12 research outputs found

    A Partial Taxonomy of Substitutability and Interchangeability

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    Substitutability, interchangeability and related concepts in Constraint Programming were introduced approximately twenty years ago and have given rise to considerable subsequent research. We survey this work, classify, and relate the different concepts, and indicate directions for future work, in particular with respect to making connections with research into symmetry breaking. This paper is a condensed version of a larger work in progress.Comment: 18 pages, The 10th International Workshop on Symmetry in Constraint Satisfaction Problems (SymCon'10

    A maximal tractable class of soft constraints

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    Many researchers in artificial intelligence are beginning to explore the use of soft constraints to express a set of (possibly conflicting) problem requirements. A soft constraint is a function defined on a collection of variables which associates some measure of desirability with each possible combination of values for those variables. However, the crucial question of the computational complexity of finding the optimal solution to a collection of soft constraints has so far received very little attention. In this paper we identify a class of soft binary constraints for which the problem of finding the optimal solution is tractable. In other words, we show that for any given set of such constraints, there exists a polynomial time algorithm to determine the assignment having the best overall combined measure of desirability. This tractable class includes many commonly-occurring soft constraints, such as 'as near as possible' or 'as soon as possible after', as well as crisp constraints such as 'greater than'. Finally, we show that this tractable class is maximal, in the sense that adding any other form of soft binary constraint which is not in the class gives rise to a class of problems which is NP-hard

    Распознавание образов как реализация определенного подкласса процессов мышления

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    Представлен обзор исследований проблемы распознавания образов, выполненных в течение последнего двадцатилетия в Международном научно-учебном центре информационных технологий и систем с момента его основания. Это – исследования на стыке классической проблемы распознавания и проблемы совместимости системы ограничений, известной как Constraint Satisfaction Problem. Система понятий, задач и алгоритмов на стыке этих направлений формализует определенный тип мыслительных процессов, осознанно или неосознанно выполняемых человеком или другими живыми существами.Подано огляд досліджень проблеми розпізнавання образів, виконаних протягом останнього двадцятиріччя у Міжнародному науково-навчальному центрі інформаційних технологій та систем з дня його заснування. Це – дослідження на перетині класичної проблеми розпізнавання і проблеми несуперечності системи обмежень, відомої як Constraint Satisfaction Problem. Система понять, задач і алгоритмів на перетині цих напрямів формалізує певний тип процесів мислення, що свідомо чи несвідомо виконує людина або інші живі істоти.The paper presents a review of pattern recognition research conducted by the International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems during the last 20 years since the moment of it's foundation. This research lies on the edge of classical pattern recognition and constraint satisfaction problems. The system of concepts, problems and algorithms produced by the merge of these fields formalizes a particular type of thought process performed by humans and other living beings. The application of Constraint Satisfaction Problem theory to pattern recognition problems has produced a breakthrough in such traditionally hard problems in computer vision as stereo vision and texture segmentation. At the same time, the merge of Constraint Satisfaction Problem theory and practical computer vision problems has led to expansion of mathematical theory of the former. First of all it has resulted in introduction of a quality function over the set of solutions and finding the best solution instead of an arbitrary one. The next generalization consisted in finding a given number of best solutions and not just a singe best solution. The paper describes methods of finding the best solution to the Weighted (Soft) Constraint Satisfaction Problem as well as the method of finding any given number of best solutions. These methods are implemented as algorithms whose domain is the set of all possible Weighted (Soft) Constraint Satisfaction Problems, i.e. a NP-hard problem class. For any given problem from the domain the algorithms either find it's solution or reject the problem. It is essential that the algorithms automatically distinguish the subdomains of their competence, i.e. the subset of problems that they do not reject. The subdomain of competence of the algorithm that finds the best solution includes the known class of submodular minimization problems but is not restricted to it. The subdomain of competence of the algorithm that finds a given number of best solutions includes the minimization of functions with a majority polymorphism but is not restricted to it

    Computing a partition function of a generalized pattern-based energy over a semiring

