4 research outputs found

    Psychophysical assessment of perceived interest in natural images: The ROI-D database

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    We introduce a novel region-of-interest (ROI) database for natural image content, the ROI-D database. The database consists of ROI maps created from manual selections obtained in a psychophysical experiment with 20 participants. The presented stimuli were 42 photographic images taken from 3 publicly available image quality databases. In addition to the ROI selections, dominance ratings were recorded that provide further insight into the interest of the selected ROI in relation to the background. In this paper, the experiment is described, the resulting ROI database is analysed, and possible applications of the database are discussed. The ROI-D database is made freely available to the image processing research community

    A Comparative Study of Fixation Density Maps

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    International audienceFixation density maps (FDM) created from eye tracking experiments are widely used in image processing applications. The FDM are assumed to be reliable ground truths of human visual attention and as such one expects high similarity between FDM created in different laboratories. So far, no studies have analysed the degree of similarity between FDM from independent laboratories and the related impact on the applications. In this paper, we perform a thorough comparison of FDM from three independently conducted eye tracking experiments. We focus on the effect of presentation time and image content and evaluate the impact of the FDM differences on three applications: visual saliency modelling, image quality assessment, and image retargeting. It is shown that the FDM are very similar and that their impact on the applications is low. The individual experiment comparisons, however, are found to be significantly different, showing that inter-laboratory differences strongly depend on the experimental conditions of the laboratories. The FDM are publicly available to the research community

    Contributions for post processing of wavelet transform with SPIHT ROI coding and application in the transmission of images

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    Orientador: Yuzo IanoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: A área que trata de compressão de imagem com perdas é, atualmente, de grande importância. Isso se deve ao fato de que as técnicas de compressão permitem representar de uma forma eficiente uma imagem reduzindo assim, o espaço necessário para armazenamento ou um posterior envio da imagem através de um canal de comunicações. Em particular, o algoritmo SPIHT (Set Partitioning of Hierarchical Trees) muito usado em compressão de imagens é de implementação simples e pode ser aproveitado em aplicações onde se requer uma baixa complexidade. Este trabalho propõe um esquema de compressão de imagens utilizando uma forma personalizada de armazenamento da transformada DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform), codificação flexível da ROI (Region Of Interest) e a compressão de imagens usando o algoritmo SPIHT. A aplicação consiste na transmissão dos dados correspondentes usando-se codificação turbo. A forma personalizada de armazenamento da DWT visa um melhor aproveitamento da memória por meio do uso de algoritmo SPIHT. A codificação ROI genérica é aplicada em um nível alto da decomposição DWT. Nesse ponto, o algoritmo SPIHT serve para ressaltar e transmitir com prioridade as regiões de interesse. Os dados a serem transmitidos, visando o menor custo de processamento, são codificados com um esquema turbo convolucional. Isso porque esse esquema é de implementação simples no que concerne à codificação. A simulação é implementada em módulos separados e reutilizáveis para esta pesquisa. Os resultados das simulações mostram que o esquema proposto é uma solução que diminui a quantidade de memória utilizada bem como o custo computacional para aplicações de envio de imagens em aplicações como transmissão de imagens via satélite, radiodifusão e outras mídiasAbstract: Nowadays, the area that comes to lossy image compression is really important. This is due to the fact that compression techniques allow an efficient way to represent an image thereby reducing the space required for storage or subsequent submission of an image through a communications channel. In particular, the algorithm SPIHT (Set Partitioning of Hierarchical Trees) widely used in image compression is simple to implement and can be used in applications where a low complexity is required. This study proposes an image compression scheme using a personalized storage transform DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform), encoding flexible ROI (Region Of Interest) and image compression algorithm using SPIHT. The application consists in a transmission of the corresponding data using turbo coding. The shape of the custom storage DWT aims to make better use of memory by reducing the amount of memory through the use of SPIHT algorithm. ROI coding is applied in a generic high-level DWT decomposition. At this point, the algorithm serves to highlight SPITH and transmit the priority areas of interest. The data to be transmitted in order to lower the cost of processing are encoded with a turbo convolutional scheme. This is due this scheme is simple to implement with regard to coding. The simulation is implemented in separate modules and reusable for this research. The simulations and analysis show that the proposed scheme is a solution that decreases the amount of memory used and the computational cost for applications to send images in applications such as image transmission via satellite, broadcasting and others mediasDoutoradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaDoutor em Engenharia Elétric