26,994 research outputs found

    Optimizing Test Pattern Generation Using Top-Off ATPG Methodology for Stuck–AT, Transition and Small Delay Defect Faults

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    The ever increasing complexity and size of digital circuits complemented by Deep Sub Micron (DSM) technology trends today pose challenges to the efficient Design For Test (DFT) methodologies. Innovation is required not only in designing the digital circuits, but also in automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) to ensure that the pattern set screens all the targeted faults while still complying with the Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) memory constraints. DSM technology trends push the requirements of ATPG to not only include the conventional static defects but also to include test patterns for dynamic defects. The current industry practices consider test pattern generation for transition faults to screen dynamic defects. It has been observed that just screening for transition faults alone is not sufficient in light of the continuing DSM technology trends. Shrinking technology nodes have pushed DFT engineers to include Small Delay Defect (SDD) test patterns in the production flow. The current industry standard ATPG tools are evolving and SDD ATPG is not the most economical option in terms of both test generation CPU time and pattern volume. New techniques must be explored in order to ensure that a quality test pattern set can be generated which includes patterns for stuck-at, transition and SDD faults, all the while ensuring that the pattern volume remains economical. This thesis explores the use of a “Top-Off” ATPG methodology to generate an optimal test pattern set which can effectively screen the required fault models while containing the pattern volume within a reasonable limit

    Product assurance technology for custom LSI/VLSI electronics

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    The technology for obtaining custom integrated circuits from CMOS-bulk silicon foundries using a universal set of layout rules is presented. The technical efforts were guided by the requirement to develop a 3 micron CMOS test chip for the Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite (CRRES). This chip contains both analog and digital circuits. The development employed all the elements required to obtain custom circuits from silicon foundries, including circuit design, foundry interfacing, circuit test, and circuit qualification

    22q11.2 deletion syndrome

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    22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) is the most common chromosomal microdeletion disorder, estimated to result mainly from de novo non-homologous meiotic recombination events occurring in approximately 1 in every 1,000 fetuses. The first description in the English language of the constellation of findings now known to be due to this chromosomal difference was made in the 1960s in children with DiGeorge syndrome, who presented with the clinical triad of immunodeficiency, hypoparathyroidism and congenital heart disease. The syndrome is now known to have a heterogeneous presentation that includes multiple additional congenital anomalies and later-onset conditions, such as palatal, gastrointestinal and renal abnormalities, autoimmune disease, variable cognitive delays, behavioural phenotypes and psychiatric illness - all far extending the original description of DiGeorge syndrome. Management requires a multidisciplinary approach involving paediatrics, general medicine, surgery, psychiatry, psychology, interventional therapies (physical, occupational, speech, language and behavioural) and genetic counselling. Although common, lack of recognition of the condition and/or lack of familiarity with genetic testing methods, together with the wide variability of clinical presentation, delays diagnosis. Early diagnosis, preferably prenatally or neonatally, could improve outcomes, thus stressing the importance of universal screening. Equally important, 22q11.2DS has become a model for understanding rare and frequent congenital anomalies, medical conditions, psychiatric and developmental disorders, and may provide a platform to better understand these disorders while affording opportunities for translational strategies across the lifespan for both patients with 22q11.2DS and those with these associated features in the general population

    Identification of subtelomeric genomic imbalances and breakpoint mapping with quantitative PCR in 296 individuals with congenital defects and/or mental retardation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Submicroscopic imbalances in the subtelomeric regions of the chromosomes are considered to play an important role in the aetiology of mental retardation (MR). The aim of the study was to evaluate a quantitative PCR (qPCR) protocol established by Boehm et al. (2004) in the clinical routine of subtelomeric testing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>296 patients with MR and a normal karyotype (500–550 bands) were screened for subtelomeric imbalances by using qPCR combined with SYBR green detection. In total, 17 patients (5.8%) with 20 subtelomeric imbalances were identified. Six of the aberrations (2%) were classified as causative for the symptoms, because they occurred either <it>de novo </it>in the patients (5 cases) or the aberration were be detected in the patient and an equally affected parent (1 case). The extent of the deletions ranged from 1.8 to approximately 10 Mb, duplications were 1.8 to approximately 5 Mb in size. In 6 patients, the copy number variations (CNVs) were rated as benign polymorphisms, and the clinical relevance of these CNVs remains unclear in 5 patients (1.7%). Therefore, the overall frequency of clinically relevant imbalances ranges between 2% and 3.7% in our cohort.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study illustrates that the qPCR/SYBR green technique represents a rapid and versatile method for the detection of subtelomeric imbalances and the option to map the breakpoint. Thus, this technique is highly suitable for genotype/phenotype studies in patients with MR/developmental delay and/or congenital defects.</p

