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    ABSTRACT The intuitive control of voice transformation (e.g., age/sex, emotions) is useful to extend the expressive repertoire of a voice. This paper explores the role of glottal source parameters for the control of voice transformation. First, the SVLN speech synthesizer (Separation of the Vocal-tract with the Liljencrants-fant model plus Noise) is used to represent the glottal source parameters (and thus, voice quality) during speech analysis and synthesis. Then, a simple statistical method is presented to control speech parameters during voice transformation : a GMM is used to model the speech parameters of a voice, and regressions are then used to adapt the GMMs statistics (mean and variance) to a control parameter (e.g., age/sex, emotions). A subjective experiment conducted on the control of perceptual age proves the importance of the glottal source parameters for the control of voice transformation, and shows the efficiency of the statistical model to control voice parameters while preserving a high-quality of the voice transformation

    A review of differentiable digital signal processing for music and speech synthesis

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    The term “differentiable digital signal processing” describes a family of techniques in which loss function gradients are backpropagated through digital signal processors, facilitating their integration into neural networks. This article surveys the literature on differentiable audio signal processing, focusing on its use in music and speech synthesis. We catalogue applications to tasks including music performance rendering, sound matching, and voice transformation, discussing the motivations for and implications of the use of this methodology. This is accompanied by an overview of digital signal processing operations that have been implemented differentiably, which is further supported by a web book containing practical advice on differentiable synthesiser programming (https://intro2ddsp.github.io/). Finally, we highlight open challenges, including optimisation pathologies, robustness to real-world conditions, and design trade-offs, and discuss directions for future research

    Adding expressiveness to unit selection speech synthesis and to numerical voice production