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    Valued constraint satisfaction problems with ordered variables (VCSPO) are a special case of Valued CSPs in which variables are totally ordered and soft constraints are imposed on tuples of variables that do not violate the order. We study a restriction of VCSPO, in which soft constraints are imposed on a segment of adjacent variables and a constraint language Γ\Gamma consists of {0,1}\{0,1\}-valued characteristic functions of predicates. This kind of potentials generalizes the so-called pattern-based potentials, which were applied in many tasks of structured prediction. For a constraint language Γ\Gamma we introduce a closure operator, ΓΓ \overline{\Gamma^{\cap}}\supseteq \Gamma, and give examples of constraint languages for which Γ|\overline{\Gamma^{\cap}}| is small. If all predicates in Γ\Gamma are cartesian products, we show that the minimization of a generalized pattern-based potential (or, the computation of its partition function) can be made in O(VD2Γ2){\mathcal O}(|V|\cdot |D|^2 \cdot |\overline{\Gamma^{\cap}}|^2 ) time, where VV is a set of variables, DD is a domain set. If, additionally, only non-positive weights of constraints are allowed, the complexity of the minimization task drops to O(VΓDmaxρΓρ2){\mathcal O}(|V|\cdot |\overline{\Gamma^{\cap}}| \cdot |D| \cdot \max_{\rho\in \Gamma}\|\rho\|^2 ) where ρ\|\rho\| is the arity of ρΓ\rho\in \Gamma. For a general language Γ\Gamma and non-positive weights, the minimization task can be carried out in O(VΓ2){\mathcal O}(|V|\cdot |\overline{\Gamma^{\cap}}|^2) time. We argue that in many natural cases Γ\overline{\Gamma^{\cap}} is of moderate size, though in the worst case Γ|\overline{\Gamma^{\cap}}| can blow up and depend exponentially on maxρΓρ\max_{\rho\in \Gamma}\|\rho\|

    The algebraic structure of the densification and the sparsification tasks for CSPs

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    The tractability of certain CSPs for dense or sparse instances is known from the 90s. Recently, the densification and the sparsification of CSPs were formulated as computational tasks and the systematical study of their computational complexity was initiated. We approach this problem by introducing the densification operator, i.e. the closure operator that, given an instance of a CSP, outputs all constraints that are satisfied by all of its solutions. According to the Galois theory of closure operators, any such operator is related to a certain implicational system (or, a functional dependency) Σ\Sigma. We are specifically interested in those classes of fixed-template CSPs, parameterized by constraint languages Γ\Gamma, for which the size of an implicational system Σ\Sigma is a polynomial in the number of variables nn. We show that in the Boolean case, Σ\Sigma is of polynomial size if and only if Γ\Gamma is of bounded width. For such languages, Σ\Sigma can be computed in log-space or in a logarithmic time with a polynomial number of processors. Given an implicational system Σ\Sigma, the densification task is equivalent to the computation of the closure of input constraints. The sparsification task is equivalent to the computation of the minimal key. This leads to O(poly(n)N2){\mathcal O}({\rm poly}(n)\cdot N^2)-algorithm for the sparsification task where NN is the number of non-redundant sparsifications of an original CSP. Finally, we give a complete classification of constraint languages over the Boolean domain for which the densification problem is tractable

    Interchangeability with thresholds and degradation factors for Soft CSPs

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    Substitutability and interchangeability in constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) have been used as a basis for search heuristics, solution adaptation and abstraction techniques. In this paper, we consider how the same concepts can be extended to soft constraint satisfaction problems (SCSPs). We introduce two notions: threshold alpha and degradation factor delta for substitutability and interchangeability, ( (alpha) substitutability/interchangeability and (delta) substitutability/interchangeabi-lity respectively). We show that they satisfy analogous theorems to the ones already known for hard constraints. In (alpha) interchangeability, values are interchangeable in any solution that is better than a threshold alpha, thus allowing to disregard differences among solutions that are not sufficiently good anyway. In (delta) interchangeability, values are interchangeable if their exchange could not degrade the solution by more than a factor of delta. We give efficient algorithms to compute ( (delta) / (alpha) )interchangeable sets of values for a large class of SCSPs, and show an example of their application. Through experimental evaluation based on random generated problem we measure first, how often neighborhood interchangeable values are occurring, second, how well they can approximate fully interchangeable ones, and third, how efficient they are when used as preprocessing techniques for branch and bound search