    Design-for-delay-testability techniques for high-speed digital circuits

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    The importance of delay faults is enhanced by the ever increasing clock rates and decreasing geometry sizes of nowadays' circuits. This thesis focuses on the development of Design-for-Delay-Testability (DfDT) techniques for high-speed circuits and embedded cores. The rising costs of IC testing and in particular the costs of Automatic Test Equipment are major concerns for the semiconductor industry. To reverse the trend of rising testing costs, DfDT is\ud getting more and more important

    Nondestructive test of regenerative chambers

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    Flat panels simulating internally cooled regenerative thrust chamber walls were fabricated by electroforming, brazing and diffusion bonding to evaluate the feasibility of nondestructive evaluation techniques to detect bonds of various strength integrities. Ultrasonics, holography, and acoustic emission were investigated and found to yield useful and informative data regarding the presence of bond defects in these structures

    Andersen-Tawil Syndrome

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    Andersen-Tawil syndrome (ATS) is a rare condition consisting of ventricular arrhythmias, periodic paralysis, and dysmorphic features. In 2001, mutations in KCNJ2, which encodes the α subunit of the potassium channel Kir2.1, were identified in patients with ATS. To date, KCNJ2 is the only gene implicated in ATS, accounting for approximately 60% of cases. ATS is a unique channelopathy, and represents the first link between cardiac and skeletal muscle excitability. The arrhythmias observed in ATS are distinctive; patients may be asymptomatic, or minimally symptomatic despite a high arrhythmia burden with frequent ventricular ectopy and bidirectional ventricular tachycardia. However, patients remain at risk for life-threatening arrhythmias, including torsades de pointes and ventricular fibrillation, albeit less commonly than observed in other genetic arrhythmia syndromes. The characteristic heterogeneity at both the genotypic and phenotypic levels contribute to the continued difficulties with appropriate diagnosis, risk stratification, and effective therapy. The initial recognition of a syndromic association of clinically diverse symptoms, and the subsequent identification of the underlying molecular genetic basis of ATS has enhanced both clinical care, and our understanding of the critical function of Kir2.1 on skeletal muscle excitability and cardiac action potentia

    Fetal alcohol syndrome: guidelines for referral and diagnosis

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    National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities in coordination with National Task Force on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effect (American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, March of Dimes National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome)."July 2004, (2nd printing, August 2004), (3rd printing, May 2005)."Includes bibliographical references (p. 39-48)

