311 research outputs found

    Statistical unfolding of elementary particle spectra: Empirical Bayes estimation and bias-corrected uncertainty quantification

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    We consider the high energy physics unfolding problem where the goal is to estimate the spectrum of elementary particles given observations distorted by the limited resolution of a particle detector. This important statistical inverse problem arising in data analysis at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN consists in estimating the intensity function of an indirectly observed Poisson point process. Unfolding typically proceeds in two steps: one first produces a regularized point estimate of the unknown intensity and then uses the variability of this estimator to form frequentist confidence intervals that quantify the uncertainty of the solution. In this paper, we propose forming the point estimate using empirical Bayes estimation which enables a data-driven choice of the regularization strength through marginal maximum likelihood estimation. Observing that neither Bayesian credible intervals nor standard bootstrap confidence intervals succeed in achieving good frequentist coverage in this problem due to the inherent bias of the regularized point estimate, we introduce an iteratively bias-corrected bootstrap technique for constructing improved confidence intervals. We show using simulations that this enables us to achieve nearly nominal frequentist coverage with only a modest increase in interval length. The proposed methodology is applied to unfolding the ZZ boson invariant mass spectrum as measured in the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/15-AOAS857 in the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1401.827

    Semi-Huber Half Quadratic Function and Comparative Study of Some MRFs for Bayesian Image Restoration

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    The present work introduces an alternative method to deal with digital image restoration into a Bayesian framework, particularly, the use of a new half-quadratic function is proposed which performance is satisfactory compared with respect to some other functions in existing literature. The bayesian methodology is based on the prior knowledge of some information that allows an efficient modelling of the image acquisition process. The edge preservation of objects into the image while smoothing noise is necessary in an adequate model. Thus, we use a convexity criteria given by a semi-Huber function to obtain adequate weighting of the cost functions (half-quadratic) to be minimized. The principal objective when using Bayesian methods based on the Markov Random Fields (MRF) in the context of image processing is to eliminate those effects caused by the excessive smoothness on the reconstruction process of image which are rich in contours or edges. A comparison between the new introduced scheme and other three existing schemes, for the cases of noise filtering and image deblurring, is presented. This collection of implemented methods is inspired of course on the use of MRFs such as the semi-Huber, the generalized Gaussian, the Welch, and Tukey potential functions with granularity control. The obtained results showed a satisfactory performance and the effectiveness of the proposed estimator with respect to other three estimators

    Hyperspectral Unmixing Overview: Geometrical, Statistical, and Sparse Regression-Based Approaches

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    Imaging spectrometers measure electromagnetic energy scattered in their instantaneous field view in hundreds or thousands of spectral channels with higher spectral resolution than multispectral cameras. Imaging spectrometers are therefore often referred to as hyperspectral cameras (HSCs). Higher spectral resolution enables material identification via spectroscopic analysis, which facilitates countless applications that require identifying materials in scenarios unsuitable for classical spectroscopic analysis. Due to low spatial resolution of HSCs, microscopic material mixing, and multiple scattering, spectra measured by HSCs are mixtures of spectra of materials in a scene. Thus, accurate estimation requires unmixing. Pixels are assumed to be mixtures of a few materials, called endmembers. Unmixing involves estimating all or some of: the number of endmembers, their spectral signatures, and their abundances at each pixel. Unmixing is a challenging, ill-posed inverse problem because of model inaccuracies, observation noise, environmental conditions, endmember variability, and data set size. Researchers have devised and investigated many models searching for robust, stable, tractable, and accurate unmixing algorithms. This paper presents an overview of unmixing methods from the time of Keshava and Mustard's unmixing tutorial [1] to the present. Mixing models are first discussed. Signal-subspace, geometrical, statistical, sparsity-based, and spatial-contextual unmixing algorithms are described. Mathematical problems and potential solutions are described. Algorithm characteristics are illustrated experimentally.Comment: This work has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensin

    Recent advances in directional statistics

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    Mainstream statistical methodology is generally applicable to data observed in Euclidean space. There are, however, numerous contexts of considerable scientific interest in which the natural supports for the data under consideration are Riemannian manifolds like the unit circle, torus, sphere and their extensions. Typically, such data can be represented using one or more directions, and directional statistics is the branch of statistics that deals with their analysis. In this paper we provide a review of the many recent developments in the field since the publication of Mardia and Jupp (1999), still the most comprehensive text on directional statistics. Many of those developments have been stimulated by interesting applications in fields as diverse as astronomy, medicine, genetics, neurology, aeronautics, acoustics, image analysis, text mining, environmetrics, and machine learning. We begin by considering developments for the exploratory analysis of directional data before progressing to distributional models, general approaches to inference, hypothesis testing, regression, nonparametric curve estimation, methods for dimension reduction, classification and clustering, and the modelling of time series, spatial and spatio-temporal data. An overview of currently available software for analysing directional data is also provided, and potential future developments discussed.Comment: 61 page

