463 research outputs found

    Constructive Multiuser Interference in Symbol Level Precoding for the MISO Downlink Channel

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    This paper investigates the problem of interference among the simultaneous multiuser transmissions in the downlink of multiple antennas systems. Using symbol level precoding, a new approach towards the multiuser interference is discussed along this paper. The concept of exploiting the interference between the spatial multiuser transmissions by jointly utilizing the data information (DI) and channel state information (CSI), in order to design symbol-level precoders, is proposed. In this direction, the interference among the data streams is transformed under certain conditions to useful signal that can improve the signal to interference noise ratio (SINR) of the downlink transmissions. We propose a maximum ratio transmission (MRT) based algorithm that jointly exploits DI and CSI to glean the benefits from constructive multiuser interference. Subsequently, a relation between the constructive interference downlink transmission and physical layer multicasting is established. In this context, novel constructive interference precoding techniques that tackle the transmit power minimization (min power) with individual SINR constraints at each user's receivers is proposed. Furthermore, fairness through maximizing the weighted minimum SINR (max min SINR) of the users is addressed by finding the link between the min power and max min SINR problems. Moreover, heuristic precoding techniques are proposed to tackle the weighted sum rate problem. Finally, extensive numerical results show that the proposed schemes outperform other state of the art techniques.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Min-max-min robust combinatorial optimization

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    In this thesis we introduce a robust optimization approach which is based on a binary min-max-min problem. The so called Min-max-min Robust Optimization extends the classical min-max approach by calculating k different solutions instead of one. Usually in robust optimization we consider problems whose problem parameters can be uncertain. The basic idea is to define an uncertainty set U which contains all relevant problem parameters, called scenarios. The objective is then to calculate a solution which is feasible for every scenario in U and which optimizes the worst objective value over all scenarios in U. As a special case of the K-adaptability approach for robust two-stage problems, the min-max-min robust optimization approach aims to calculate k different solutions for the underlying combinatorial problem, such that, considering the best of these solutions in each scenario, the worst objective value over all scenarios is optimized. This idea can be modeled as a min-max-min problem. In this thesis we analyze the complexity of the afore mentioned problem for convex and for discrete uncertainty sets U. We will show that under further assumptions the problem is as easy as the underlying combinatorial problem for convex uncertainty sets if the number of calculated solutions is greater than the dimension of the problem. Additionally we present a practical exact algorithm to solve the min-max-min problem for any combinatorial problem, given by a deterministic oracle. On the other hand we prove that if we fix the number of solutions k, then the problem is NP-hard even for polyhedral uncertainty sets and the unconstrained binary problem. For the case when the number of calculated solutions is lower or equal to the dimension we present a heuristic algorithm which is based on the exact algorithm above. Both algorithms are tested and analyzed on random instances of the knapsack problem, the vehicle routing problem and the shortest path problem. For discrete uncertainty sets we show that the min-max-min problem is NP-hard for a selection of combinatorial problems. Nevertheless we prove that it can be solved in pseudopolynomial time or admits an FPTAS if the min-max problem can be solved in pseudopolynomial or admits an FPTAS respectively

    Algorithm Engineering in Robust Optimization

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    Robust optimization is a young and emerging field of research having received a considerable increase of interest over the last decade. In this paper, we argue that the the algorithm engineering methodology fits very well to the field of robust optimization and yields a rewarding new perspective on both the current state of research and open research directions. To this end we go through the algorithm engineering cycle of design and analysis of concepts, development and implementation of algorithms, and theoretical and experimental evaluation. We show that many ideas of algorithm engineering have already been applied in publications on robust optimization. Most work on robust optimization is devoted to analysis of the concepts and the development of algorithms, some papers deal with the evaluation of a particular concept in case studies, and work on comparison of concepts just starts. What is still a drawback in many papers on robustness is the missing link to include the results of the experiments again in the design

    An Integer Programming approach to Bayesian Network Structure Learning

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    We study the problem of learning a Bayesian Network structure from data using an Integer Programming approach. We study the existing approaches, an in particular some recent works that formulate the problem as an Integer Programming model. By discussing some weaknesses of the existing approaches, we propose an alternative solution, based on a statistical sparsification of the search space. Results show how our approach can lead to promising results, especially for large network

    A Stochastic-Robust Approach for Resilient Microgrid Investment Planning Under Static and Transient Islanding Security Constraints