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    La parla és una de les formes de comunicació més naturals i directes entre éssers humans, ja que codifica un missatge i també claus paralingüístiques sobre l’estat emocional del locutor, el to o la seva intenció, esdevenint així fonamental en la consecució d’una interacció humà-màquina (HCI) més natural. En aquest context, la generació de parla expressiva pel canal de sortida d’HCI és un element clau en el desenvolupament de tecnologies assistencials o assistents personals entre altres aplicacions. La parla sintètica pot ser generada a partir de parla enregistrada utilitzant mètodes basats en corpus com la selecció d’unitats (US), que poden aconseguir resultats d’alta qualitat però d’expressivitat restringida a la pròpia del corpus. A fi de millorar la qualitat de la sortida de la síntesi, la tendència actual és construir bases de dades de veu cada cop més grans, seguint especialment l’aproximació de síntesi anomenada End-to-End basada en tècniques d’aprenentatge profund. Tanmateix, enregistrar corpus ad-hoc per cada estil expressiu desitjat pot ser extremadament costós o fins i tot inviable si el locutor no és capaç de realitzar adequadament els estils requerits per a una aplicació donada (ex: cant en el domini de la narració de contes). Alternativament, nous mètodes basats en la física de la producció de veu s’han desenvolupat a la darrera dècada gràcies a l’increment en la potència computacional. Per exemple, vocals o diftongs poden ser obtinguts utilitzant el mètode d’elements finits (FEM) per simular la propagació d’ones acústiques a través d’una geometria 3D realista del tracte vocal obtinguda a partir de ressonàncies magnètiques (MRI). Tanmateix, atès que els principals esforços en aquests mètodes de producció numèrica de veu s’han focalitzat en la millora del modelat del procés de generació de veu, fins ara s’ha prestat poca atenció a la seva expressivitat. A més, la col·lecció de dades per aquestes simulacions és molt costosa, a més de requerir un llarg postprocessament manual com el necessari per extreure geometries 3D del tracte vocal a partir de MRI. L’objectiu de la tesi és afegir expressivitat en un sistema que genera veu neutra, sense haver d’adquirir dades expressives del locutor original. Per un costat, s’afegeixen capacitats expressives a un sistema de conversió de text a parla basat en selecció d’unitats (US-TTS) dotat d’un corpus de veu neutra, per adreçar necessitats específiques i concretes en l’àmbit de la narració de contes, com són la veu cantada o situacions de suspens. A tal efecte, la veu és parametritzada utilitzant un model harmònic i transformada a l’estil expressiu desitjat d’acord amb un sistema expert. Es presenta una primera aproximació, centrada en la síntesi de suspens creixent per a la narració de contes, i es demostra la seva viabilitat pel que fa a naturalitat i qualitat de narració de contes. També s’afegeixen capacitats de cant al sistema US-TTS mitjançant la integració de mòduls de transformació de parla a veu cantada en el pipeline del TTS, i la incorporació d’un mòdul de generació de prosòdia expressiva que permet al mòdul de US seleccionar unitats més properes a la prosòdia cantada obtinguda a partir de la partitura d’entrada. Això resulta en un framework de síntesi de conversió de text a parla i veu cantada basat en selecció d’unitats (US-TTS&S) que pot generar veu parlada i cantada a partir d'un petit corpus de veu neutra (~2.6h). D’acord amb els resultats objectius, l’estratègia de US guiada per la partitura permet reduir els factors de modificació de pitch requerits per produir veu cantada a partir de les unitats de veu parlada seleccionades, però en canvi té una efectivitat limitada amb els factors de modificació de les durades degut a la curta durada de les vocals parlades neutres. Els resultats dels tests perceptius mostren que tot i òbviament obtenir una naturalitat inferior a la oferta per un sintetitzador professional de veu cantada, el framework pot adreçar necessitats puntuals de veu cantada per a la síntesis de narració de contes amb una qualitat raonable. La incorporació d’expressivitat s’investiga també en la simulació numèrica 3D de vocals basada en FEM mitjançant modificacions de les senyals d’excitació glotal utilitzant una aproximació font-filtre de producció de veu. Aquestes senyals es generen utilitzant un model Liljencrants-Fant (LF) controlat amb el paràmetre de forma del pols Rd, que permet explorar el continu de fonació lax-tens a més del rang de freqüències fonamentals, F0, de la veu parlada. S’analitza la contribució de la font glotal als modes d’alt ordre en la síntesis FEM de les vocals cardinals [a], [i] i [u] mitjançant la comparació dels valors d’energia d’alta freqüència (HFE) obtinguts amb geometries realistes i simplificades del tracte vocal. Les simulacions indiquen que els modes d’alt ordre es preveuen perceptivament rellevants d’acord amb valors de referència de la literatura, particularment per a fonacions tenses i/o F0s altes. En canvi, per a vocals amb una fonació laxa i/o F0s baixes els nivells d’HFE poden resultar inaudibles, especialment si no hi ha soroll d’aspiració en la font glotal. Després d’aquest estudi preliminar, s’han analitzat les característiques d’excitació de vocals alegres i agressives d’un corpus paral·lel de veu en castellà amb l’objectiu d’incorporar aquests estils expressius de veu tensa en la simulació numèrica de veu. Per a tal efecte, s’ha usat el vocoder GlottDNN per analitzar variacions d’F0 i pendent espectral relacionades amb l’excitació glotal en vocals [a]. Aquestes variacions es mapegen mitjançant la comparació amb vocals sintètiques en valors d’F0 i Rd per simular vocals que s’assemblin als estils alegre i agressiu. Els resultats mostren que és necessari incrementar l’F0 i disminuir l’Rd respecte la veu neutra, amb variacions majors per a alegre que per agressiu, especialment per a vocals accentuades. Els resultats aconseguits en les investigacions realitzades validen la possibilitat d’afegir expressivitat a la síntesi basada en corpus US-TTS i a la simulació numèrica de veu basada en FEM. Tanmateix, encara hi ha marge de millora. Per exemple, l’estratègia aplicada a la producció numèrica de veu es podria millorar estudiant i desenvolupant mètodes de filtratge invers així com incorporant modificacions del tracte vocal, mentre que el framework US-TTS&S es podria beneficiar dels avenços en tècniques de transformació de veu incloent transformacions de la qualitat de veu, aprofitant l’experiència adquirida en la simulació numèrica de vocals expressives.El habla es una de las formas de comunicación más naturales y directas entre seres humanos, ya que codifica un mensaje y también claves paralingüísticas sobre el estado emocional del locutor, el tono o su intención, convirtiéndose así en fundamental en la consecución de una interacción humano-máquina (HCI) más natural. En este contexto, la generación de habla expresiva para el canal de salida de HCI es un elemento clave en el desarrollo de tecnologías asistenciales o asistentes personales entre otras aplicaciones. El habla sintética puede ser generada a partir de habla gravada utilizando métodos basados en corpus como la selección de unidades (US), que pueden conseguir resultados de alta calidad, pero de expresividad restringida a la propia del corpus. A fin de mejorar la calidad de la salida de la síntesis, la tendencia actual es construir bases de datos de voz cada vez más grandes, siguiendo especialmente la aproximación de síntesis llamada End-to-End basada en técnicas de aprendizaje profundo. Sin embargo, gravar corpus ad-hoc para cada estilo expresivo deseado puede ser extremadamente costoso o incluso inviable si el locutor no es capaz de realizar adecuadamente los estilos requeridos para una aplicación dada (ej: canto en el dominio de la narración de cuentos). Alternativamente, nuevos métodos basados en la física de la producción de voz se han desarrollado en la última década gracias al incremento en la potencia computacional. Por ejemplo, vocales o diptongos pueden ser obtenidos utilizando el método de elementos finitos (FEM) para simular la propagación de ondas acústicas a través de una geometría 3D realista del tracto vocal obtenida a partir de resonancias magnéticas (MRI). Sin embargo, dado que los principales esfuerzos en estos métodos de producción numérica de voz se han focalizado en la mejora del modelado del proceso de generación de voz, hasta ahora se ha prestado poca atención a su expresividad. Además, la colección de datos para estas simulaciones es muy costosa, además de requerir un largo postproceso manual como el necesario para extraer geometrías 3D del tracto vocal a partir de MRI. El objetivo de la tesis es añadir expresividad en un sistema que genera voz neutra, sin tener que adquirir datos expresivos del locutor original. Per un lado, se añaden capacidades expresivas a un sistema de conversión de texto a habla basado en selección de unidades (US-TTS) dotado de un corpus de voz neutra, para abordar necesidades específicas y concretas en el ámbito de la narración de cuentos, como son la voz cantada o situaciones de suspense. Para ello, la voz se parametriza utilizando un modelo harmónico y se transforma al estilo expresivo deseado de acuerdo con un sistema experto. Se presenta una primera aproximación, centrada en la síntesis de suspense creciente para la narración de cuentos, y se demuestra su viabilidad en cuanto a naturalidad y calidad de narración de cuentos. También se añaden capacidades de canto al sistema US-TTS mediante la integración de módulos de transformación de habla a voz cantada en el pipeline del TTS, y la incorporación de un módulo de generación de prosodia expresiva que permite al módulo de US seleccionar unidades