4,680 research outputs found

    Exploiting Sentinel-1 amplitude data for glacier surface velocity field measurements. Feasibility demonstration on baltoro glacier

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    The leading idea of this work is to continuously retrieve glaciers surface velocity through SAR imagery, in particular using the amplitude data from the new ESA satellite sensor Sentinel-1 imagery. These imagery key aspects are the free access policy, the very short revisit time (down to 6 days with the launch of the Sentinel-1B satellite) and the high amplitude resolution (up to 5 m). In order to verify the reliability of the proposed approach, a first experiment has been performed using Sentinel-1 imagery acquired over the Karakoram mountain range (North Pakistan) and Baltoro and other three glaciers have been investigated. During this study, a stack of 11 images acquired in the period from October 2014 to September 2015 has been used in order to investigate the potentialities of the Sentinel-1 SAR sensor to retrieve the glacier surface velocity every month. The aim of this test was to measure the glacier surface velocity between each subsequent pair, in order to produce a time series of the surface velocity fields along the investigated period. The necessary co-registration procedure between the images has been performed and subsequently the glaciers areas have been sampled using a regular grid with a 250 × 250 meters posting. Finally the surface velocity field has been estimated, for each image pair, using a template matching procedure, and an outlier filtering procedure based on the signal to noise ratio values has been applied, in order to exclude from the analysis unreliable points. The achieved velocity values range from 10 to 25 meters/month and they are coherent to those obtained in previous studies carried out on the same glaciers and the results highlight that it is possible to have a continuous update of the glacier surface velocity field through free Sentinel-1 imagery, that could be very useful to investigate the seasonal effects on the glaciers fluid-dynamics

    Optical remote sensing of glacier characteristics::A review with focus on the Himalaya

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    The increased availability of remote sensing platforms with appropriate spatial and temporal resolution, global coverage and low financial costs allows for fast, semi-automated, and cost-effective estimates of changes in glacier parameters over large areas. Remote sensing approaches allow for regular monitoring of the properties of alpine glaciers such as ice extent, terminus position, volume and surface elevation, from which glacier mass balance can be inferred. Such methods are particularly useful in remote areas with limited field-based glaciological measurements. This paper reviews advances in the use of visible and infrared remote sensing combined with field methods for estimating glacier parameters, with emphasis on volume/area changes and glacier mass balance. The focus is on the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) sensor and its applicability for monitoring Himalayan glaciers. The methods reviewed are: volumetric changes inferred from digital elevation models (DEMs), glacier delineation algorithms from multi-spectral analysis, changes in glacier area at decadal time scales, and AAR/ELA methods used to calculate yearly mass balances. The current limitations and on-going challenges in using remote sensing for mapping characteristics of mountain glaciers also discussed, specifically in the context of the Himalaya

    Remote Sensing of Mountain Glaciers and Related Hazards

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    Mountain glaciers are highly sensitive to temperature and precipitation fluctuations and active geomorphic agents in shaping the landforms of glaciated regions which are direct imprints of past glaciations, providing reliable evidence of the evolution of the past Cryosphere and contain important information on climatic variables. But most importantly, glaciers have aroused a lot of concern in terms of glacier area changes, thickness change, mass balance and their consequences on water resources as well as related hazards. The contribution of glacier mass loss to global sea-level rise and increasing number of glacier-related hazards are the most important and current socioeconomic concerns. Therefore, understanding the dynamics of the changes and constant monitoring of glaciers are essential for studying climate, water resource management and hydropower and also to predict and evade glacier-related hazards. The recent advances in the techniques of earth observations have proved as a boon for investigating glaciers and glacier-related hazards. Remote sensing technology enables extraction of glacier parameters such as albedo/reflectance/scattering, glacier area, glacier zones and facies, equilibrium line, glacier thickness, volume, mass balance, velocity and glacier topography. The present chapter explores the prospective of remote sensing technology for understanding and surveying glaciers formed at high, inaccessible mountains and glacier-induced hazards

    Quantification and Change Assessment Benjamin Aubrey Robson 2016 Dissertation date: 31st October 2016 of Debris-Covered Glaciers using Remote Sensing

