7 research outputs found

    A Content Analysis Investigating Relationships Between Communication and Business Continuity Planning

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    This study provides an exploratory content analysis of business continuity planning (BCP) literature. The researchers systematically sampled multiple databases and codified artifacts using a set of variables developed by the research team. Based on the analysis, arguments are presented concerning the nature of BCP, the state of the BCP literature, and the nature of the conversations taking place in regard to BCP among academics, government/legal institutions, the media, and trade industries. Finally, the researchers demonstrate gaps in the current knowledge on BCP and suggest future directions for applied and theoretical research.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Multicriteria analysis of the compliance for the improvement on information security

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    ABSTRACT: Information security is a current issue of protection of information assets that considers significant variables of a strategic, organizational and IT governance nature, and that requires to analyze the compliance with international standards that regulate business actions. In this way, the work analyzes institutional compliance to improve information security applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process methodology to the specific practices defined in ISO/IEC 27002:2013. Expert Choice has been used as Decision Support Systems that has generated as a result the ranking of priorities of the criteria and alternatives used in the decisional process. It has been later applied in a medium-sized Brazilian industrial company. The results identify that the main security practice is the one related to the independent critical analysis of information security

    The economics of information security

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    In the year 2008, world markets suffered a huge economic crisis. The extent of the economic crisis has been so severe and has had a global impact. As a contingency strategy, governments of wealthy nations have resorted to extensive bailouts and rescue packages to stop organisations from going bankrupt. A skyrocketing amount of money has been spent on rescue packages and bailouts for the tumbling organisations. However, this could not stop some of the world’s wealthiest financial institutions e.g. Lehman Brothers, Northern Rock, etc from collapsing. Most of the surviving organisations froze their expenditure, implemented cost-cutting measures and in the process, numerous employees lost their jobs. Executives were compelled to ‘achieve more with less’ in order to save their organisations from going bankrupt. It is on this premise that this research proposed the BC3I (Broad Control Category Cost Indicators) model, which is a step towards ‘achieving more with less’ within information security budgeting. The tumbling world markets and increased requirements for legal and regulatory compliance have made this a timely and relevant research that addressed a current, spot-on and global problem. The BC3I model as the main outcome of this research has indeed come at the right time. The BC3I model as proposed in this research makes a real contribution towards assisting information security managers as they make informed decisions regarding the optimal and cost-effective allocation of financial resources to information security activities. The proposed model can be argued to be a good start towards the selection of appropriate controls to optimally and cost-effectively protect organisations’ information assets and simultaneously achieve compliance with legal and regulatory mandates. As a proof of concept, the practicality of the BC3I model has been demonstrated in three different scenarios. The model has been illustrated for an organisation chosen from the financial sector; being the hardest hit by the economic crisis. Furthermore, the financial sector is chosen because of its high reliance on information security for the most obvious reasons that of dealing with money and confidential customer information. Finally and for acceptance purposes, the model has been discussed and reviewed by industry experts from the financial sector. CopyrightDissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2010.Computer Scienceunrestricte

    A critical review of the IFIP TC11 Security Conference Series

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    Over the past few decades the field of computing has grown and evolved. In this time, information security research has experienced the same type of growth. The increase in importance and interest in information security research is reflected by the sheer number of research efforts being produced by different type of organizations around the world. One such organization is the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), more specifically the IFIP Technical Committee 11 (IFIP TC11). The IFIP TC11 community has had a rich history in producing high quality information security specific articles for over 20 years now. Therefore, IFIP TC11 found it necessary to reflect on this history, mainly to try and discover where it came from and where it may be going. Its 20th anniversary of its main conference presented an opportunity to begin such a study of its history. The core belief driving the study being that the future can only be realized and appreciated if the past is well understood. The main area of interest was to find out topics which may have had prevalence in the past or could be considered as "hot" topics. To achieve this, the author developed a systematic process for the study. The underpinning element being the creation of a classification scheme which was used to aid the analysis of the IFIP TC11 20 year's worth of articles. Major themes were identified and trends in the series highlighted. Further discussion and reflection on these trends were given. It was found that, not surprisingly, the series covered a wide variety of topics in the 20 years. However, it was discovered that there has been a notable move towards technically focused papers. Furthermore, topics such as business continuity had just about disappeared in the series while topics which are related to networking and cryptography continue to gain more prevalence

