49 research outputs found

    Design and Modeling of 9 Degrees of Freedom Redundant Robotic Manipulator

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    In disaster areas, robot manipulators are used to rescue and clearance of sites. Because of the damaged area, they encounter disturbances like obstacles, and limited workspace to explore the area and to achieve the location of the victims. Increasing the degrees of freedom is required to boost the adaptability of manipulators to avoid disturbances, and to obtain the fast desired position and precise movements of the end-effector. These robot manipulators offer a reliable way to handle the barrier challenges since they can search in places that humans can't reach. In this research paper, the 9-DOF robotic manipulator is designed, and an analytical model is developed to examine the system鈥檚 behavior in different scenarios. The kinematic and dynamic representation of the proposed model is analyzed to obtain the translation or rotation, and joint torques to achieve the expected position, velocity, and acceleration respectively. The number of degrees may be raised to avoid disturbances, and to obtain the fast desired position and precise movements of the end-effector. The simulation of developed models is performed to ensure the adaptable movement of the manipulators working in distinct configurations and controlling their motion thoroughly and effectively. In the proposed configuration the joints can easily be moved to achieve the desired position of the end-effector and the results are satisfactory. The simulation results show that the redundant manipulator achieves the victim location with various configurations of the manipulator. Results reveal the effectiveness and efficacy of the proposed system

    Design, analysis and passive balance control of a 7-DOF biped robot

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    Biped robots have many advantages than traditional wheeled or tracked robots. They have better mobility in rough terrain and can travel on discontinuous path. The legs can also provide an active suspension that decouples the path of the trunk from the paths of the feet. Furthermore, the legs are able to step over considerably bigger obstacles compared to wheeled robots. However, it is difficult to maintain the balance of biped robots because they can easily tip over or slide down. To be able to walk stably, it is necessary for the robot to walk through a proper trajectory, which is the goal of this research. In this research, a complete 7-DOF biped walking trajectory is planned based on human walking trajectory by cubic Hermite interpolation method. The kinematics and dynamic model of the biped are derived by Denavit-Hartenberg (D-H) representation and Euler-Lagrange motion equations, respectively. The zero moment point of the robot is simulated to check the stability of the walking trajectory. The setpoint sampling method and sampling rate for trajectory tracking control are investigated by studying sinusoidal curve tracking on a single link robot arm. Two control sampling time selection methods are introduced for digital controllers. A 7-DOF biped is designed and built for experiments. Each joint has its own independent microcontroller-based control system. PD controllers are used to control the biped joints. Simulations are performed for the walking trajectory and zero moment point. Simulation results show that the walking trajectory is stable for the 7-DOF biped. Experiment results indicate that the sampling time is proper and the PID controller works well in both setpoint control and trajectory tracking. The experiment for the marching in place shows the trajectory is stable and the biped can balance during the marching process

    Arquitectura de software para navegaci贸n aut贸noma y coordinada de enjambres de drones en labores de lucha contra incendios forestales y urbanos