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    This thesis investigates how remote sensing data can be used to assess the changing state of debris-covered ice. The principal study areas are the Manaslu Region in Nepal (papers I and III) and the Hohe Tauern National Park, Austria (paper II). Clean glacier ice is straightforward to semi-automatically classify using multi-spectral satellite imagery owing to the strong spectral signature of clean ice in the visible and near-infrared sections of the electromagnetic spectrum. Since the ablation zones of clean ice glaciers are at the pressure melting point, a change in terminus position or glacier area can be directly linked to a change in climate. Debris-covered ice is however more complicated to map and to interpret temporal change. Supraglacial debris is spectrally indistinguishable from the surrounding paraglacial terrain, and requires auxiliary data such as a Digital Elevation Model (DEM), thermal band data, or flow data. Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) provides a framework for combining multiple datasets in one analysis, while additionally allowing shape, contextual, hierarchical and textural criteria to be used to classify imagery. Paper I combines optical (Landsat-8), topographic (void-filled SRTM) and SAR coherence (ALOS PALSAR) data within an OBIA workflow to semi-automatically classify both clean ice and debris-covered ice in the challenging area surrounding Mount Manaslu in Nepal. When compared with manually delineated outlines, the classification achieved an accuracy of 91% (93% for clean ice and 83% for debriscovered ice). The classification was affected by seasonal snow and shadows while the debris-covered ice mapping was influenced by the datasets being temporally inconsistent, and the mountainous topography causing inconsistencies in the SAR coherence data. The method compares well with other automated techniques for classifying debris-covered ice, but has two additional advantages: firstly, that SAR coherence data can distinguish active ice from stagnant ice based on whether motion or significant downwasting has occured, and secondly, that the method is applicable over a large study area using just space-borne data. Paper II explores the potential of using high-resolution (10 m) topographic data and an edge detection algorithm to morphologically map the extent of debris-covered ice. The method was applied in the Hohe Tauern National Park, Austria, using a 10 m DEM derived from airborne Light Detection and Radar (LiDAR) acquisitions. Additionally, the end-of-summer transient snowline (TSL) was also mapped, which approximates the annual Equilibrium Line Altitude (ELA). Our classification was applied on three Landsat satellite images from 1985, 2003 and 2013 and compared the results to the Austrian Glacier Inventories from 1969 and 1998 to derive decadal-scale glacial changes. A mean rate of glacier area reduction of 1.4 km2a-1 was calculated between 1969 and 2013 with a total reduction in area of 33%. The TSL rose by 92 m between 1985 and 2013 to an altitude of 3005 m. By comparing our results with manually delineated outlines an accuracy of 97.5% was determined. When a confusion matrix was calculated it could be seen that the results contained few false positives but some false negatives which were attributed to seasonal snow, shadows and misclassified debris. Our results correspond broadly with those found in other areas of the European Alps although a heterogeneity in glacier change is observable. We recommend that future glacier mapping investigations should utilise a combination of both SAR coherence data and high-resolution topographic data in order to delineate the extent of both active and stagnant glacier ice. Paper III investigates decadal scale changes in glacier area, velocity and volume in the previously undocumented Manaslu Region, Nepal. Between 2001 and 2013 the glacier area reduced by 8.2% (-0.68% a-1). Simultaneously, the glaciers lowered by -0.21 ± 0.08 m a-1 and had a slightly negative specific mass balance of -0.05 ± 016 m w.e a-1 although mass balances ranged -2.49 ± 2.24 to +0.27 ± 0.30 m w.e a-1 throughout the region. The geodetic mass balance for select glaciers covered by a Corona DEM between 1970 and 2013 was -0.24 ± 0.12 m w.e a-1 which became more negative (-0.51 ± 0.12 m w.e. a-1) between 2005 and 2013. Rates of surface lowering over debriscovered ice increasing by 168% between 1970 – 2000 (0.40 ± 0.18 m a-1) and 2005 – 2013 (1.07 ±0.48 m a-1). The rate of glacier melt varies due to presumed increases in debris thickness at the upper and lower boundaries of the ablation zone, while an area of enhanced glacier downwasting corresponds to the presence of supraglacial lakes and exposed ice. The glacier velocity varies across the region. Many glaciers have stagnant sections towards the glacier termini, and a trend of ongoing stagnation is observable. No relationship exists between trends in glacier area and glacier volume or velocity, although a weak relationship exists between trends in the changes of volume and velocity. The rates of glacier area and velocity change appear to be similar, although the number of glaciers that had records of area, velocity, and volume was few. Our results are comparable to studies looking at mean surface lowerings and geodetic mass balances in other areas of the Himalayas, and point towards heterogeneous yet pronounced mass losses across the Himalaya region

    Monitoring of seasonal glacier mass balance over the European Alps using low-resolution optical satellite images

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    We explore a new method to retrieve seasonal glacier mass balances (MBs) from low- resolution optical remote sensing. We derive annual winter and summer snow maps of the Alps during 1998–2014 using SPOT/VEGETATION 1 km resolution imagery. We combine these seasonal snow maps with a DEM to calculate a ‘mean regional’ altitude of snow (Z) in a region surrounding a glacier. Then, we compare the interannual variation of Z with the observed winter/summer glacier MB for 55 Alpine glaciers over 1998–2008, our calibration period. We find strong linear relationships in winter (mean R² = 0.84) and small errors for the reconstructed winter MB (mean RMSE = 158 mm (w.e.) a⁻¹). This is lower than errors generally assumed for the glaciological MB measurements (200–400 mm w.e. a⁻¹). Results for summer MB are also satisfying (mean R² and RMSE, respectively, 0.74 and 314 mm w.e. a⁻¹). Comparison with observed seasonal MB available over 2009–2014 (our evaluation period) for 19 glaciers in winter and 13 in summer shows good agreement in winter (RMSE = 405 mm w.e. a⁻¹) and slightly larger errors in summer (RMSE = 561 mm w.e. a⁻¹). These results indicate that our approach might be valuable for remotely determining the seasonal MB of glaciers over large regions

    Geochemical characterization of supraglacial debris via in situ and optical remote sensing methods: a case study in Khumbu Himalaya, Nepal

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    Surface glacier debris samples and field spectra were collected from the ablation zones of Nepal Himalaya Ngozumpa and Khumbu glaciers in November and December 2009. Geochemical and mineral compositions of supraglacial debris were determined by X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. This composition data was used as ground truth in evaluating field spectra and satellite supraglacial debris composition and mapping methods. Satellite remote sensing methods for characterizing glacial surface debris include visible to thermal infrared hyper- and multispectral reflectance and emission signature identification, semi-quantitative mineral abundance indicies and spectral image composites. Satellite derived supraglacial debris mineral maps displayed the predominance of layered silicates, hydroxyl-bearing and calcite minerals on Khumbu Himalayan glaciers. Supraglacial mineral maps compared with satellite thermal data revealed correlations between glacier surface composition and glacier surface temperature. Glacier velocity displacement fields and shortwave, thermal infrared false color composites indicated the magnitude of mass flux at glacier confluences. The supraglacial debris mapping methods presented in this study can be used on a broader scale to improve, supplement and potentially reduce errors associated with glacier debris radiative property, composition, areal extent and mass flux quantifications

    A novel approach to estimate glacier mass balance in the Tien Shan and Pamir based on transient snowline observations

