60 research outputs found

    In-Cylinder Pressure-Based Control of Premixed Dual-Fuel Combustion

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    [ES] La actual crisis climática ha instado a la comunidad investigadora y a los fabricantes a brindar soluciones para hacer que el sector del transporte sea más sostenible. De entre las diversas tecnologías propuestas, la combustión a baja temperatura ha sido objeto de una extensa investigación. La combustión premezclada dual-fuel es uno de los conceptos que abordan el compromiso de NOx-hollín en motores de encendido por compresión manteniendo alta eficiencia térmica. Esta combustión hace uso de dos combustibles con diferentes reactividades para mejorar la controlabilidad de este modo de combustión en un amplio rango de funcionamiento. De manera similar a todos los modos de combustión premezclados, esta combustión es sensible a las condiciones de operación y suele estar sujeta a variabilidad cíclica con gradientes de presión significativos. En consecuencia, se requieren estrategias de control avanzadas para garantizar un funcionamiento seguro y preciso del motor. El control en bucle cerrado es una herramienta eficaz para abordar los desafíos que plantea la combustión premezclada dual-fuel. En este tipo de control, para mantener el funcionamiento deseado, las acciones de control se adaptan y corrigen a partir de una retroalimentación con las señales de salida del motor. Esta tesis presenta estrategias de control basadas en la medición de la señal de presión en el cilindro, aplicadas a motores de combustión premezclada dual-fuel. En ella se resuelven diversos aspectos del funcionamiento del motor mediante el diseño de controladores dedicados, haciéndose especial énfasis en analizar e implementar estas soluciones a los diferentes niveles de estratificación de mezcla considerados en estos motores (es decir, totalmente, altamente y parcialmente premezclada). Inicialmente, se diseñan estrategias de control basadas en el procesamiento de la señal de presión en el cilindro y se seleccionan acciones proporcionales-integrales para asegurar el rendimiento deseado del motor sin exceder las limitaciones mecánicas del motor. También se evalúa la técnica extremum seeking para realizar una supervisión de una combustión eficiente y la reducción de emisiones de NOx. Luego se analiza la resonancia de la presión en el cilindro y se implementa un controlador similar a aquel usado para el control de knock para garantizar el funcionamiento seguro del motor. Finalmente, se utilizan modelos matemáticos para diseñar un modelo orientado a control y un observador que tiene como objetivo combinar las señales medidas en el motor para mejorar las capacidades de predicción y diagnóstico en dicha configuración de motor. Los resultados de este trabajo destacan la importancia de considerar el control en bucle cerrado para abordar las limitaciones encontradas en los modos de combustión premezclada. En particular, el uso de la medición de presión en el cilindro muestra la relevancia y el potencial de esta señal para desarrollar estrategias de control complejas y precisas.[CA] L'actual crisi climàtica ha instat a la comunitat investigadora i als fabricants a brindar solucions per a fer que el sector del transport siga més sostenible. D'entre les diverses tecnologies proposades, la combustió a baixa temperatura ha sigut objecte d'una extensa investigació. La combustió premesclada dual-fuel és un dels conceptes que aborden el compromís de NOx-sutge en motors d'encesa per compressió mantenint alta eficiència tèrmica. Aquesta combustió fa ús de dos combustibles amb diferents reactivitats per a millorar la controlabilitat d'aquest tipus de combustió en un ampli rang de funcionament. De manera similar a tots els tipus de combustió premesclada, aquesta combustió és sensible a les condicions d'operació i sol estar subjecta a variabilitat cíclica amb gradients de pressió significatius. En conseqüència, es requereixen estratègies de control avançades per a garantir un funcionament segur i precís del motor. El control en bucle tancat és una eina eficaç per a abordar els desafiaments que planteja la combustió premesclada dual-fuel. En aquesta mena de control, per a mantindre el funcionament desitjat, les accions de control s'adapten i corregeixen a partir d'una retroalimentació amb els senyals d'eixida del motor. Aquesta tesi presenta estratègies de control basades en el mesurament del senyal de pressió en el cilindre, aplicades