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    Los progresos alcanzados dentro del 谩rea de los Veh铆culos A茅reos No Tripulados, conocidos com煤nmente como drones, han ocasionado un aumento exponencial de su mercado, gracias, principalmente, al desarrollo e implementaci贸n de soluciones tecnol贸gicas innovadoras. La capacidad de este tipo de aeronaves de poder embarcar un gran abanico de sensores provoca que, en la actualidad, se oriente el uso de esta tecnolog铆a a un amplio conjunto de aplicaciones y servicios, como son las emergencias y, en concreto, aquellas relacionadas con los incendios, tanto forestales como urbanos. La aparici贸n y crecimiento de empresas, como Drone Hopper S.L, cuya labor se destina al dise帽o y fabricaci贸n de drones de alta capacidad de carga y autonom铆a destinados a la lucha contra el fuego han provocado que dichas plataformas a茅reas se posicionen como una potente y eficaz herramienta en el campo de las emergencias y la seguridad. Actualmente, la empresa Drone Hopper se encuentra inmersa en el dise帽o y desarrollo de la plataforma WILD HOPPER, capaz de trasladar hasta 600 litros de carga 煤til y realizar maniobras eficaces en labores de extinci贸n de incendios, gracias, en gran parte, a su sistema patentado de liberaci贸n de l铆quidos. Junto a este sistema, los drones fabricados por Drone Hopper, presentan la ventaja de poder realizar trabajos durante la noche, complementando los trabajos de los medios a茅reos tradicionales y, en conjunto, superando las limitaciones de otras plataformas a茅reas no tripuladas, cuyo uso en trabajos relacionados con los incendios se limitan a la monitorizaci贸n y vigilancia de 谩reas de inter茅s. En los 煤ltimos a帽os, se ha producido el nacimiento y expansi贸n de los denominados enjambres de drones, o lo que es lo mismo, equipos escalables de varias aeronaves no tripuladas que operan de manera coordinada y que permiten explotar el uso de tecnolog铆as como la desarrollada por la empresa Drone Hopper. Actualmente, la expansi贸n de estos sistemas es fruto del crecimiento en las investigaciones y desarrollos dentro de este campo, ocasionado, principalmente, por las ventajas que presentan los enjambres de drones en t茅rminos de robustez, versatilidad y eficacia. La posibilidad de poder desplegar en un mismo 谩rea un conjunto de drones que realicen tareas de manera coordinada provoca, en primer lugar, que se disponga de una herramienta robusta contra aver铆as, en la que la p茅rdida de cualquiera de los drones intervinientes en la misi贸n no implicar铆a el fracaso de la misma. Y, en segundo lugar, que se establezca una actuaci贸n eficaz ligada a la reducci贸n del tiempo de respuesta y, a la posibilidad de acometer diferentes tareas de manera simult谩nea. Junto a esto, destacar que el enjambre de drones no est谩 煤nicamente relacionado al uso de aeronaves no tripuladas con similares caracter铆sticas, sino que existe la posibilidad de emplear equipos heterog茅neos de drones, o lo que es lo mismo, desplegar sobre un mismo escenario drones con diferentes caracter铆sticas, tanto a nivel estructural como de carga de pago, lo que origina que se disponga de una herramienta tecnol贸gica de alta versatilidad. Estas tres caracter铆sticas convierten a los enjambres de drones en una herramienta tecnol贸gica de alto valor a帽adido en trabajos relacionados con la lucha contra el fuego, los cuales se caracterizan por el dinamismo, la adversidad, condiciones extremas y r谩pidamente cambiantes, en las que el uso de sistemas robustos y vers谩tiles presentan una alta aplicabilidad. Aunque junto a estas propiedades existe un aspecto, el cual sigue constituyendo un campo de estudio, investigaci贸n y desarrollo, como es la navegaci贸n aut贸noma y cooperativa de dichos enjambres, lo que permitir铆a poder emplear esta tecnolog铆a sin supervisi贸n humana en la zona, reduciendo de esta manera el riesgo y exposici贸n de vidas humanas. Por este motivo, a lo largo del presente trabajo se desarrolla e implementa una arquitectura de software multi-capa capaz de permitir la navegaci贸n aut贸noma y coordinada de un enjambre de drones para poder acometer trabajos esenciales en la lucha contra el fuego, tanto en 谩reas urbanas como forestales. La arquitectura propuesta incluye un conjunto de m茅todos redundantes y complementarios que permiten establecer diferentes capas de control para permitir la navegaci贸n sin supervisi贸n y cooperativa del enjambre. La primera de las capas consiste en un planificador de trayectorias, basado en informaci贸n del entorno en 2D y en 3D, que permite dotar a la arquitectura de un m茅todo eficiente y escalable que genere como soluci贸n un conjunto de trayectorias 贸ptimas y seguras para que cada uno de los drones pueda alcanzar una ubicaci贸n determinada en el entorno. Junto a la efectividad y la escalabilidad, el m茅todo propuesto se caracteriza por ser altamente configurable, la cual permite la generaci贸n de trayectorias en diferentes situaciones, entre las que destaca la posibilidad de establecer una soluci贸n que permita al enjambre de drones alcanzar un objetivo en cuesti贸n bajo una formaci贸n concreta, de cara a realizar labores de extinci贸n de manera m谩s eficaz. La segunda de las capas consta de un gestor de colisiones, formado por diferentes desarrollos y algoritmos, que dotan al enjambre de un sistema de detecci贸n y evasi贸n de obst谩culos, tanto entre drones del enjambre como con obst谩culos presentes en el entorno, que garanticen la navegaci贸n segura y libre de colisiones de cada uno de los agentes del enjambre. Por 煤ltimo, la arquitectura de software desarrollada en la presente tesis doctoral busca dotar a cada agente del enjambre de un modelo de toma de decisiones inteligente, el cual permita a cada aeronave, de manera aut贸noma, escoger una secuencia de acciones que le permita alcanzar un objetivo concreto. Este modelo inteligente de toma de decisiones complementa a todos los m茅todos de la arquitectura propuesta y, permite, de manera redundante establecer un desarrollo adicional que garantice la navegaci贸n aut贸noma del enjambre en entornos din谩micos. La combinaci贸n de estos desarrollos bajo una misma arquitectura provoca el despliegue de una flota de drones capaz de navegar y realizar trabajos de manera aut贸noma y cooperativa sobre entornos adversos y din谩micos, como es el caso de los incendios. Por tanto, los trabajos y desarrollos de la presente tesis doctoral se centran en crear una herramienta tecnol贸gica de alto valor a帽adido, a partir del desarrollo de arquitecturas