273 research outputs found

    A language-agnostic framework for the analysis of the syntactic structure of process fragments

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    Process fragments are a cornerstone of process modeling in both Service Oriented Architecture and Business Process Management. The state of the art lacks shared, language agnostic definitions of the basic concepts and properties of process fragments. This absence of a common foundation for the research on process fragments hinders the comparison and reuse of the results in the state of the art, and renders impossible the reaching of agreed, intensional definitions of the different typologies of process fragments. The present work aims at filling this gap by providing a framework of language agnostic definitions of properties of the syntactic structure of process fragments based on the mereotopology of discrete space. Alongside familiar mereologic concepts like inclusion, overlap and disjointness, we cover fundamental concepts for process fragments like (dis)connection, selfconnectedness, borders, interiors and exteriors. Besides providing a foundation for further research on process fragments, we discuss the immediate application of the concepts defined in this work in the scope of the change management of process models

    Cross-study analysis of genomic data defines the ciliate multigenic epiplasmin family: strategies for functional analysis in Paramecium tetraurelia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The sub-membranous skeleton of the ciliate <it>Paramecium</it>, the epiplasm, is composed of hundreds of epiplasmic scales centered on basal bodies, and presents a complex set of proteins, epiplasmins, which belong to a multigenic family. The repeated duplications observed in the <it>P. tetraurelia </it>genome present an interesting model of the organization and evolution of a multigenic family within a single cell.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To study this multigenic family, we used phylogenetic, structural, and analytical transcriptional approaches. The phylogenetic method defines 5 groups of epiplasmins in the multigenic family. A refined analysis by Hydrophobic Cluster Analysis (HCA) identifies structural characteristics of 51 epiplasmins, defining five separate groups, and three classes. Depending on the sequential arrangement of their structural domains, the epiplasmins are defined as symmetric, asymmetric or atypical. The EST data aid in this classification, in the identification of putative regulating sequences such as TATA or CAAT boxes. When specific RNAi experiments were conducted using sequences from either symmetric or asymmetric classes, phenotypes were drastic. Local effects show either disrupted or ill-shaped epiplasmic scales. In either case, this results in aborted cell division.</p> <p>Using structural features, we show that 4 epiplasmins are also present in another ciliate, <it>Tetrahymena </it><it>thermophila</it>. Their affiliation with the distinctive structural groups of <it>Paramecium </it>epiplasmins demonstrates an interspecific multigenic family.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The epiplasmin multigenic family illustrates the history of genomic duplication in <it>Paramecium</it>. This study provides a framework which can guide functional analysis of epiplasmins, the major components of the membrane skeleton in ciliates. We show that this set of proteins handles an important developmental information in <it>Paramecium </it>since maintenance of epiplasm organization is crucial for cell morphogenesis.</p

    Development Fund.

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    framework of the ESPON 2013 Programme, partly financed by the European Regiona

    The modal particle ma 嘛: theoretical frames, analysis and interpretive perspectives

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    This article sets out to provide a semantic and pragmatic account of the modal particle ma 嘛, endeavouring to put into light new aspects in its function which, at present, remain widely unexplored in the literature. It presents an analysis of the particle ma by interrogating a written and a spoken corpus, showing how the semantic and the pragmatic levels are tightly interweaved in the functioning of ma: the results supported my hypothesis that the particle is plausibly a marker of interpersonal evidentiality (IE), a category set up by Tantucci (2013), used to signal a socially acknowledged piece of information, playing a fundamental role in the expression of politeness by safeguarding the interlocutors’ face; consequently, ma is always used with information that has an active or accessible status in the interlocutors’ mind and that is always pragmatically salient, independently of its position (at the end or inside the sentence), marking a Topic or a Focus. The particle performs pragmatic functions close to the ones of discourse markers since it increases the relevance of the marked information to the context, therefore also playing a contributing role in the coherence of discourse

    Okos egyetemi szolgáltatásokat megalapozó kapcsolt adathalmazok

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    Az egyetemi kampuszokon megforduló emberek információs igénye jelentős átfedést mutat. Ezért nagyon fontos létrehozni egy közös adatmodellt, ami lehetővé teszi a különböző heterogén forrásokból származó adatok összekapcsolását és ezáltal a felmerülő információs igények emelt szintű kiszolgálását az összekapcsolt adatokon alapuló új alkalmazások révén. A disszertáció azt a kérdést vizsgálja, hogy a megfelelő gépi feldolgozásra alkalmas információ megosztásával hogyan tudnak a 21. században az egyetemek lépést tartani az új igényekkel, egyfajta “okos egyetemként” működve. Elsőként részletezi az OLOUD ontológiát, amely egy egyetem oktatási tevékenységével kapcsolatos szervezetek, kurzusok, képzések, személyek, diplomák stb. leírására használható. Az OLOUD ontológia integrál több használatban lévő ontológiát kiegészítve a magyar egyetemekre vonatkozó specializációkkal. Második témaként a dolgozat az egyetemi kampuszon belüli navigáció szemantikus web alapú megközelítését vizsgálja. Ehhez először az épületek helyiségeinek elhelyezkedését, viszonyát leíró iLOC ontológiát definiálja. Az épületen belül különböző helyszínek (POI-k), illetve a köztük található közvetlen útvonalak adhatók meg. Ezután a disszertáció a beltéri navigáció kérdéseivel foglalkozik: ha az adatokat ilyen módon szemantikus formában tároljuk, akkor a komplex útvonalak előállíthatóak gráf lekérdező nyelvek, például SPARQL, segítségével. A dolgozat példa lekérdezéseken keresztül mutatja be, hogy az így előálló OLOUD és iLOC ontológiák új felhasználási esetekre adnak lehetőséget, akár a felsőoktatási kereteken túlmutatva, támogatva a navigációt kórházakban, múzeumokban, repülőtereken és más nyilvános helyeken. A komplex felhasználási esetek kezeléséhez szükséges volt bevezetni a kibontható URI-k fogalmát is.On a university campus it has great importance to establish a common data model which enables the interconnection of fragmented data from heterogeneous data sources. This thesis contributes to the “Smart Campus” topic, researching the opportunities and benefits of publishing university related open linked data in a machine consumable way. First, it details the OLOUD Ontology, which can be used to describe concepts related to university education, e.g. organisation, course, subject, people, degree, etc. The OLOUD Ontology integrates multiple existing ontologies, extending them with the Hungarian specialities. Second, the thesis discusses the navigation within a university campus based on Semantic Web technologies. For this, it defines the iLOC ontology, which provides concepts to describe buildings and their inner parts. Within a building one can define locations (POIs) and direct routes between them. Then the thesis focuses on indoor navigation: if the data is stored in such a way in a semantic format, then the complex routes can be calculated using graph query languages, like SPARQL. With example queries it has been demonstrated that the OLOUD and iLOC ontologies are enabling new use cases, even beyond the scope of the higher education, supporting navigation in hospitals, museums, airports and other public places. To support the complex use cases it was necessary to introduce the new method of Self-Unfolding URIs too