802 research outputs found

    On the Compression of Unknown Sources

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    Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2018

    Learning Non-Parametric and High-Dimensional Distributions via Information-Theoretic Methods

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    Learning distributions that govern generation of data and estimation of related functionals are the foundations of many classical statistical problems. In the following dissertation we intend to investigate such topics when either the hypothesized model is non-parametric or the number of free parameters in the model grows along with the sample size. Especially, we study the above scenarios for the following class of problems with the goal of obtaining minimax rate-optimal methods for learning the target distributions when the sample size is finite. Our techniques are based on information-theoretic divergences and related mutual-information based methods. (i) Estimation in compound decision and empirical Bayes settings: To estimate the data-generating distribution, one often takes the following two-step approach. In the first step the statistician estimates the distribution of the parameters, either the empirical distribution or the postulated prior, and then in the second step plugs in the estimate to approximate the target of interest. In the literature, the estimation of empirical distribution is known as the compound decision problem and the estimation of prior is known as the problem of empirical Bayes. In our work we use the method of minimum-distance estimation for approximating these distributions. Considering certain discrete data setups, we show that the minimum-distance based method provides theoretically and practically sound choices for estimation. The computational and algorithmic aspects of the estimators are also analyzed. (ii) Prediction with Markov chains: Given observations from an unknown Markov chain, we study the problem of predicting the next entry in the trajectory. Existing analysis for such a dependent setup usually centers around concentration inequalities that uses various extraneous conditions on the mixing properties. This makes it difficult to achieve results independent of such restrictions. We introduce information-theoretic techniques to bypass such issues and obtain fundamental limits for the related minimax problems. We also analyze conditions on the mixing properties that produce a parametric rate of prediction errors

    Performance Modelling and Optimisation of Multi-hop Networks

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    A major challenge in the design of large-scale networks is to predict and optimise the total time and energy consumption required to deliver a packet from a source node to a destination node. Examples of such complex networks include wireless ad hoc and sensor networks which need to deal with the effects of node mobility, routing inaccuracies, higher packet loss rates, limited or time-varying effective bandwidth, energy constraints, and the computational limitations of the nodes. They also include more reliable communication environments, such as wired networks, that are susceptible to random failures, security threats and malicious behaviours which compromise their quality of service (QoS) guarantees. In such networks, packets traverse a number of hops that cannot be determined in advance and encounter non-homogeneous network conditions that have been largely ignored in the literature. This thesis examines analytical properties of packet travel in large networks and investigates the implications of some packet coding techniques on both QoS and resource utilisation. Specifically, we use a mixed jump and diffusion model to represent packet traversal through large networks. The model accounts for network non-homogeneity regarding routing and the loss rate that a packet experiences as it passes successive segments of a source to destination route. A mixed analytical-numerical method is developed to compute the average packet travel time and the energy it consumes. The model is able to capture the effects of increased loss rate in areas remote from the source and destination, variable rate of advancement towards destination over the route, as well as of defending against malicious packets within a certain distance from the destination. We then consider sending multiple coded packets that follow independent paths to the destination node so as to mitigate the effects of losses and routing inaccuracies. We study a homogeneous medium and obtain the time-dependent properties of the packet’s travel process, allowing us to compare the merits and limitations of coding, both in terms of delivery times and energy efficiency. Finally, we propose models that can assist in the analysis and optimisation of the performance of inter-flow network coding (NC). We analyse two queueing models for a router that carries out NC, in addition to its standard packet routing function. The approach is extended to the study of multiple hops, which leads to an optimisation problem that characterises the optimal time that packets should be held back in a router, waiting for coding opportunities to arise, so that the total packet end-to-end delay is minimised

    Validation Methods for Fault-Tolerant avionics and control systems, working group meeting 1

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    The proceedings of the first working group meeting on validation methods for fault tolerant computer design are presented. The state of the art in fault tolerant computer validation was examined in order to provide a framework for future discussions concerning research issues for the validation of fault tolerant avionics and flight control systems. The development of positions concerning critical aspects of the validation process are given