139 research outputs found

    A spatial operator algebra for manipulator modeling and control

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    A recently developed spatial operator algebra, useful for modeling, control, and trajectory design of manipulators is discussed. The elements of this algebra are linear operators whose domain and range spaces consist of forces, moments, velocities, and accelerations. The effect of these operators is equivalent to a spatial recursion along the span of a manipulator. Inversion of operators can be efficiently obtained via techniques of recursive filtering and smoothing. The operator algebra provides a high level framework for describing the dynamic and kinematic behavior of a manipulator and control and trajectory design algorithms. The interpretation of expressions within the algebraic framework leads to enhanced conceptual and physical understanding of manipulator dynamics and kinematics. Furthermore, implementable recursive algorithms can be immediately derived from the abstract operator expressions by inspection. Thus, the transition from an abstract problem formulation and solution to the detailed mechanizaton of specific algorithms is greatly simplified. The analytical formulation of the operator algebra, as well as its implementation in the Ada programming language are discussed

    Manipulation strategies for massive space payloads

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    Control for the bracing strategy is being examined. It was concluded earlier that trajectory planning must be improved to best achieve the bracing motion. Very interesting results were achieved which enable the inverse dynamics of flexible arms to be calculated for linearized motion in a more efficient manner than previously published. The desired motion of the end point beginning at t=0 and ending at t=t sub f is used to calculate the required torque at the joint. The solution is separated into a causal function that is zero for t is less than 0 and an accusal function which is zero for t is greater than t sub f. A number of alternative end point trajectories were explored in terms of the peak torque required, the amount of anticipatory action, and other issues. The single link case is the immediate subject and an experimental verification of that case is being performed. Modeling with experimental verification of closed chain dynamics continues. Modeling effort has pointed out inaccuracies that result from the choice of numerical techniques used to incorporate the closed chain constraints when modeling our experimental prototype RALF (Robotic Arm Large and Flexible). Results were compared to TREETOPS, a multi body code. The experimental verification work is suggesting new ways to make comparisons with systems having structural linearity and joint and geometric nonlinearity. The generation of inertial forces was studied with a small arm that will damp the large arm's vibration

    Experiments in cooperative-arm object manipulation with a two-armed free-flying robot

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    Developing computed-torque controllers for complex manipulator systems using current techniques and tools is difficult because they address the issues pertinent to simulation, as opposed to control. A new formulation of computed-torque (CT) control that leads to an automated computer-torque robot controller program is presented. This automated tool is used for simulations and experimental demonstrations of endpoint and object control from a free-flying robot. A new computed-torque formulation states the multibody control problem in an elegant, homogeneous, and practical form. A recursive dynamics algorithm is presented that numerically evaluates kinematics and dynamics terms for multibody systems given a topological description. Manipulators may be free-flying, and may have closed-chain constraints. With the exception of object squeeze-force control, the algorithm does not deal with actuator redundancy. The algorithm is used to implement an automated 2D computed-torque dynamics and control package that allows joint, endpoint, orientation, momentum, and object squeeze-force control. This package obviates the need for hand-derivation of kinematics and dynamics, and is used for both simulation and experimental control. Endpoint control experiments are performed on a laboratory robot that has two arms to manipulate payloads, and uses an air bearing to achieve very-low drag characteristics. Simulations and experimental data for endpoint and object controllers are presented for the experimental robot - a complex dynamic system. There is a certain rather wide set of conditions under which CT endpoint controllers can neglect robot base accelerations (but not motions) and achieve comparable performance including base accelerations in the model. The regime over which this simplification holds is explored by simulation and experiment

    Fuzzy Model-Reference Adaptive Control Method For An Underwater Robotic Manipulator

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    Pengendali robotik dalam air (URM) adalah berbeza jika dibandingkan dengan pengendali robotik biasa atau yg berada di permukaan. Dinamiknya mempunyai ketidakpastian yang besar bergantung kepada daya apungan, daya yang dihasilkan oleh jisim tambahan/momen luas kedua dan daya geseran. Tambahan lagi, ia juga dipengaruhi oleh gangguan luaran yang penting seperti arus dan ombak. The underwater robotic manipulators (URMs) are different with the ordinary or landbased robotic manipulators. Its dynamics have large uncertainties owing to the buoyancy, force induced by the added mass/moment of inertia and the drag force. Moreover, they are also affected by the crucial external disturbances such as currents and waves

