35,236 research outputs found

    Reducing Complex Visualizations for Analysis

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    Data visualization provides a means to present known information in a format that is easily consumable and does not generally require specialized training. It is also well-suited to aid an analyst in discovering previously unknown information [1]. This is possible because visualization techniques can be used to highlight internal relationships and structures within the data, and present them in a graphical manner. Using visualization during the preliminary analysis phase can provide a pathway to enable an analyst to discover patterns or anomalies within the data that might otherwise go undiscovered as humans have an innate ability to visually identify patterns and anomalies. \ \ Even when an analyst has identified a pattern or anomaly within the data, creating an algorithm that allows for automated detection of other occurrences of the same, or similar, patterns is a non-trivial task. While humans are innately skilled at pattern recognition, computers are not, and patterns that might be obvious for a human to identify might be difficult for a computer to detect even when assisted by a skilled analyst [2]. This paper describes a method of taking a complex visualization, and reducing it into several smaller components in order to facilitate computer analysis of the analyst-identified patterns or anomalies in the data. From there, a detection scheme can be generated through an analyst-supervised data analysis process in order to find more occurrences in a larger dataset

    What the eye does not see: visualizations strategies for the data collection of personal networks

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    The graphic representation of relational data is one of the central elements of social network analysis. In this paper, the author describe the use of visualization in interview-based data collection procedures designed to obtain personal networks information, exploring four main contributions. First, the author shows a procedure by which the visualization is integrated with traditional name generators to facilitate obtaining information and reducing the burden of the interview process. Second, the author describes the reactions and qualitative interpretation of the interviewees when they are presented with an analytical visualization of their personal network. The most frequent strategies consist in identifying the key individuals, dividing the personal network in groups and classifying alters in concentric circles of relative importance. Next, the author explores how the visualization of groups in personal networks facilitates the enumeration of the communities in which individuals participate. This allows the author to reflect on the role of social circles in determining the structure of personal networks. Finally, the author compares the graphic representation obtained through spontaneous, hand-drawn sociograms with the analytical visualizations elicited through software tools. This allows the author to demonstrate that analytical procedures reveal aspects of the structure of personal networks that respondents are not aware of, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using both modes of data collection. For this, the author presents findings from a study of highly skilled migrants living in Spain (n = 95) through which the author illustrates the challenges, in terms of data reliability, validity and burden on both the researcher and the participants

    On the Optimization of Visualizations of Complex Phenomena

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    The problem of perceptually optimizing complex visualizations is a difficult one, involving perceptual as well as aesthetic issues. In our experience, controlled experiments are quite limited in their ability to uncover interrelationships among visualization parameters, and thus may not be the most useful way to develop rules-of-thumb or theory to guide the production of high-quality visualizations. In this paper, we propose a new experimental approach to optimizing visualization quality that integrates some of the strong points of controlled experiments with methods more suited to investigating complex highly-coupled phenomena. We use human-in-the-loop experiments to search through visualization parameter space, generating large databases of rated visualization solutions. This is followed by data mining to extract results such as exemplar visualizations, guidelines for producing visualizations, and hypotheses about strategies leading to strong visualizations. The approach can easily address both perceptual and aesthetic concerns, and can handle complex parameter interactions. We suggest a genetic algorithm as a valuable way of guiding the human-in-the-loop search through visualization parameter space. We describe our methods for using clustering, histogramming, principal component analysis, and neural networks for data mining. The experimental approach is illustrated with a study of the problem of optimal texturing for viewing layered surfaces so that both surfaces are maximally observable

    Physics-based visual characterization of molecular interaction forces

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    Molecular simulations are used in many areas of biotechnology, such as drug design and enzyme engineering. Despite the development of automatic computational protocols, analysis of molecular interactions is still a major aspect where human comprehension and intuition are key to accelerate, analyze, and propose modifications to the molecule of interest. Most visualization algorithms help the users by providing an accurate depiction of the spatial arrangement: the atoms involved in inter-molecular contacts. There are few tools that provide visual information on the forces governing molecular docking. However, these tools, commonly restricted to close interaction between atoms, do not consider whole simulation paths, long-range distances and, importantly, do not provide visual cues for a quick and intuitive comprehension of the energy functions (modeling intermolecular interactions) involved. In this paper, we propose visualizations designed to enable the characterization of interaction forces by taking into account several relevant variables such as molecule-ligand distance and the energy function, which is essential to understand binding affinities. We put emphasis on mapping molecular docking paths obtained from Molecular Dynamics or Monte Carlo simulations, and provide time-dependent visualizations for different energy components and particle resolutions: atoms, groups or residues. The presented visualizations have the potential to support domain experts in a more efficient drug or enzyme design process.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft