18,403 research outputs found

    Energy-efficient acceleration of MPEG-4 compression tools

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    We propose novel hardware accelerator architectures for the most computationally demanding algorithms of the MPEG-4 video compression standard-motion estimation, binary motion estimation (for shape coding), and the forward/inverse discrete cosine transforms (incorporating shape adaptive modes). These accelerators have been designed using general low-energy design philosophies at the algorithmic/architectural abstraction levels. The themes of these philosophies are avoiding waste and trading area/performance for power and energy gains. Each core has been synthesised targeting TSMC 0.09 μm TCBN90LP technology, and the experimental results presented in this paper show that the proposed cores improve upon the prior art

    Multilevel Power Estimation Of VLSI Circuits Using Efficient Algorithms

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    New and complex systems are being implemented using highly advanced Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools. As the complexity increases day by day, the dissipation of power has emerged as one of the very important design constraints. Now low power designs are not only used in small size applications like cell phones and handheld devices but also in high-performance computing applications. Embedded memories have been used extensively in modern SOC designs. In order to estimate the power consumption of the entire design correctly, an accurate memory power model is needed. However, the memory power model commonly used in commercial EDA tools is too simple to estimate the power consumption accurately. For complex digital circuits, building their power models is a popular approach to estimate their power consumption without detailed circuit information. In the literature, most of power models are built with lookup tables. However, building the power models with lookup tables may become infeasible for large circuits because the table size would increase exponentially to meet the accuracy requirement. This thesis involves two parts. In first part it uses the Synopsys power measurement tools together with the use of synthesis and extraction tools to determine power consumed by various macros at different levels of abstraction including the Register Transfer Level (RTL), the gate and the transistor level. In general, it can be concluded that as the level of abstraction goes down the accuracy of power measurement increases depending on the tool used. In second part a novel power modeling approach for complex circuits by using neural networks to learn the relationship between power dissipation and input/output characteristic vector during simulation has been developed. Our neural power model has very low complexity such that this power model can be used for complex circuits. Using such a simple structure, the neural power models can still have high accuracy because they can automatically consider the non-linear power distributions. Unlike the power characterization process in traditional approaches, our characterization process is very simple and straightforward. More importantly, using the neural power model for power estimation does not require any transistor-level or gate-level description of the circuits. The experimental results have shown that the estimations are accurate and efficient for different test sequences with wide range of input distributions

    Methodologies for Designing Power-Aware Smart Card Systems

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    Smart cards are some of the smallest computing platforms in use today. They have limited resources, but a huge number of functional requirements. The requirement for multi-application cards increases the demand for high performance and security even more, whereas the limits given by size and energy consumption remain constant. We describe new methodologies for designing and implementing entire systems with regard to power awareness and required performance. To make use of this power-saving potential, also the higher layers of the system - the operating system layer and the application domain layer - are required to be designed together with the rest of the system. HW/SW co-design methodologies enable the gain of system-level optimization. The first part presents the abstraction of smart cards to optimize system architecture and memory system. Both functional and transactional-level models are presented and discussed. The proposed design flow and preliminary results of the evaluation are depicted. Another central part of this methodology is a cycle-accurate instruction-set simulator for secure software development. The underlaying energy model is designed to decouple instruction and data dependent energy dissipation, which leads to an independent characterization process and allows stepwise model refinement to increase estimation accuracy. The model has been evaluated for a high-performance smart card CPU and an use-case for secure software is given

    Low power techniques for video compression

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    This paper gives an overview of low-power techniques proposed in the literature for mobile multimedia and Internet applications. Exploitable aspects are discussed in the behavior of different video compression tools. These power-efficient solutions are then classified by synthesis domain and level of abstraction. As this paper is meant to be a starting point for further research in the area, a lowpower hardware & software co-design methodology is outlined in the end as a possible scenario for video-codec-on-a-chip implementations on future mobile multimedia platforms

    The impact of design techniques in the reduction of power consumption of SoCs Multimedia

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    Orientador: Guido Costa Souza de AraújoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: A indústria de semicondutores sempre enfrentou fortes demandas em resolver problema de dissipação de calor e reduzir o consumo de energia em dispositivos. Esta tendência tem sido intensificada nos últimos anos com o movimento de sustentabilidade ambiental. A concepção correta de um sistema eletrônico de baixo consumo de energia é um problema de vários níveis de complexidade e exige estratégias sistemáticas na sua construção. Fora disso, a adoção de qualquer técnica de redução de energia sempre está vinculada com objetivos especiais e provoca alguns impactos no projeto. Apesar dos projetistas conheçam bem os impactos de forma qualitativa, as detalhes quantitativas ainda são incógnitas ou apenas mantidas dentro do 'know-how' das empresas. Neste trabalho, de acordo com resultados experimentais baseado num plataforma de SoC1 industrial, tentamos quantificar os impactos derivados do uso de técnicas de redução de consumo de energia. Nos concentramos em relacionar o fator de redução de energia de cada técnica aos impactos em termo de área, desempenho, esforço de implementação e verificação. Na ausência desse tipo de dados, que relacionam o esforço de engenharia com as metas de consumo de energia, incertezas e atrasos serão frequentes no cronograma de projeto. Esperamos que este tipo de orientações possam ajudar/guiar os arquitetos de projeto em selecionar as técnicas adequadas para reduzir o consumo de energia dentro do alcance de orçamento e cronograma de projetoAbstract: The semiconductor industry has always faced strong demands to solve the problem of heat dissipation and reduce the power consumption in electronic devices. This trend has been increased in recent years with the action of environmental sustainability. The correct conception of an electronic system for low power consumption is an issue with multiple levels of complexities and requires systematic approaches in its construction. However, the adoption of any technique for reducing the power consumption is always linked with some specific goals and causes some impacts on the project. Although the designers know well that these impacts can affect the design in a quality aspect, the quantitative details are still unkown or just be kept inside the company's know-how. In this work, according to the experimental results based on an industrial SoC2 platform, we try to quantify the impacts of the use of low power techniques. We will relate the power reduction factor of each technique to the impact in terms of area, performance, implementation and verification effort. In the absence of such data, which relates the engineering effort to the goals of power consumption, uncertainties and delays are frequent. We hope that such guidelines can help/guide the project architects in selecting the appropriate techniques to reduce the power consumption within the limit of budget and project scheduleMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    A survey of dynamic power optimization techniques

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    One of the most important considerations for the current VLSI/SOC design is power, which can be classified into power analysis and optimization. In this survey, the main concepts of power optimization including the sources and policies are introduced. Among the various approaches, dynamic power management (DPM), which implies to change devices states when they are not working at the highest speed or at their full capacity, is the most efficient one. Our explanations accompanying the figures specify the abstract concepts of DPM. This paper briefly surveys both heuristic and stochastic policies and discusses their advantages and disadvantages