más cercanas a la prosodia cantada obtenida a partir de la partitura de entrada. Esto resulta en un framework de síntesis de conversión de texto a habla y voz cantada basado en selección de unidades (US-TTS&S) que puede generar voz hablada y cantada a partir del mismo pequeño corpus de voz neutra (~2.6h). De acuerdo con los resultados objetivos, la estrategia de US guiada por la partitura permite reducir los factores de modificación de pitch requeridos para producir voz cantada a partir de las unidades de voz hablada seleccionadas, pero en cambio tiene una efectividad limitada con los factores de modificación de duraciones debido a la corta duración de las vocales habladas neutras. Los resultados de las pruebas perceptivas muestran que, a pesar de obtener una naturalidad obviamente inferior a la ofrecida por un sintetizador profesional de voz cantada, el framework puede abordar necesidades puntuales de voz cantada para la síntesis de narración de cuentos con una calidad razonable. La incorporación de expresividad se investiga también en la simulación numérica 3D de vocales basada en FEM mediante modificaciones en las señales de excitación glotal utilizando una aproximación fuente-filtro de producción de voz. Estas señales se generan utilizando un modelo Liljencrants-Fant (LF) controlado con el parámetro de forma del pulso Rd, que permite explorar el continuo de fonación laxo-tenso además del rango de frecuencias fundamentales, F0, de la voz hablada. Se analiza la contribución de la fuente glotal a los modos de alto orden en la síntesis FEM de las vocales cardinales [a], [i] y [u] mediante la comparación de los valores de energía de alta frecuencia (HFE) obtenidos con geometrías realistas y simplificadas del tracto vocal. Las simulaciones indican que los modos de alto orden se prevén perceptivamente relevantes de acuerdo con valores de referencia de la literatura, particularmente para fonaciones tensas y/o F0s altas. En cambio, para vocales con una fonación laxa y/o F0s bajas los niveles de HFE pueden resultar inaudibles, especialmente si no hay ruido de aspiración en la fuente glotal. Después de este estudio preliminar, se han analizado las características de excitación de vocales alegres y agresivas de un corpus paralelo de voz en castellano con el objetivo de incorporar estos estilos expresivos de voz tensa en la simulación numérica de voz. Para ello, se ha usado el vocoder GlottDNN para analizar variaciones de F0 y pendiente espectral relacionadas con la excitación glotal en vocales [a]. Estas variaciones se mapean mediante la comparación con vocales sintéticas en valores de F0 y Rd para simular vocales que se asemejen a los estilos alegre y agresivo. Los resultados muestran que es necesario incrementar la F0 y disminuir la Rd respecto la voz neutra, con variaciones mayores para alegre que para agresivo, especialmente para vocales acentuadas. Los resultados conseguidos en las investigaciones realizadas validan la posibilidad de añadir expresividad a la síntesis basada en corpus US-TTS y a la simulación numérica de voz basada en FEM. Sin embargo, hay margen de mejora. Por ejemplo, la estrategia aplicada a la producción numérica de voz se podría mejorar estudiando y desarrollando métodos de filtrado inverso, así como incorporando modificaciones del tracto vocal, mientras que el framework US-TTS&S desarrollado se podría beneficiar de los avances en técnicas de transformación de voz incluyendo transformaciones de la calidad de la voz, aprovechando la experiencia adquirida en la simulación numérica de vocales expresivas.Speech is one of the most natural and direct forms of communication between human beings, as it codifies both a message and paralinguistic cues about the emotional state of the speaker, its mood, or its intention, thus becoming instrumental in pursuing a more natural Human Computer Interaction (HCI). In this context, the generation of expressive speech for the HCI output channel is a key element in the development of assistive technologies or personal assistants among other applications. Synthetic speech can be generated from recorded speech using corpus-based methods such as Unit-Selection (US), which can achieve high quality results but whose expressiveness is restricted to that available in the speech corpus. In order to improve the quality of the synthesis output, the current trend is to build ever larger speech databases, especially following the so-called End-to-End synthesis approach based on deep learning techniques. However, recording ad-hoc corpora for each and every desired expressive style can be extremely costly, or even unfeasible if the speaker is unable to properly perform the styles required for a given application (e.g., singing in the storytelling domain). Alternatively, new methods based on the physics of voice production have been developed in the last decade thanks to the increase in computing power. For instance, vowels or diphthongs can be obtained using the Finite Element Method (FEM) to simulate the propagation of acoustic waves through a 3D realistic vocal tract geometry obtained from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). However, since the main efforts in these numerical voice production methods have been focused on improving the modelling of the voice generation process, little attention has been paid to its expressiveness up to now. Furthermore, the collection of data for such simulations is very costly, besides requiring manual time-consuming postprocessing like that needed to extract 3D vocal tract geometries from MRI. The aim of the thesis is to add expressiveness into a system that generates neutral voice, without having to acquire expressive data from the original speaker. One the one hand, expressive capabilities are added to a Unit-Selection Text-to-Speech (US-TTS) system fed with a neutral speech corpus, to address specific and timely needs in the storytelling domain, such as for singing or in suspenseful situations. To this end, speech is parameterised using a harmonic-based model and subsequently transformed to the target expressive style according to an expert system. A first approach dealing with the synthesis of storytelling increasing suspense shows the viability of the proposal in terms of naturalness and storytelling quality. Singing capabilities are also added to the US-TTS system through the integration of Speech-to-Singing (STS) transformation modules into the TTS pipeline, and by incorporating an expressive prosody generation module that allows the US to select units closer to the target singing prosody obtained from the input score. This results in a Unit Selection based Text-to-Speech-and-Singing (US-TTS&S) synthesis framework that can generate both speech and singing from the same neutral speech small corpus (~2.6 h). According to the objective results, the score-driven US strategy can reduce the pitch scaling factors required to produce singing from the selected spoken units, but its effectiveness is limited regarding the time-scale requirements due to the short duration of the spoken vowels. Results from the perceptual tests show that although the obtained naturalness is obviously far from that given by a professional singing synthesiser, the framework can address eventual singing needs for synthetic storytelling with a reasonable quality. The incorporation of expressiveness is also investigated in the 3D FEM-based numerical simulation of vowels through modifications of the glottal flow signals following a source-filter approach of voice production. These signals are generated using a Liljencrants-Fant (LF) model controlled with the glottal shape parameter Rd, which allows exploring the tense-lax continuum of phonation besides the spoken vocal range of fundamental frequency values, F0. The contribution of the glottal source to higher order modes in the FEM synthesis of cardinal vowels [a], [i] and [u] is analysed through the comparison of the High Frequency Energy (HFE) values obtained with realistic and simplified 3D geometries of the vocal tract. The simulations indicate that higher order modes are expected to be perceptually relevant according to reference values stated in the literature, particularly for tense phonations and/or high F0s. Conversely, vowels with a lax phonation and/or low F0s can result in inaudible HFE levels, especially if aspiration noise is not present in the glottal source. After this preliminary study, the excitation characteristics of happy and aggressive vowels from a Spanish parallel speech corpus are analysed with the aim of incorporating this tense voice expressive styles into the numerical production of voice. To that effect, the GlottDNN vocoder is used to analyse F0 and spectral tilt variations associated with the glottal excitation on vowels [a]. These variations are mapped through the comparison with synthetic vowels into F0 and Rd values to simulate vowels resembling happy and aggressive styles. Results show that it is necessary to increase F0 and decrease Rd with respect to neutral speech, with larger variations for happy than aggressive style, especially for the stressed [a] vowels. The results achieved in the conducted investigations validate the possibility of adding expressiveness to both corpus-based US-TTS synthesis and FEM-based numerical simulation of voice. Nevertheless, there is still room for improvement. For instance, the strategy applied to the numerical voice production could be improved by studying and developing inverse filtering approaches as well as incorporating modifications of the vocal tract, whereas the developed US-TTS&S framework could benefit from advances in voice transformation techniques including voice quality modifications, taking advantage of the experience gained in the numerical simulation of expressive vowels