    Flat control of industrial robotic manipulators

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    Published ArticleA new approach to tracking control of industrial robot manipulators is presented in this paper. The highly coupled nonlinear dynamics of a six degrees of freedom (6-DOF) serial robot is decoupled by expressing its variables as a function of a flat output and a finite number of its derivatives. Hence the derivation of the flat output for the 6-DOF robot is presented. With the flat output, trajectories for each of the generalized coordinates are easily designed and open loop control is made possible. Using MATLAB/Simulink Sfunctions combined with the differential flatness property of the robot, trajectory tracking is carried out in closed loop by using a linear flat controller. The merit of this approach reduces the computational complexity of the robot dynamics by allowing online computation of a high order system at a lower computational cost. Using the same processor, the run time for tracking arbitrary trajectories is reduced significantly to about 10 s as compared to 30 min in the original study (Hoifodt, 2011). The design is taken further by including a Jacobian transformation for tracking of trajectories in cartesian space. Simulations using the ABB IRB140 industrial robot with full dynamics are used to validate the study

    Controlled motion in an elastic world. Research project: Manipulation strategies for massive space payloads

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    The flexibility of the drives and structures of controlled motion systems are presented as an obstacle to be overcome in the design of high performance motion systems, particularly manipulator arms. The task and the measure of performance to be applied determine the technology appropriate to overcome this obstacle. Included in the technologies proposed are control algorithms (feedback and feed forward), passive damping enhancement, operational strategies, and structural design. Modeling of the distributed, nonlinear system is difficult, and alternative approaches are discussed. The author presents personal perspectives on the history, status, and future directions in this area

    Evaluation of automated decisionmaking methodologies and development of an integrated robotic system simulation

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    A generic computer simulation for manipulator systems (ROBSIM) was implemented and the specific technologies necessary to increase the role of automation in various missions were developed. The specific items developed are: (1) capability for definition of a manipulator system consisting of multiple arms, load objects, and an environment; (2) capability for kinematic analysis, requirements analysis, and response simulation of manipulator motion; (3) postprocessing options such as graphic replay of simulated motion and manipulator parameter plotting; (4) investigation and simulation of various control methods including manual force/torque and active compliances control; (5) evaluation and implementation of three obstacle avoidance methods; (6) video simulation and edge detection; and (7) software simulation validation

    Joint Dynamics and Adaptive Feedforward Control of Lightweight Industrial Robots

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    The use of lightweight strain-wave transmissions in collaborative industrial robots leads to structural compliance and a complex nonlinear behavior of the robot joints. Furthermore, wear and temperature changes lead to variations in the joint dynamics behavior over time. The immediate negative consequences are related to the performance of motion and force control, safety, and lead-through programming.This thesis introduces and investigates new methods to further increase the performance of collaborative industrial robots subject to complex nonlinear and time-varying joint dynamics behavior. Within this context, the techniques of mathematical modeling, system identification, and adaptive estimation and control are applied. The methods are experimentally validated using the collaborative industrial robots by Universal Robots.Mathematically, the robot and joint dynamics are considered as two coupled subsystems. The robot dynamics are derived and linearly parametrized to facilitate identification of the inertial parameters. Calibrating these parameters leads to improvements in torque prediction accuracy of 16.5 %-28.5 % depending on the motion.The joint dynamics are thoroughly analyzed and characterized. Based on a series of experiments, a comprehensive model of the robot joint is established taking into account the complex nonlinear dynamics of the strain-wave transmission, that is the nonlinear compliance, hysteresis, kinematic error, and friction. The steady-state friction is considered to depend on angular velocity, load torque, and temperature. The dynamic friction characteristics are described by an Extended Generalized Maxwell-Slip (E-GMS) model which describes in a combined framework; hysteresis characteristics that depend on angular position and Coulomb friction that depend on load torque. E-GMS model-based feedforward control improves the torque prediction accuracy by a factor 2.1 and improve the tracking error by a factor 1.5.An E-GMS model-based adaptive feedforward controller is developed to address the issue of friction changing with wear and temperature. The adaptive control strategy leads to improvements in torque prediction of 84 % and tracking error of 20 %

    Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference on Aerospace Computational Control, volume 1

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    Conference topics included definition of tool requirements, advanced multibody component representation descriptions, model reduction, parallel computation, real time simulation, control design and analysis software, user interface issues, testing and verification, and applications to spacecraft, robotics, and aircraft

    RRR-robot : design of an industrial-like test facility for nonlinear robot control

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