    Managing an information security policy architecture : a technical documentation perspective

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    Information and the related assets form critical business assets for most organizations. Organizations depend on their information assets to survive and to remain competitive. However, the organization’s information assets are faced with a number of internal and external threats, aimed at compromising the confidentiality, integrity and/or availability (CIA) of information assets. These threats can be of physical, technical, or operational nature. For an organization to successfully conduct its business operations, information assets should always be protected from these threats. The process of protecting information and its related assets, ensuring the CIA thereof, is referred to as information security. To be effective, information security should be viewed as critical to the overall success of the organization, and therefore be included as one of the organization’s Corporate Governance sub-functions, referred to as Information Security Governance. Information Security Governance is the strategic system for directing and controlling the organization’s information security initiatives. Directing is the process whereby management issues directives, giving a strategic direction for information security within an organization. Controlling is the process of ensuring that management directives are being adhered to within an organization. To be effective, Information Security Governance directing and controlling depend on the organization’s Information Security Policy Architecture. An Information Security Policy Architecture is a hierarchical representation of the various information security policies and related documentation that an organization has used. When directing, management directives should be issued in the form of an Information Security Policy Architecture, and controlling should ensure adherence to the Information Security Policy Architecture. However, this study noted that in both literature and organizational practices, Information Security Policy Architectures are not comprehensively addressed and adequately managed. Therefore, this study argues towards a more comprehensive Information Security Policy Architecture, and the proper management thereof

    Exploring the influence of organisational, environmental, and technological factors on information security policies and compliance at South African higher education institutions: Implications for biomedical research.

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    >Magister Scientiae - MScHeadline reports on data breaches worldwide have resulted in heightened concerns about information security vulnerability. In Africa, South Africa is ranked among the top ‘at-risk’ countries with information security vulnerabilities and is the most the most cybercrime-targeted country. Globally, such cyber vulnerability incidents greatly affect the education sector, due, in part, to the fact that it holds more Personal Identifiable Information (PII) than other sectors. PII refers to (but is not limited to) ID numbers, financial account numbers, and biomedical research data. In response to rising threats, South Africa has implemented a regulation called the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA), similar to the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which seeks to mitigate cybercrime and information security vulnerabilities. The extent to which African institutions, especially in South Africa, have embraced and responded to these two information security regulations remains vague, making it a crucial matter for biomedical researchers. This study aimed to assess whether the participating universities have proper and reliable information security practices, measures and management in place and whether they fall in line with both national (POPIA) and international (GDPR) regulations. In order to achieve this aim, the study undertook a qualitative exploratory analysis of information security management across three universities in South Africa. A Technology, Organizational, and Environmental (TOE) model was employed to investigate factors that may influence effective information security measures. A Purposeful sampling method was employed to interview participants from each university. From the technological standpoint, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy, whereby on average, a student owns and connects between three to four internet-enabled devices to the network, has created difficulties for IT teams, particularly in the areas of authentication, explosive growth in bandwidth, and access control to security university servers. In order to develop robust solutions to mitigate these concerns, and which are not perceived by users as overly prohibitive, executive management should acknowledge that security and privacy issues are a universal problem and not solely an IT problem and equip the IT teams with the necessary tools and mechanisms to allow them to overcome commonplace challenges. At an organisational level, information security awareness training of all users within the university setting was identified as a key factor in protecting the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of information in highly networked environments. Furthermore, the University’s information security mission must not simply be a link on a website, it should be constantly re-enforced by informing users during, and after, the awareness training. In terms of environmental factors, specifically the GDPR and POPIA legislations, one of the most practical and cost-effective ways universities can achieve data compliance requirements is to help staff (both teaching and non-teaching), students, and other employees understand the business value of all information. Users which are more aware of sensitivity of data, risks to the data, and their responsibilities when handling, storing, processing, and distributing data during their day to day activities will behave in a manner that would makes compliance easier at the institutional level. Results obtained in this study helped to elucidate the current status, issues, and challenges which universities are facing in the area of information security management and compliance, particularly in the South African context. Findings from this study point to organizational factors being the most critical when compared to the technological and environmental contexts examined. Furthermore, several proposed information security policies were developed with a view to assist biomedical practitioners within the institutional setting in protecting sensitive biomedical data