994 research outputs found

    An Evolutionary Algorithm for Discovering Multi-Relational Association Rules in the Semantic Web

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    International audienceIn the Semantic Web context, OWL ontologies represent the conceptualization of domains of interest while the corresponding assertional knowledge is given by RDF data referring to them. Because of its open, distributed, and collaborative nature, such knowledge can be incomplete, noisy, and sometimes inconsistent. By exploiting the evidence coming from the assertional data, we aim at discovering hidden knowledge patterns in the form of multi-relational association rules while taking advantage of the intensional knowledge available in ontological knowledge bases. An evolutionary search method applied to populated ontological knowledge bases is proposed for finding rules with a high inductive power. The proposed method, EDMAR, uses problem-aware genetic operators, echoing the refinement operators of ILP, and takes the intensional knowledge into account, which allows it to restrict and guide the search. Discovered rules are coded in SWRL, and as such they can be straightforwardly integrated within the ontology, thus enriching its expressive power and augmenting the assertional knowledge that can be derived. Additionally , discovered rules may also suggest new axioms to be added to the ontology. We performed experiments on publicly available ontologies, validating the performances of our approach and comparing them with the main state-of-the-art systems

    An Evolutionary Approach to Class Disjointness Axiom Discovery

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    International audienceAxiom learning is an essential task in enhancing the quality of an ontology, a task that sometimes goes under the name of ontology enrichment. To overcome some limitations of recent work and to contribute to the growing library of ontology learning algorithms, we propose an evolutionary approach to automatically discover axioms from the abundant RDF data resource of the Semantic Web. We describe a method applying an instance of an Evolutionary Algorithm, namely Grammatical Evolution, to the acquisition of OWL class dis-jointness axioms, one important type of OWL axioms which makes it possible to detect logical inconsistencies and infer implicit information from a knowledge base. The proposed method uses an axiom scoring function based on possibility theory and is evaluated against a Gold Standard, manually constructed by knowledge engineers. Experimental results show that the given method possesses high accuracy and good coverage

    Using Grammar-Based Genetic Programming for Mining Disjointness Axioms Involving Complex Class Expressions

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    International audienceIn the context of the Semantic Web, learning implicit knowledge in terms of axioms from Linked Open Data has been the object of much current research. In this paper, we propose a method based on grammar-based genetic programming to automatically discover disjoint-ness axioms between concepts from the Web of Data. A training-testing model is also implemented to overcome the lack of benchmarks and comparable research. The acquisition of axioms is performed on a small sample of DBpedia with the help of a Grammatical Evolution algorithm. The accuracy evaluation of mined axioms is carried out on the whole DBpe-dia. Experimental results show that the proposed method gives high accuracy in mining class disjointness axioms involving complex expressions

    Learning Class Disjointness Axioms Using Grammatical Evolution

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    International audienceoday, with the development of the Semantic Web, LinkedOpen Data (LOD), expressed using the Resource Description Frame-work (RDF), has reached the status of “big data” and can be consideredas a giant data resource from which knowledge can be discovered. Theprocess of learning knowledge defined in terms of OWL 2 axioms fromthe RDF datasets can be viewed as a special case of knowledge discov-ery from data or “data mining”, which can be called “RDF mining”.The approaches to automated generation of the axioms from recordedRDF facts on the Web may be regarded as a case of inductive reasoningand ontology learning. The instances, represented by RDF triples, playthe role of specific observations, from which axioms can be extracted bygeneralization. Based on the insight that discovering new knowledge isessentially an evolutionary process, whereby hypotheses are generatedby some heuristic mechanism and then tested against the available evi-dence, so that only the best hypotheses survive, we propose the use ofGrammatical Evolution, one type of evolutionary algorithm, for miningdisjointness OWL 2 axioms from an RDF data repository such as DBpe-dia. For the evaluation of candidate axioms against the DBpedia dataset,we adopt an approach based on possibility theory

    Grammatical Evolution to Mine OWL Disjointness Axioms Involving Complex Concept Expressions

