258 research outputs found

    Fast simulation of tempered stable Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes

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    Constructing Levy-driven Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes is a task closely related to the notion of self-decomposability. In particular, their transition laws are linked to the properties of what will be hereafter called the a-remainder of their self-decomposable stationary laws. In the present study we fully characterize the Levy triplet of these a-remainders and we provide a general framework to deduce the transition laws of the finite variation Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes associated with tempered stable distributions. We focus finally on the subclass of the exponentially-modulated tempered stable laws and we derive the algorithms for an exact generation of the skeleton of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes related to such distributions, with the further advantage of adopting procedures which are tens of times faster than those already available in the existing literature.Peer reviewe

    Exact simulation of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck tempered stable processes

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    There are two types of tempered stable (TS) based Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (OU) processes: (i) the OU-TS process, the OU process driven by a TS subordinator, and (ii) the TS-OU process, the OU process with TS marginal law. They have various applications in financial engineering and econometrics. In the literature, only the second type under the stationary assumption has an exact simulation algorithm. In this paper we develop a unified approach to exactly simulate both types without the stationary assumption. It is mainly based on the distributional decomposition of stochastic processes with the aid of an acceptance–rejection scheme. As the inverse Gaussian distribution is an important special case of TS distribution, we also provide tailored algorithms for the corresponding OU processes. Numerical experiments and tests are reported to demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of our algorithms, and some further extensions are also discussed

    Exact simulation of a truncated Lévy subordinator

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    A truncated Lévy subordinator is a Lévy subordinator in R+ with Lévy measure restricted from above by a certain level b. In this article, we study the path and distribution properties of this type of process in detail and set up an exact simulation framework based on a marked renewal process. In particular, we focus on a typical specification of truncated Lévy subordinator, namely the truncated stable process. We establish an exact simulation algorithm for the truncated stable process, which is very accurate and efficient. Compared to the existing algorithm suggested in Chi, our algorithm outperforms over all parameter settings. Using the distributional decomposition technique, we also develop an exact simulation algorithm for the truncated tempered stable process and other related processes. We illustrate an application of our algorithm as a valuation tool for stochastic hyperbolic discounting, and numerical analysis is provided to demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of our methods. We also show that variations of the result can also be used to sample two-sided truncated Lévy processes, two-sided Lévy processes via subordinating Brownian motions, and truncated Lévy-driven Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes

    Exact simulation of Poisson-Dirichlet distribution and generalised gamma process

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    Let J1> J2> ⋯ be the ranked jumps of a gamma process τα on the time interval [0 , α] , such that τα=∑k=1∞Jk . In this paper, we design an algorithm that samples from the random vector (J1,⋯,JN,∑k=N+1∞Jk) . Our algorithm provides an analog to the well-established inverse Lévy measure (ILM) algorithm by replacing the numerical inversion of exponential integral with an acceptance-rejection step. This research is motivated by the construction of Dirichlet process prior in Bayesian nonparametric statistics. The prior assigns weight to each atom according to a GEM distribution, and the simulation algorithm enables us to sample from the N largest random weights of the prior. Then we extend the simulation algorithm to a generalised gamma process. The simulation problem of inhomogeneous processes will also be considered. Numerical implementations are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of our algorithms

    Exact simulation of normal tempered stable processes of OU type with applications

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    We study the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process having a symmetric normal tempered stable stationary law and represent its transition distribution in terms of the sum of independent laws. In addition, we write the background driving Levy process as the sum of two independent Levy components. Accordingly, we can design two alternate algorithms for the simulation of the skeleton of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. The solution based on the transition law turns out to be faster since it is based on a lower number of computational steps, as confirmed by extensive numerical experiments. We also calculate the characteristic function of the transition density which is instrumental for the application of the FFT-based method of Carr and Madan (J Comput Finance 2:61-73, 1999) to the pricing of a strip of call options written on markets whose price evolution is modeled by such an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck dynamics. This setting is indeed common for spot prices in the energy field. Finally, we show how to extend the range of applications to future markets.Peer reviewe

    Random variate generation for exponential and gamma tilted stable distributions

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    We develop a new efficient simulation scheme for sampling two families of tilted stable distributions: exponential tilted stable (ETS) and gamma tilted stable (GTS) distributions. Our scheme is based on two-dimensional single rejection. For the ETS family, its complexity is uniformly bounded over all ranges of parameters. This new algorithm outperforms all existing schemes. In particular, it is more efficient than the well-known double rejection scheme, which is the only algorithm with uniformly bounded complexity that we can find in the current literature. Beside the ETS family, our scheme is also flexible to be further extended for generating the GTS family, which cannot easily be done by extending the double rejection scheme. Our algorithms are straightforward to implement, and numerical experiments and tests are conducted to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency
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