    Making music through real-time voice timbre analysis: machine learning and timbral control

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    PhDPeople can achieve rich musical expression through vocal sound { see for example human beatboxing, which achieves a wide timbral variety through a range of extended techniques. Yet the vocal modality is under-exploited as a controller for music systems. If we can analyse a vocal performance suitably in real time, then this information could be used to create voice-based interfaces with the potential for intuitive and ful lling levels of expressive control. Conversely, many modern techniques for music synthesis do not imply any particular interface. Should a given parameter be controlled via a MIDI keyboard, or a slider/fader, or a rotary dial? Automatic vocal analysis could provide a fruitful basis for expressive interfaces to such electronic musical instruments. The principal questions in applying vocal-based control are how to extract musically meaningful information from the voice signal in real time, and how to convert that information suitably into control data. In this thesis we address these questions, with a focus on timbral control, and in particular we develop approaches that can be used with a wide variety of musical instruments by applying machine learning techniques to automatically derive the mappings between expressive audio input and control output. The vocal audio signal is construed to include a broad range of expression, in particular encompassing the extended techniques used in human beatboxing. The central contribution of this work is the application of supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques to automatically map vocal timbre to synthesiser timbre and controls. Component contributions include a delayed decision-making strategy for low-latency sound classi cation, a regression-tree method to learn associations between regions of two unlabelled datasets, a fast estimator of multidimensional di erential entropy and a qualitative method for evaluating musical interfaces based on discourse analysis