    Dielectric-based Components and Methods for Terahertz Sensing

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    [ES] En el presente trabajo, se investigan algunos aspectos de la interacción de los materiales dieléctricos con ondas de THz. La banda de THz, que incluye las frecuencias de 100 GHz a 30 THz, ha despertado un gran interés sobre todo por su baja energía y su buena capacidad de penetración en materiales de uso diario como tejidos y plásticos. Las características peculiares de estas ondas permiten su aplicación en diversos campos tecnológicos, especialmente como herramientas científicas y para la inspección de control de calidad. Para avanzar en la aplicación práctica de la radiación THz, la presente tesis doctoral investigó varios caminos. En primer lugar, se trataron métodos alternativos de bajo coste para la fabricación de componentes pasivos de THz, centrándose en los polarizadores. El interés en el control de la polarización nace de la demanda de un mayor control sobre las características físicas de los haces de THz. Asimismo, se han investigado los polarizadores wire grid flexible basados en el efecto de absorción dicroica. Se han fabricado polarizadores con grafito y GaIn24,5 depositados en materiales ordinarios utilizados como sustratos (papel y polímeros como PVA y PVC). Mediante la colaboración con el grupo de investigación chino dirigido por el profesor Liu de la Universidad de Tsinghua, se investigaron procesos de fabricación alternativos. Todos los componentes se simularon mediante un simulador comercial basado en la técnica de integrales finitas FIT (CST Microwave Studio). En segundo lugar, se investigó el potencial de la técnica de fixed delay para la detección rápida de elementos homogéneos y transparentes con posible aplicación en la inspección de calidad industrial. En este esquema, la variación de corriente del haz de THz en un punto específico está relacionada con la variación de sus parámetros ópticos, por lo que se demostró la capacidad de detectar defectos, así como de estimar sus volúmenes bajo ciertas condiciones. Por último, un enfoque diferente para el beam profile basado en un slit dieléctrico fue evaluada como alternativa a los métodos convencionales utilizados en la región de THz y la óptica. Todas las mediciones, tanto la espectroscopia como el control de la polarización, se hicieron por medio de un sistema basado en fibra TDS-THz, con antenas fotoconductoras (PCA), tanto para la generación como para la detección de THz.[EN] In the present work, some aspects of the role of dielectric materials when interacting with THz waves were investigated. The THz bandgap, which covers the frequencies from 100 GHz to 30 THz, has aroused great interest mainly due to its low energy and its good penetration capacity in some materials of daily use such as fabrics and plastics. The peculiar features of terahertz waves enable their application in various technological fields, especially as scientific tools and for quality control inspection. To advance in the practical application of THz radiation, the present doctoral thesis researched several paths. Firstly, alternative low-cost methods for manufacturing THz passive components, in particular, THz polarizers was treated. The interest in polarization control is derived from the demand for greater control over the physical characteristics of THz beams. Flexible wire grid polarizers based on the dichroic absorption effect have been investigated. The polarizers have been manufactured using graphite and GaIn24.5 deployed on ordinary materials used as substrates (paper and polymers such as PVA and PVC). Through a collaboration undertaken with the Chinese research group led by Professor Liu at Tsinghua University, alternative manufacturing processes were researched. All components were simulated through a commercial simulator based on the FIT finite integrals technique (CST Microwave Studio). Secondly, the potential of the fixed delay technique was investigated for rapid sensing of homogeneous and transparent items with possible application to industrial quality inspection. In this scheme, the current variation of the THz beam at a specific point is related to the variation of its optical parameters, thus it was demonstrated the ability of the method in detecting voids as well as in roughly estimating their volumes under certain conditions. Finally, a different approach for beam profiling based on a dielectric slit aperture was evaluated, as an alternative to the conventional methods used in the THz region and optics All measurements, both spectroscopy and polarization control, were made by means of a TDS-THz fibre-based system, with photoconductive antennas (PCA), both for the generation and detection of THz.[CA] En el present treball, s'investiguen alguns aspectes del paper dels materials dielèctrics quan interactuen amb ones de THz. El bandgap de THz, que cobreix les freqüències de 100 GHz a 30 THz, ha despertat un gran interés principalment a causa de la seua baixa energia i la seua bona capacitat de penetració en alguns materials d'ús diari com els teixits i els plàstics. Les característiques peculiars de les ones de terahertz permeten la seua aplicació en diversos camps tecnològics, especialment com a eines científiques i per a la inspecció de control de qualitat. Per a avançar en l'aplicació pràctica de la radiació THz, la present tesi doctoral investiga diversos camins. En primer lloc, es s'han tractat mètodes alternatius de baix cost per a la fabricació de components passius de THz, centrant-se principalment en polaritzadors de THz. L'interés en el control de la polarització es deriva de la demanda d'un major control sobre les característiques físiques dels feixos de THz. Així mateix, s'han investigat els polaritzadors amb reixes de filferro flexible basats en l'efecte d'absorció dicroica. Els polaritzadors s'han fabricat utilitzant grafit i GaIn24,5 desplegats en materials ordinaris utilitzats com a substrats (paper i polímers com el PVA i el PVC). Mitjançant una col·laboració empresa amb el grup d'investigació xinés dirigit pel professor Liu de la Universitat de Tsinghua, es van investigar processos de fabricació alternatius. Tots els components es van simular mitjançant un simulador comercial basat en la tècnica d'integrals finites FIT (CST Microwave Studio). En segon lloc, s'ha investigat el potencial de la tècnica de retard fix per a la detecció ràpida d'elements homogenis i transparents amb possible aplicació a la inspecció de qualitat industrial. En aquest esquema, la variació actual del feix de THz en un punt específic està relacionada amb la variació dels seus paràmetres òptics, per la qual cosa es va demostrar la capacitat del mètode per a detectar els buits així com en l'estimació aproximada dels seus volums sota certes condicions. Finalment, un enfocament diferent per al perfil de feix basat en una obertura d'escletxa dielèctrica ha sigut avaluada, com a alternativa als mètodes convencionals utilitzats a la regió de THz i l'òptica.Tots els mesuraments, tant l'espectroscòpia com el control de la polarització, es van fer per mitjà d'un sistema basat en fibra TDS-THz, amb antenes fotoconductores (PCA), tant per a la generació com per a la detecció de THz.Colleoni, MPM. (2020). Dielectric-based Components and Methods for Terahertz Sensing [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/149569TESI