    Asteroseismology in Binary Stars with Applications of Bayesian Inference Tools

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    Space missions like Kepler have revolutionized asteroseismology, the science that infers the stellar interiors by studying oscillation frequency spectra of pulsating stars. Great advancements have been made in understanding solar-like oscillators. However, this is not the case for variable stars of intermediate masses, such asScutiand Doradus variables. By studying these stars in eclipsing binaries (EBs), model independent funda- mental parameters such as mass and radius can be inferred. On one hand, this synergy constrains the parameter space and facilitates the asteroseismic modeling, and this is shown for the Scuti type pulsating EB KIC 9851944. On the other hand, studies of binary stars must address the complexities such as mass transfer. KIC 8262223 is such an example, which consists of a mass-gaining Scuti primary and a pre-He white dwarf secondary. Some of the eccentric binary systems, the ‘heartbeat’ stars, show tidally excited oscillations. After briefly reviewing the linear theory of tidally forced stellar oscillations, we study the tidal pulsating binary KIC 3230227 and demonstrate that both amplitude and phase can be used to identify the tidally excited pulsation modes. We also discuss the variability of a Slowly Pulsating B-star KOI-81 and a Cataclysmic variable KIC 9406652. In the second part of this dissertation, we apply Bayesian statistics to some problems in binaries and asteroseismology with the help of packages BUGS and JAGS. Special attention is paid to the inverse problems (tomography) encountered in studying the double-line spectroscopic binaries

    Image Restoration

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    This book represents a sample of recent contributions of researchers all around the world in the field of image restoration. The book consists of 15 chapters organized in three main sections (Theory, Applications, Interdisciplinarity). Topics cover some different aspects of the theory of image restoration, but this book is also an occasion to highlight some new topics of research related to the emergence of some original imaging devices. From this arise some real challenging problems related to image reconstruction/restoration that open the way to some new fundamental scientific questions closely related with the world we interact with

    Blind image deconvolution: nonstationary Bayesian approaches to restoring blurred photos

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    High quality digital images have become pervasive in modern scientific and everyday life — in areas from photography to astronomy, CCTV, microscopy, and medical imaging. However there are always limits to the quality of these images due to uncertainty and imprecision in the measurement systems. Modern signal processing methods offer the promise of overcoming some of these problems by postprocessing these blurred and noisy images. In this thesis, novel methods using nonstationary statistical models are developed for the removal of blurs from out of focus and other types of degraded photographic images. The work tackles the fundamental problem blind image deconvolution (BID); its goal is to restore a sharp image from a blurred observation when the blur itself is completely unknown. This is a “doubly illposed” problem — extreme lack of information must be countered by strong prior constraints about sensible types of solution. In this work, the hierarchical Bayesian methodology is used as a robust and versatile framework to impart the required prior knowledge. The thesis is arranged in two parts. In the first part, the BID problem is reviewed, along with techniques and models for its solution. Observation models are developed, with an emphasis on photographic restoration, concluding with a discussion of how these are reduced to the common linear spatially-invariant (LSI) convolutional model. Classical methods for the solution of illposed problems are summarised to provide a foundation for the main theoretical ideas that will be used under the Bayesian framework. This is followed by an indepth review and discussion of the various prior image and blur models appearing in the literature, and then their applications to solving the problem with both Bayesian and nonBayesian techniques. The second part covers novel restoration methods, making use of the theory presented in Part I. Firstly, two new nonstationary image models are presented. The first models local variance in the image, and the second extends this with locally adaptive noncausal autoregressive (AR) texture estimation and local mean components. These models allow for recovery of image details including edges and texture, whilst preserving smooth regions. Most existing methods do not model the boundary conditions correctly for deblurring of natural photographs, and a Chapter is devoted to exploring Bayesian solutions to this topic. Due to the complexity of the models used and the problem itself, there are many challenges which must be overcome for tractable inference. Using the new models, three different inference strategies are investigated: firstly using the Bayesian maximum marginalised a posteriori (MMAP) method with deterministic optimisation; proceeding with the stochastic methods of variational Bayesian (VB) distribution approximation, and simulation of the posterior distribution using the Gibbs sampler. Of these, we find the Gibbs sampler to be the most effective way to deal with a variety of different types of unknown blurs. Along the way, details are given of the numerical strategies developed to give accurate results and to accelerate performance. Finally, the thesis demonstrates state of the art results in blind restoration of synthetic and real degraded images, such as recovering details in out of focus photographs

    A Multicomponent proximal algorithm for Empirical Mode Decomposition

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    International audienceThe Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) is known to be a powerful tool adapted to the decomposition of a signal into a collection of intrinsic mode functions (IMF). A key procedure in the extraction of the IMFs is the sifting process whose main drawback is to depend on the choice of an interpolation method and to have no clear convergence guarantees. We propose a convex optimization procedure in order to replace the sifting process in the EMD. The considered method is based on proximal tools, which allow us to deal with a large class of constraints such as quasi-orthogonality or extrema-based constraints

    Déconvolution avec contraintes de positivité et de support: Sources ponctuelles sur source étendue

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    - Le travail proposé concerne la synthèse de Fourier, la déconvolution et l'interpolation/extrapolation spectrale pour une application en interférométrie. Il est spécifique au cas où l'objet recherché est la superposition d'un ensemble de points brillants à un fond spatialement étendu. Il est également spécifique au cas où les objets recherchés sont positifs et confinés dans un support connu. L'originalité repose sur l'estimation conjointe de deux cartes, de manière cohérente avec les données, les contraintes et les propriétés de chaque carte. La question est abordée dans le cadre de l'inversion bayésienne par maximum a posteriori : la solution est construite comme minimisant un critère régularisé contraint. Nous avons envisagé plusieurs optimiseurs et nous avons retenu un algorithme de lagrangien augmenté. Une première évaluation est proposée sur des données simulées et réelles (du radio-héliographe de Nançay) : elle montre une capacité effective à déconvoluer et à séparer les deux composantes simultanément tout en respectant les contraintes de positivité et de support. Le caractère haute résolution est également mis en évidence