    The Relationship Of Musical Abilities With Cognition And Neurodegenerative Pathology In Older Adults With Mild Cognitive Impairment

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    Older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) are at increased risk for dementia. Despite the presence of cognitive deficits in persons with MCI and dementia, older adults with dementia preserve their ability to engage in music throughout their disease. However, musical abilities have not previously been explored in individuals with MCI. The purpose of this dissertation was twofold: 1) to better understand the relationship between musical and cognitive abilities in persons with MCI (Chapter II) and how preserved musical abilities may contribute to enhanced cognitive abilities despite the underlying atrophy in the brain (Chapter III); and 2) to develop and submit a post-doctoral application to investigate the feasibility and acceptability of an individualized music intervention to reduce sleep disturbances in older adults with dementia (Chapter IV). We conducted a cross-sectional study at the University of Pennsylvania Alzheimer’s Disease Core Center (ADCC). We combined existing data from the ADCC and asked 60 older adults with MCI to complete two questionnaires, one screening for depression and the other gauging their musical abilities. We broadly operationalized musical abilities as musical skills, expertise, achievements and related behaviors and used hippocampal volume as a biomarker for the underlying atrophy in the brain. The participants, on average, scored lower on the index of musical abilities compared to published norms. Using Pearson’s correlations and linear regression analyses, we found that participants who scored lower on the index of musical abilities had lower scores on the measure of verbal naming. Additionally, musical abilities moderated the relationship between hippocampal volume and one of the cognitive abilities – executive function in 38 older adults for whom magnetic resonance imaging was available. Enhanced musical abilities emerged as a possible compensatory mechanism for persons with MCI who are struggling with cognitive deficits. Given the relationship between musical and cognitive abilities, music may be an effective intervention to maintain cognition and improve the well-being of older adults with cognitive impairment. This body of work, my passion for music, and a desire to garner skills in intervention research served as a platform for writing and submitting a post-doctoral application exploring how a music intervention may help alleviate one of the most distressing behavioral symptoms of dementia – sleep disturbances