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    International audienceDiscovering disjointness axioms is a very important task in ontology learning and knowledge base enrichment. To help overcome the knowledge-acquisition bottleneck, we propose a grammar-based genetic programming method for mining OWL class disjointness axioms from the Web of data. The effectiveness of the method is evaluated by sampling a large RDF dataset for training and testing the discovered axioms on the full dataset. First, we applied Grammatical Evolution to discover axioms based on a random sample of DBpedia, a large open knowledge graph consisting of billions of elementary assertions (RDF triples). Then, the discovered axioms are tested for accuracy on the whole DBpedia. We carried out experiments with different parameter settings and analyze output results as well as suggest extensions

    Conceptual Representations for Computational Concept Creation

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    Computational creativity seeks to understand computational mechanisms that can be characterized as creative. The creation of new concepts is a central challenge for any creative system. In this article, we outline different approaches to computational concept creation and then review conceptual representations relevant to concept creation, and therefore to computational creativity. The conceptual representations are organized in accordance with two important perspectives on the distinctions between them. One distinction is between symbolic, spatial and connectionist representations. The other is between descriptive and procedural representations. Additionally, conceptual representations used in particular creative domains, such as language, music, image and emotion, are reviewed separately. For every representation reviewed, we cover the inference it affords, the computational means of building it, and its application in concept creation.Peer reviewe

    Digital architecture and difference: a theory of ethical transpositions towards nomadic embodiments in digital architecture

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    This thesis contributes to histories and theories of digital architecture of the past two decades, as it questions the narratives of its novelty. The main argument this thesis puts forward is that a plethora of methodologies, displacing the centrality of the architect from the architectural design process, has folded into the discipline in the process of its rewriting along digital protocols. These steer architecture onto a post-human path. However, while the redefinition of the practice unfolds, it does so epistemically only without redefining the new subject of architecture emerging from these processes, which therefore remains anchored to humanist-modern definitions. This unaccounted-for position, I argue, prevents novelty from emerging. Simultaneously, the thesis unfolds a creative approach – while drawing on nomadic, critical theory concepts, there surfaces an alternative genealogy already underpinning digital methodologies that enable a reconceptualization of novelty framed with difference to be articulated through nomadic digital embodiment. Regarding the first claim, I turn to the narratives as well as to the mechanisms of digital discourse emerging in two modes of production – mathematical and biological – in exploration of the ways perceptions of novelty are articulated: a) through close readings of its narratives as they consolidate into digital architectural theory (Carpo 2011; Lynn 2003, 2012; Terzidis 2006; Migayrou 2004, 2009); b) through an analysis of the two digital methodologies that support these narratives – parametric architecture and biodigital architecture. In parallel, this thesis draws on twentieth-century critical theory and twenty-firstcentury nomadic feminist theory to rethink two thematic topics: difference and subjectivity. Specifically, these are Gilles Deleuze’s non-essentialist, nonrepresentational philosophy of difference (1968, 1980, 1988) and Rosi Braidotti’s nomadic feminist reconceptualization of post-human, nonunitary subjectivity (2006, 2011, 2015). Nomadic feminist theory also informs my methodology. I draw on Rosi Braidotti’s cartographing and transposing (2006, 2011) because they engender a non-dualist approach to research itself that is dynamic and affirmative, insisting on grounding techniques – grounding in subject positions that are nevertheless post-human and nonunitary. This leads to a redefinition of novel digital practices with ethical ones

    Evolving meaning: using genetic programming to learn similarity perspectives for mining biomedical data

