577 research outputs found

    Adaptive Middleware for Resource-Constrained Mobile Ad Hoc and Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Mobile ad hoc networks: MANETs) and wireless sensor networks: WSNs) are two recently-developed technologies that uniquely function without fixed infrastructure support, and sense at scales, resolutions, and durations previously not possible. While both offer great potential in many applications, developing software for these types of networks is extremely difficult, preventing their wide-spread use. Three primary challenges are: 1) the high level of dynamics within the network in terms of changing wireless links and node hardware configurations,: 2) the wide variety of hardware present in these networks, and: 3) the extremely limited computational and energy resources available. Until now, the burden of handling these issues was put on the software application developer. This dissertation presents three novel programming models and middleware systems that address these challenges: Limone, Agilla, and Servilla. Limone reliably handles high levels of dynamics within MANETs. It does this through lightweight coordination primitives that make minimal assumptions about network connectivity. Agilla enables self-adaptive WSN applications via the integration of mobile agent and tuple space programming models, which is critical given the continuously changing network. It is the first system to successfully demonstrate the feasibility of using mobile agents and tuple spaces within WSNs. Servilla addresses the challenges that arise from WSN hardware heterogeneity using principles of Service-Oriented Computing: SOC). It is the first system to successfully implement the entire SOC model within WSNs and uniquely tailors it to the WSN domain by making it energy-aware and adaptive. The efficacies of the above three systems are demonstrated through implementation, micro-benchmarks, and the evaluation of several real-world applications including Universal Remote, Fire Detection and Tracking, Structural Health Monitoring, and Medical Patient Monitoring

    Forum Session at the First International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC03)

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    The First International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC) was held in Trento, December 15-18, 2003. The focus of the conference ---Service Oriented Computing (SOC)--- is the new emerging paradigm for distributed computing and e-business processing that has evolved from object-oriented and component computing to enable building agile networks of collaborating business applications distributed within and across organizational boundaries. Of the 181 papers submitted to the ICSOC conference, 10 were selected for the forum session which took place on December the 16th, 2003. The papers were chosen based on their technical quality, originality, relevance to SOC and for their nature of being best suited for a poster presentation or a demonstration. This technical report contains the 10 papers presented during the forum session at the ICSOC conference. In particular, the last two papers in the report ere submitted as industrial papers

