937,695 research outputs found

    Towards Crowdsourcing for Requirements Engineering

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    Crowdsourcing is an emerging, typically online, distributed problem solving and production model where a problem is solved through the involvement of a large number of people. In this study, we investigate the potential of crowdsourcing in aiding Requirements Engineering. Although the whole area is still to be explored fully, we focus on the Requirements Elicitation stage. In this paper, we survey the literature on crowdsourcing in a variety of disciplines and deduce a set of features which characterize its main constructs; the crowd and the crowd-sourcers. We then conduct two focus groups to explore the relationship between these features and the quality of requirements elicited via crowdsourcing. The analysis will lead to anumber of hypotheses to confirm and enhance in a future research in the area. The ultimate goal is to systematically develop crowdsourcing platforms for Requirements Engineering and guarantee correctness and maximize efficiency

    Towards an Approach for Analysing the Strategic Alignment of Software Requirements using Quantified Goal Graphs

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    Analysing the strategic alignment of software requirements primarily provides assurance to stakeholders that the software-to-be will add value to the organisation. Additionally, such analysis can improve a requirement by disambiguating its purpose and value, thereby supporting validation and value-oriented decisions in requirements engineering processes, such as prioritisation, release planning, and trade-off analysis. We review current approaches that could enable such an analysis. We focus on Goal Oriented Requirements Engineering methodologies, since goal graphs are well suited for relating software goals to business goals. However, we argue that unless the extent of goal-goal contribution is quantified with verifiable metrics, goal graphs are not sufficient for demonstrating the strategic alignment of software requirements. Since the concept of goal contribution is predictive, what results is a forecast of the benefits of implementing software requirements. Thus, we explore how the description of the contribution relationship can be enriched with concepts such as uncertainty and confidence, non-linear causation, and utility. We introduce the approach using an example software project from Rolls-Royce.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1211.625

    Hubungan Motivasi Ekstrinsik dengan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas V SD Se-gugus I Kecamatan Tualang Perawang

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    Extrinsic motivation has a very important role decisive and encouraging students to learn with full attention and concentration in a lesson, so that the attainment of the objectives expected by the students that good learning performance with increased learning achievement. This study aims to determine the relationship between the extrinsic motivation of students with student achievement class V SD cluster I Tualang district Perawang. This research method was correlational. The sampling technique using one of the techniques in simple random sampling. Methods of data collection using questionnaires and engineering documentation of the average value of first semester report card of the school year 2015/2016. The analysis technique used is the technique of analysis Product Moment. Test requirements analysis in the form of normality test and linearity test. Engineering analysis and test requirements analysis using SPSS 20. The results showed that there is a positive relationship between extrinsic motivation and academic achievement of students in class V SD cluster I Tualang district Perawang, obtained rxy of 0.511 with a degree of correlation being as well as extrinsic motivation to contribute to the achievement learning by 26.1%. The results of hypothesis testing using correlation, there is a significant relationship between extrinsic motivation and academic achievement of students in class V SD cluster I Tualang district Perawang, obtained rhitung (5,885)> r table (1.984), then Ho is rejected and means Ha acceptable means there significant relationship between extrinsic motivation and academic achievement grade elementary school students throughout cluster I the District Tualang Perawang

    Hubungan Minat Belajar dengan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas V Sdn Gugus 4 Kecamatan Limapuluh Kota Pekanbaru

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    One of several factor which influenced learning achievement is interest. This study aims to determine the relationship between student interest in student learning outcomes in mathematics fifth grade students of SDN Cluster 4 Districts Limapuluhkota Pekanbaru. Pebelitian methods are correlational. Mechanical sampling using cluster. Methods of data collection using a scale and technical documentation of the value of MID second semester. The analysis technique used is the technique of analysis Product Moment. Test requirements analysis in the form of normality and linearity test. Engineering analysis and test requirements analysis using SPSS 20. Results of research is conducted indicates that there is a relationship between interest in learning the mathematics learning outcomes fifth grade students of SDN group 4 Districts Limapuluhkota Pekanbaru obtained rxy of 0.374 with a low correlation level and also interest in learning to give effect to the results studied at 14%. Dioeroleh t test results obtained thitung 3.722 and 1.663 ttabel this case shows that there is a significant relationship between interest in learning the mathematics learning outcomes fifth grade students of SDN Cluster 4 Districts Limapuluhkota Pekanbaru

    Student Performance in First Year, Mathematics, and Physics Courses: Implications for Success in the Study of Electrical and Computer Engineering

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    Mathematics and physics courses are recognized as a crucial foundation for the study of engineering, and often are prerequisite courses for the basic engineering curriculum. But how does performance in these prerequisite courses affect student performance in engineering courses? This study evaluated the relationship between grades in prerequisite math and physics courses and grades in subsequent electrical engineering courses. Where significant relationships were found, additional analysis was conducted to determine minimum grade goals for the prerequisite courses. Relationships were found between five course pairs: calculus II and differential equations; calculus II and physics I (mechanics); physics II (electricity and optics) and circuits analysis II; physics II (electricity and optics) and signals and systems; and circuits analysis II and signals and systems. The results indicate that a grade of C+ or higher in calculus II, and a grade of B- or higher in physics II and circuits analysis II will lead to higher grades in subsequent mathematics, circuits, and signals and systems courses. This information will be used to aid faculty in making decisions about imposing minimum grade requirements

