18 research outputs found

    A linear memory algorithm for Baum-Welch training

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    Background: Baum-Welch training is an expectation-maximisation algorithm for training the emission and transition probabilities of hidden Markov models in a fully automated way. Methods and results: We introduce a linear space algorithm for Baum-Welch training. For a hidden Markov model with M states, T free transition and E free emission parameters, and an input sequence of length L, our new algorithm requires O(M) memory and O(L M T_max (T + E)) time for one Baum-Welch iteration, where T_max is the maximum number of states that any state is connected to. The most memory efficient algorithm until now was the checkpointing algorithm with O(log(L) M) memory and O(log(L) L M T_max) time requirement. Our novel algorithm thus renders the memory requirement completely independent of the length of the training sequences. More generally, for an n-hidden Markov model and n input sequences of length L, the memory requirement of O(log(L) L^(n-1) M) is reduced to O(L^(n-1) M) memory while the running time is changed from O(log(L) L^n M T_max + L^n (T + E)) to O(L^n M T_max (T + E)). Conclusions: For the large class of hidden Markov models used for example in gene prediction, whose number of states does not scale with the length of the input sequence, our novel algorithm can thus be both faster and more memory-efficient than any of the existing algorithms.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure version 2: fixed some errors, final version of pape

    Decoding Hidden Markov Models Faster Than Viterbi Via Online Matrix-Vector (max, +)-Multiplication

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    In this paper, we present a novel algorithm for the maximum a posteriori decoding (MAPD) of time-homogeneous Hidden Markov Models (HMM), improving the worst-case running time of the classical Viterbi algorithm by a logarithmic factor. In our approach, we interpret the Viterbi algorithm as a repeated computation of matrix-vector (maxā”,+)(\max, +)-multiplications. On time-homogeneous HMMs, this computation is online: a matrix, known in advance, has to be multiplied with several vectors revealed one at a time. Our main contribution is an algorithm solving this version of matrix-vector (maxā”,+)(\max,+)-multiplication in subquadratic time, by performing a polynomial preprocessing of the matrix. Employing this fast multiplication algorithm, we solve the MAPD problem in O(mn2/logā”n)O(mn^2/ \log n) time for any time-homogeneous HMM of size nn and observation sequence of length mm, with an extra polynomial preprocessing cost negligible for m>nm > n. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first algorithm for the MAPD problem requiring subquadratic time per observation, under the only assumption -- usually verified in practice -- that the transition probability matrix does not change with time.Comment: AAAI 2016, to appea

    PVM algorithms for some problems in bioinformatics

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    We design and analyze implementation aspects of a PVM version of the well known Smith-Waterman algorithm, and then we consider other problems important for bioinformatics, such as finding longest common substring, finding repeated substrings and finding palindromes


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    During the past years, there has been increasing interest in the design and development of network traffic controllers capable of ensuring the QoS requirements of a wide range of applications. In this paper, we construct a dynamic model for the token-bucket algorithm: a traffic controller widely used in various QoS-aware protocol architectures. Based on our previous work, we use a system approach to develop a formal model of the traffic controller. This model serves as a basis to formally specify and evaluate the operation of the token-bucket algorithm. Then we develop an optimization algorithm based on a dynamic programming and genetic algorithm approach. We conduct an extensive campaign of numerical experiments allowing us to gain insight on the operation of the controller and evaluate the benefits of using a genetic algorithm approach to speed up the optimization process. Our results show that the use of the genetic algorithm proves particularly useful in reducing the computation time required to optimize the operation of a system consisting of multiple token-bucket-regulated sources. 1

    A comparative study of sequence analysis tools in computational biology

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    A biomolecular object, such as a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), a ribonucleic acid (RNA) or a protein molecule, is made up of a long chain of subunits. A protein is represented as a sequence made from 20 different amino acids, each represented as a letter. There are a vast number of ways in which similar structural domains can be generated in proteins by different amino acid sequences. By contrast, the structure of DNA, made up of only four different nucleotide building blocks that occur in two pairs, is relatively simple, regular, and predictable. Biomolecular sequence alignment/string search is the most important issue and challenging task in many areas of science and information processing. It involves identifying one-to-one correspondences between subunits of different sequences. An efficient algorithm or tool is involved with many important factors, these include the following: Scoring systems, Alignment statistics, Database redundancy and sequence repetitiveness. Sequence motifs are derived from multiple alignments and can be used to examine individual sequences or an entire database for subtle patterns. With motifs, it is sometimes possible to detect distant relationships that may not be demonstrable based on comparisons of primary sequences alone. A more comprehensive solution to the efficient string search is approached by building a small, representative set of motifs and using this as a screening database with automatic masking of matching query subsequences. This technology is still under development but recent studies indicate that a representative set of only 1,000 - 3,000 sequences may suffice and such a database can be searched in seconds

    Memory-efficient dynamic programming backtrace and pairwise local sequence alignment

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    Motivation: A backtrace through a dynamic programming algorithm's intermediate results in search of an optimal path, or to sample paths according to an implied probability distribution, or as the second stage of a forwardā€“backward algorithm, is a task of fundamental importance in computational biology. When there is insufficient space to store all intermediate results in high-speed memory (e.g. cache) existing approaches store selected stages of the computation, and recompute missing values from these checkpoints on an as-needed basis

