12 research outputs found

    Reachability for Bounded Branching VASS

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    In this paper we consider the reachability problem for bounded branching VASS. Bounded VASS are a variant of the classic VASS model where all values in all configurations are upper bounded by a fixed natural number, encoded in binary in the input. This model gained a lot of attention in 2012 when Haase et al. showed its connections with timed automata. Later in 2013 Fearnley and Jurdzinski proved that the reachability problem in this model is PSPACE-complete even in dimension 1. Here, we investigate the complexity of the reachability problem when the model is extended with branching transitions, and we prove that the problem is EXPTIME-complete when the dimension is 2 or larger

    New Pumping Technique for 2-Dimensional VASS

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    We propose a new pumping technique for 2-dimensional vector addition systems with states (2-VASS) building on natural geometric properties of runs. We illustrate its applicability by reproving an exponential bound on the length of the shortest accepting run, and by proving a new pumping lemma for languages of 2-VASS. The technique is expected to be useful for settling questions concerning languages of 2-VASS, e.g., for establishing decidability status of the regular separability problem

    A Characterization for Decidable Separability by Piecewise Testable Languages

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    The separability problem for word languages of a class C\mathcal{C} by languages of a class S\mathcal{S} asks, for two given languages II and EE from C\mathcal{C}, whether there exists a language SS from S\mathcal{S} that includes II and excludes EE, that is, ISI \subseteq S and SE=S\cap E = \emptyset. In this work, we assume some mild closure properties for C\mathcal{C} and study for which such classes separability by a piecewise testable language (PTL) is decidable. We characterize these classes in terms of decidability of (two variants of) an unboundedness problem. From this, we deduce that separability by PTL is decidable for a number of language classes, such as the context-free languages and languages of labeled vector addition systems. Furthermore, it follows that separability by PTL is decidable if and only if one can compute for any language of the class its downward closure wrt. the scattered substring ordering (i.e., if the set of scattered substrings of any language of the class is effectively regular). The obtained decidability results contrast some undecidability results. In fact, for all (non-regular) language classes that we present as examples with decidable separability, it is undecidable whether a given language is a PTL itself. Our characterization involves a result of independent interest, which states that for any kind of languages II and EE, non-separability by PTL is equivalent to the existence of common patterns in II and EE

    Regular Separability of Well-Structured Transition Systems

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    We investigate the languages recognized by well-structured transition systems (WSTS) with upward and downward compatibility. Our first result shows that, under very mild assumptions, every two disjoint WSTS languages are regular separable: There is a regular language containing one of them and being disjoint from the other. As a consequence, if a language as well as its complement are both recognized by WSTS, then they are necessarily regular. In particular, no subclass of WSTS languages beyond the regular languages is closed under complement. Our second result shows that for Petri nets, the complexity of the backwards coverability algorithm yields a bound on the size of the regular separator. We complement it by a lower bound construction

    Determinization of One-Counter Nets

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    One-Counter Nets (OCNs) are finite-state automata equipped with a counter that is not allowed to become negative, but does not have zero tests. Their simplicity and close connection to various other models (e.g., VASS, Counter Machines and Pushdown Automata) make them an attractive model for studying the border of decidability for the classical decision problems. The deterministic fragment of OCNs (DOCNs) typically admits more tractable decision problems, and while these problems and the expressive power of DOCNs have been studied, the determinization problem, namely deciding whether an OCN admits an equivalent DOCN, has not received attention. We introduce four notions of OCN determinizability, which arise naturally due to intricacies in the model, and specifically, the interpretation of the initial counter value. We show that in general, determinizability is undecidable under most notions, but over a singleton alphabet (i.e., 1 dimensional VASS) one definition becomes decidable, and the rest become trivial, in that there is always an equivalent DOCN

    Separability and Non-Determinizability of WSTS

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    There is a recent separability result for the languages of well-structured transition systems (WSTS) that is surprisingly general: disjoint WSTS languages are always separated by a regular language. The result assumes that one of the languages is accepted by a deterministic WSTS, and it is not known whether this assumption is needed. There are two ways to get rid of the assumption, none of which has led to conclusions so far: (i) show that WSTS can be determinized or (ii) generalize the separability result to non-deterministic WSTS languages. Our contribution is to show that (i) does not work but (ii) does. As for (i), we give a non-deterministic WSTS language that we prove cannot be accepted by a deterministic WSTS. The proof relies on a novel characterization of the languages accepted by deterministic WSTS. As for (ii), we show how to find finitely represented inductive invariants without having the tool of ideal decompositions at hand. Instead, we work with closures under converging sequences. Our results hold for upward- and downward-compatible WSTS

    An Approach to Regular Separability in Vector Addition Systems

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    We study the problem of regular separability of languages of vector addition systems with states (VASS). It asks whether for two given VASS languages K and L, there exists a regular language R that includes K and is disjoint from L. While decidability of the problem in full generality remains an open question, there are several subclasses for which decidability has been shown: It is decidable for (i) one-dimensional VASS, (ii) VASS coverability languages, (iii) languages of integer VASS, and (iv) commutative VASS languages. We propose a general approach to deciding regular separability. We use it to decide regular separability of an arbitrary VASS language from any language in the classes (i), (ii), and (iii). This generalizes all previous results, including (iv)

    Computer Science Logic 2018: CSL 2018, September 4-8, 2018, Birmingham, United Kingdom

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