serio colaborativo para el fomento de la inteligencia emocional. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/7122

    Learnings from the Impact of Online Learning on Elementary Students\u27 Mental and Social-emotional Well-being Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This research examined practices that might foster students’ mental and emotional well-being, quality relationships among students and staff and safe and inclusive school climates through online platforms, especially during times of crisis such as during the COVID 19 pandemic. In order to achieve that goal, this study sought to identify the kinds of protective and risk factors that help or hinder students’ ability to cope and thrive, through a scholarly framework of Critical Race Theory (Yosso, 2005), Online Learning (Hughes, 2004) and Social-emotional Learning (Durlak et al., 2011). The researcher conducted personal interviews with a variety of educators serving at largely low-income public primary schools and mostly bilingual and non-native English-speaking parents in Marin County. The findings of these interviews highlighted that students don’t equate to academic selves, that the level of expected responsiveness was surprisingly high while online, and that new connections and social and emotional support systems emerged. These findings have important implications for understanding how teachers and educational professionals iterate their practices of online learning going forward

    Emotional Regulation and Technology in Various Educational Environments

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the use of technology in various educational environments. Specifically, it looked at the ways in which technology is integrated into special education classrooms, and how it impacts learning. Two self-contained special education high school classrooms were studied, using qualitative methods of data. These included field notes based on observations and a semi-structured interview. In addition, a review of the literature on this topic was conducted to better place the study within the context of wider work done in this area. The data from the two classrooms were analyzed using the constant comparative method. The results of the study were presented along with a discussion regarding the findings, including the two main themes which were teacher comfort with technology and the impact that the technology has on the students. Although both teachers were different, and had vastly different teaching styles and experiences in the classroom, both found these themes to be the most important. Finally, conclusions were drawn based on the findings of the study, which included the type of training that might be helpful for teachers and staff working with special needs students using educational technology. Implications regarding future research and ways to generate deeper awareness and more effective use of educational technology with special education students were explored