a motors de combustió premesclada dual-fuel. En ella es resolen diversos aspectes del funcionament del motor mitjançant el disseny de controladors dedicats, fent-se especial èmfasi a analitzar i implementar aquestes solucions als diferents nivells d'estratificació de mescla considerats en aquests motors (és a dir, totalment, altament i parcialment premesclada). Inicialment, es dissenyen estratègies de control basades en el processament del senyal de pressió en el cilindre i se seleccionen accions proporcionals-integrals per a assegurar el rendiment desitjat del motor sense excedir les limitacions mecàniques del motor. També s'avalua la tècnica extremum seeking per a realitzar una supervisió d'una combustió eficient i la reducció d'emissions de NOx. Després s'analitza la ressonància de la pressió en el cilindre i s'implementa un controlador similar a aquell usat per al control de knock per a garantir el funcionament segur del motor. Finalment, s'utilitzen models matemàtics per a dissenyar un model orientat a control i un observador que té com a objectiu combinar els senyals mesurats en el motor per a millorar les capacitats de predicció i diagnòstic en aquesta configuració de motor. Els resultats d'aquest treball destaquen la importància de considerar el control en bucle tancat per a abordar les limitacions trobades en la combustió premesclada. En particular, l'ús del mesurament de pressió en el cilindre mostra la rellevància i el potencial d'aquest senyal per a desenvolupar estratègies de control complexes i precises.[EN] The current climate crisis has urged the research community and manufacturers to provide solutions to make the transportation sector cleaner. Among the various technologies proposed, low temperature combustion has undergone extensive investigation. Premixed dual-fuel combustion is one of the concepts addressing the NOx-soot trade-off in compression ignited engines, while maintaining high thermal efficiency. This combustion makes use of two fuels with different reactivities in order to improve the controllability of this combustion mode over a wide range of operation. Similarly to all premixed combustion modes, this combustion is nevertheless sensitive to the operating conditions and traditionally exhibits cycle-to-cycle variability with significant pressure gradients. Consequently, advanced control strategies to ensure a safe and accurate operation of the engine are required. Feedback control is a powerful approach to address the challenges raised by the premixed dual-fuel combustion. By measuring the output signals from the engine, strategies can be developed to adapt and correct the control actions to maintain the desired operation. This thesis presents control strategies, based on the in-cylinder pressure signal measurement, applied to premixed dual-fuel combustion engines. Various objectives were addressed by designing dedicated controllers, where a special emphasis was made towards analyzing and implementing these solutions to the different levels of mixture stratification considered in these engines (i.e., fully, highly and partially premixed). At first, feedback control strategies based on the in-cylinder pressure signal processing were designed. Proportional-integral actions were selected to ensure the desired engine performance without exceeding the mechanical constraints of the engine. Extremum seeking was evaluated to track efficient combustion phasing and NOx emissions reduction. The in-cylinder pressure resonance was then analyzed and a knock-like controller was implemented to ensure safe operation of the engine. Finally, mathematical models were used to design a control-oriented model and a state observer that aimed to leverage the signals measured in the engine to improve the prediction and diagnostic capabilities in such engine configuration. The results from this work highlighted the importance of considering feedback control to address the limitations encountered in premixed combustion modes. Particularly, the use of the in-cylinder pressure measurement showed the relevance and potential of this signal to develop complex and accurate control strategies.This thesis was financially supported by the Programa Operativo del Fondo Social Europeo (FSE) de la Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020 through grant ACIF/2018/141.Barbier, ARS. (2022). In-Cylinder Pressure-Based Control of Premixed Dual-Fuel Combustion [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/18327