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    Glaciers are recognised as an excellent proxy for climate change and their centennial massloss has accelerated during the past decades. The Central Asian mountain ranges Tien Shan and Pamir host over 25,000 glaciers that have been observed to respond heterogeneous to climate change. Glacier changes in the region have very important consequences on the water availability for the densely populated lowlands. Despite the significance and severity that climate change exerts on the Central Asian water towers, the glacier response is still poorly understood, hampering sound interpretations and predictions of future threats and opportunities. A significant data gap in the field measurement series from the mid-1990s to around 2010, limits the analysis of long-term trends. Despite the recent efforts to re-established the historical cryospheric monitoring network, continuous long-term glacier mass balance time series remain sparse for Central Asia. Thus, improved temporal and spatial coverage of glacier monitoring is essential. Remote sensing techniques are a powerful tool to study a large number of remotely located and unmeasured glaciers and provide a possibility to partly bridge the aforementioned deficit in data availability. However, the coarse temporal resolution of geodetic mass balance assessments is not suitable to improve the understanding of ongoing processes. This accentuates the indispensable need for improved and extended annual to seasonal observations of mass change of inaccessible and remote glaciers on a cost and labour effective basis as well as for a more elaborated and enhanced, process-orientated methodology. This work provides a combination of detailed in situ measurements and remote sensing based glacier mass change observation from local to regional scale. A multi-level strategy is applied to complement data from long-term glaciological surveys and remote sensing (snowline observations and geodetic mass balance measurements) with numerical modelling to obtain information at high temporal and spatial resolution for individual glaciers. Through modelling constrained with transient snowlines, annual mass balance time series for a large amount of glaciers located in the Tien Shan and Pamir were made available. Such mass balance estimates provide valuable baseline data for climate change assessments, runoff projection, hazard evaluation and enhance process understanding. A better understanding of the regional annual variability of glacier response to climate change in the Pamir and Tien Shan became possible based on the outcome of this thesis. In the presented thesis the results are discussed in detail, the weaknesses and strengths of the developed methodology are unfolded and the relevant perspective and future research outlined.Gletscher sind ausgezeichnete Indikatoren für den Klimawandel. Ihr langjähriger Massen- verlust hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten weltweit akzentuiert. Die zentralasiatischen Bergketten Tien Shan und Pamir beherbergen u¨ber 25’000 Gletscher. Studien zeigen, dass diese Gletscher heterogen auf den Klimawandel reagieren. Gletscherver¨anderungen in der Region haben wichtige Auswirkungen auf die Wasserverfügbarkeit für das dicht besiedelte Flachland. Trotz den bedeutenden Konsequenzen welche durch den Klimawandel auf diese regionalen Wasserspeicher ausgeübt wird, ist die Veränderung der Gletscher im Tien Shan und Pamir immer noch relativ unbekannt, was fundierte Interpretationen und Vorhersagen zukünftiger Gefahren und Chancen erschwert. Eine prägnante Datenlücke in den existierenden Messreihen von Mitte der 1990er Jahren bis ca. 2010 schränkt eine detaillierte Analyse langfristiger Entwicklungen weiter ein. Trotz der jüngsten Bemühungen, das historische Kryosphäremessnetz wieder herzustellen, bleiben kontinuierliche Langzeitmessungen für die Gletscher in Zentralasien limitiert. Eine verbesserte zeitliche und räumliche Abdeckung der Gletscherbeobachtungen ist daher unerlässlich. Fernerkundungstechniken sind gängige Methoden, um eine große Anzahl abgelegener und unerforschter Gletscher zu untersuchen. Mit solchen Methoden kann das Defizit an Datenverfügbarkeit der Region teilweise kompensiert werden. Die grobe zeitliche Auflösung der geodätischen Massenbilanzberechnungen und das somit limitierte Prozessverständnis unterstreichen jedoch den unabdingbaren Bedarf nach verbesserten und erweiterten jährlichen bis saisonalen Massenbilanzbeobachtungen. Ab- schätzungen auf ausgedehnter räumlicher Skala, sowie eine stärkere Prozess orientierte Forschung sind nötig. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt eine Kombination aus detaillierten Feldmessungen und Fernerkundungsbeobachtungen der Gletschermassenänderung im Tien Shan und Pamir. Die angewandte Strategie basiert auf mehreren Ebenen aus lokalen bis regionalen Studien. Mit dieser Strategie werden Daten aus langzeit-glaziologischen Feldmessungen und aus der Fernerkundung (Schneelinienbeobachtungen, geodätische Massenbilanzmessungen) mit numerischen Modellierungen komplementieren. Dabei werden Informationen für ausgewählte Gletscher mit hoher zeitlicher und räumlicher Auflösung extrahiert. Durch das Modellieren mit wiederholten Schneelinienbeobachtungen, welche zur Kalibrierung verwendet werden, konnten jährliche Massenbilanzzeitreihen für eine große Anzahl von Gletschern im Studiengebiet berechnet werden. Solche grossräumigen und zeitlich hochaufgelösten Abschätzungen liefern wertvolle Grundlagen für detaillierte Studien über die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels, ermöglichen fundierte Abflussprojektionen und erlauben verbesserte Gefahrenanalysen. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit, wird ein besseres Verständnis der regionalen jährlichen Variabilität der Gletscherreaktionen auf den Klimawandel im Pamir und Tien Shan ermöglicht. In der hier vorgelegten Arbeit werden die Resultate im Detail diskutiert, die Schwächen und Stärken der entwickelten Methodik offengelegt und die relevanten Perspektiven abgefasst