    Cross-Lingual Voice Conversion with Non-Parallel Data

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    In this project a Phonetic Posteriorgram (PPG) based Voice Conversion system is implemented. The main goal is to perform and evaluate conversions of singing voice. The cross-gender and cross-lingual scenarios are considered. Additionally, the use of spectral envelope based MFCC and pseudo-singing dataset for ASR training are proposed in order to improve the performance of the system in the singing context

    Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications

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    The MAVEBA Workshop proceedings, held on a biannual basis, collect the scientific papers presented both as oral and poster contributions, during the conference. The main subjects are: development of theoretical and mechanical models as an aid to the study of main phonatory dysfunctions, as well as the biomedical engineering methods for the analysis of voice signals and images, as a support to clinical diagnosis and classification of vocal pathologies

    Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications

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    The International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (MAVEBA) came into being in 1999 from the particularly felt need of sharing know-how, objectives and results between areas that until then seemed quite distinct such as bioengineering, medicine and singing. MAVEBA deals with all aspects concerning the study of the human voice with applications ranging from the neonate to the adult and elderly. Over the years the initial issues have grown and spread also in other aspects of research such as occupational voice disorders, neurology, rehabilitation, image and video analysis. MAVEBA takes place every two years always in Firenze, Italy. This edition celebrates twenty years of uninterrupted and succesfully research in the field of voice analysis

    Vocal imitation for query by vocalisation

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    PhD ThesisThe human voice presents a rich and powerful medium for expressing sonic ideas such as musical sounds. This capability extends beyond the sounds used in speech, evidenced for example in the art form of beatboxing, and recent studies highlighting the utility of vocal imitation for communicating sonic concepts. Meanwhile, the advance of digital audio has resulted in huge libraries of sounds at the disposal of music producers and sound designers. This presents a compelling search problem: with larger search spaces, the task of navigating sound libraries has become increasingly difficult. The versatility and expressive nature of the voice provides a seemingly ideal medium for querying sound libraries, raising the question of how well humans are able to vocally imitate musical sounds, and how we might use the voice as a tool for search. In this thesis we address these questions by investigating the ability of musicians to vocalise synthesised and percussive sounds, and evaluate the suitability of different audio features for predicting the perceptual similarity between vocal imitations and imitated sounds. In the first experiment, musicians were tasked with imitating synthesised sounds with one or two time–varying feature envelopes applied. The results show that participants were able to imitate pitch, loudness, and spectral centroid features accurately, and that imitation accuracy was generally preserved when the imitated stimuli combined two, non-necessarily congruent features. This demonstrates the viability of using the voice as a natural means of expressing time series of two features simultaneously. The second experiment consisted of two parts. In a vocal production task, musicians were asked to imitate drum sounds. Listeners were then asked to rate the similarity between the imitations and sounds from the same category (e.g. kick, snare etc.). The results show that drum sounds received the highest similarity ratings when rated against their imitations (as opposed to imitations of another sound), and overall more than half the imitated sounds were correctly identified with above chance accuracy from the imitations, although this varied considerably between drum categories. The findings from the vocal imitation experiments highlight the capacity of musicians to vocally imitate musical sounds, and some limitations of non– verbal vocal expression. Finally, we investigated the performance of different audio features as predictors of perceptual similarity between the imitations and imitated sounds from the second experiment. We show that features learned using convolutional auto–encoders outperform a number of popular heuristic features for this task, and that preservation of temporal information is more important than spectral resolution for differentiating between the vocal imitations and same–category drum sounds