    Virtual camera selection using a semiring constraint satisfaction approach

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    Players and viewers of three-dimensional computer generated games and worlds view renderings from the viewpoint of a virtual camera. As such, determining a good view of the scene is important to present a good game or three-dimensional world. Previous research has developed technologies to nd good positions for the virtual camera, but little work has been done to automatically select between multiple virtual cameras, similar to a human director at a sporting event. This thesis describes a software tool to select among camera feeds from multiple virtual cameras in a virtual environment using semiring-based constraint satisfaction techniques (SCSP), a soft constraint approach. The system encodes a designer's preferences, and selects the best camera feed even in over-constrained or under-constrained environments. The system functions in real time for dynamic scenes using only current information (i.e. no prediction). To reduce the camera selection time the SCSP evaluation can be cached and converted to native code. This SCSP approach is implemented in two virtual environments: a virtual hockey game using a spectator viewpoint, and a virtual 3D maze game using a third person perspective. Comparisons against hard constraints are made using constraint satisfaction problems

    Strong consistencies for weighted constraint satisfaction problems

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    Cette thèse se focalise sur l'étude de cohérences locales fortes afin de résoudre des problèmes d'optimisation sur des réseaux de fonctions de coûts (ou réseaux de contraintes pondérées). Ces méthodes fournissent le minorant nécessaire pour des approches de type "Séparation-Evaluation". Nous étudions dans un premier temps la cohérence d'Arc virtuelle (VAC), une des plus fortes cohérences d'arcs du domaine, qui est établie via l'établissement de la cohérence d'arc dure dans une séquence de réseaux de contraintes classiques. L'algorithme itératif pour établir VAC est amélioré via l'introduction d'une incrémentalité accrue, exploitant la cohérence d'arc dynamique. La nouvelle méthode est aussi capable de maintenir VAC efficacement pendant la recherche lorsque les réseaux de contraintes pondérées sont dynamiquement modifiés par les opérations de branchement. Dans une seconde partie, nous nous intéressons à des cohérences de domaines plus fortes, inspirées de cohérences similaires dans les réseaux de contraintes classiques (cohérence de chemin inverse, réduite ou Max-réduite). Pour chaque cohérence dure, plusieurs cohérences souples ont été proposées pour les réseaux de contraintes pondérées. Les nouvelles cohérences fournissent un minorant plus fort que celui des cohérences d'arc souples en traitant les triplets de variables connectées deux à deux par des fonctions de coûts binaires. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les propriétés des nouvelles cohérences, les implémentons et les testons sur une variété de problèmes.This thesis focuses on strong local consistencies for solving optimization problems in cost function networks (or weighted constraint networks). These methods provide the lower bound necessary for Branch-and-Bound search. We first study the Virtual arc consistency, one of the strongest soft arc consistencies, which is enforced by iteratively establishing hard arc consistency in a sequence of classical Constraint Networks. The algorithm enforcing VAC is improved by integrating the dynamic arc consistency to exploit its incremental behavior. The dynamic arc consistency also allows to improve VAC when maintained VAC during search by efficiently exploiting the changes caused by branching operations. Operations. Secondly, we are interested in stronger domain-based soft consistencies, inspired from similar consistencies in hard constraint networks (path inverse consistency, restricted or Max-restricted path consistencies). From each of these hard consistencies, many soft variants have been proposed for weighted constraint networks. The new consistencies provide lower bounds stronger than soft arc consistencies by processing triplets of variables connected two-by-two by binary cost functions. We have studied the properties of these new consistencies, implemented and tested them on a variety of problems