    Teenustele orienteeritud ja tõendite-teadlik mobiilne pilvearvutus

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    Arvutiteaduses on kaks kõige suuremat jõudu: mobiili- ja pilvearvutus. Kui pilvetehnoloogia pakub kasutajale keerukate ülesannete lahendamiseks salvestus- ning arvutusplatvormi, siis nutitelefon võimaldab lihtsamate ülesannete lahendamist mistahes asukohas ja mistahes ajal. Täpsemalt on mobiilseadmetel võimalik pilve võimalusi ära kasutades energiat säästa ning jagu saada kasvavast jõudluse ja ruumi vajadusest. Sellest tulenevalt on käesoleva töö peamiseks küsimuseks kuidas tuua pilveinfrastruktuur mobiilikasutajale lähemale? Antud töös uurisime kuidas mobiiltelefoni pilveteenust saab mobiilirakendustesse integreerida. Saime teada, et töö delegeerimine pilve eeldab mitmete pilve aspektide kaalumist ja integreerimist, nagu näiteks ressursimahukas töötlemine, asünkroonne suhtlus kliendiga, programmaatiline ressursside varustamine (Web APIs) ja pilvedevaheline kommunikatsioon. Nende puuduste ületamiseks lõime Mobiilse pilve vahevara Mobile Cloud Middleware (Mobile Cloud Middleware - MCM) raamistiku, mis kasutab deklaratiivset teenuste komponeerimist, et delegeerida töid mobiililt mitmetele pilvedele kasutades minimaalset andmeedastust. Teisest küljest on näidatud, et koodi teisaldamine on peamisi strateegiaid seadme energiatarbimise vähendamiseks ning jõudluse suurendamiseks. Sellegipoolest on koodi teisaldamisel miinuseid, mis takistavad selle laialdast kasutuselevõttu. Selles töös uurime lisaks, mis takistab koodi mahalaadimise kasutuselevõttu ja pakume lahendusena välja raamistiku EMCO, mis kogub seadmetelt infot koodi jooksutamise kohta erinevates kontekstides. Neid andmeid analüüsides teeb EMCO kindlaks, mis on sobivad tingimused koodi maha laadimiseks. Võrreldes kogutud andmeid, suudab EMCO järeldada, millal tuleks mahalaadimine teostada. EMCO modelleerib kogutud andmeid jaotuse määra järgi lokaalsete- ning pilvejuhtude korral. Neid jaotusi võrreldes tuletab EMCO täpsed atribuudid, mille korral mobiilirakendus peaks koodi maha laadima. Võrreldes EMCO-t teiste nüüdisaegsete mahalaadimisraamistikega, tõuseb EMCO efektiivsuse poolest esile. Lõpuks uurisime kuidas arvutuste maha laadimist ära kasutada, et täiustada kasutaja kogemust pideval mobiilirakenduse kasutamisel. Meie peamiseks motivatsiooniks, et sellist adaptiivset tööde täitmise kiirendamist pakkuda, on tagada kasutuskvaliteet (QoE), mis muutub vastavalt kasutajale, aidates seeläbi suurendada mobiilirakenduse eluiga.Mobile and cloud computing are two of the biggest forces in computer science. While the cloud provides to the user the ubiquitous computational and storage platform to process any complex tasks, the smartphone grants to the user the mobility features to process simple tasks, anytime and anywhere. Smartphones, driven by their need for processing power, storage space and energy saving are looking towards remote cloud infrastructure in order to solve these problems. As a result, the main research question of this work is how to bring the cloud infrastructure closer to the mobile user? In this thesis, we investigated how mobile cloud services can be integrated within the mobile apps. We found out that outsourcing a task to cloud requires to integrate and consider multiple aspects of the clouds, such as resource-intensive processing, asynchronous communication with the client, programmatically provisioning of resources (Web APIs) and cloud intercommunication. Hence, we proposed a Mobile Cloud Middleware (MCM) framework that uses declarative service composition to outsource tasks from the mobile to multiple clouds with minimal data transfer. On the other hand, it has been demonstrated that computational offloading is a key strategy to extend the battery life of the device and improves the performance of the mobile apps. We also investigated the issues that prevent the adoption of computational offloading, and proposed a framework, namely Evidence-aware Mobile Computational Offloading (EMCO), which uses a community of devices to capture all the possible context of code execution as evidence. By analyzing the evidence, EMCO aims to determine the suitable conditions to offload. EMCO models the evidence in terms of distributions rates for both local and remote cases. By comparing those distributions, EMCO infers the right properties to offload. EMCO shows to be more effective in comparison with other computational offloading frameworks explored in the state of the art. Finally, we investigated how computational offloading can be utilized to enhance the perception that the user has towards an app. Our main motivation behind accelerating the perception at multiple response time levels is to provide adaptive quality-of-experience (QoE), which can be used as mean of engagement strategy that increases the lifetime of a mobile app

    MECA: A Multi-agent Environment for Cognitive Agents

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    Many fully functional multi-agent systems have been developed and put to use over the past twenty years, but few of them have been developed to succesfully facilitate social research through the use of social agents. There are three important difficulties that must be dealt with to successfully create a social system for use in social research. First, the system must have an adaptable agent framework that can successfully make intuitive and deliberative decisions much like a human participant would. Secondly, the system must have a robust architecture that not only ensures its functioning no matter the simulation, but also provides an easily understood interface that researchers can interact with while running their simulations. Finally, the system must be effectively distributed to handle the necessary number of agents that social research requires to obtain meaningful results. This paper presents our work on creating a multi-agent simulation for social agents that overcomes these three difficulties

    Eliciting the End-to-End Behavior of SOA Applications in Clouds

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    Availability and performance are key issues in SOA cloud applications. Those applications can be represented as a graph spanning multiple Cloud and on-premises environments, forming a very complex computing system that supports increasing numbers and types of users, business transactions, and usage scenarios. In order to rapidly find, predict, and proactively prevent root causes of issues, such as performance degradations and runtime errors, we developed a monitoring solution which is able to elicit the end-to-end behavior of those applications. We insert lightweight components into SOA frameworks and clients thereby keeping the monitoring impact minimal. Monitoring data collected from call chains is used to assist in issues related to performance, errors and alerts, as well as business and IT transactions

    Using cooperation to improve the experience of web services consumers

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    Web Services (WS) are one of the most promising approaches for building loosely coupled systems. However, due to the heterogeneous and dynamic nature of the WS environment, ensuring good QoS is still non-trivial. While WS tend to scale better than tightly coupled systems, they introduce a larger communication overhead and are more susceptible to server/resource latency. Traditionally this problem has been addressed by relying on negotiated Service Level Agreement to ensure the required QoS, or the development of elaborate compensation handlers to minimize the impact of undesirable latency. This research focuses on the use of cooperation between consumers and providers as an effective means of optimizing resource utilization and consumer experiences. It introduces a novel cooperative approach to implement the cooperation between consumers and providers

    Cloud Services Brokerage for Mobile Ubiquitous Computing

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    Recently, companies are adopting Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) to efficiently deliver enterprise services to users (or consumers) on their personalized devices. MCC is the facilitation of mobile devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets, notebooks, and smart watches) to access virtualized services such as software applications, servers, storage, and network services over the Internet. With the advancement and diversity of the mobile landscape, there has been a growing trend in consumer attitude where a single user owns multiple mobile devices. This paradigm of supporting a single user or consumer to access multiple services from n-devices is referred to as the Ubiquitous Cloud Computing (UCC) or the Personal Cloud Computing. In the UCC era, consumers expect to have application and data consistency across their multiple devices and in real time. However, this expectation can be hindered by the intermittent loss of connectivity in wireless networks, user mobility, and peak load demands. Hence, this dissertation presents an architectural framework called, Cloud Services Brokerage for Mobile Ubiquitous Cloud Computing (CSB-UCC), which ensures soft real-time and reliable services consumption on multiple devices of users. The CSB-UCC acts as an application middleware broker that connects the n-devices of users to the multi-cloud services. The designed system determines the multi-cloud services based on the user's subscriptions and the n-devices are determined through device registration on the broker. The preliminary evaluations of the designed system shows that the following are achieved: 1) high scalability through the adoption of a distributed architecture of the brokerage service, 2) providing soft real-time application synchronization for consistent user experience through an enhanced mobile-to-cloud proximity-based access technique, 3) reliable error recovery from system failure through transactional services re-assignment to active nodes, and 4) transparent audit trail through access-level and context-centric provenance


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    The growing popularity of mobile platforms is changing the Internet user’s computing experience. Current studies suggest that the traditional ubiquitous computing landscape is shifting towards more enhanced and broader mobile computing platform consists of large number of heterogeneous devices. Smartphones and tablets begin to replace the desktop as the primary means of interacting with IT resources. While mobile devices facilitate in consuming web resources in the form of web services, the growing demand for consuming services on mobile device is introducing a complex ecosystem in the mobile environment. This research addresses the communication challenges involved in mobile distributed networks and proposes an event-driven communication approach for information dissemination. This research investigates different communication techniques such as synchronous and asynchronous polling and long-polling, server-side push as mechanisms between client-server interactions and the latest web technologies namely HTML5 standard WebSocket as communication protocol within a publish/subscribe paradigm. Finally, this research introduces and evaluates a framework that is hybrid of REST and event-based publish/subscribe for operating in the mobile environment