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    When planning the investment in Microgrids (MGs), usually static security constraints are included to ensure their resilience and ability to operate in islanded mode. However, unscheduled islanding events may trigger cascading disconnections of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) inside the MG due to the transient response, leading to a partial or full loss of load. In this paper, a min-max-min, hybrid, stochastic-robust investment planning model is proposed to obtain a resilient MG considering both High-Impact-Low-Frequency (HILF) and Low-Impact-High-Frequency (LIHF) uncertainties. The HILF uncertainty pertains to the unscheduled islanding of the MG after a disastrous event, and the LIHF uncertainty relates to correlated loads and DER generation, characterized by a set of scenarios. The MG resilience under both types of uncertainty is ensured by incorporating static and transient islanding constraints into the proposed investment model. The inclusion of transient response constraints leads to a min-max-min problem with a non-linear dynamic frequency response model that cannot be solved directly by available optimization tools. Thus, in this paper, a three-stage solution approach is proposed to find the optimal investment plan. The performance of the proposed algorithm is tested on the CIGRE 18-node distribution network


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    Population growth and economic development lead to increasing demand for travel and pose mobility challenges on capacity-limited air traffic networks. The U.S. National Airspace System (NAS) has been operated near the capacity, and air traffic congestion is expected to remain as a top concern for the related system operators, passengers and airlines. This dissertation develops a number of model reformulations and efficient solution algorithms to address resource allocation problems in air traffic flow management, while explicitly accounting for equitable objectives in order to encourage further collaborations by different stakeholders. This dissertation first develops a bi-criteria optimization model to offload excess demand from different competing airlines in the congested airspace when the predicted traffic demand is higher than available capacity. Computationally efficient network flow models with side constraints are developed and extensively tested using datasets obtained from the Enhanced Traffic Management System (ETMS) database (now known as the Traffic Flow Management System). Representative Pareto-optimal tradeoff frontiers are consequently generated to allow decision-makers to identify best-compromising solutions based on relative weights and systematical considerations of both efficiency and equity. This dissertation further models and solves an integrated flight re-routing problem on an airspace network. Given a network of airspace sectors with a set of waypoint entries and a set of flights belonging to different air carriers, the optimization model aims to minimize the total flight travel time subject to a set of flight routing equity, operational and safety requirements. A time-dependent network flow programming formulation is proposed with stochastic sector capacities and rerouting equity for each air carrier as side constraints. A Lagrangian relaxation based method is used to dualize these constraints and decompose the original complex problem into a sequence of single flight rerouting/scheduling problems. Finally, within a multi-objective utility maximization framework, the dissertation proposes several practically useful heuristic algorithms for the long-term airport slot assignment problem. Alternative models are constructed to decompose the complex model into a series of hourly assignment sub-problems. A new paired assignment heuristic algorithm is developed to adapt the round robin scheduling principle for improving fairness measures across different airlines. Computational results are presented to show the strength of each proposed modeling approach

    Effective Design and Operation of Supply Chains for Remnant Inventory Systems

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    This research considers a stochastic supply chain problem that (a) has applications in anumber of continuous production industries, and (b) integrates elements of several classicaloperations research problems, including the cutting stock problem, inventory management,facility location, and distribution. The research also uses techniques such as stochasticprogramming and Benders' decomposition. We consider an environment in which a companyhas geographically dispersed distribution points where it can stock standard sizes of a productfrom its plants. In the most general problem, we are given a set of candidate distributioncenters with different fixed costs at the di®erent locations, and we may choose not to operate facilities at one or more of these locations. We assume that the customer demand for smaller sizes comes from other geographically distributed points on a continuing basis and this demand is stochastic in nature and is modeled by a Poisson process. Furthermore, we address a sustainable manufacturing environment where the trim is not considered waste, but rather, gets recycled and thus has an inherent value associated with it. Most importantly, the problem is not a static one where a one-time decision has to be made. Rather, decisions are made on a continuing basis, and decisions made at one point in time have a significant impact on those made at later points. An example of where this problem would arise is a steel or aluminum company that produces product in rolls of standard widths. The decision maker must decide which facilities to open, to find long-run replenishment rates for standard sizes, and to develop long-run policies for cutting these into smaller pieces so as to satisfy customer demand. The cutting stock, facility-location, and transportation problems reside at the heart of the research, and all these are integrated into the framework of a supply chain. We can see that, (1) a decision made at some point in time a®ects the ability to satisfy demand at a later point, and (2) that there might be multiple ways to satisfy demand. The situation is further complicated by the fact that customer demand is stochastic and that this demand could be potentially satisfied by more than one distribution center. Given this background, this research examines broad alternatives for how the company's supply chain should be designed and operated in order to remain competitive with smaller and more nimble companies. The research develops a LP formulation, a mixed-integer programming formulation, and a stochastic programming formulation to model di®erent aspects of the problem. We present new solution methodologies based on Benders' decomposition and the L-shaped method to solve the NP-hard mixed-integer problem and the stochastic problem respectively. Results from duality will be used to develop shadow prices for the units in stock, and these in turn will be used to develop a policy to help make decisions on an ongoing basis. We investigate the theoretical underpinnings of the models, develop new, sophisticated computational methods and interesting properties of its solution, build a simulation model to compare the policies developed with other ones commonly in use, and conduct computational studies to compare the performance of new methods with their corresponding existing methods