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    Tese de mestrado, Bioinformática e Biologia Computacional, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2019Nos últimos anos, as ontologias biomédicas tornaram-se fundamentais para descrever o conhecimento biológico na forma de grafos de conhecimento. Consequentemente, foram propostas várias abordagens de mineração de dados que tiram partido destes grafos de conhecimento. Estas abordagens baseiam-se em representações vetoriais que podem não capturar toda a informação semântica subjacente aos grafos. Uma abordagem alternativa consiste em utilizar a semelhança semântica como representação semântica. No entanto, como as ontologias podem modelar várias perspetivas, a semelhança semântica pode ser calculada tendo em consideração diferentes aspetos. Deste modo, diferentes tarefas de aprendizagem automática podem exigir diferentes perspetivas do grafo de conhecimento. Selecionar os aspetos semânticos mais relevantes, ou a melhor combinação destes para suportar uma determinada tarefa de aprendizagem não é trivial e, normalmente, exige conhecimento especializado. Nesta dissertação, apresentamos uma nova abordagem usando a Programação Genética sobre um conjunto de semelhanças semânticas, cada uma calculada com base num aspeto semântico dos dados, para obter a melhor combinação para uma dada tarefa de aprendizagem supervisionada. A metodologia inclui três etapas sequenciais: calcular a semelhança semântica para cada aspeto semântico; aprender a melhor combinação desses aspetos usando a Programação Genética; integrar a melhor combinação com o algoritmo de classificação. A abordagem foi avaliada em nove conjuntos de dados para prever a interação entre proteínas. Nesta aplicação, a Gene Ontology foi utilizada como grafo de conhecimento para suportar o cálculo da semelhança semântica. Como referência, utilizámos uma variação da abordagem proposta com estratégias manuais frequentemente utilizadas para combinar os aspetos semânticos. Os resultados demonstraram que as combinações obtidas com a Programação Genética superaram as combinações escolhidas manualmente que emulam o conhecimento especializado. A nossa abordagem foi também capaz de aprender modelos agnósticos em relação à espécie usando diferentes combinações de espécies para treino e teste, ultrapassando assim as limitações de prever interações entre proteínas para espécies com poucas interações conhecidas. Esta nova metodologia supera as limitações impostas pela necessidade de selecionar manualmente os aspetos semânticos que devem ser considerados para uma dada tarefa de aprendizagem. A aplicação da metodologia à previsão da interação entre proteínas foi bem-sucedida, perspetivando outras aplicações.In recent years, biomedical ontologies have become important for describing existing biological knowledge in the form of knowledge graphs. Data mining approaches that work with knowledge graphs have been proposed, but they are based on vector representations that do not capture the full underlying semantics. An alternative is to use machine learning approaches that explore semantic similarity. However, since ontologies can model multiple perspectives, semantic similarity computations for a given learning task need to be fine-tuned to account for this. Obtaining the best combination of semantic similarity aspects for each learning task is not trivial and typically depends on expert knowledge. In this dissertation, we developed a novel approach that applies Genetic Programming over a set of semantic similarity features, each based on a semantic aspect of the data, to obtain the best combination for a given supervised learning task. The methodology includes three sequential steps: compute the semantic similarity for each semantic aspect; learn the best combination of those aspects using Genetic Programming; integrate the best combination with a classification algorithm. The approach was evaluated on several benchmark datasets of protein-protein interaction prediction. The quality of the classifications is evaluated using the weighted average F-measure for each dataset. As a baseline, we employed a variation of the proposed methodology that instead of using evolved combinations, uses static combinations. For protein-protein interaction prediction, Gene Ontology was used as the knowledge graph to support semantic similarity, and it outperformed manually selected combinations of semantic aspects emulating expert knowledge. Our approach was also able to learn species-agnostic models with different combinations of species for training and testing, effectively addressing the limitations of predicting proteinprotein interactions for species with fewer known interactions. This dissertation proposes a novel methodology to overcome one of the limitations in knowledge graph-based semantic similarity applications: the need to expertly select which aspects should be taken into account for a given application. The methodology is particularly important for biomedical applications where data is often complex and multi-domain. Applying this methodology to protein-protein interaction prediction proved successful, paving the way to broader applications

    Mobile Link Prediction: Automated Creation and Crowd-sourced Validation of Knowledge Graphs

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    Building trustworthy knowledge graphs for cyber-physical social systems (CPSS) is a challenge. In particular, current approaches relying on human experts have limited scalability, while automated approaches are often not accountable to users resulting in knowledge graphs of questionable quality. This paper introduces a novel pervasive knowledge graph builder that brings together automation, experts' and crowd-sourced citizens' knowledge. The knowledge graph grows via automated link predictions using genetic programming that are validated by humans for improving transparency and calibrating accuracy. The knowledge graph builder is designed for pervasive devices such as smartphones and preserves privacy by localizing all computations. The accuracy, practicality, and usability of the knowledge graph builder is evaluated in a real-world social experiment that involves a smartphone implementation and a Smart City application scenario. The proposed knowledge graph building methodology outperforms the baseline method in terms of accuracy while demonstrating its efficient calculations on smartphones and the feasibility of the pervasive human supervision process in terms of high interactions throughput. These findings promise new opportunities to crowd-source and operate pervasive reasoning systems for cyber-physical social systems in Smart Cities
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