    Implementing EM and Viterbi algorithms for Hidden Markov Model in linear memory

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Baum-Welch learning procedure for Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) provides a powerful tool for tailoring HMM topologies to data for use in knowledge discovery and clustering. A linear memory procedure recently proposed by <it>MiklĆ³s, I. and Meyer, I.M. </it>describes a memory sparse version of the Baum-Welch algorithm with modifications to the original probabilistic table topologies to make memory use independent of sequence length (and linearly dependent on state number). The original description of the technique has some errors that we amend. We then compare the corrected implementation on a variety of data sets with conventional and checkpointing implementations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We provide a correct recurrence relation for the emission parameter estimate and extend it to parameter estimates of the Normal distribution. To accelerate estimation of the prior state probabilities, and decrease memory use, we reverse the originally proposed forward sweep. We describe different scaling strategies necessary in all real implementations of the algorithm to prevent underflow. In this paper we also describe our approach to a linear memory implementation of the Viterbi decoding algorithm (with linearity in the sequence length, while memory use is approximately independent of state number). We demonstrate the use of the linear memory implementation on an extended Duration Hidden Markov Model (DHMM) and on an HMM with a spike detection topology. Comparing the various implementations of the Baum-Welch procedure we find that the checkpointing algorithm produces the best overall tradeoff between memory use and speed. In cases where sequence length is very large (for Baum-Welch), or state number is very large (for Viterbi), the linear memory methods outlined may offer some utility.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our performance-optimized Java implementations of Baum-Welch algorithm are available at <url>http://logos.cs.uno.edu/~achurban</url>. The described method and implementations will aid sequence alignment, gene structure prediction, HMM profile training, nanopore ionic flow blockades analysis and many other domains that require efficient HMM training with EM.</p

    ApHMM: Accelerating Profile Hidden Markov Models for Fast and Energy-Efficient Genome Analysis

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    Profile hidden Markov models (pHMMs) are widely employed in various bioinformatics applications to identify similarities between biological sequences, such as DNA or protein sequences. In pHMMs, sequences are represented as graph structures. These probabilities are subsequently used to compute the similarity score between a sequence and a pHMM graph. The Baum-Welch algorithm, a prevalent and highly accurate method, utilizes these probabilities to optimize and compute similarity scores. However, the Baum-Welch algorithm is computationally intensive, and existing solutions offer either software-only or hardware-only approaches with fixed pHMM designs. We identify an urgent need for a flexible, high-performance, and energy-efficient HW/SW co-design to address the major inefficiencies in the Baum-Welch algorithm for pHMMs. We introduce ApHMM, the first flexible acceleration framework designed to significantly reduce both computational and energy overheads associated with the Baum-Welch algorithm for pHMMs. ApHMM tackles the major inefficiencies in the Baum-Welch algorithm by 1) designing flexible hardware to accommodate various pHMM designs, 2) exploiting predictable data dependency patterns through on-chip memory with memoization techniques, 3) rapidly filtering out negligible computations using a hardware-based filter, and 4) minimizing redundant computations. ApHMM achieves substantial speedups of 15.55x - 260.03x, 1.83x - 5.34x, and 27.97x when compared to CPU, GPU, and FPGA implementations of the Baum-Welch algorithm, respectively. ApHMM outperforms state-of-the-art CPU implementations in three key bioinformatics applications: 1) error correction, 2) protein family search, and 3) multiple sequence alignment, by 1.29x - 59.94x, 1.03x - 1.75x, and 1.03x - 1.95x, respectively, while improving their energy efficiency by 64.24x - 115.46x, 1.75x, 1.96x.Comment: Accepted to ACM TAC

    Algorithms in comparative genomics

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    The field of comparative genomics is abundant with problems of interest to computer scientists. In this thesis, the author presents solutions to three contemporary problems: obtaining better alignments for phylogeny reconstruction, identifying related RNA sequences in genomes, and ranking Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Sequence alignment is a basic and widely used task in bioinformatics. Its applications include identifying protein structure, RNAs and transcription factor binding sites in genomes, and phylogeny reconstruction. Phylogenetic descriptions depend not only on the employed reconstruction technique, but also on the underlying sequence alignment. The author has studied and established a simple prescription for obtaining a better phylogeny by improving the underlying alignments used in phylogeny reconstruction. This was achieved by improving upon Gotoh\u27s iterative heuristic by iterating with maximum parsimony guide-trees. This approach has shown an improvement in accuracy over standard alignment programs. A novel alignment algorithm named Probalign-RNAgenome that can identify non-coding RNAs in genomic sequences was also developed. Non-coding RNAs play a critical role in the cell such as gene regulation. It is thought that many such RNAs lie undiscovered in the genome. To date, alignment based approaches have shown to be more accurate than thermodynamic methods for identifying such non-coding RNAs. Probalign-RNAgenome employs a probabilistic consistency based approach for aligning a query RNA sequence to its homolog in a genomic sequence. Results show that this approach is more accurate on real data than the widely used BLAST and Smith- Waterman algorithms. Within the realm of comparative genomics are also a large number of recently conducted GWAS. GWAS aim to identify regions in the genome that are associated with a given disease. The support vector machine (SVM) provides a discriminative alternative to the widely used chi-square statistic in GWAS. A novel hybrid strategy that combines the chi-square statistic with the SVM was developed and implemented. Its performance was studied on simulated data and the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium (WTCCC) studies. Results presented in this thesis show that the hybrid strategy ranks causal SNPs in simulated data significantly higher than the chi-square test and SVM alone. The results also show that the hybrid strategy ranks previously replicated SNPs and associated regions (where applicable) of type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and Crohn\u27s disease higher than the chi-square, SVM, and SVM Recursive Feature Elimination (SVM-RFE)