473,577 research outputs found

    Change Impact Analysis Based Regression Testing of Web Services

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    Reducing the effort required to make changes in web services is one of the primary goals in web service projects maintenance and evolution. Normally, functional and non-functional testing of a web service is performed by testing the operations specified in its WSDL. The regression testing is performed by identifying the changes made thereafter to the web service code and the WSDL. In this thesis, we present a tool-supported approach to perform efficient regression testing of web services. By representing a web service as a directed graph of WSDL elements, we identify and gathers the changed portions of the graph and use this information to reduce regression testing efforts. Specifically, we identify, categorize, and capture the web service testing needs in two different ways, namely, Operationalized Regression Testing of Web Service (ORTWS) and Parameterized Regression Testing of Web Service (PRTWS). Both of the approach can be combined to reduce the regression testing efforts in the web service project. The proposed approach is prototyped as a tool, named as Automatic Web Service Change Management (AWSCM), which helps in selecting the relevant test cases to construct reduced test suite from the old test suite. We present few case studies on different web service projects to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed tool. The reduction in the effort for regression testing of web service is also estimated.Comment: Master of Technology Thesis, PDPM Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing Jabalpur (2014

    The Effect Of Service Quality On Patient Satisfaction In Puskesmas Larangan Utara

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    This research aims to determine the effect of service quality on patient satisfaction at Puskesmas Larangan Utara. The method used is explanatory research with a sample of as many as patient satisfaction. The analysis technique uses statistical analysis with regression testing, correlation, determination and hypothesis testing. The results of this research of service quality variables obtained an average score of 3,410 with good criteria. The patient satisfaction variable obtained an average score of 3.835 with good criteria. Service quality has a positive and significant effect on patient satisfaction with the regression equation Y = 9.056 + 0.859X, and the correlation coefficient value of 0.776 or has a strong level of relationship with a determination value of 60.3%. Hypothesis testing obtained a significance of 0.000 <0.05. Keywords: Service Quality; Patient Satisfaction

    Preemptive regression test scheduling strategies: a new testing approach to thriving on the volatile service environments

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    A workflow-based web service may use ultra-late binding to invoke external web services to concretize its implementation at run time. Nonetheless, such external services or the availability of recently used external services may evolve without prior notification, dynamically triggering the workflow-based service to bind to new replacement external services to continue the current execution. Any integration mismatch may cause a failure. In this paper, we propose Preemptive Regression Testing (PRT), a novel testing approach that addresses this adaptive issue. Whenever such a late-change on the service under regression test is detected, PRT preempts the currently executed regression test suite, searches for additional test cases as fixes, runs these fixes, and then resumes the execution of the regression test suite from the preemption point. © 2012 IEEE |postprin

    Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Servis Truk Di Toko Gemilang Motor Palembang

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    This research aims to analyze the influence between the quality of service that consists of 5 dimensions of service quality: tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and emphaty toward customer satisfaction service truck in Toko Gemilang Motor Palembang. The population in this research is the customer/community that does the servicing truck in Toko Gemilang Motor Palembang. The sample used as many as 100 respondents and use nonprobability sampling technique. A type of nonprobability sampling purposive sampling is used where the information is drawn from members of the population who are willing to fill out the questionnaire. Hypothesis testing using multiple regression analysis method with the help of SPSS 16. The results of this study indicate that the variable reliability, responsiveness, and assurance significant effect against of customer satisfaction, while tangible variables and emphaty no effect significantly to customer satisfaction

    Pengaruh Dimensi Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen pada Good Deal Restaurant

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    Perception of service quality is reflected in consumers assessment of the realities and expectations of the service he felt. Tangibles, reliability, assurance, responsiveness, and empathy are the five dimensions of service quality. Some 126 respondents were selected as the study sample. Multiple linear regression analysis techniques as data analysis techniques used in testing the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction on Good Deal Restaurant. Results of testing of physical evidence, reliability, assurance, responsiveness, and empathy as a dimension of service quality on customer satisfaction in a Good Deal Restaurant showed a significant positive effect. The results of this test indicate that consumer satisfaction visited Good Deal Restaurant is affected by the quality of service offered

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk dan Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Produk Donat Madu (Studi pada Konsumen CV. Donat Madu Cihanjuang–pekanbaru)

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    This study aims to determine how much influence product quality and service quality to consumer satisfaction. Samples in this study were taken as many as 99 respondents and techniques used Non-probability sampling with Accidental Sampling approach. Data in this study using survey method through questionnaires filled by consumers. Data were obtained by using multiple regression analysis. This analysis includes Validity Test, Reliability Test, Multiple Regression Analysis, Hypothesis Testing through t Test and F Test, and Coefficient Determination analysis (R2). Variable product quality has a greater influence on consumer buying interest that is equal to 0.234 and service quality variable has an effect of 0.143. Hypothesis testing using t test showed that the independent variables studied were product quality and service quality proved to have a positive and significant effect on the dependent variable of consumer satisfaction. Then the results of analysis using the F test can be seen that product quality and service quality together significant effect on consumer satisfaction. The coefficient of determination (R2) indicates that contribution of product quality and service quality influence to consumer satisfaction 56.1%. While remaining 43.1% influenced by other variables that are not included in this regression model

    Analisis Pengaruh Kepercayaan, Kekuatan Merek (Brand Equity), Kepuasan dan Kualitas Layanan Terhadap