de software embarcadas en un enjambre escalable de drones que, trabajando de manera coordinada, establezca una respuesta r谩pida, eficiente y robusta al problema de los incendios, tanto forestales como urbanos.The progress achieved in the area of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, commonly known as drones, has caused an exponential increase in its market, mainly thanks to the development and implementation of innovative technological solutions. The capacity of this type of aircraft to be able to embark on a wide range of sensors means that, at present, the use of this technology is directed at a wide range of applications and services, such as emergencies and, specifically, those related to fires, both forest and urban. The appearance and growth of companies such as Drone Hopper S.L., whose work is aimed at the design and manufacture of high load capacity and autonomy drones for firefighting, has led to these aerial platforms being positioned as a powerful and effective tool in the field of emergencies and security. Currently, Dron Hopper is immersed in the design and development of the WILD HOPPER platform, capable of carrying up to 600 liters of payload and perform effective maneuvers in fire fighting, thanks largely to its patented system of liquid release. Together with the system, the drones manufactured by Drone Hopper have the advantage of being able to carry out work at night, complementing the work of traditional aerial means and, as a whole, overcoming the limitations of other unmanned aerial platforms, whose use in fire-related work is limited to the monitoring and surveillance of areas of interest. In recent years, there has been the birth and expansion of the so-called drone swarms, or what is the same, scalable equipment from various unmanned aircraft that operate in a coordinated manner and that allow the use of technologies such as the one developed by the Drone Hopper company. Currently, the expansion of these systems is the result of the growth in research and development within this field, caused mainly by the advantages that drone swarms present in terms of robustness, versatility, and efficiency. The possibility of being able to deploy in the same area a set of drones that carry out tasks in a coordinated way causes, in the first place, that a robust tool against breakdowns is available, in which the loss of any of the drones involved in the mission would not imply the failure of the same one. And, secondly, that an effective action is established, linked to the reduction of the response time and to the possibility of undertaking different tasks simultaneously. In addition to this, it is important to point out that the swarm of drones is not only related to the use of unmanned aircraft with similar characteristics, but that there is also the possibility of using heterogeneous drone teams, or what is the same, deploying drones with different characteristics on the same stage, both at a structural and payload level, which results in a highly versatile technological tool. These three characteristics make drone swarms a high value-added technological tool in firefighting related work, which is characterized by dynamism, adversity, extreme and rapidly changing conditions, in which the use of robust and versatile systems have high applicability. Although together with these properties there is an aspect, which continues to be a field of study, research, and development, as is the autonomous and cooperative navigation of these swarms, which would allow the use of this technology without human supervision in the area, thus reducing the risk and exposure of human lives. For this reason, throughout the present work, multi-layer software architecture is developed and implemented that is capable of allowing the autonomous and coordinated navigation of a swarm of drones to be able to undertake essential fire-fighting work, both in urban and forest areas. The proposed architecture includes a set of redundant and complementary methods that allow establishing different control layers to enable unsupervised and cooperative navigation of the swarm. The first layer consists of a path planner, based on 2D and 3D environmental information, which provides the architecture with an efficient and scalable method that generates a set of optimal and safe paths as a solution so that each of the drones can reach a particular location in the environment. Along with the effectiveness and scalability, the proposed method is characterized by being highly configurable, which allows the generation of trajectories in different situations, among which highlights the possibility of establishing a solution that allows the swarm of drones to reach a target in question under a specific training, to perform extinction work more effectively. The second of the layers consists of a collision manager, formed by different developments and algorithms, which provide the swarm with a system for detecting and avoiding obstacles, both between drones of the swarm and with obstacles present in the environment, to ensure safe and collision-free navigation of each of the agents of the swarm. Finally, the software architecture developed in this doctoral thesis seeks to provide each swarm agent with an intelligent decision-making model, which allows each aircraft, autonomously, to choose a sequence of actions that will allow it to reach a speciffic objective. This intelligent decision-making model complements all the methods of the proposed architecture and, redundantly, allows the establishment of additional development that guarantees the autonomous navigation of the swarm in dynamic environments. The combination of these developments under the same architecture results in the deployment of a fleet of drones capable of navigating and working autonomously and cooperatively in adverse and dynamic environments, such as fires. Therefore, the work and developments of this doctoral thesis are focused on creating a technological tool with high added value, from the development of software architectures embedded in a scalable swarm of drones that, working in a coordinated manner, establish a rapid, efficient and robust response to the problem of fires, both forest and urban.Programa de Doctorado en Ingenier铆a El茅ctrica, Electr贸nica y Autom谩tica por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Pascual Campoy Cervera.- Secretario: Javier Fern谩ndez Andr茅s.- Vocal: Walterio W. Mayol-Cueva