    The formation of engineering labour markets in Kenya 1918-1979

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    This paper outlines the basic theoretical and empirical objectives of a study on the historical constitution of engineering labour markets in Kenya between 1918-1979. The analysis of developments in the formal training and utilization of engineers, technicians and artisans focuses on the nature of the relationship between the supply and demand of these three categories of manpower within the modern sector. This in turn entails the elaboration of a theoretical framework within which the complex interaction of economic, political and social factors can be assessed. The provision of training facilities has been determined by the basic conceptions of the state concerning the "needs" for engineering manpower. The study focuses in particular on the establishment of 'professional’ engineering training and the role of the engineering profession in this process. The analysis of the utilization of engineering manpower will attempt to identify the changing labour requirements emanating from the economy and, in particular, the manufacturing sector


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    This study aimed to determine the relationship between the Math Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes Microsoft Office Excel 2007, the relationship between the role of teacher in the Learning Outcomes Learning Microsoft Office Excel 2007, and the relationship between Learning Outcomes and the Role of Teachers in Mathematics Learning together with Learning Outcomes Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Prodi Computer Engineering and Networks Class XI student at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Hail in Academic Year 2012/2013. This research is Ex-post facto quantitative approach. The subjects of this study were students of class XI Prodi Computer Engineering and Networks in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Greetings. Data collection using questionnaires for variables Teacher Role in the Process of Learning and the documentation for the variable results of Learning Mathematics and Learning Outcomes Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Test the validity of the instrument using Product Moment Correlation formula and test the reliability of using the formula Croanbach's Alpha. Test requirements analysis includes normality test, linearity and multicollinearity test. The first and second hypothesis testing using Product Moment correlation, while for the third hypothesis testing using multiple correlation. The results showed that: (1) There is a positive and significant relationship with the Mathematics Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes Microsoft Office Excel 2007. This was indicated by the correlation coefficient (rx1y) of 0.307, pvalue 0.010 <0.05, the coefficient determinant (r2x1y) of 0.094, 2.658 t count for more than ttabel by 2,000, (2) There is a positive and significant role of teachers in Learning Outcomes Learning with Microsoft Office Excel 2007. This was indicated by the correlation coefficient (rx2y) of 0.393, p-value 0.001 <0.05, the coefficient determinant (r2x2y) of 0.155, 3.527 t count for more than ttabel by 2,000, (3) There is a positive and significant relationship Mathematics Learning Outcomes and the Role of Teachers in the Process of Learning together with the Learning Microsoft Office Excel 2007. This was indicated by Fhitung 7.995 greater than 3.13 or a probability Ftabel 0.001. Coefficient determinant (R2y1, 2) of 0.193 means that 19.3% of the variance that occurs in the variable Result Learning Microsoft Office Excel 2007 is determined by the variance of outcome variables that occur in learning mathematics and the role of the teacher in the learning process


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    Research purposes: (1) To know the relationship between the experience of industry practice with interest in working in the industry in 2008 student of Mechanical Engineering Education Guidance and Counseling UNS Surakarta academic year 2011/2012, (2) To determine the relationship between learning achievement with interest in working in the industry in 2008 student of Mechanical Engineering Education Guidance and Counseling UNS Surakarta academic year 2011/2012, and (3) To determine the relationship between experience and industry practice with interest in learning achievement in the industry work academic year 2008 students of Mechanical Engineering Education FKIP UNS Surakarta academic year 2011/2012.The research was conducted on the campus of V Pabelan Mechanical Engineering Program Educational Studies FKIP UNS is located at Jalan Ahmad Yani 200 Kartasura, Surakarta. The study population was a student of mechanical engineering education year 2008 as many as 89 people. Samples were taken with random sampling technique some 70 people and instruments used in this study is to spread the questionnaire or questionnaires. Trials with respondents 30 people. In a test of the validity instrument of the used product moment formula. The next instrument used to test reliability Alpha formula. Techniques of data analysis techniques used Pearson product moment correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis techniques, but needs to be done before the testing requirements analysis include: (1) test for normality, (2) test linearity and regression, and (3) the independent testing.Based on the results of analysis data can be concluded that, (1) there are a positive relationship between experience and industry practice with interest in learning achievement at the student work in the Mechanical Engineering Education Guidance and Counseling of 2008 UNS. This is evident from the results of regression analysis two predictors are obtained Fregresi Ftabel 7.042 greater than the level of 5% with db signitifikansi (2; 67) = 3.14. (2) There is a positive relationship between industry practice experience working in the industry with an interest in students of Mechanical Engineering Education Guidance and Counseling of 2008 UNS. This is evident from the results of correlation analysis for the obtaining rhitung 0.377 greater than rtabel = 0.235 at the significance level of 5%. (3) There is a positive relationship between the achievement of learning with an interest to work in the industry on a student of Mechanical Engineering Education Guidance and Counseling of 2008 UNS. This is evident from the results of correlation analysis for the obtaining r hitung 0.283 greater than r tabel = 0.235 at the significance level of 5%. (4) The variable experience of industry practice relative contribution of 69.4% and 12.1% effective contribution. Variable 3 learning achievement relative contribution of 30.6% and 5.3% effective contribution
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