    Precision Measurement of Relative Dipole Matrix Elements in Atomic Sodium

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    Relative dipole matrix elements are measured by means of a new spectroscopic technique called polarization interference spectroscopy. It is a two-color two-photon nonresonant process that maps the matrix elements into the energy domain by means of quantum mechanical interference. The technique measures the relative magnitude of the reduced matrix elements, particularly those involving excited states, to accuracies that are an order of magnitude better than previously available. Also, for the first time the relative phase of the reduced matrix elements is measured. The ratio of reduced matrix elements for the transitions 3s 2S1/2 →3P 2P3/2 →5s 2S1/2 to 3s 2S1/2 →3P 2P1/2 →5s 2S1/2 in sodium is +1.0012(12). This result is in agreement with the result of +1 for J independent matrices

    Integrated maritime education and its suitability for technically advanced ships

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    In the first chapter a brief discription of shipping geography, trade, ports and types of ships available today and in future is given. In the chapter under the heading of The Influence of Modern Technology on Maritime Operations\u27\u27 the influence of modern technology\u27 in the fields of Communication, Navigation, Cargo Operations, Propulsion and Maintenance is given in order to highlight the degree of automation that is introduced which does not require highly trained personnel due to improved reliabality of equipment. In the chapter under the heading of The Impact of Modernized maritime Operations on E & T of Shipboard Personnel. I have highlighted the motive for integrating and the integration concept for officers and ratings.In this chapter I have argued out the wisdom to educate officers broadly on both the disciplines rather than narrowly training personnel on each discipline. Next chapter gives a brief outline of integrated Maritime Education as practiced in many leading maritime countries. In the last chapter as a conclusion an outline of a Integrated Maritime Education System is given with comments on some aspects of Maritime Education

    A history of the Richmond, Virginia, Fire Department

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    Firefighting has become a potentially dangerous profession one and one which has become more and more scientific as the years have passed. In early, days, when more of the human element was involved in those organizations devoted to fire protection, the fire house was a gathering place for town politicians, retired workers, and for those who, while not firemen themselves, were continually fascinated by the deeds of daring performed by those who manned the hose. In this paper, the author has attempted to give a picture of fire fighting in Richmond from the very earliest tiems up to the Fire Bureau as it exists and functions today

    1961-01-12 Rowan County News

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    Rowan County News published on January 12, 1961

    Development of an Artificial Neural Network to Predict In-Use Engine Emissions

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    A method to predict in-use diesel engine emissions is developed based on engine dynamometer and in-use data acquired at the West Virginia University Center for Alternative Fuels, Engines, and Emissions. (WVU CAFEE). The model accounts for the effects of road grade on generated emissions; a need for this model is evident in literature. Current modeling methods do not account for the effects of road grade, and have been shown to under-predict NOx by as much as 57%. It is determined through present research and a review of relevant literature that an artificial neural network (ANN) was the most applicable modeling method.;A modular ANN was developed to predict the heavy duty diesel engine emissions. The two modules were trained independently, the first module was trained with data acquired through in-use testing, and the second module was trained with data acquired via engine dynamometer testing. The first module predicted the engine speed and torque associated with the inputs of road grade and vehicle speed, while the second ANN employed the first ANN\u27s outputs, and predicts the emitted quantities of NOx, CO2, HC, and CO. A series of training and verification runs are conducted in order to determine the optimum ANN characteristics. Once the ANN was finalized, it was trained with and employed to predict the emissions associated with a variety of routes.;When the ANN was trained with a combination of in-use and engine dynamometer data, the ANN is able to predict NOx emissions associated with that same route within 6% of the measured values. The average difference between the measured and predicted CO2 values for the same training and verification scenario mentioned above was less than 15%. It was also demonstrated that the ANN was able to predict emissions that are associated with routes that differ from those by which it is trained. When the ANN was trained with in-use data from a specific route, it was able to predict the NOx and CO2 emissions associated with a different route with percent differences from the measured values of 20% or less

    Study of the educational and service facilities in the Providence junior high schools in comparison with accepted standards

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University, 1933. This item was digitized by the Internet Archive