    Fourth Annual Workshop on Space Operations Applications and Research (SOAR 90)

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    The proceedings of the SOAR workshop are presented. The technical areas included are as follows: Automation and Robotics; Environmental Interactions; Human Factors; Intelligent Systems; and Life Sciences. NASA and Air Force programmatic overviews and panel sessions were also held in each technical area

    Nonlinear Gaussian Filtering : Theory, Algorithms, and Applications

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    By restricting to Gaussian distributions, the optimal Bayesian filtering problem can be transformed into an algebraically simple form, which allows for computationally efficient algorithms. Three problem settings are discussed in this thesis: (1) filtering with Gaussians only, (2) Gaussian mixture filtering for strong nonlinearities, (3) Gaussian process filtering for purely data-driven scenarios. For each setting, efficient algorithms are derived and applied to real-world problems

    Proceedings of the Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023

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    The conference was established for the first time in 2023 as part of a programme to sustain the research culture, environment, and dissemination activities of the School of Engineering at Cardiff University in the United Kingdom. The conference served as a platform to celebrate advancements in various engineering domains researched at our School, explore and discuss further advancements in the diverse fields that define contemporary engineering

    Advances in Evolutionary Algorithms

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    With the recent trends towards massive data sets and significant computational power, combined with evolutionary algorithmic advances evolutionary computation is becoming much more relevant to practice. Aim of the book is to present recent improvements, innovative ideas and concepts in a part of a huge EA field

    Seventh Annual Workshop on Space Operations Applications and Research (SOAR 1993), volume 1

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    This document contains papers presented at the Space Operations, Applications and Research Symposium (SOAR) Symposium hosted by NASA/Johnson Space Center (JSC) on August 3-5, 1993, and held at JSC Gilruth Recreation Center. SOAR included NASA and USAF programmatic overview, plenary session, panel discussions, panel sessions, and exhibits. It invited technical papers in support of U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, Department of Energy, NASA, and USAF programs in the following areas: robotics and telepresence, automation and intelligent systems, human factors, life support, and space maintenance and servicing. SOAR was concerned with Government-sponsored research and development relevant to aerospace operations. More than 100 technical papers, 17 exhibits, a plenary session, several panel discussions, and several keynote speeches were included in SOAR '93

    The research on mechanical properties and compressive behavior of graphene foam with multi-scale model?

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    Computational simulation is an effective method to study the deformation mechanism and mechanical behaviour of graphene-based porous materials. However, due to limitations in computational methods and costs, existing research model deviate significantly from the real material in terms of the scale of structure. Therefore, building a highly accurate computational model and maintaining an appropriate cost is both necessary and challenging. This paper proposed a multi-scale modelling approach for finite element (FE) analysis based on the concept of structural hierarchy. The stochastic feature of the microstructure of porous materials are also considered. The simulation results of the regular structure model and the Voronoi tessellation model are compared to investigate the effect of regularity on the material properties. Despite some shortcomings, other microstructural features of porous graphene materials can be gradually introduced to improve the material model step by step. Thus the developed multiscale model has great potential to simulate the properties of materials with mesoscopic size structure such as graphene foam (GF)

    Technology 2003: The Fourth National Technology Transfer Conference and Exposition, volume 2

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    Proceedings from symposia of the Technology 2003 Conference and Exposition, Dec. 7-9, 1993, Anaheim, CA, are presented. Volume 2 features papers on artificial intelligence, CAD&E, computer hardware, computer software, information management, photonics, robotics, test and measurement, video and imaging, and virtual reality/simulation