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    This study aims to determine Is the confidence, the strength of the brand (brand equity), satisfaction and service quality significantly influence consumer purchasing decisions lightweight steel roof truss (Pryda) Raka Mitra Jaya CV and analyze which of the dominant variable influencing consumer purchasing decisions. The population in this study is a customer CV. Raka Mitra Jaya taken as many as 63 respondents using simple random sampling technique sampling technique based on respondents who had ever bought a product steel roof truss (Pryda) CV Raka Mitra Jaya. Based on the research results, obtained the following regression equation: Y = 0,136X1 + 0,177X2 + 0,107X3 + 0,062X4. Based on statistical data analysis, indicators in this study are valid and are reliable variables. In the analytical testing validity, reliability and regression analysis. Calculation or testing the hypothesis by using statistical computer program SPSS 17.00. Individual sequence of each variable is the variable most influential brand power with a regression coefficient of 0.177, confidence with a regression coefficient of 0.136, satisfaction with a regression coefficient of 0.107 and quality service with a regression coefficient of 0.062. This research is the dominant variable is the strength of the brand, with the results of the regression of 0.177. The research results that all independent variable positive and significant impact on purchasing decisions through F test. Keywords: confidence, strength of the brand (brand equity), satisfaction, quality service and purchasing decision

    (Why) Is My Prompt Getting Worse? Rethinking Regression Testing for Evolving LLM APIs

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly integrated into software applications. Downstream application developers often access LLMs through APIs provided as a service. However, LLM APIs are often updated silently and scheduled to be deprecated, forcing users to continuously adapt to evolving models. This can cause performance regression and affect prompt design choices, as evidenced by our case study on toxicity detection. Based on our case study, we emphasize the need for and re-examine the concept of regression testing for evolving LLM APIs. We argue that regression testing LLMs requires fundamental changes to traditional testing approaches, due to different correctness notions, prompting brittleness, and non-determinism in LLM APIs.Comment: conference versio


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    The research was conducted as a decline in sales at Grand Panorama Resto Semarang for several month, so we have to know what factors that influence the purchase decision. This study aims to determine the effect of quality of product, price, quality of service and location on purchase decision on Grand Panorama Resto Semarang and which ones have the most impact The research data was collected from 100 consumers Grand Panorama Resto Semarang. Samplingin this study using accidental sampling technique. The analysis used in this study is multiple regression analysis . Before multiple regression analysis also do validity and reliability testing and classical assumption testing. And after that also do the hypothesis testing and coefficient of determination. The data have met, test the validity of realibility ,and the assumption of the classical tillable so as to produce the regression equation is as follows : Y = 0,431 X1 + 0,079 X2 + 0,274 X3 + 0,255 X4 Regression analysis showed variable of quality of product, price, quality of service, and location have a positive influence to the purchase decision. The most influential variable was a quality of product 0,431 followed by quality of service 0,274, location 0,255, and price 0,079. The analysis result using t test showed that quality of product ,quality of service , and location individually have a significant influence on purchasing decisions except price not influence on purchasing decision. The equation model had F value of 104,152 with a significance level of 0,000. The analysis result using coeffficient of determination was discovering about 80,6% variable of purchasing decision can be summarized by the variant of variable quality of product, price, quality of service, and location, whilst 19,4% summarized by other variable which unexplained in this research


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    ABSTRACT PURWO ERIE NASTITI. The influence of tax service toward taxpayers compliance land value tax in RW 01 Kelurahan South Gandaria (comparison study between compliant and delinquent taxpayers). Thesis. Jakarta: Economics Education Studies Program, Concentration in Economics Cooperative Education, Department of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. July. 2012. This study aims to determine whether there is influence between service of Taxation toward tax Compliance either the compliant taxpayers or taxpayer who delinquent tax. The study was conducted over 3 (two) months from May to July 2012. The method used is survey method with the correlational approach. The study population was at the land value tax Taxpayer RW 01-abiding and delinquent taxpayers. Researchers took 20% of the population-abiding taxpayers and 10% of the population of delinquent taxpayers To collect data from the two variables of the study, the research instruments used for the variable X (service tax) and the variable Y (taxpayer compliance) is the form of a questionnaire. Prior to use, construct validity tested through the validation process is the calculation of the correlation coefficient score points with the total score and reliability testing with Cronbach Alpha formula. The results of the reliability of the instrument variable X (service tax) for 0845. while for the variable Y (taxpayer compliance) for 0.818. For taxpayers who are obedient, test requirement analysis is done by finding the regression equation obtained was Y = 85.18 + 0211. lilifors normality test results produced Lcount = 1.54 while for n = 30 Ltabel the significance level (a = 0.05) is 0161. Because Laccount <Ltabel the variables X and Y are normally distributed. Testing the hypothesis by generating regression test Fcount (9:49)> Ftabel (4.20) which berrati significant regression coefficients. Testing linearity of regression produces Fcount (-1.33) tTable (1.72). To a delinquent taxpayer, the test requirements analysis is performed by finding the regression equation, the results obtained is Y = 42.70 + X. 0428 lilifors normality test results produced Lcount = 1.53 while for n = 30 Ltable the significance level (a = 0.05) is 0161. Because Lcount Ftable (4.20) which means a significant regression coefficient. Testing linearity of regression produces Fcount (2.11) <Ftable (2.42) thus concluded that the linear regression equation. Product moment correlation coefficient test result rcount = 0.33. significance test is then performed regression correlation coefficient using t test, produce tcount (1.87)> TTable (1.72). The results of these studies concluded that there was a positive influence on adherence between the tax service for taxpayer-abiding taxpayers and delinquent taxpayers. For taxpayers who obey the coefficient of determination test results obtained 22.31%, taxpayer compliance variable (Y) is determined by the tax service (X). As for the delinquent taxpayer that the coefficient of determination of test results obtained 11.15% taxpayer compliance variable (Y) is determined by the tax service (X) Key words: tax services, Taxpayer Complianc
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